Forum Thread
Play along (Rumble Missions)
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Play along (Rumble Missions)So I'm sure that everyone reading this has seen that when you send a Pokemon out on a rumble mission it says that you're able to fight alongside your pokemon as they battle. If not, this is what I'm referring to:
I bet now that you've seen that you've also noticed that the feature....doesn't actually exist! What if it did though? I'm here to tell you how this vague line of text can become a reality! It'd be interesting to add more to the rumble feature to make it more enjoyable!
Disclaimer: Some people have stated that they think this would make rumble missions more complicated and that they would cease to use the feature all together. I would like to mention that this feature will be COMPLETELY OPTIONAL! It is only a small part of rumbling and will be more of its own minigame. It will also have benefits!
First off, here's how I think it would work. Upon going to send a pokemon out on a rumble mission, a "Join the mission" option would be available. After selecting it, you'll be able to monitor your pokemon at any time during their mission if you check up on them. When you choose this option, a little icon of a rumble bag would appear on your userbar so you can click it at any time and it would automatically direct you to the overview of the mission you've chosen to watch over.
This feature would work as a little minigame. In the top left corner of the minigame window, there will be a timer. This will signal the time remaining in the mission itself. (Ex: If you started a 12 hour mission and checked on your pokemon 3 hours in, the timer would say 9 (and some seconds) hours left, and as your mission went on of course it would keep counting down until eventually, your rumble mission ends.)
The pokemon in the minigame would appear as a little sprite like this:
Alternatively, it could have a walking sprite similar to the ones in the pokemon mystery dungeon series*
The sprite would move across the screen through the area you're exploring. The sprites of other pokemon will ocassionally pop up as you're viewing the minigame. Of course these would be type and area exclusive, like having Fire and Steel type pokemon in the furnace for example. If you want to battle these pokemon, you'd have to click on their sprites (for mobile users), or you could use your arrow keys to guide your pokemon over to it. Your pokemon can encounter a pokemon while you aren't viewing the mission as well, and an exclamation point (!) will appear by the rumble bag icon in the userbar to signify this. Not clicking on it won't affect the battle or the rumble mission, it'll still progress normally.
The battle format would be simple. The pokemon will have a health bar, and the battles would be in the same style as the battles we are currently able to participate in already, except a flee and items button would be included to run or select a pokeball to capture the pokemon as well.
Your pokemon will not be able to faint in a rumble mission. Not entirely at least -- if it manages to run out of health, you'll be instantly booted out of the battle and perhaps drop some of your loot as well. You can use those oran berries given to you at the beginning of your rumble missions to restore HP inside and outside of battle (an item menu could be shown in the bottom right corner), and it may be possible to bring your own items as well*
A new item could be added to the game -- Revives. Revives would most likely be found in mystery boxes, or sometimes bought in the item shop (or battle shop) and you could bring them into the rumble missions to revive yourself if you happen to faint in battle and would like to continue.
If you don't own any revives and you ARE booted out of the battle, you would be sent to a little area called the Healing Spa (or something else), similar to Mime Jr's in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of sky. The spa service is free but it will take a couple of minutes out of your rumble mission to heal your pokemon.
Of course you're also able to capture the pokemon you battle in rumble missions if you brought pokeballs into the mission. The chance of encountering a shiny or mega-able is fairly low, and you won't be able to catch the pokemon if you defeat it, just like in the normal game series.
There would also be a "log" included.
Apparently this log is just there as a filler, but this suggestion would definitely put it to use.
This log would be able to log your activities throughout your exploration, for example what you've caught, defeated, and ran from.
> Started exploring Bright Beach
> Defeated Seel
> Caught Magikarp
> Caught Wooper
> Ran from Seel
And so forth
There could be a limit on how many pokemon you catch and adopt just like the safari zone and Emera beach.
You'd also be limited to only one adventure at a time. If you're currently tracking one of your pokemon, you aren't allowed to track another one at the same time. The join mission feature wouldn't be available for 5 minute missions either, as that wouldn't give you much time to do anything -- alternatively, you the join a mission option is grayed out until you select a time frame higher than 5 minutes.
A leave the mission option would allow you to stop watching one pokemon, and checking the overview would show a checkbox on your rumbling pokemon labeled 'join the mission' and this will allow you to monitor a different pokemon if you don't want to track the one you're tracking at that moment
This is also totally unnecessary, but if two pokemon of yours were in the same rumble area, you would see the sprite of one of your other pokemon pass by. No significance at all, but it seems like it'd be pretty silly and cute.
Items may show up in the rumble areas occasionally.
Also, for the legendary battles:
You'll be able to go into battle with the legendary pokemon, who would probably have an auto level at 100. If your pokemon can defeat the legendary, it will get it's item from it. These missions can't be monitored, but when it notifies you that your pokemon has encountered the legendary, you could engage battle with it if you want to.
Of course it'd work as usual -- if your pokemon defeats it, you get the item, and if it loses, you don't. Simple as that. :p
Also you'll be able to get items from pokemon you defeat. Their drops depend on what pokemon it is, or the rarity of it. The drop items may range from boxes and keys, or virtually any item you can find in rumble missions.
I personally would like to see minigames like that added to the concept as well. :0
* Speaking of pokemon mystery dungeon, here's another nice rumble mission type suggestion by Kelsey/Girafarig <3
* Not all items can be brought into these, only pokeballs and a limited amount of berries and revives.
It'd kinda give it a more Mystery Dungeon feel as well, and would make it easier/harder for certain pokemon to rumble in different areas.
Except maybe you can leave the monitoring of one Pokémon and watch another if you have 2+ bags? So that you can do more than one place at a time?
Thank you for your support <3
Every region could have different pokemons, like: Silent Forest would have bugs(Weedle, Caterpie), plants (Bellsprout, Oddish) and other forest-related pokemon. While Windy Parade could have more flying-related pokemon (Pidgey, Starly) and some plant pokemon. Bright Beach, aquatic pokemon (Magikarp, Seel, Seadra) and so on. I also think that, logically, pokemon with higher rarity would be harder to find than others.
I just don't understood the non-fainting thing, if you pokemon have a HP bar, but it would only reset at the end of the battle, what's the point of it? I mean, something needs to happen, the battle could just end when the HP goes to zero, but the rumbling mission not. Maybe there's a healer? Or... your pokemon could use those Oran Berries they get from i-dont-know-Company and use them as extra-lifes or something?
I also think the Mystery Dungeon similarity would be a cool idea- from what i've seen on videos, though .w.
(Sorry if I/you didn't understood well, my english is bad xD)
"Never gonna know if you don't ever try"