Forum Thread
| Dreamland Nightmare | [ T/PG-13 ] | Open
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → | Dreamland Nightmare | [ T/PG-13 ] | OpenBut when you look deeper beneath the surface of the seemingly peaceful world of Pokémon, it will never cease to surprise you.
Welcome, young trainer. Welcome to a dreamland nightmare, where nothing--nothing--is ever as it seems.
Some context behind the story; an explanation:
This is a world where people and
Pokémon actually die. Nothing's all fairy tale-style, with happy
endings and magical solutions to everything; this is a world where
Pokémon aren't friendly, where Pokémon don't always just attack
each other, where Pokémon are out there to hunt you. This is a
world where you sometimes have to kill Pokémon in order to
Nobody, and I repeat nobody, is one hundred percent safe.
This world takes place in Kalos, simply because it is where you can find every and any species of Pokémon. However--this also an alternate universe. Team Flare is running rampant, but this time, defeating them won't be so easy. They won't pay you after losing. They won't run away after their Pokémon are defeated; they'll try and rip your throat out. Your goal is to defeat Lysandre.
Nobody, and I repeat nobody, is one hundred percent safe.
This world takes place in Kalos, simply because it is where you can find every and any species of Pokémon. However--this also an alternate universe. Team Flare is running rampant, but this time, defeating them won't be so easy. They won't pay you after losing. They won't run away after their Pokémon are defeated; they'll try and rip your throat out. Your goal is to defeat Lysandre.
>Absolutely NO OP or perfect
characters. I reserve the right to shout at your character if I
dislike how perfect or OP they are.
>You may NOT have major legends, shinies, megas, fakemon, or recolors. Minor legends/mythical Pokémon are certainly allowed; but they will be on the power level as a NORMAL Pokémon.
>Death, drama, angst, and mild swearing are allowed. Do NOT overdo any of them.
>Your passcode is "um what's the passcode? i can't find it" or a close variation of it.
>Powerplaying is to be done at the bare minimum and in-character.
>Godmoding is a HUGE no-no.
>No duplicate Pokémon; if someone has an Absol, you CAN'T have an Absol. However, you may reserve a Pokémon for 2 days.
>This is semi-lit; I ask for only 3+ sentences and proper grammar/spelling.
>You may roleplay Wild Pokémon, Pokémon Trainers, and Trainer Pokémon. For the last one, you should have somebody willing to roleplay your OC's trainer.
>I can edit these rules.
>You may have as many characters as you'd like, as long as you actively roleplay them.
>You may NOT have major legends, shinies, megas, fakemon, or recolors. Minor legends/mythical Pokémon are certainly allowed; but they will be on the power level as a NORMAL Pokémon.
>Death, drama, angst, and mild swearing are allowed. Do NOT overdo any of them.
>Your passcode is "um what's the passcode? i can't find it" or a close variation of it.
>Powerplaying is to be done at the bare minimum and in-character.
>Godmoding is a HUGE no-no.
>No duplicate Pokémon; if someone has an Absol, you CAN'T have an Absol. However, you may reserve a Pokémon for 2 days.
>This is semi-lit; I ask for only 3+ sentences and proper grammar/spelling.
>You may roleplay Wild Pokémon, Pokémon Trainers, and Trainer Pokémon. For the last one, you should have somebody willing to roleplay your OC's trainer.
>I can edit these rules.
>You may have as many characters as you'd like, as long as you actively roleplay them.
[b][[ NAME ]][/b]
[b][[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt)[/b]
[b][[ SPECIES ]][/b]
[b][[ APPEARANCE ]][/b]
[b][[ PERSONALITY ]][/b]
[b][[ HISTORY ]][/b]
[b][[ LOVE INTEREST ]][/b]
[b][[ OTHER ]] (opt)[/b]
[b][[ PASSCODE ]] (opt)[/b]
[b][[ NAME ]][/b]
[b][[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt)[/b]
[b][[ SPECIES ]][/b]
[b][[ APPEARANCE ]][/b]
[b][[ PERSONALITY ]][/b]
[b][[ HISTORY ]][/b]
[b][[ LOVE INTEREST ]][/b]
[b][[ OTHER ]] (opt)[/b]
[b][[ PASSCODE ]] (opt)[/b]
[b][[ NAME ]][/b]
[b][[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt)[/b]
[b][[ AGE ]] (10-19)[/b]
[b][[ POKEMON ]] (6) ]][/b]
[b][[ APPEARANCE ]] [/b]
[b][[ PERSONALITY ]][/b]
[b][[ HISTORY ]][/b]
[b][[ LOVE INTEREST ]][/b]
[b][[ OTHER ]] (opt)[/b]
[b][[ PASSCODE ]][/b]
[b][[ NAME ]][/b]
[b][[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt)[/b]
[b][[ AGE ]] (10-19)[/b]
[b][[ POKEMON ]] (6) ]][/b]
[b][[ APPEARANCE ]] [/b]
[b][[ PERSONALITY ]][/b]
[b][[ HISTORY ]][/b]
[b][[ LOVE INTEREST ]][/b]
[b][[ OTHER ]] (opt)[/b]
[b][[ PASSCODE ]][/b]
[b][[ NAME ]][/b]
[b][[ SPECIES ]][/b]
[b][[ APPEARANCE ]][/b]
[b][[ PERSONALITY ]][/b]
[b][[ HISTORY ]][/b]
[b][[ Who is your trainer RPed by? ]][/b]
[b][[ OTHER ]] (opt)[/b]
[b][[ PASSCODE ]][/b]
[b][[ NAME ]][/b]
[b][[ SPECIES ]][/b]
[b][[ APPEARANCE ]][/b]
[b][[ PERSONALITY ]][/b]
[b][[ HISTORY ]][/b]
[b][[ Who is your trainer RPed by? ]][/b]
[b][[ OTHER ]] (opt)[/b]
[b][[ PASSCODE ]][/b]
Taken Pokémon/Reserved Pokémon:
-Absol, Mismagius, Altaria, Manetric; KASUMEME
-Sableye, Marowak, Crobat, Poochyena, Banette; Scarheart99789
-Frosslass, Piplup, Deino, Houndoom, Fennekin,butt
exterminator] Seviper, Braviary; Twin
-Staryu, Wartotle, Politoed, Gyarados, Dewgong, Kingdra; Taipopo
-Zorua, Rotom, Bayleef, Dragonair, Noivern, Bagon, Feebas; Rini
-Sharpedo, Liepard, Flygon, Ninetails, Roselia, Honchkrow; Kiyomii
-Torchic, Lucario, Dedenne, Phantump, Goodra, Slurpuff; ChicaTheChicken
-Delcatty; Kiyomii
-Shaymin, Pikachu, Shuckle; Kitkat
-Absol, Mismagius, Altaria, Manetric; KASUMEME
-Sableye, Marowak, Crobat, Poochyena, Banette; Scarheart99789
-Frosslass, Piplup, Deino, Houndoom, Fennekin,
-Staryu, Wartotle, Politoed, Gyarados, Dewgong, Kingdra; Taipopo
-Zorua, Rotom, Bayleef, Dragonair, Noivern, Bagon, Feebas; Rini
-Sharpedo, Liepard, Flygon, Ninetails, Roselia, Honchkrow; Kiyomii
-Torchic, Lucario, Dedenne, Phantump, Goodra, Slurpuff; ChicaTheChicken
-Delcatty; Kiyomii
-Shaymin, Pikachu, Shuckle; Kitkat
My forms:
[[ NAME ]] Ryan Silverworth
[[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt) None.
[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Male, kind of bisexual but leans towards the guys.
[[ AGE ]] (10-19) 15
[[ POKEMON ]] (6) ]] He has a Mismagius named Mukuro, an Altaria named Fuujin, and a Manetric named Raijin.
[[ APPEARANCE ]] Ryan has messy dark brown (almost black) hair that seems to defy gravity itself in its messiness. His hair is pretty long, reaching a few inches below his shoulders, and he ties it in a low ponytail. His bangs tend to cover his green eyes so people can't read his expression, and he wears reading glasses due to his bad farsightedness. He's also pretty slim and has pale skin that burns easily since he stays indoors most of the time.
[[ PERSONALITY ]] Ryan comes off as shy and antisocial, the typical wallflower of a party. Usually he likes keeping to himself and doesn't open up to others, preferring books or work over human company. He hates talking and will ignore others if they end up annoying him, but if they bother him long enough he will snap and hit them with the nearest thing--or kick them in the crotch, that works as well. When he does talk, he's usually blunt and doesn't sugarcoat things, and can sometimes be sarcastic. He distances himself from others and doesn't let himself get attached to anybody else.
[[ HISTORY ]] Ryan had been very attached to his parents as a child, especially since they gave him his first Pokémon when he turned four, a young Misdreavus. The two bonded very quickly, and it was rare to see one without the other. When he turned seven, he encountered a baby Electrike and Swablu, and he took them home, assuming they were lost, or their parents were dead, since the Swablu, older than the Electrike, seemed to be incredibly sad. Ryan's family raised the two, and soon they became part of the family.
When Ryan turned ten, he wanted to visit Lumiose City by himself, to see what it'd be like to be in the real world all alone. After a bit of arguing, his parents finally let him leave Cyallage Town. However, when he returned 3 weeks later, he'd found out that Team Flare, a relatively small terrorist group at the time, had targeted Cyallage. His parents had been amongst the many dead. Grief stricken, Ryan ran off to Geosenge, a place with a very calming aura. He stayed with an aunt who lived there, and he stayed for three years. When he turned thirteen, he'd become an excellent trainer, especially skilled with a dagger. Currently he's hunting down Team Flare members in revenge.
[[ OTHER ]] (opt) None.
[[ PASSCODE ]] Really now.
[[ NAME ]] Sablier
[[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt) None
[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Male, heterosexual
[[ SPECIES ]] Absol
[[ APPEARANCE ]] An Absol with more silvery gray than white fur, and blacker skin/claws/tail/horn than a normal one. His eyes are closer to purplish red than red.
[[ PERSONALITY ]] Sablier is a very antisocial and aloof Pokémon. He shuns others and tends to disrespect them unless they've earned his respect. While he can be rude, he's actually a teddy bear once you get used to his behavior. He's incredibly awkward around others and has absolutely no manners when it comes to talking to others. He never sugarcoats things and is incredibly prideful and honest.
[[ HISTORY ]] He grew up in Johto, but a trainer had caught him and trained him for a while. He didn't hate his trainer, but he didn't obey him all the time, so by the time the trainer moved to Kalos, he released him. Sablier finds no problems with his current home.
[[ OTHER ]] (opt) None.
[[ PASSCODE ]] (opt) Really.
Feel free to make your forms!
[[ NAME ]] Sabrina smit
[[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt) rinny
[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] female, strait
[[ AGE ]] (10-19) 16
[[ POKEMON ]] (6) ]] sylveon named ,arcanine named roary , absol named aby, furret name yichi, squirtle named squirt, ninetails named lainie
I will finish and get this names soon
[[ PERSONALITY ]] She smiles a lot, is very nice. She is a cancer:
Cancer Strength Keywords:
- Loyalty
- Dependable
- Caring
- Adaptable
- Responsive
Cancer Weakness Keywords:
- Moody
- Clingy
- Self-pitying
- Oversensitive
- Self-absorbed
She always has a nose in a book or drawing. She earns her money by making clothes.
[[ HISTORY ]] she lives in a small town her whole life. When she was 10 she her first Pokemon. It was a sylveon named Dovahkiin.
[[ LOVE INTEREST ]] open
[[ OTHER ]] (opt)
[[ PASSCODE ]] I'm what's the passcode? I can't find it!
Its kind of hard to write something since i don't know whats going on so far xD
Also, i will edit the history through the RP if thats alright c;
[[ NAME ]] Phoenix Delburne
[[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt) Nix, also sometimes spells his first name Feenix
[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Male, pansexual
[[ AGE ]] (10-19) 16
[[ POKEMON ]] (6) ]] Crobat named Zuzu, Poochyena named Yena, Jupiter the Banette, Montera the Marowak, Nyura the Sneasel
[[ APPEARANCE ]] He has white hair that goes a bit past his shoulders, of which is normally tied up a bit to the side. He keeps his bangs out of the hair tie and just let them frame his face. His eyes are emerald green in colour, with a purple ring directly around the pupil that most people don't see without looking for it. He's rather thin, and 5'4" in height.
[[ PERSONALITY ]] Phoenix is somewhat bipolar, easy to tick off and just as easily calmed back down. He is very protective of his family, of which tends to include his pokemon. If you were to say anything against them he wouldn't be as easy to calm down. Also, he doesn't like himself very much and almost sees himself as his own enemy. Always snapping at random times and doing things he regrets moments later. He also has a bit of depression issues, but he's trying to dig himself back out.
[[ HISTORY ]] Phoenix grew up with a twin sister named Phoebe under the careful watch of their aunt and uncle, for their parents preferred travelling over settling down and actually raising their children. At 8 they were given their first Pokemon, Nix receiving a Zubat and 'Bee' having Woobat. They roamed all over their home town of Dewford, and often went through Granite Cave to practice with their Pokemon and learning how to use different sized daggers and swords to protect themselves in the case that their Pokemon would be almost defeated. He received most of his other Pokemon through trading with travelers that passed through the town for others he had taken in from within Granite Cave and from fishing along the beach, although Nyura was a gift from his parents he got at 10, Phoebe getting a Teddiursa.
They moved to the Kalos region from Hoenn when they were just over 12 to where their parents had died in an accident. Nix grew into a bit of depression, and locked himself up in his room for a few months after the funeral. He got a lot more aggressive more often, and began distancing himself from his twin. They had a rather harsh falling out over this, and didn't speak very much for that year.
On his 13th birthday his aunt and uncle told him and his sister the truth about their parents deaths, and that they had been killed at the hands of a group called Team Flare because they had been trying to stand up to them. He got back in touch with Bee and the two of them began training even more in both self-defense and in getting their 'partners' up in level.
At 14 the two of them then set out to track down Team Flare for revenge over their parents, though they went in different directions in hopes that they could find them faster this way.
[[ OTHER ]] (opt) None
[[ PASSCODE ]] Where do I find this, bruh there's nothing :v
[[ NAME ]] Phoenix Delburne
[[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt) Nix, also sometimes spells his first name Feenix
[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Male, pansexual
[[ AGE ]] (10-19) 16
[[ POKEMON ]] (6) ]] Crobat named Zuzu, Poochyena named Yena, Jupiter the Banette, Montera the Marowak, Nyura the Sneasel
[[ APPEARANCE ]] He has white hair that goes a bit past his shoulders, of which is normally tied up a bit to the side. He keeps his bangs out of the hair tie and just let them frame his face. His eyes are emerald green in colour, with a purple ring directly around the pupil that most people don't see without looking for it. He's rather thin, and 5'4" in height.
[[ PERSONALITY ]] Phoenix is somewhat bipolar, easy to tick off and just as easily calmed back down. He is very protective of his family, of which tends to include his pokemon. If you were to say anything against them he wouldn't be as easy to calm down. Also, he doesn't like himself very much and almost sees himself as his own enemy. Always snapping at random times and doing things he regrets moments later. He also has a bit of depression issues, but he's trying to dig himself back out.
[[ HISTORY ]] Phoenix grew up with a twin sister named Phoebe under the careful watch of their aunt and uncle, for their parents preferred travelling over settling down and actually raising their children. At 8 they were given their first Pokemon, Nix receiving a Zubat and 'Bee' having Woobat. They roamed all over their home town of Dewford, and often went through Granite Cave to practice with their Pokemon and learning how to use different sized daggers and swords to protect themselves in the case that their Pokemon would be almost defeated. He received most of his other Pokemon through trading with travelers that passed through the town for others he had taken in from within Granite Cave and from fishing along the beach, although Nyura was a gift from his parents he got at 10, Phoebe getting a Teddiursa.
They moved to the Kalos region from Hoenn when they were just over 12 to where their parents had died in an accident. Nix grew into a bit of depression, and locked himself up in his room for a few months after the funeral. He got a lot more aggressive more often, and began distancing himself from his twin. They had a rather harsh falling out over this, and didn't speak very much for that year.
On his 13th birthday his aunt and uncle told him and his sister the truth about their parents deaths, and that they had been killed at the hands of a group called Team Flare because they had been trying to stand up to them. He got back in touch with Bee and the two of them began training even more in both self-defense and in getting their 'partners' up in level.
At 14 the two of them then set out to track down Team Flare for revenge over their parents, though they went in different directions in hopes that they could find them faster this way.
[[ OTHER ]] (opt) None
[[ PASSCODE ]] Where do I find this, bruh there's nothing :v
[[ NAME ]] Gwendolyn
[[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt) Gwen
[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Female, asexual
[[ SPECIES ]] Sableye
[[ APPEARANCE ]] She is a a relatively normal looking Sableye, just her eye gems are almost neon blue in colour and her stomach gem is more pink looking than red.
[[ PERSONALITY ]] Gwen is a trickster by nature, and finds fun in messing with people whenever she can. She doesn't often get along with others, unless they are willing to help with her trickery and not get in her way constantly. Tending to work alone most of the time, it makes her more or less unwilling to get along with others. Though when she does open up, she's mostly the same. She's a joker, but doesn't really want to harm people, unless she has a reason to.
[[ HISTORY ]] Gwen grew up in the Cave of Origin, and often found herself playing tricks on and attacking the citizens of Sootopolis City. She was captured and lived a rather bad life under the control of the trainer that had caught her, often finding herself pitted against opponents she barely had a chance against, and only managed to win through flukes and by using her trickery she had been learning over to years to her advantage. When her trainer was in Kalos he was killed in a battle against a wild Pokemon, since the creature decided it would rather fight him than her. She fled the scene shortly after, not bothering to mourn over her loss since it was much more of a relief than anything.
[[ OTHER ]] (opt) None
[[ PASSCODE ]] (opt) What? I didn't see anything of the sort, what are you going on about.
[[ NAME ]] Gwendolyn
[[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt) Gwen
[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Female, asexual
[[ SPECIES ]] Sableye
[[ APPEARANCE ]] She is a a relatively normal looking Sableye, just her eye gems are almost neon blue in colour and her stomach gem is more pink looking than red.
[[ PERSONALITY ]] Gwen is a trickster by nature, and finds fun in messing with people whenever she can. She doesn't often get along with others, unless they are willing to help with her trickery and not get in her way constantly. Tending to work alone most of the time, it makes her more or less unwilling to get along with others. Though when she does open up, she's mostly the same. She's a joker, but doesn't really want to harm people, unless she has a reason to.
[[ HISTORY ]] Gwen grew up in the Cave of Origin, and often found herself playing tricks on and attacking the citizens of Sootopolis City. She was captured and lived a rather bad life under the control of the trainer that had caught her, often finding herself pitted against opponents she barely had a chance against, and only managed to win through flukes and by using her trickery she had been learning over to years to her advantage. When her trainer was in Kalos he was killed in a battle against a wild Pokemon, since the creature decided it would rather fight him than her. She fled the scene shortly after, not bothering to mourn over her loss since it was much more of a relief than anything.
[[ OTHER ]] (opt) None
[[ PASSCODE ]] (opt) What? I didn't see anything of the sort, what are you going on about.
You want me to through in an rp sample?
@Scarry: No Umbreon for you! >:V Kit already has an Eevee, sorry. :3 Otherwise you're accepted. I know how you RP.
[[ NAME ]] Spencer Adkins
[[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt) Spence
[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] vomits rainbows
[[ AGE ]] (10-19) 16
[[ POKEMON ]] (6) ]]
Staryu (ng), Wartotle (f), Politoed (m), Gyarados (m), Dewgong (f), Kingdra (m)
[[ APPEARANCE ]] Spencer is 6 feet tall, has a slight tan, green eyes and a lean body build. He usually wears some sort of dress shirt with the sleeves rolled back to his elbows, dark jeans and black combat boots. He has dirty blonde hair that is usually styled in a short, messy quiff. He has a single ear piercing on each ear as well as two cartilage piercings on his right ear. He also always wears a silver necklace with a circle pendant and a black triquetra
[[ PERSONALITY ]] Spencer is typically calm and collective, brave, prideful, never turns down a challenge and can be seen as somewhat of a troublemaker. He also enjoys rule breaking and has no respect for authority. He cares for deeply for those he loves and will do anything to protect them.
[[ HISTORY ]] Lowkey too lazy to type this right now. He's a Water-type trainer from Kanto.
[[ OTHER ]] (opt) He likes to fight
[[ PASSCODE ]] I can't find the password :<
[[ NAME ]] Crystal
[[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt) ----
[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Female and Pansexual
[[ SPECIES ]] Zorua
[[ APPEARANCE ]] She has to appearance of a normal Zorua, but her left eye is purple instead of blue and the red on her fur is a little darker, closer to a blood red appearance.
[[ PERSONALITY ]] She's feisty and fierce, always loving a battle. She can be a bit flirty sometimes, especially towards trained pokemon just to piss them off, and no matter what gender or sexuality they are. She is very playful, but hates being restricted and can get angry at people who try to cage her up or capture her. She doesn't just stick to the wild, she'll sometimes go into towns just to get a feel of it, but she doesn't like big cities too much. She likes to keep a bit of a distance between herself and humans, unless it's one that she has a great deal of trust in.
[[ HISTORY ]] She's been captured as a pokemon once, but she hated it and was abused by her trainer (not like, beaten or anything), so she has a hate towards being captured and a majority of people, although there are exceptions to that rule. She doesn't actually know her father, and her mother is a Zoroark, but ever since she's been captured, she hasn't seen her mother.
[[ OTHER ]]
[[ PASSCODE ]] (opt) I cant find the pascode anywhere D= Where is it?
[[ NAME ]] Reina (rae-na) Loresina
[[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt) Rae/ Raerae
[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Female and Bisexual
[[ AGE ]] (10-19) 18
[[ POKEMON ]] (6) ]] (Link) Rotom (gl), (Kori) Bayleef (f) , (Silas) Dragonair (m), (Jade) Noivern (f), (Tamtam) Bagon (m) and (Felix) Feebas (m)
[[ APPEARANCE ]] Around 5'2' and wears her hair down instead.
[[ PERSONALITY ]] She's generally pretty nice, but can be angered fairly easily, especially if you insult her pokemon. They are basically like her babies and she cares for them like a mother would. She likes to meet new people, but so far she hasn't been great at keeping friends for a super long time. She loves to play games with her pokemon, and play video games in general, which she'll play with Link. She gets very competitive in games, and is the same in pokemon battles.
[[ HISTORY ]] She has both parents and two older brothers plus a twin brother. She always got along with them and would play with them, so she's used to violence and such. She was given Link for her tenth birthday. She's loved him ever since, and has had a growing fondness for pokemon. She started to travel when she turned 14, and originally it had been with her three brothers, but eventually she had split off and started to travel to other areas.
[[ LOVE INTEREST ]] Oppeeennn~
[[ OTHER ]] (opt)
[[ PASSCODE ]] still can't find the passcode ;;
[[ NAME ]] Lizzie
[[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt) None
[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Female ; Bisexual
[[ AGE ]] (10-19) 14
[[ POKEMON ]] (6) ]] Sharpedo (m) , Liepard (f) , Flygon (m) , Ninetails (f) , Roselia (f) , Honchkrow (m)
[[ APPEARANCE ]]![](
[[ PERSONALITY ]] Lizzie loves having fun but also can get very competitive. She gets very annoyed easily and is willing to fight half of the time. But sometimes she can be very shy and quiet to other people. She cares and loves her friends and Pokemon a lot. Lizzie has a funny and quirky personality to her which some people love about her.
[[ HISTORY ]] Lizzie was an adopted child so she didn't know what family really meant as a child but she knows now because of the friends she have and truly think of as family. Her parents left her after they got divorced (years later her mom committed suicide). She comes from Jhoto and loves dark type Pokemon and cats.
[[ LOVE INTEREST ]] Open ;>
[[ OTHER ]] (opt) She's attracted to cute Asian guys with glasses /shot
[[ PASSCODE ]] Wait what passcode, I can't find it Floor! D:
[[ NAME ]] Lizzie
[[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt) None
[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Female ; Bisexual
[[ AGE ]] (10-19) 14
[[ POKEMON ]] (6) ]] Sharpedo (m) , Liepard (f) , Flygon (m) , Ninetails (f) , Roselia (f) , Honchkrow (m)
[[ PERSONALITY ]] Lizzie loves having fun but also can get very competitive. She gets very annoyed easily and is willing to fight half of the time. But sometimes she can be very shy and quiet to other people. She cares and loves her friends and Pokemon a lot. Lizzie has a funny and quirky personality to her which some people love about her.
[[ HISTORY ]] Lizzie was an adopted child so she didn't know what family really meant as a child but she knows now because of the friends she have and truly think of as family. Her parents left her after they got divorced (years later her mom committed suicide). She comes from Jhoto and loves dark type Pokemon and cats.
[[ LOVE INTEREST ]] Open ;>
[[ OTHER ]] (opt) She's attracted to cute Asian guys with glasses /shot
[[ PASSCODE ]] Wait what passcode, I can't find it Floor! D:
[[ NAME ]] Lyra
[[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt) None
[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Female / Bisexual
[[ SPECIES ]] Delcatty
[[ APPEARANCE ]] A regular Delcatty with two ear piercings on one ear and a black choker necklace with silver studs
[[ PERSONALITY ]] Lyra is a really perky and cute Delcatty who is fun and caring and loves spending time with her friends. She is curious and competitive but still a fair sport. She is shy around people/Pokemon she doesn't know.
[[ HISTORY ]] As a young Skitty, she roamed around with her other friend, a Mudkip but when her friend evolved, Mudkip's personality was harsh and dumped Lyra in the wild by herself. So she traveled by herself until she evolve one night and became a strong Delcatty and started battling and meeting other Pokemon. But still, she is shy and heartbroken from Mudkip's actions.
[[ OTHER ]] (opt)
[[ PASSCODE ]] (opt) Passcode??? What passcode Floor? :'<
[[ NAME ]] Lyra
[[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt) None
[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Female / Bisexual
[[ SPECIES ]] Delcatty
[[ APPEARANCE ]] A regular Delcatty with two ear piercings on one ear and a black choker necklace with silver studs
[[ PERSONALITY ]] Lyra is a really perky and cute Delcatty who is fun and caring and loves spending time with her friends. She is curious and competitive but still a fair sport. She is shy around people/Pokemon she doesn't know.
[[ HISTORY ]] As a young Skitty, she roamed around with her other friend, a Mudkip but when her friend evolved, Mudkip's personality was harsh and dumped Lyra in the wild by herself. So she traveled by herself until she evolve one night and became a strong Delcatty and started battling and meeting other Pokemon. But still, she is shy and heartbroken from Mudkip's actions.
[[ OTHER ]] (opt)
[[ PASSCODE ]] (opt) Passcode??? What passcode Floor? :'<
[[ NAME ]] Amara
[[ ALIASES/NICKNAMES ]] (opt) --
[[ GENDER/SEXUALITY ]] Female/Straight
[[ AGE ]] (10-19) 15
[[ POKEMON ]] (6) ]] (F) Torchic named Flame, (M) Lucario named Alex, (M) Edit: Dedenne named Spark, (F) Phantump named Spirit, (M) Goodra named Gooey (I cant come up with a better one), (F) Slurpuff named Candy
[[ APPEARANCE ]] I was gonna do something else, but then silverheart posted the exact one I was going to do .-. So:
[[ PERSONALITY ]] Amara is a bit of a tomboy. She's quite sarcastic, competitive, daring, and almost fearless. She has a huge soft side for Pokemon, especially her Torchic, who refused to evolve long ago. She is known to have slight fear of the larger Pokemon; her other fear being natural disasters and such. She is pretty clever, quick-thinking, and fun-loving, yet would rather show her slight immaturity and love for adventure rather than her intelligence/skills. She's also a little short-tempered.
[[ HISTORY ]] Amara grew up in a bad part of Lumiose City, near the alleyways where people would often hang and approach anyone who accidentally strayed in too far. She was pretty unhappy with her life, mostly since her parents were often away at work or somewhere important instead of getting to see her a lot. Even her parents saw her unhappiness and decided to do something about it. One day, her father brought home her very first Pokemon, a Torchic, who right away turned out to be her new best friend. She later found a small Dedenne lost in an alleyway, who turned out to be abandoned by his parents. She of course took it in.
[[ LOVE INTEREST ]] Open...?
[[ OTHER ]] (opt) She tends to wonder about what "adventure" she and her team could go on instead of actually focusing on whatever's important at times.
[[ PASSCODE ]] I couldn't find the passcode, what was it again?
D-Do I need to put an rp sample? WARNING: The following example is the worst I could possibly write.
The girl turned her head curiously to meet eyes with her father. He stood in the doorway, possessing a look of pride on his face. She blinked. "Dad? You're home early."
"Yeah, because I wanted to get something for you." He said, taking a step towards her. He held a sort of box-shaped object in one hand that was covered with a small sheet. Little noises seemed to come from inside it.
"What is it?" She asked, eager to find out. He didn't answer and set the box down, then pulled the cover away, bringing up a faint cloud of dust. Amara coughed and waved her hand in the air in front of her face. She could just see what it was through her narrowed eyes. It turned out to be a cage of some sort with a very small creature letting out chirps of anxiety.
A Pokemon? She ran to the cage and stared in. Her father opened it for her and let the Pokemon out. Instantly, a short orange bird darted out and jumped into her arms, snuggling against her for comfort. Shocked, she looked up at him. "A Torchic?!"
He could tell by the look on her face that she was beyond happy. "Yeah, I thought you'd like this one."
Amara let on a smile unlike any that she's had in a while, and glanced back down at the bird whose gaze met hers. It chittered affectionately and couldn't keep still. She could already tell that this was one unusually energetic Pokemon, and would sooner or later be her best friend.
"Thank you so much, Dad."
The girl turned her head curiously to meet eyes with her father. He stood in the doorway, possessing a look of pride on his face. She blinked. "Dad? You're home early."
"Yeah, because I wanted to get something for you." He said, taking a step towards her. He held a sort of box-shaped object in one hand that was covered with a small sheet. Little noises seemed to come from inside it.
"What is it?" She asked, eager to find out. He didn't answer and set the box down, then pulled the cover away, bringing up a faint cloud of dust. Amara coughed and waved her hand in the air in front of her face. She could just see what it was through her narrowed eyes. It turned out to be a cage of some sort with a very small creature letting out chirps of anxiety.
A Pokemon? She ran to the cage and stared in. Her father opened it for her and let the Pokemon out. Instantly, a short orange bird darted out and jumped into her arms, snuggling against her for comfort. Shocked, she looked up at him. "A Torchic?!"
He could tell by the look on her face that she was beyond happy. "Yeah, I thought you'd like this one."
Amara let on a smile unlike any that she's had in a while, and glanced back down at the bird whose gaze met hers. It chittered affectionately and couldn't keep still. She could already tell that this was one unusually energetic Pokemon, and would sooner or later be her best friend.
"Thank you so much, Dad."