Forum Thread
The Gemstones (a Steven Universe Roleplay)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → The Gemstones (a Steven Universe Roleplay)Perhaps you clicked this because your a steven universe fan? or maybe even just browsing?
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Well in that case welcome to the universe of gems!
Your story may take place around beach city
perhaps your part or Rose's army? or invading from homeworld to stop the troublesome rebels?
the choice is all yours

1)Gem Oc's are allowed! but you may only have 2 of them maximum
2)you may only have one cannon (or real) gem from the show, i want everyone to get a chance to get one (fushions don't count as one excludeing garnet)
3)have fun
4) no power playing, please use "", please stick to the plot.
5) please obay me (~Amethyst~) i will tell you if you brake a rule, PLEASE don't argue.. I just want this rp to be fun for everyone <3!
6)Any typical Rp rule you know.
lapislazuli (if she joins)
(i must know you well to put you as a mod <3)
My form(s)

Gemstone Amethyst

(optional) personality:jokes around, loud,stuborn,messy...
"gender" female, however gems ARE genderless
Home world or Earth?"The Earth is all iv'e ever known!"
other?nah :3
weapona large shythe
(optional) personality:shy, but stubborn and easily angered
"gender" female
Home world or Earth?Earth
other? she's not to strong and usually resorts to shapeshifting for fights

[b](optional) personality:[/b]
[b]Home world or Earth?[/b]
[b]discription or image[/b]

~Amethyst~ Amethyst
xXFinnyXx- Topaz
-Amour- Pearl
-Tails- Calim
Sylveon_On_A_Leash Peridot
Red_senpai Krimzonite
lapislazuli Lapis lazuli
Frostwolf connie
frostwolf garnet
glo Flint

Gemstone : Pearl
Name/nickname : Pearl
description/image : i bet y'all know how pearl looks like, right ?? |'D
(optional) personality:
"gender" : female pronouns?? (she/her??)
Home world or Earth? : Earth ofc
other? : :3c
but idk Im a bad mod there so whatevs
Gemstone Unknown (I will Pal Pad you)
Name/nickname Calim
discription/image : [/b] this
(optional) personality: kind, tries to be positive, can become insane rarely, sometimes lie to make people happy
[b]"gender" Male
Home world or Earth? Earth
other?[/spoiler] m he is a full gem not human/gem hybrid, he just...can absorb colors from things around him. this explains his appearence.

discription/image-Don't you know?
(optional) personality:
"gender"-Female Pronouns
Home world or Earth?-Homeworld
other?-I WILL add image if needed pfft
discription/image-Don't you know?
(optional) personality:
"gender"-Female Pronouns
Home world or Earth?-Homeworld
other?-I WILL add image if needed pfft
Gemstone: Krimzonite
Name: Krimzonite
Gem weapon: Yo-Yo
Gender: Male
Origin: New Home world gem escapee
Personality: rather dull and pessimistic unless his sister is around. they are inseparable.
Description: A short kid around the height of connie with medium black hair and glossy purple eyes. wearing sleeveless black t-shirt with blue jeans and a long purple scarf
so can i join?
Gemstone Flint or Flintstone
Name/nickname Flint

(optional) personality: Wild a bit, Naive
"gender" Female? She/her
Home world or Earth? Earth
other?[/spoiler] Might make lace agate's form

Don't starve >:3

Gemstone lapis lazuli
Name/nickname Lapis Lazuli/Lapis
Personality: generally distrustful of others, extremely loyal to those she does trust, seemingly weak but can fight when needed
"Gender" female (pronouns)
Homeworld or Earth? I'm actually not sure which she would account for, since she is from Homeworld but doesn't seem to like them at all...Let's just go with Earth for now.
Other? She is hydrokinetic, meaning that she can control and manipulate water.
Name/nickname Lapis Lazuli/Lapis

Personality: generally distrustful of others, extremely loyal to those she does trust, seemingly weak but can fight when needed
"Gender" female (pronouns)
Homeworld or Earth? I'm actually not sure which she would account for, since she is from Homeworld but doesn't seem to like them at all...
Other? She is hydrokinetic, meaning that she can control and manipulate water.
never again will you be able to return... ♪

Gemstone: Garnet
Name/nickname: Garnet
discription/image: ...Garnet
"gender" ...I think a Female pronoun?
Home world or Earth? Homeworld? I think?
other?This seems really fun
Name Connie
gender Female
discription or image She's the Connie we know and love
weaponSteven's (Rose's?) Sword
other? Nope.