Ugh, I want to look at it.... So curious.... But, curiousity killed the cat... Or
something like that XDD
And don't worry, I won't look at it... no matter how tempted I am. But I know what
privacy means... I'll try my best
EDIT: It's kind of weird seeing the
MoD Forum for the first time (mostly due to a couple of users'
direct link to it) but, what's even weirder is that a certain user
is seen spamming posting at some of the threads there, like
the user is so comfortable at it. Lol. Now, I have really
seen everything..! :P
I won the "Event Spriting Contest"
as it says on News Announcement #224.
Anyways, I think that this is a prank to be honest, because I know
that if I were in Riako's shoes I wouldn't have said anything about
it because who honestly would've realized it without being told not
to? Probably few if any people would've discovered it before it
could be fixed.
I only click on one thread because someone told me what was in it
before I would even dare to click it. (and I wanted to see the
image >.<)
But I understand what it's like to have the personal and private
staff forums leaked to the public, so don't want to know what any
of the other threads are about. I'll just enjoy the staff being
their usual weirdo selves :p (for the mods who don't know me, this
is a saying of love :3)
But curiosity killed the cat and all that good stuff. And tbh, I
don't know if I would have noticed it being there, if there hadn't
been this big red box shouting at me to read a thread before I
continued forward... (And here I was hoping it would be a link to
the rules, lol)
It's a shame that this has happened, and hopefully the majority of
us users will keep our noses out of the threads not directed at us
:p (Or most of the users will keep out of there all together, which
I fail at due to that one specific thread >.<)
Yes Diana same here :b I haven't looked either x'D honestly I'm
hardly ever in the forums, and last night i was too busy wITH A