Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → CLOSEDRules:
-Pay after I'm done with your artwork
-Always give credit to me wherever, and whenever you use it
-All PH Rules apply
-Password is 'Boxes' use it in a sentence in other
-All tips are welcome >u<
-Make sure you give a good refernce
-The real password is 'Buizel' still use it in a sentence in other
-No criticism
[b]2 Boxes or 1?:[/b]
[b]2 Boxes or 1?:[/b]
3 only, more may be added if I'm getting more confident with my new drawing style
Reference:[b] Reference. She's a mix between Growlithe and Ninetales.
[b]Payment: 15k PD?
Other?: Buizel is such a cute Pokemon. x3

Reference: Here
Payment: 2k (Is that fine? o0o)
Other?: Please add a teal scarf as well ^ ^
Please check out my profile for more details, including where you can contact me.
Thank you very much, enjoy the rest of your day.
Reference: Braixen Sona
Payment: 75k
Other?: a Buizel might think they have the advantage against my sona, but I taught it Thunderbolt, yes.

Reference: My Sona
Payment: 35k?
Other: Can a messenger Buizel send me the finished drawing by PM/PalPad? ;o;

Reference: Just a normal shiny Eevee and a Male pattern Meowstic (both girls, but the meowstic still looks like the male, tell me if that doesn't make sense) cuddling
Payment: 30k? If you need more I wont try to Buizel out of it
Line art or coloured?: Colored, if you can?
Other?: Did you see my pun? ewe

Art by Furret
Deviant Art ll Instagram ll ll Twitter
Reference: Here You go
Payment: 20k
Line art or coloured?: Coloured C:
Other?: The Great and Powerful Buizel!