Forum Thread
Random VS seeker
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Random VS seekerWhy isn't there a button for 'find random opponent' I don't rly care vs who I battle if I just want to battle someone.
Im still new only here for 1 day so I'm trying to figure things out. but to me it seems pretty useless to get a vs seeker this early in the game
I have also seen many users put in their "about me" that they don't want anyone to send them battle requests.
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Now like I said, I don't really care for this, but if this is what they meant then I wouldn't mind this being a thing.
You have to buy the VS Seeker from the item shop first, and once you do you'll be able to set up your battle team. Then you can send battle requests to other players!

Quote from smerp
"My second Pokemon is a BIDOOF?!? Really? A BIDOOF?!?! Yuck, what a pathetic waste of a Pokemon... I'm releasing it."
but if instead of needing a request to battle, you instead entered a chat room dedicated to battle requests and that way no one who doesnt want to be requested wouldnt be and any who do want to battle could always find a battle opponent.
No one will get unwanted invitations!
It only works if both people are searching for an opponent :P
This would be awesome.. its very sad that we have to search through the boards to find players who wants to battle, and I think this would be very simple to implement.
Yeah, I know there are a lot of pokemon games focused in battles, but why can't we have a cool battle system here too, that allows us to find opponents quickly ?
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