Forum Thread
The Mall! Closed
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → The Mall! ClosedI am the seller of the shop! I got lots of items to help u out! First of all, Rules! (I know they are embarassing xD)

1) All PH rules!
2) No double Post!
3) Never palpad or PM me untill i am ur good friend.
4) I cannot always update the shop for being busy Please take it as consideration.
5) Password is "xD"
6) Any rule breaking gives warning and 2 warn = ban
7 )Do not hurry me, I will try to process it as soon as i can, give me 48 hours after your offer!
2) No double Post!
3) Never palpad or PM me untill i am ur good friend.
4) I cannot always update the shop for being busy Please take it as consideration.
5) Password is "xD"
6) Any rule breaking gives warning and 2 warn = ban
7 )Do not hurry me, I will try to process it as soon as i can, give me 48 hours after your offer!
Alright, since u read the rules, Lets move to selling! Here is what i sell

1) Starpiece x1- 50k
2) Jaw Fossil x0 - 10k
3) Oval stone - 7k
4) Thunderstone x1- 5k
5) Waterstone x0- 5k
6) Deep sea scale x1- 7k
7) Dubious Disc x1- 10k
8 ) Moon stone x1- 8k
9) Razor claw x2 - 8k
10) Soothe bell x2 - 8k
11) Sun stone x1- 8k
12) Dragon scale x0- 7.5k
13) Spray duck x1- 8k
14) Electirizer x1- 8k
15) Whipped dream x1- 9k
16) Sachet x1- 8k
17) Fire stone x2- 5k
18 ) Shiny Stone x0 - 8k
19) leaf stone x0- 5k
2) Jaw Fossil x0 - 10k
3) Oval stone - 7k
4) Thunderstone x1- 5k
5) Waterstone x0- 5k
6) Deep sea scale x1- 7k
7) Dubious Disc x1- 10k
8 ) Moon stone x1- 8k
9) Razor claw x2 - 8k
10) Soothe bell x2 - 8k
11) Sun stone x1- 8k
12) Dragon scale x0- 7.5k
13) Spray duck x1- 8k
14) Electirizer x1- 8k
15) Whipped dream x1- 9k
16) Sachet x1- 8k
17) Fire stone x2- 5k
18 ) Shiny Stone x0 - 8k
19) leaf stone x0- 5k

Bug gem - 00
Fire gem - 00
Water gem - 00
Electric gem - 20
Grass gem - 50
Flying gem - 1
Ground gem - 35
Rock gem - 2
Poison gem - 10
Dark gem -gem - 30
Fairy gem - 1
Ghost gem - 00
Steel gem - 00
They all have respective prices so please donot write anything at "Price" of form and i will tell u the price then edit it later!
Fire gem - 00
Water gem - 00
Electric gem - 20
Grass gem - 50
Flying gem - 1
Ground gem - 35
Rock gem - 2
Poison gem - 10
Dark gem -gem - 30
Fairy gem - 1
Ghost gem - 00
Steel gem - 00
They all have respective prices so please donot write anything at "Price" of form and i will tell u the price then edit it later!

Honey x350 -- 100 PD each
Super honey x5- 10k each
Lemonade x50 - 150 each
Soda pop x50 - 150 PD each
Carbos - 8k
Super honey x5- 10k each
Lemonade x50 - 150 each
Soda pop x50 - 150 PD each
Carbos - 8k
Boxes and keys:
I am currently looking for matches They are not for sell for PD, they are for Exchanging.
Ratio: 2 Keys : 1 Box ... 1 Box : 1 Box... 2 Box : 1 gold box.... 3 Keys : 1 Gold Box.... 2 Keys : 1 gold key... 1 Key : 1 Key.

Green Box 0-4 Green key
Dark blue box 7-0 Dark blue key
Light blue box 0-0 Light blue key
Pink box 0-3 Pink key
Purple box 6-0 Purple key
Red box 0-1 Red key
Brown box 1-0 Brown key
Gold Box 0-0 Gold key
Dark blue box 7-0 Dark blue key
Light blue box 0-0 Light blue key
Pink box 0-3 Pink key
Purple box 6-0 Purple key
Red box 0-1 Red key
Brown box 1-0 Brown key
Gold Box 0-0 Gold key
I also have "Super Offers" From time to time... Today's super offer is:-

---> Fiesta larvesta pair -
105k 65k!! [Expired]
---> 2x Celebi set (With one box and one key!) -100k
---> Gem Cauldron Pack (All gems x1) - 62.5k only!! [Sold]
---> 2x Celebi set (With one box and one key!) -
---> Gem Cauldron Pack (All gems x1) - 62.5k only!! [Sold]
The Mall also now has referral system! U can share the mall to your friends! If they buy any item with your name as refferal...You will get some PD and will be listed to the months raffle! Each month something will be given away! So put ur friends name at referrals and help them win something! **the raffle won't occur if less than 5 people join**
We have something that others dont! We Have "Discount cards!" Duration of one card is 10 days! U can buy upto 10 Items and/or 15 Pokemon with One each!

5% Discount on pokemon- 15k
10 % Discount on pokemon - 30k
5% Discount on items - 15.5k
10% Discount on item - 31k
5% discount on everything - 30k
10% Discount on everything - 55k
10 % Discount on pokemon - 30k
5% Discount on items - 15.5k
10% Discount on item - 31k
5% discount on everything - 30k
10% Discount on everything - 55k
Sold Cards and Duration!
Thanks for visiting Updated ST 31/Aug/2015 12:58
Items I want: All your fire and flying gems
Items I give/ Price: 500 PD each fire gem and 700 PD each flying gem
Password: I dont know
I will Be waiting 2 days for my items to be delivered before PM-ing u
My Badges:

Items I want: Jaw Fossil
Items I give/ Price: Dome Fossi or 10k (Your Pick)
Password: I don't know
Nugget Goal: 1,324/8k