Forum Thread
Pokemon, The Next Generation. (Open and accepting.)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Pokemon, The Next Generation. (Open and accepting.)Age: (Humans/Gijinkas only.)
Gender: Male
Level: 17 (Pokemon only.)

Species: Buizel and Chandelure fusion.
Team: (Humans/Gijinkas only.)
Good/Evil: Good
History: One day, he was swimming and he met a Chandelure then they got stuck in a whirlpool and became fused.
Other: Waffle

"Summers and winters,
through snowy Decembers...
Sat by the water, close to the embers.
Missing out the lives that they once had before..."
~Willow-Jasmine Thompson
(Glaceonheart, MsAbsol, BlueEyesWhiteKitten, Purrasol, Jaspers.)

I am trash :<
Name: Deeshai
Age: (Humans/Gijinkas only.)
Gender: Female
Level: (Pokemon only.) 60

Species: Mega Diancie+Aegislash
Team: (Humans/Gijinkas only.)
Good/Evil: Good, of course! X3
History: She used to be a normal Diancie, fused with a Honedge. As she grew, the Honedge part of her turned into a Doublade part of her. Then, she came across a mega stone one day. When she touched it, she pemenatly mega evolved, thanks to her Doublade part becoming an Aegislash part. So, she fights for justice, and is determined to help the fusions that have gone corrupt turn back to the good side. (#cheesyending)
Other: Twins with Grace
Name: Grace
Age: (Humans/Gijinkas only.)
Gender: Female
Level: (Pokemon only.) 60

Species: Swanna+ Gardevoir
Team: (Humans/Gijinkas only.)
Good/Evil: Good, but is good in tricking enemy's into thinking she's on their side.
History: She was woken up as a Ralts+Ducklett fusion. She was sort of ugly, and everyone made sure she knew that. She started to show some Swanna features in her Kirlia stage, and, finally, she was no longer an ugly duckling in her final evolution. She is extremely graceful and pretty, and with her cunningness, she can lure enemys into traps, control minds, and switch sides for everyone's own goods (even though she is always good, she's a bit of a spy.).
Other: Twins with Deeshai.
Please accept, I love Pokemon fusion RPs. X3)

Species:Mega lucario + zorark
Good/Evil:Sometimes he is evil and crazy.He is more good so i will say GOOD
Histroy:A pokemon from a agent team may be awsome but when u just get fused with your friend zorark and then create a giant dark ball that destroy'es a city beacause evil pokemons that captured u and lose your memory things get kinda ugly
Other:He can turn shiny and he haves a golden sword

Species:Mega mewtwo x+Primal groudon fusion
Good/Evil:Evil for now
History:A whole new copy of an mega mewtwo x with an primal groudon fused togheter fighting against what is emotional and good not knowing what he was made for the first time
Other:Can create deadly eruptions and he is actually a robot clone.The real him is somewhere else or dead

As Hallow walked through the forest, he saw the sun beginning to set and decided to find somewhere to sleep for the night. He settled for a calm river. He grabbed lily pads and made a bed with them, then strapped them down with vines. He grabbed a few sticks and put them in a pile, then touched one of his tails to it, setting it alight. He put his fire on the shore then went to sleep in his lily pad bed.

"Summers and winters,
through snowy Decembers...
Sat by the water, close to the embers.
Missing out the lives that they once had before..."
~Willow-Jasmine Thompson
Age: (Humans/Gijinkas only.)
Level:79 (Pokemon only.)

Species: Luxray and Buizel fusion
Team: (Humans/Gijinkas only.)
Good/Evil: neutral
History: forgotten
Other: :3
Name: Aura
Age: (Humans/Gijinkas only.)
Level:79 (Pokemon only.)

Species: Zorua and Riolu fusion with the power of Zoruark and Lucario fusion
Team: (Humans/Gijinkas only.)
Good/Evil: neutral
History: experimented, Aura can't evolve but had the powers of other Pokemon
Other: :3

Gender: Male
Species: Moltres/Cubone
Good/Evil: Evil
History: Majestic was an experiment in a lab but was soon thrown to the wild due to the lab being filled with prettier creatures. He would of died if he wasn't found by a hooded figure, soon to be revealed to him as a Darkrai and Gardevoir mix. This mix teached him that no one was to trust other than himself and her. He followed this mix's advice and still roams with her to this day.
Name: Yvonne
Gender: Female
Species: Darkrai/Gardevoir
Good/Evil: Evil
History: Yvonne was an experiment but the scientists wanted to keep her. When she evolved, though, she caused full havoc and soon escaped. She soon found a little Moltres/Cubone mix and took him to a cave where she teached him things. They roam around together to this day.
Other: An error in the experiment allowed her to evolve quicker than normal Ralts/Kirlias/Gardevoirs.
Sorry if this is kind of late or something 0v0
interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)
Grace: 'Morning Deeshai. *yawns*
Age: (Humans/Gijinkas only.)
Gender: female
Level: (Pokemon only.) 58

Species: Mew+Flareon
Team: (Humans/Gijinkas only.)
Good/Evil: Good
History: In a lab, the scientists were creating a Mewthree, doing it by getting mew's DNA and putting it into an eevee egg, Mewthree hatched out of the egg, the scientists considered her a success, all of their other experiments in the past had been fails, so the other pokemon that had been experimented by them in the past considered Mewthree to be the 'perfect' one, sadly, that wasn't true, she could attack well, but never really stood a chance if an opponent used an attack move, she always fainted by one attack move, even false swipe, this was because of a mistake in the experiment. Eventually she ran away from the lab. In the wild, she found a fire stone, and evolved, so instead of being an eevee and mew fusion, she was a flareon and mew fusion.
Other: Can fly like mew, and can stand on her hind legs, but rarely does so.