Forum Thread
Spirit Animaled (powerofwaffle & Dragonsoul RP)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Spirit Animaled (powerofwaffle & Dragonsoul RP)(I'll make her the same ish and are they able to turn into their Spirit Animal? Like a wolf or tiger.)

Hajila closed her eyes, and tendrils of black aura stretched out. Minutes later, a bow with a small quiver arrows flew into her hand, and the strap for the quiver stretched around her body. "I guess we are unbidden allies now, so there's no point in keeping it secret. My name is Hajila (hah-jee-la). What's your?"
"My name is Ann," she replied, turning her face to Hajila. Her lips curved into a small smile, but it faded into her natural expression quickly. Ann, we must hurry before greater trouble arises. Now is not the time to dawdle, The wolf growled. Ann leaped up the stairs as a flashing red siren blared wildly in her ears. She slammed her spear menacingly into it, and the siren's noises ebbed into silence, pieces of its shield of plastic fluttering into the floor. "This part of the dungeon opens up into the mayor's house's sewers. We should be unnoticed there," Ann said to Hajila, pushed the grate open and climbing out of it.

Closing her eyes, Hajila called on her spirit animal to lend her speed. Soon, Hajila was running on all fours, her back straightening out and a tail sprouting from her backside. She didn't have enough energy to change into the element form, but this was enough.
In a roar, she shouted, "Ann, transform!"
(If you want me to change it just say so... is it okay with you?)

Hajila backed up a few paces to get a running start, then effortlessly jumped over the drop. Her claws splashed into the sewage and she sped off. The smell was worse here; it was probably where all the sewage was dumped. Being half cat, she needed to be clean, it was just natural.
She glanced behind her at the beautiful she-wolf behind her. Could she really survive in the wild. For the smallest of moments, Hajila felt a small pang of pity for the former servant. She squashed it down, but not before her tiring shadow tiger noticed it. Do... not...pi...ity the gir...l. She w...ill live if....
Her spirit animal's voice faded away, leaving a dark, small, empty cavity in her mind into which she dared not go.
(Sorry short post~)

Hajila felt a push of pain in her skull as her energy was worn down. Making her body back to human would be too painful. Her breath caught as she slowly became humanoid. Her orange fur remained but her back slowly sloped upwards, her paws becoming more like feet, though her tail remained.
She scaled the ladder, quickly catching up to Ann. She sighed inwardly as she saw the way Ann held herself. Hajila pulled the woman over to the side of the road, where multiple people passed them, most humans, others half-formed, and some fully animal.
She sniffed Ann disdainfully, flicking her tail. "Urgh, I guess we can do nothing about the smell. As soon as we get to a water source, we need to bathe. Otherwise, we'll be caught immediately."
"Or we could drain ourselves with air freshener," Ann said sarcastically, pointing towards an open window with a bottle of Febreeze on the scruffy painted window seal. She knew Hajila was right; the eyes of a fox stared at the two, its nose grudgingly scrunched as its glare followed Ann. It walked away coldly, leaving Ann with a fresh print of memory in her mind.

The woman sighed and trekked after her ally, a ghastly look cast upon her eyes.

Blood streamed onto the panther's jet black cheeks, roaring in pain as it blinding made its way towards Ann. Get up! The wolf inside her growled. Energy burst through her tired limbs, and she quickly got to her feet, running swiftly to Hajila, her weapon hanging loosely in her hand. The wolf had lended her its strength. "It would've caught up to us," she gasped, running.

A chandelier or something sorry if it wasn't clear x-x)
The cold air with a grim personality collapsed onto Ann's small furry body as the chandelier crashed onto the floor. She was tempted to find a spot in the rubble to curl up in and gather herself together, but she knew that this wasn't the time. "Hajila," her voice came out cold, her Spirit Animal joining Ann to converse with her... partner. "Your skills as a Spirit Animal are very extraordinary and it would be a pleasure to work aside you as I proceed with my..." Ann stumbled to find words, "mission." Her tail flicked. "So, I must ask you, what are your intentions now that you're free from that prison?"

Hajila glanced up in surprise, picking splinters out of her fist. "To be honest, my original quest was to live. I didn't want anything to do with the mayor. I ran from home because once my family found out about... him, they wanted to give me up to researchers. So I ran. And people followed."
She looked away, out of the splintered boards and into the darkness, where yowls were originating. "The mayor... caught me. Imprisoned me. I am not meant to be kept indoors." Her voice turned into a low growl. "I agree, he is a horrible man... yet... can we kill him? Two Spirit Animaled women against his army? One of his minions, a panther, nearly ended our journey right here.
"I agree, the mayor needs to die, but first, we need to get out of here."
(Wow! This post was basically all dialogue! I've never done that before)