Forum Thread
Random VS seeker
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Random VS seekerIn the settings, there should be an option to turn on/off receiving random battle requests. I think, this way, it would be much more balanced and people who don't want to battle don't have to.

Credit to Viper
Maybe limit what level the Pokes can be in in your team as well?
Actually, I was thinking of a list of online people who have their vs seeker enabled, along with other details, like pokemon levels instead of completely random. Like there be a find opponent button, and it spits out a list of people online who have their vs seeker enabled along with wins, losses, pokemon levels, etc. The person challenged can see those details about their opponents and accept or decline the challenge. I think it would be more useful to battling than the system spitting out someone completely random.
1) VS Seeker doesn't seek battles as you aren't given the choice to randomly battle users that are also seeking to battle. Eliminates the whole time sink of the current needlessly tedious process and would be more friendly especially to new users.
2) Reduces the possibility of users being bugged about battling.
3) VS Seeker seems like it has always been taboo to try to fix. Everyone knows that it's currently poor/outdated and a majority want it to be fixed, but these suggestions are still met with posts such as; "Don't play it if you don't like it", "Pokeheroes isn't dedicated for battling", or "Fight Area". I don't believe these are an appropriate alternative for dismissal as it is a band-aid to the underlying problem. Why have VS Seeker then? We might as well not have it if it will perpetually be broken and unchanged.
1) Have a Battle Lobby that features users being able to join, chat, and battle. Possibly even watch other people battle. It would be easier for players to organize with multiple users through Newsfeed.
2) Also allow players to have the choice leave their team on Auto Random Battle, giving users actively looking for battles a wider pool to battle from. Have Battle Points earned calculated by the Auto Team's Win Rate, Average Level, and if you already battled them that day to prevent abuse.
Full support with the option to opt out of random requests.
I love exchanging plushies especially limited and events I’m missing. :)
I buy and sell nuggets!!!
Need nuggets? PP me.
Some things I think I should note:
1. Obviously there will have to be a way to opt out, probably by default, but that also means that users that have it turned on should have it turned back off if they’ve been offline for so long. That, or just the ability to reject a battle that you’re randomly given.
2. A rank system is a great idea even if the ‘rank system’ is something simple.
3. Buumee is right about the whole ‘fixing an underlaying problem’ thing. We all know it needs fixed but saying that Pokéheroes isn’t ‘geared’ towards battling is just ignoring an issue. This fix would definitely guarantee more people using it, especially for event points and such.