Future Shiny Mega Swampert
I will get to the point and Say i will be hunting Shiny Mega
Swampert in the Near future, but as i dont have much stuff i will
need your help trying to collect the Items that i need, Shiny Spots
will be saved and i will also pay with PD, donations are also
welcome ^_^
So we dont really need any rules as everyone should know them by
So I am buying Water Gems for which i am paying 500 PD each or
other Gems that i have (I dont have many of each though). I am also
buying Nuggets for premium so i am paying 1.5k each nugget or for
some special items (If you Pal Pad me i will tell you what items i
have to offer)
So i will obviously get extra shinies and Mega so i will be selling
those for either nuggets or Water Gems, the prices will be as
followed: 100 water Gems or 75 nuggets for a shiny Spot
150 Water Gems or 115 nuggets for a Mega Spot (I wont mega evolve
these for you)
Shiny Spots:
1. Sai_Sixx x1
2. Chaotic_Harmony x1
3. EmeraldTheSnivy x1
4.DorkyDelphox x3
(I will add more if needed)
Mega Spots:
1. Squirtle002 x1
2. Salamence x1
3. Chaotic_Harmony x1
4. Sir_Ruby x1
(I will add more if needed)
Hihi. Can I order a shiny Mudkip for 100 Water gems? I'm saving up
to a get a mega able but for now I only have a 100. After that I'll
donate all the rest I get to you.