Forum Thread
Lost in the Labyrinth
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Lost in the Labyrinth"There`s a legend here, you know. Thousands of years ago, there were two princesses that lived here. They were twins. The older sister inheirited the throne, which caused the younger sybling to form a murderous hatred towards her older sister. The older sister was given a pearl, which was said to grant any wish. The younger sister knew that if she got this pearl, she could wish for her sister to die so she could become queen. So during the night, she snuck into her sister`s room and stole the pearl. She wished upon it, asking it to destroy her sister. Her older sister heard her talking and woke up. She then realized what her sister was doing and tried to break the pearl before she passed on. She was able to snatch the pearl away from her sister and break it. She then fell over, dead. After that, the younger sister was accused of murder and was killed. Many people have tried searching for what they call "shards" which are the broken pieces of the pearl. Once all the pieces are put back together, the pearl will grant their wish. But nobody has been able to find even one shard. So this story just remains as a fairytale." Shiiro said.
Kuro sat up "KILL!?"
"You. Shio. Pick me up." Shiiro said looking at him