I hate fake people so much you do everything for them they give you
crap then you call them out for it and you tell the truth and they
block you,I'm tired of people who can't take real words your fake
and not a friend

Note to self don't take to many shots of Jim Beam....

im sorry, im not coming on anymore, I only came online this past
year was to talk to one specific person, shes been ignoring me for
3 months cause shes busy or something idk but she comes on and I
don't get a message, but yesterday I found out she gave her account
to her cousin, I have no need to come on anymore, if you want
anything I have just please comment what you want that I have

I feel like everyone has just left me... all my friends when I
first started has blocked me for no reason... I don't know what
happened I did nothing wrong...

im really pissed, I finna beat the goofy outta this one kid

Would you guys consider me nice

Comment here if you have a PS4!

Can I rant to someone im like really f*king upset

This is my last post for a while it could be 1 month-9 I will cya
guys in a while

So I got a new dog her names Gizmo, do you think she's cute? :3

I don't know where I've been besides sitting on my butt all day
instead of playing PH I've just lost so much interest the days I
come on I'm on for like 15 seconds

I have been on for like 30 seconds the past few weeks so this time
I'm here for a while, anybody want to chat?

Anybody here watched Sword Art Online?

I'm going to try to keep my pd at 0 for a week xD

Life is getting very irritating so I'm back for a few days

Can I get a hug right now, I kinda need one....