Alexander took microphone. ''Hi, everyone! I am Alexander and this
is Victoria! How are you?!''
Victoria took microphone after seeing few supernaturals covered
their ears.
''So let's start.'' She smiled. '' Okey could Aura come to stage?''
''Hi! So you are Aura? I am Alexander. You are first we have on
list congratulations.'' He says that sarcastically and pulls
confetti out of his pocket.
Victoria looked at him knowing what would happen but she couldn't
stop him.
He started throwing confetti on Aura.
''I am so sorry'' Victoria said, trying to clean Aura.
"I was talking about the other dragons too. They are not
that......... you know.......... familliar with other supernaturals
. My fammily knew other supernaturals for many years but this was a
secret beacause if the other dragons knew they were going to kill