"I´m sure he didnt gave up. he´s just traing how to fly" she laughs
"oh and you better get out of the water, shappire doesnt like
strangers in her lake "
"Shappire ? Is that an imgainary friend of yours or something ?
Cause i know Shappire is the name of a gem"
Lizocko:"Not only gems are named shapirre."
Alex gets out
"Whatever it is it cant hurt me.I can control ice.Im the ice
Lizocko:"You are more trying to become the ice master.Just like
your father that was trying to become the fire master"
she murbled some words , the last ones to be heard were "shappire,
the dragon of the water show yourself to your owner" before she
opening her eyes and the water started moving wild as an all blue
dragon shows herself behind lizocko and alex
aimi smiles and nods before taking one of the cups "thank you. and
about my age, I´m 17 you hear it?! shappire he is annoying, get rid
of him please" she points at alex and the dragon nods before
throwing alex to the grass with her tail
Alex and Lizocko:"Bad mistake"
Alex jumps back and starts to freeze Shappire legs very fast
Lizocko:"You and the dragon might get really hurt beacause when he
gets in a fight he doesnt leave his rival able to walk
But right now we are talking about your dragon"