Forum Thread
10,000 PokéHeroes!
Forum-Index → News → 10,000 PokéHeroes!I wish there were more click events like old times now that I have a better browser. xD
Ah well. The site is still starting to become addicting one way or another. = w=
I congratulate you all who have kept this site alive.
Anyway, I remember my first days. I signed up, and... left... Yes, I left for a little while. I came back about a week or so after, and made an introduction post. Not many welcomed me; about 2, but I didn't really care. And here I am, 3 or so months later. Doesn't seem that long ago...
Just like everyone else is saying, thank you for making this wonderful site, Raiko. :3
P.S Guys i also opend a furom for trading and buying so don't forget
Good work Riako!!(Y)
Ask me questions
I have no been a month on Pokeheroes and I hope to be on this website for alot of times to come. I have found Friends, that I realte too and practically love. I also found friends, that remind me of dead friends.
I have only made once a little conversation with Riako, but I think he is a great person and also
pretty cool for making this website. I´m pretty sure it costed a heck of alot of work, I made once a website but it turned so bad, that I decided not to realease it. xD
Other than that, Great job. :3