Forum Thread
Black Jenny (Open-Accepting)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Black Jenny (Open-Accepting)
Have Fun!! >w<

"I was in the car with Alex when I heard someone screaming. We ran quickly, an elderly shouted "Help! Help! Someone stole my bag" and she point a black silouette that was running. We managed to caught the culprit, a teenager who could scarcely walk from flickering. When we took him to the central, he fidgeted and shouted.
"I'm innocent! It wasn't my fault! Black Jenny forced me to do it!!"
We asked about this "Black Jenny". He said that he didn't know who she is but he only knew that she controlled the most criminal affairs of the world, and to
settle a debt he was forced to steal.
Our chief told us that he knew already the case. He took a big sealed box and cut the scotch. A black write was written on in, Black Jenny and a "Top secret" red write was glued on it.
Inside of it, there were lots and lots of photos, reports of other cops, and other papers.
The greatest criminal affairs were collected in just one box. My look crossed the Alex's one.
There was something that whispered in our ears, somethig that pushed us to re-open the case, and caught her.
You then,
Chief told that we need other cops.
Do you feel brave enough
To join in the trip of this unresolved case with us
and unmask the greatest enemy of the world?

-PH rules apply
-No perfect characters
-Be careful with your gun, don't kill the other ones, or we will kill you as well
-As the other rp, I will control the characters that are not needed in the story
-One liners are accepted, as long as the one line won't be your habit. You know what I mean.
-The password is "Handcuffs"
-Romance allowed
-More than one character allowed
-As always, no godmodding
-The real password is the last two "letters" of my username plus the second word of the title. Please, edit your password when you'll be accepted.
-No perfect characters
-Be careful with your gun, don't kill the other ones, or we will kill you as well
-As the other rp, I will control the characters that are not needed in the story
-One liners are accepted, as long as the one line won't be your habit. You know what I mean.
-The password is "Handcuffs"
-Romance allowed
-More than one character allowed
-As always, no godmodding
-The real password is the last two "letters" of my username plus the second word of the title. Please, edit your password when you'll be accepted.

Description or Image:
Description or Image:

Username: TxTiger999
Name: Alessia
Age: 25
Description or image:
(With brown hair)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Personality: She likes to be solitary, and help people too. She is Alex's best friend from childhood and she supports her in every moment. She's not that brave, but she try to be a good cop.
Hobby: Drawing.
Username: TxTiger99
Name: Alex Donovan
Age: 23
Description or Image:
Sexuality: Lesbian
Personality: She is stubborn but sensible, and also really energetic. She likes going to parties and have every type of fun with her friends. Often she poses to attract girls. She makes concert and sings on the notes of the guitars, mostly she sings and write Rock songs, she appeared too on the first pages of rock magazines.
Hobby: Sing and play the guitar.
Name: Alessia
Age: 25
Description or image:

(With brown hair)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Personality: She likes to be solitary, and help people too. She is Alex's best friend from childhood and she supports her in every moment. She's not that brave, but she try to be a good cop.
Hobby: Drawing.
Username: TxTiger99
Name: Alex Donovan
Age: 23
Description or Image:

Sexuality: Lesbian
Personality: She is stubborn but sensible, and also really energetic. She likes going to parties and have every type of fun with her friends. Often she poses to attract girls. She makes concert and sings on the notes of the guitars, mostly she sings and write Rock songs, she appeared too on the first pages of rock magazines.
Hobby: Sing and play the guitar.
Name: Ace
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Description or Image:
Sexuality: Male
Personality: He Likes To Hack.He uses His Skills To Catch Criminals.He is a Gold Medal Shooter. He is Curious and Likes to Solve Mysteries.
Hobby: Hacking
Password: 99 Jenny
Name: Nathana Corazon
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Description or Image: Nathana stands about 5'3''. Her golden eyes are speckled with rust colored flecks that shimmer when they catch the suns rays just right. Her long black hair, in a braid, reaches the middle of her back. She has a tattoo of a snake on the back of her right shoulder and various scars over her body. At this point in time she has 11 scars in total. And a story for each one. She has a slender but well toned physique, and never seems to tan, but perhaps that's because her skin is naturally a gentle tanned color.
Sexuality: Pan
Personality: Quiet, reserved, she usually keeps her emotions in check. Which is very valuable for someone who has the sometimes unlucky job of infiltration. She gets into places where other cops may not be able to get to and then get out.
Hobby: Hitting the punching bag in the local, or station's gym, practicing her hand to hand on the sparring mats, or honing her shooting skill.

Username - Craig
Name - Jake Black
Gender - Nonbinary [They/Them or He/Him]
Age - 28
Description -
Jake is a man with a strong build. He has some muscles here and there but he really looks like a model. He bears the height of 6'10 and grey eyes. His hair is black with some red dye here and there. He usually wears something grey with freckle/speckle design. He is strong and agile on his feet, but he has a low stamina and his speed is 'average' as you would say. He has a pale skin.
Sexuality - Ace
Personality - Jake is the disciplined, calm and a responsible type. He was a Navy SEAL until an accident occured, forcing him to quit, therefore, it's best not to mention about his pass. He is usually quite and blunt with his words but he really is a big softie for plushies and kittens.
Hobby - Pushing his body limits at the gym
Other - Ewoo
Password - DOLPHINS
Name - Jake Black
Gender - Nonbinary [They/Them or He/Him]
Age - 28
Description -
Jake is a man with a strong build. He has some muscles here and there but he really looks like a model. He bears the height of 6'10 and grey eyes. His hair is black with some red dye here and there. He usually wears something grey with freckle/speckle design. He is strong and agile on his feet, but he has a low stamina and his speed is 'average' as you would say. He has a pale skin.
Sexuality - Ace
Personality - Jake is the disciplined, calm and a responsible type. He was a Navy SEAL until an accident occured, forcing him to quit, therefore, it's best not to mention about his pass. He is usually quite and blunt with his words but he really is a big softie for plushies and kittens.
Hobby - Pushing his body limits at the gym
Other - Ewoo
Password - DOLPHINS
Name: Zen Blythe
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Description or Image:
Sexuality: Hetro
Personality: He is a jolly, careless and non-serious person which often make people underestimate him. He is really energetic and friendly. He mostly relies on his smartness to win rather than the weapons.
Hobby: He is a really good dancer.
Other?: Nope

~I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night~
Okay! We can start!)
Alex was sleeping quietly. Various dreams were filling her head; Ambitions, random thoughts of the past day, and past events.
The loud trill of the alarm clock broke the quiet of the morning as always. She reached with the end the top button of the red thing and stopped the bother.
"Next time, I'll shut you with a hammer. Understand me!?" she muttered pointing at the black arrows.
Her breakfast was always poor, not far from a slice of bread with a handful of chocolate cereals. Too tired to pour the milk into the bowl.
Suddenly her phone rang, bothering her more and more.
"Hello?" She answered rubbing her eyes.
"DONOVAN! ARE YOU SLEEPING!?" The deep voice of the chief completed the work.
"Yes" she said ironically.
"DON'T JOKE ON ME" the chief raised his voice.
"WHY YOU ALWAYS CALL ME AT THIS TIME OF THE MORNING!?" Alex cursed mentally her superior for the mistake with the line of he eyeliner.
"BECAUSE YOU'RE ALWAYS LATE. AND I'M YOUR BOSS. NOW MOVE" he closed the call not adding anything.
A big sigh came out of her black lips, the black lipstick was always perfect for that time of the morning.
After a quick shower and a change of clothes, she walked through the door, closing it three times with the key.
"This will be a tough day. We have to start too..."
The sleepy breath of Alessia was heard clearly in every part of the house. Her head was on the floor and the body was laying comfortly on the bed, the blankets were spread all over the floor too.
A black cat, who were already awake, passed his paw on the nose of the girl and called her with some meows.
Fortunately, she woke up.
"Hmm...? Salem?" she muttered trying to see through the blurred sight. She then fell on the ground like a jelly.
"Thanks for waking me up" the floor was too cold to keep her head on it, so she raised her body and sat on the chair in the kitchen.
Another cat, with the white fur, showed up from his little bed.
"'Morning Morgan. Slept well?" She asked and patted the feline's head.
Morgan meowed happily, than he headed toward Salem to greet him.
The morning was the same as always. Shower, change of clothes, give the food to the cats and kill a few ants that showed on the ground.
"Hate this things" she snorted.
"Gotta go, watch the house for me" she pattered the heads of her two fellow cats and went out of the door.
"Today we start, hope we can solve this thing quickly..." she pushed her feet on the accelerator and drove to the police central.
"Yo!" Alessia got off her car and greeted Alex with a friendly fist.
"Ah hurry, the chief yelled at me through the phone today."
"What? Again?" Alessia laughed.
"...Yes. AGAIN! Hate him so much" Alex snorted and pushed the red handle.
The central was a normal police station; devided in offices, an archive room, the interrogation room, everything connected by a small corridor.
A loud shout came out of the chief room.
"Not again please..." the two thought.
The big, bulky body of the chief burted out of the door, yelling at his phone.
He was a 60 year old man, with short white hair worn bacwards and a thick beard with the same color of the hair. His voice was deep and loud, when he shout, every cop in the police station will hear every single word.
"Good, you're here.The others are here already" he scratched her chin, moving the beard.
Alex sighed and entered in the office. Alessia followed her greeting the chief with a military salute, maybe he was too agitated that morning.
The office was illuminated by the sun rays that came out of the windows, a terrible smell of smoke were spread all over the place.
Alex breathed deeply.
"This smell...the chief smoke here again" she accompanied the affermation with a facepalm.
The two greeted Nathana, who was already in the office.
"Yo! Whats up?" Alessia smiled.
"Good morning chief!" he greeted, "I know you must be amused because I have came right on time today, oh! and here.." he took something from his satchel and gave it to chief, "I brought ya your favorite doughnut, chocolate!"
Without giving the chief any time to speak, he entered the office and as he did, he saw Alessia, Alex and Nathana there.
"Good morning you all!" he greeted, "How are you today?"

~I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night~
"AH! YES!" He patted the young man's shoulder giving a bite on his new meal. "I forgive you....THIS TIME!" He then entered in his office.
Alex greeted Zen, and she approached to the pin board, looking carefully at the pictures. She tried to find some clue about the case.
"Ooookay" aswered Alessia to Nathana, with a poker face. "So...Any news? I heard that a bank was robbed. Did some of our cops found something?
Alexpunched the pin board.
"WHY I CAN'T FIND ANYTHING. PIG MISERY" her face was red like a tomato.