My first game was either Diamond or Pearl.I can't remember.Or was
it Diamond?Which was using my bro's save file.And now I use my own
one in the emulator which is Platinum
Something that feels as good
as this, there is nothing else like it,
My first was a Pokemon Blue copy that my cousin had. I fell in love
with the game more than she did, and now I own that particular
copy. Of course at that time though FireRed and LeafGreen were out.
mine was a pokemon rangers one and i still havent completed it ( i
only got it like last year ) i was sad that i never could get the
nice regualr pokemon games like diamond or pearl or x + y but we
one day saw a pokemon game in clearence and i asked if i could get
it and then i got it its crazy but fun ',' sadly u never get to
keep the pokemon except ukelele pichu
I can't march on because i'm already
far too broken...
I first got Pokemon Blue in a combo pack with a red Gameboy Color
at a Costco when I was around 8. Pokemon Blue was the first video
game I've ever played, and probably what got me into gaming in
general. Wonder what I would've been like today if I never got
Anyways, I restarted Pokemon Blue so many times as I grew up that I
can't remember the very first starter I chose, ahah. I thiiink it
was Bulbasaur, though?
Technically Pokémon Snap. As for main-series games, the first would
be either Blue or Silver. I got both at the same time; can't
remember which one I started up first, though.
First game I played was Blue, but the first game that I owned
myself and played was Gold, with the introduction of breeding..I
became hooked and I've been a devoted pokémon breeder since then :D
Pokemon FireRed was my first game. I stole it from my brother and
restarted the game. I started with a Charmander and the first
Pokemon I caught was a Pidgey.
please excuse me while i go cry over people that don't
Pokemon Blue was my first but I never got that far into it (I think
Squirtle was my starter), but then me and my brother got silver and
gold for Christmas one year and I was hooked. My starter in silver
was Cyndaquil (my favorite Pokemon still to this day). Sadly I long
lost my original Silver version :(