Forum Thread
Spirit Animaled (powerofwaffle & Dragonsoul RP)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Spirit Animaled (powerofwaffle & Dragonsoul RP)
Name: Ann
Gender: Female
Appearance: (
Weapon: A spear that has the blade of a wicked curvy axe.
Spirit animal: Fire wolf
Name: Ann
Gender: Female
Appearance: (
Weapon: A spear that has the blade of a wicked curvy axe.
Spirit animal: Fire wolf
Ann sat on the cold metal bench, her back pressed against a concrete wall. It's all my fault... answer me, please. I don't know what do to... She pleaded. Except for her own thoughts, her mind was empty. Ann hated the feeling of being confined. And now, she despised the mayor even more than ever. Being one of his stupid servants made Ann's head hurt. It was as if he had drained her mind and controlled her himself.
Ann crossed her cold arms and look to the side, at the prisoner she herself had fought and brought to the dungeon. I'm so sorry, Ann wanted to say. "I didn't mean to hurt you," she blurted instead. "Honestly... I hate the Mayor as much as you. I really didn't mean to do what I did... my rebellion it me here, anyways," Ann said, preparing for the yells of rage. She was used to that. Her hand settled on the concrete wall. If I could get us both out of here...

Name: Hajila
Gender: Female
Appearance: Red hair, blue eyes, pale skin.
Weapon: Bow and arrows
Spirit animal: Tiger
Name: Hajila
Gender: Female
Appearance: Red hair, blue eyes, pale skin.
Weapon: Bow and arrows
Spirit animal: Tiger
(I saw your form, and I put one up.)
Hajila didn't reply, instead flipped her hair. Her Spirit Animal drew back, surprised. She is... sorry? Do we even know how she got here? Hajila shook her head and responded, No. Should I ask? A scornful snort, Of course you should. She may be useful later.
Hajila sighed and slowly drew her gaze up to the servant. "How did a faithful servant like you end up in this excuse for a prison?" Hajila's Spirit Animal hissed. Idiot! Did you hear how scornful that sounded?
It felt like her sternum was going to concave. "At first it was just to get you off the line," Ann continued coldly. "I demanded that the mayor set you free. Of course, that cruel rat refused. It later became a rebellion within a small group of servants--two others--and we demanded that all of the spirit animaled be set free." She sighed. "We killed someone by accident. He was important, and lieutenant, I think. The other two servants got shot and I ended up here," Ann finished sadly. "So that's my story."
(She isn't a fire tiger or water tiger or anything?)

Hajila felt her Spirit Animal connection ripple when the tiger did not understand. But... how? How did she and three other servants kill someone like a lieutenant, if she remembers correctly? Her animal whispered. Hajila nodded again and spoke aloud, "I don't know if I can believe that. How did you kill this man. Do you have any fighting skills whatsoever? Or did you walk the coward's path and poison his drink? How on earth do you 'kill someone by accident'?"
Hajila sat back against the grimy wall and took deep breaths. Literally all she wanted to do right now was punch something or shoot someone with her arrows and the girl in front of her was the closest. She let out a sound of frustration: While keeping her here, they were keeping a tiger on the inside.
"My spirit animal is a wolf," Ann said, slowly as she attempted to explain. "So most Spirit Animaled are, um... how do I do this?... they only have the traits and abilities as their spirit animal. My wolf is different, I guess." Ann brushed her thumb across her nails, looking at the moldy concrete ceiling above them with her large electric blue eyes. Her bangs pressed against her forehead coolly. She stared at the ceiling as if it would give her a solution. "It's sort of an elemental wolf. You see, I have the abilities and traits as a wolf is the wolf had storm powers?" Ann explained.
You also have a guide, A raspy voice added. You! Ann thought, perking up. Salutations, Ann, replied her guide. Ann's teeth gritted and deep from her throat came the quiet sound of menacing wolf growling. How could you go silent when I needed you?! Do you know what situation I'm in right now? Ann snapped at her guide. Please, it's only just begun. Can't you just team up with the girl and get out? Her guide replied calmly. We need our weapons, was her simple reply. Fair enough.
"Look, the past is in the past. I'm not a servant anymore. I'm sure we can get to our weapons and escape if we team up," Ann said grimly.

Her tiger purred and her eyes changed for a second, from cold blue, to striking yellow, with a slit for a pupil. Her eyebrows rested on top over eyes, lazily sitting. I sense her animal in the the darkness. She is mad at it. How can you tell? Look at her face. True, her face did give away the anger she was obviously feeling. She chuckled softly and shook her head. For a second she traced the line of concrete beneath her hand. She then said, "Do not be mad at it. You were captured. What was it supposed to do?"
Her tiger purred, and reached out a little further than Hajila would like. Her hair turned from flaming red to dark black, as if someone had spilled ink all over it. She quickly shoved her animal back, only to get a mental snap from it. She rolled her eyes and tossed her gaze to the woman in front of her. "You never answered my question."

The darkness has an eerie vibe to it, Ann thought, amused. She was not scared; the Spirit Animaled was special in a way like her. Except she was... darker. "The lack of light is your doing, I assume? I've never met another whom could wield elements," Ann mused. Instantly a bolt of purple lightning struck an empty chair, causing calm flames that allowed Ann to see vaguely. A golden glow reflected on her prison mate's pale face. Ann resisted the urge to creep up to her, slip her fingers around the Spirit Animaled's neck, and crack it. It was only an urge; Ann's Spirit Animal was not dumb enough to do so to a creature with night vision. She had night vision, as well, but the fire made it more comfortable for her.

Hails laughed loudly, a guffaw that rang out through the prison. "Thank you for proving that to me." She inspected her nails, bored, and gave a slow cat's-eye blink. She shifted slightly from foot to foot and grinned. "I know you are strong... But can you do this?"
Hails closed her eyes and put her index finger and her thumb against her temples. She rubbed them and her brow furrowed. "Join me, my friend." She whispered.
The room went dark once more, the darkness extinguished the light. A storm of black prowled through the door, not lighting anything up but seeming oddly visible. It seemed, darker than the darkness, blacker than the black. It growled and slowly gained shape, forming a big cat. It hissed and locked its blood-red eyes on to the woman in front of her.
Ended because of death XD)
Ann's gaze met the creature's her cold eyes narrowing. Her glare was unamused and menacing, like a glare full of passionate hatred. Her Spirit Animal had joined her in that. A wolf made purely of red and purple lightning lunged toward the cat, its teeth slamming into the creature of darkness's neck and causing it to fade. Out of the energy caused to destroy the creature, the wolf retreated into nothingness with a howl that grew softer until it ceased to exist, like the wolf itself.
Ann's Spirit Animal took over her vocal chords. "It is not a time to play, cat," she hissed, mentally surprised at how serious and cold the words sounded in her mouth. "There is business to take care of. Do you not notice the bars that attempt to contain us in this filth? Now is not the time for child play." Ann silenced herself. Do you know what impression that gave off? She screamed mentally. The tiger shouldn't attempt to injure you. It knows better than to be intimidated by those words, her guide replied. Ann's teeth gritted.

She leaned back and rolled her head, cricking her neck. "That wasn't child's play, animal. This is showing dominance. I thought one such as you would know this."
She closed her eyes again and brought back the tiger, though it was very faded. "This will be a little harder now." She murmured. Loudly, she said, "I have been saving up my energy for this moment."
Her tiger pulsed with a dark aura as Hajila fed it her energy. It roared, showing off gleaming, yellow teeth. It pushed itself into the bars, and screeched. The iron bars were incredibly sturdy.
The bars shattered, but turned into oil, splattering the room with the liquid, like a child would do to a canvas. As the darkness faded, Hajila collapsed to the ground. She hadn't predicted that her animal would have been weakened by another. As darkness closed around her vision, she whispered, "Is this child's play?"
Internally, Ann gasped and stared at the sight before her. She, too, was able to let out a burst of power that killed all her energy, but she hadn't expected something like that to happen. Her Spirit Animal just looked at the woman sprawled on the gfound, grinning slightly. "This is more like it," her wolf replied. Ann helped the girl onto her feet, assisting her onto the bench. Wolf, was this a form of alliance? Ann asked.
Perhaps, Ann. For now it's just a reason for us not to kill each other. We must go now. Her guide replied. Ann cleared her throat as muffled voices made soft sounds from the corridor.
Guards. Ann put the red head's arm over her shoulder to keep her from tumbling to the ground. She was surprisingly heavy, making Ann feel stiff and slow like when her clothes were wet. She pressed her back against the cold wall next to the door, awaiting her prey silently. The door creaked open and a small man holding a flashlight slipped in. Ann's foot slammed into his chest, his head banging harshly against a counter. He fell to the ground. Ann slipped out of the door and down the dark corridor.

Hajila stirred. " out. Keep going left until you see the painting of the ro....aring lion. Then... take a right."
Hajila shuddered, slipping back into the soft black void. Her Spirit Animal whispered, oddly soothing and out of character, Rest, my dear. You have done all you can.
(I didn't really have a lot to post with a person who is half-conscious X3 )
And I understand the sleeping person thing XD)
Ann just nodding, heading forwards with a small tornado-like gray swirl in her free palm, ready to attack with it at any moment. She took a right at the painting of the lion, as her ally directed, and crouched down at a window. You're doing well, Ann, her wolf praised, and her mind full of voices finally ebbed into a peaceful silence. A burst of hail emerged from Ann, breaking the window as she slid into the room, glass pieces shattering onto the two guard's faces. She grabbed her spear, clutching onto the curved blade. Ann slammed her blade into the guard's chest, careful not to hit her ally.

Hajila shifted in the woman's arm. Inside, her brain was projecting a dream of her history. She growled as her mother and father came into view, coldly glaring down on her. The landscape formed in front of her, falling from the heavens down to the earth.
Her mother stalked up to her and whispered in her ear, grazing it, "You are not one of us."
"Mama?" Hajila fell back, a little girl once more.
"Get up you stupid girl!" Her mother slapped her across the face, hot and stinging.
Hajila... it is a dream...
"You worthless little rat!"
Nothing but a dream...
"You dirty, low-lying, piece of scum."
Hajila lifted her eyes to greet her mother's. "At least I'm alive."
The dream faded away...
(Also, how old are they? X3)
I need her to wake up, Ann thought, carefully laying the woman in the corner. She ducked a blow from the Spirit Animaled attacking her. Lightning slipped off of her fingers, electrifying the Spirit Animal with a silent dying yell of pain. She inhaled a large amount of air, her chest heaving in and out. Adrenaline pumped through her veins, her heart hammering wildly against her sternum. Ann bent down next to the red head, her cold hand hesitantly resting on the girl's arm. "Arise, my ally. We're close to escaping," she encouraged softly.

Hajila heard the words. Arise, my ally... They rang in her head a thousand times before finally settling into place. W...wake up, Hajila! Her tiger roared.
Instead of letting the darkness enfold her, she used a trick that her father taught her long ago, before she was "different". She filled the world with light, white and blinding. She wanted to shield herself from the glare, but she stood up, facing the white force.
Hajila sat up, gasping, and dreched with sweat. "We're close to escaping..." Her voice was still echoey but at least she was awake.
Hajila stood up and whispered, "Jaglar, lend me your strength."
Instantly, she felt cold energy pulse through her veins. Her eyes glowed red as strength was lent to her. She closed her hand around a veil of darkness and pulled back. A loose bolt of black matter hit a man in his chest. The darkness spiderwebbed across his body and he collapsed.
"Let's go."