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Dragonfire (PG-13)

Forum-Index Roleplay Inactive RPs Dragonfire (PG-13)
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Tue, 10/12/2013 16:14 (10 Years ago)
The silver dragon fought fiercely to protect her young.
But even though her mate, a crimson dragon, fought alongside her, the enemy was too strong, and she died.
Her mate survived though, and, knowing he had no other choice, decided to entrust their eggs to the humans...

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A terrible enemy is rising, and even the dragons are struggling. But will an alliance, forged between humans and dragons, be enough to vanquish this deadly and mysterious enemy? We will find out soon, because several young humans have been chosen by the dragons to attempt to defy their otherwise inevitable fate...

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1. WARNING! Things might get kind of violent. But let's still try to keep it PG-13 at worst.
2. No SPAM(5+ words in a post, please)
3. No cursing
4. If you don't follow the rules, I will give you a warning. If you fail to follow the rules again, you may be banned from this thread.
5. The password is ROAR

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Umbreon is epic! Made by Wraitheon1! Made by Yoru! Made by NeverEndingStory! Made by Umbreon 014! Made by Celestial!
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Wed, 11/12/2013 17:28 (10 Years ago)
Username: Moonlight197(you can call me Moony)
Character name: Drew
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Appearance: A bit small for his age. Brown hair, green eyes. Wears a black shirt, jeans, and sometimes a jacket.
Personality: Moody and shy. Easily startled, and unpredictable when startled. He is independent, stubborn, and a bit of a pessimist. He doesn't trust easily, but is fiercely loyal to anyone who earns his trust.
History: To be RP'd.
Other: Verda's human. Gets cold easily. Has some skill with archery.
Password: I don't need it

Username: Moonlight197(but you can call me Moony)
Character name: Verda
Age: Unborn
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon
Appearance: (When fully grown)Long-ish neck, large, green, wings. Green scales, and dark green eyes. A graceful body, sort of triangle-based head, and two small horns.
Personality: Bold, proud, and reckless. Fiercely protective over those she cares about, especially Drew. She prefers not to fight, but will fight fiercely if she thinks anyone she cares about is in danger. She is brave, stubborn, and loyal, so when she gets an idea in her head, it's nearly impossible to get her to change her mind.
History: None
Other: Drew's dragon. Takes longer than normal to be able to breathe fire.
Password: I don't need it
Umbreon is epic! Made by Wraitheon1! Made by Yoru! Made by NeverEndingStory! Made by Umbreon 014! Made by Celestial!
Trainerlevel: 92

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Wed, 11/12/2013 21:20 (10 Years ago)
Username: Finhawk
Character name: Jonah
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Species: Human

Personality: Unsocial and kind of insecure. He rather pushes people away than trusts them.
History: An orphan who was raised in Foster homes which were not always too child friendly.
Password: ROAR

Username: Finhawk
Character name: Hawen
Age: New-born
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon
Appearance: Will look like this once he grows up.
Personality: Fierce and hot-headed, tends to go too far sometimes. Jonah seems to be the only one able to fully control him.
History: There's pretty much none yet. :p
Password: ROAR

(Btw, you forgot the password from the form but I added it there. :p)
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Thu, 12/12/2013 17:35 (10 Years ago)
Accepted. I'll add the password to the form now.
Umbreon is epic! Made by Wraitheon1! Made by Yoru! Made by NeverEndingStory! Made by Umbreon 014! Made by Celestial!
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Mon, 16/12/2013 04:31 (10 Years ago)
Username: Death
Character name: Dijiri
Age: Egg (Unborn)
Gender: Female
Species: Dragon
Appearance: When she hatches, she'll grow quite fast, until she's about the size of a horse, then her growth rate will slow drastically. She'll keep growing after that at a slow and steady pace until an adult.

Personality: She's rather quiet and reserved, but can talk for quite a while if the subject needs to go into depth. For the most part, though, she's a dragon of few words, preferring to watch rather than get involved, although she won't hesitate to step forward if action is needed. Her train of thought is usually quite complex, and she likes to think both in details and of the big picture at the same time. When she's silent, it's usually because she's thinking about something.
She usually thinks of things abstractly, making connections most others would overlook, but sometimes she gets too focused on one thing, and forgets to count for her surrounding.
Her fur is quite sensitive and can pick up vibrations in the air, so she can't be easily sneaked up on, unless she's too focused on something, which is actually quite often, as her brain is always on the go.
History: To be RPed
Other: Her species of dragon flies using magic. She flies straight, but her lower body and tail wave behind her, making her flight path look squiggly and wavy, like a Chinese dragon.
Password: Rawr....

Username: Death
Character name: Madoka
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Appearance: (By the way, she also wears black denim skinny jeans.)

Personality: She doesn't usually talk to others unless she either knows the person, or is helping them do something, in which case she acts like quite the know-it-all. Sometimes she can be a bit rude without meaning to, but she's usually quite nice. She isn't very strong and doesn't have much stamina, but she makes that up with quick reflexes and a knowledge of pressure points.
History: She never had many friends, but what was lacking in numbers was made up in strength. The few friends she did have were very close to her and almost inseparable. The only time she really opened up was if someone took the time to care about her. The day she had to move away from her hometown, she was heartbroken and devastated, but secretly hopes she can find another person to fill the social gap she's developed over the move.
Other: At first she may come off as "goth" or "antisocial" because of her dark wardrobe and introverted personality, but in reality she just needs some alone time to refresh herself and just plainly prefers dark colors (for the most part).

Finally finished!

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Mon, 23/12/2013 14:24 (10 Years ago)
Accepted! ^_^
Umbreon is epic! Made by Wraitheon1! Made by Yoru! Made by NeverEndingStory! Made by Umbreon 014! Made by Celestial!
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 88
Posted: Mon, 23/12/2013 21:56 (10 Years ago)
Username: Blackscorpion2
Character name: Shinji (relates to death)
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Appearance: (It is jack frost)

Personality: He is a prankster and jolly person, he prefers to hang out with nature and animals rather then city and country folk. His trust his hard to get but once gotten he tries to live up to it and never break it. He has a special way with the animals.
History: He was raised by his uncle in a cottage far in the woods. Unfortunately his family was wiped out when he was 4 in a skiing trip on their vacation in Alaska. He loves his uncle and the woods.
Other: None
Password: ROAR

User name: Blackscorpion2
Character name: Riuk
Age: New-born
Gender: Male
Species Dragon

Personality: He has a deep fondness for battle and blood-shed, He does not hesitate in taking another life when it is necessary. He is a very-wise dragon, He is quick in making decisions and often tries to stop fights and other stuff. He tries to help others in fixing their mistakes.
He hates people who judge him by his looks and don't look what is deep within his heart, this is why he sticks close to Shinji. He likes those who strive for perfection by being themselves and not change who they are. He has a good memory and is very patient.
History:None :P
Other: None
Password: ROAR

Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Thu, 26/12/2013 17:05 (10 Years ago)
Accepted! Shall we start?
Umbreon is epic! Made by Wraitheon1! Made by Yoru! Made by NeverEndingStory! Made by Umbreon 014! Made by Celestial!
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Thu, 26/12/2013 19:18 (10 Years ago)
(Sorry for double-posting, I promise I won't do it again, but let's start! Warning: My posts are almost always going to be either really long or really short.)

Drew walked through a forest, on the alert for any sign of danger. Suddenly, something caught his attention. A strange green stone. It almost seemed to be calling him...

Drew walked over to the stone and knelt down, staring blankly at it.
Hello. A voice, young and distinctly female, startled him. He glanced around, and when he saw no one, stared back at the stone.
What the... He thought.
(By the way, the "stone" is an egg and the voice is telepathy.
Umbreon is epic! Made by Wraitheon1! Made by Yoru! Made by NeverEndingStory! Made by Umbreon 014! Made by Celestial!
Trainerlevel: 92

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Thu, 26/12/2013 21:41 (10 Years ago)
Jonah strolled the streets of a town with a small dragon on his shoulder. The new-born dragon, Hawen, was growling at every passer-by and Jonah feared the small creature would jump on someone and rip their throat. As yet another growl could be heard from the dragon, Jonah turned his head to look at Hawen, You have some serious anger related issues, you know that? They're annoying... Can I at least scare them off? Jonah sighed at his friend, No, you can't. Just wait for a while longer, we're almost home.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 88
Posted: Sat, 28/12/2013 13:32 (10 Years ago)
The forest was the greatest place to relax and enjoy time with nature, I grew up in this place with my uncle. Ever since my family passed, away my uncle had taken me with him to this forest away from people and the city. It was never about the people that lived there, but about the fact that my uncle could not afford large places in the city or town;Nevertheless he never hesitated to provide me with the basic needs like shelter, warmth, and food.
Because of my 'growing in the forest' background I had learned to climb tree's and obstacles at immense speed and my tracking skills were equal to any ordinary predator. I was not one of the well-educated people, my family had left enough money to send me to school but unfortunately I had behavior issues, so I spend my days helping my uncle with his carpenter business. My life was nothing special, but that never made me stop believing in a better tomorrow.
My wish eventually came true one day, I had found a huge stone of a Crimson color during my trek in the woods so I took it home with me.
It must be worth a fortune, but the funny thing was that I felt a jolt of energy each time I touched this mysterious object. I wanted to tell my uncle, but I kept it hidden for further examination.

*In my room
I am sitting on my bed and am playing with the huge red rock, "Maybe I should leave it alone for now...." I walked farther away from the stone but as soon I walked half-a-meter away from it I heard a voice calling out to me. Please don't leave me unattended This was strange, that sounded nothing like my uncle's voice....
"Who said that? Show your self!" I shouted out to nothing but an empty room.
I am the egg you brought from the woods....you are my master now, I can't wait to greet you tomorrow in person! This was getting strange...I think I ate the wrong meal today. "I am your master? Uncle is this a trick your playing on me?" I laughed out loud but stoped as the voice spoke again, What are you taking about master? I am your Dragon! the rock that was on my bed started to move alot. "My dragon? you mean that the rock is a....DRAGON EGG?!" I was the type of person who easily believed in stuff. My uncle must have heard me because he shouted out, "Shinji? who are you talking to?" I jumped on my bed and hid the egg under the sheets.
"Nothing just my imaginary Dragon egg!" This was a clever reply. "Okay......" He laughed after wards.....
"Okay so mr.dragon.....get talking already..." I waited for the egg to communicate with me.

Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Tue, 31/12/2013 18:36 (10 Years ago)
Talking rocks? Drew thought, This is ridiculous.
Don't be an idiot. We don't like associating with idiots. The voice spoke.
'We'? Meaning...? Drew couldn't believe he was actually responding to this voice in his head, but he was.
Dragons. We. Are. Dragons. The voice said, almost insultingly.
Umbreon is epic! Made by Wraitheon1! Made by Yoru! Made by NeverEndingStory! Made by Umbreon 014! Made by Celestial!
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 88
Posted: Thu, 02/01/2014 10:12 (10 Years ago)
The room had a ghostly silence as I just starred at the egg placed at the bed, this was getting boring because the egg just moved a little after every 2-minutes. A conversation starter had "sooo are you going to explain whats going on?" The egg just moved in response. Master...can you hug me? I feel lonely.... I was dumbstruck for a moment. Did the egg just tell me hug it? "Uhhh...sure why not?" I took it in my arms and snuggled with it. Aren't you afraid of me Master? why didn't you just throw me away? The egg moved in my arms and I was shocked once more. "Well you know...not everything is as bad as it sounds, plus It would be cool to have a dragon! oh and call me Shinji, not master will ya?" I stroked the shell and looked at the egg in a mysterious way. Thank you master-I err....mean Thank you Shinji! the glowed on my lab and not too long after it hatched! a dragon egg just hatched on my LAP!
It turned out to be a cute little reptile with little limbs and a long spiky tail. It's eyes scanned the surrounding, then looked at me. Master thank you! you hatched me, your love for all beings hatched me....I am your dragon forever! it rubbed it's head against my cheek and sat on my lap. I stroked it's head and hugged it tight, "AWESOME! your soo cute, I hope I live long enough to see you grow.." I patted his head and looked at it lovingly. Shinji...my strength is the pure reflection of your inner strength, but first...why don't you name me?
He perked his head up and stared at me. "I'll name you Riuk then...do you like it?" He thought for a moment then looked at me, Sounds perfect!. This was the happiest moment of my life, but how will I tell my uncle about this?

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Thu, 02/01/2014 10:46 (10 Years ago)
Username: Flarimew
Character name: Blood
Age: 5 years (still a child)
Gender: Male
Species: Dragon
Personality: He is very over-protective of his owner. He will often roar when frightened and stay silent afterwards. He is extremely large for his age, eating whole entire herds of animals a day. Still, he is a lovable dragon ready to defend his prized ones
History: His owner secretly trained her away from the town, due to mass destruction the huge dragon created. It lives hiding from humans
Other: Nothing much.
Password: dinosaurs go RAWR RAWR RAWR

Username: Flarimew
Character Name: Flare
Age: 15
Gender: female
Species: Human
Personality: VERY stubborn, sassy, hot-headed.......you get the idea
History: Ran away from home to train Blood. She is now looked down on upon her people
Other: Been in real battles ;)

Password: Roar
Trainerlevel: 92

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Thu, 02/01/2014 13:00 (10 Years ago)
Jonah slipped into his apartment and as soon as the door close behind them, Hawen flew from his shoulder, landing on the couch a bit clumsily. The young dragon still hadn't learned how to fly properly and Jonah chuckled slightly at him as he kicked his boots off, "Seems like you still have to work on those flying skills of yours." Hawen snorted at him response, At least I can fly. Jonah threw his hands in the air in defeat with smile on his face while he walked towards the kitchen past the couch, "Fine, I'll surrender. No need to start being mean."

He pulled out a can of soda from the refrigerator as he reached the kitchen and grabbed a packet of mince. He flopped down on the couch soon after, taking a sip from the can and threw the packet of mince to Hawen who ripped it open and started devouring it. Jonah had never understood why the little creature liked that stuff so much, he barely ate anything else. The man looked at the little dragon and grinned at his table manners.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 80
Posted: Thu, 02/01/2014 14:48 (10 Years ago)
(@Flarimew accepted)
"What gives you the right to speak on the behalf of your entire species?" Drew asked, getting annoyed.
I'm the only one of us that's in this area right now. The "dragon" answered calmly. Then it added, aren't you going to take me to your place of residence?
"Why would I?" He growled defiantly, although in his mind, he was slightly panicked. This is happening way too fast. I didn't even think dragons were real... What would my sister think?
And then that arrogant little voice came back into his mind.
Hey. Don't you dare faint or anything like that, because I kinda need you. You have a sister? I feel sorry for her.
"Oh, so now you admit you need me? And why do you feel sorry for my sister?"
And oh my gosh, this thing can hear my thoughts. And it probably just heard that.
Because you're her brother. Is she older than you or younger? And yes, I can hear your thoughts. And stop calling me 'it'. I'm a she, not an it.
"Why am I even talking to you?"
You have nothing better to do.
"I could just walk away right now and forget I ever met you."
But you won't. I could just hatch, and then hurt you. But I'm smarter than that, unlike you. There's danger everywhere in this place, and it would be a much smarter choice to just take me to your place of residence.
"You think I can't defend myself?" Drew was getting more annoyed by the second.
Believe me, human. Even dragons have trouble against what threatens the two of us now. A puny hatchling like yourself would be about as much of a threat as a twig.
"What are you implying?"
That we're both going to die if we don't just go home.
"Fine, fine. I don't believe you, but if you'll be quiet, then fine." With that, he picked up the egg, stood up, and started walking.
Thank you. The dragon said.
"You're welcome." Drew muttered in response.
Umbreon is epic! Made by Wraitheon1! Made by Yoru! Made by NeverEndingStory! Made by Umbreon 014! Made by Celestial!
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Thu, 02/01/2014 19:57 (10 Years ago)
I walked through the forest, carrying a sachet full of food I stole from a nearby market. I froze when I approached a circle of burnt trees and sheep bones. No life. No sound. Nothing. I dashed into the middle, avoiding a few mini flame along the way. This had to be the work of Blood. He needed to learn how to keep himself hidden. It was obvious a dragon had came here. I sighed as I picked up a long bone and continued to walk back 'home.' I looked down most of the way. I was pretty sure I was close to our cave when I heard a low growl. No.... I thought as I turned my head to see a pack of wolves, drenched in blood. There were rumors about these wolves. They killed anything in their path and devoured each creature they came across. As I started to panic, I ran east of our cave. The wolves found no reason to run. Thy simply trotted to follow me. Up ahead, I saw a cozy village.

"HELP!!!" I screamed as the wolves started to get closer. All of a sudden, Blood swooped down. He roared in rage and carefully landed next to me. Townsfolk screamed at the sight of my dragon.

(Hopefully Drew and the others live in the village. I don't want to be on my own)
Trainerlevel: 92

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Thu, 02/01/2014 20:15 (10 Years ago)
(I've got nothing better to do so...)

Jonah jolted up from the couch as he heard people outside screaming like it was the apockalypse. Hawen lifted his gaze up from the mince for a while but resumed his eating soon after. Jonah on the other hand went over to the window and looked outside. People were screaming and running around in blind panic. Frowning, Jonah looked at Hawen and then back outside. He grabbed his boots and went over to the door, turning back at Hawen before heading outside, "I'll go see what's going on, stay inside, alright?"

A man almost bumped into him as soon as Jonah was outside. He tried asking the people what they were so scared of but the panicked mumbling and screaming made no sense. Most of them just ignored him anyway. However, his questions were answered soon enough as he caught sight of a dragon, and not a just baby like Hawen, it was huge. Jonah had never seen a full-grown dragon before and he found himself frozen in spot by the sight. He started walking closer to the creature to get a better look, ignoring the people running past him trying to get as far away from the dragon as possible.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sat, 04/01/2014 05:48 (10 Years ago)
(Just a bit confused on what time period this is in... Like, is it modern-day?)

Madoka shifted the white stone over and over in her hands. It always felt warm, like it had been sitting under a hot sun for a few hours. The almost perfectly round surface shimmered like fish scales in the sun. She had found the stone during the move, when they had taken a rest stop in a small town. It was just lying on the side of the road, and she had picked it up almost unconsciously.

While her parents simply acknowledged it as a shiny rock, Madoka felt that it held meaning. Several times her mother had tried to convince her to leave it behind, saying that there were tons of rocks she could pick up when they reached the new house, but Madoka couldn't bring herself to get rid of it.

"Madoka, go help you mom with unpacking the kitchen," her father told her, snapping her out of a daydream. "Put the rock down, you can pick it up again later." Madoka realized that she had been absentmindedly stroking the smooth stone, and hesitantly put it in her messenger bag, a little embarrassed. They had only been "moved in" for a day so far, and today was their second day here. Much of their belongings were still in boxes, and it was a bit overwhelming to be in a new house, having to find places to put things.

Suddenly, Madoka thought she heard something. It was more of a feeling, really, pulling her outside.

"I need to go check on something, I'll be right back!" she called, not waiting for a reply from her parents. She dashed out the door, following the tugging sensation. People around her were running in panic, but she didn't seem to notice much. It wasn't long before she stopped, panting, in front of a large dragon, colored deep scarlet. Madoka stood in awe. She knew that as part of growing up, she should have stopped believing in fairy tales, but the child inside of her had never come to accept that. And now, it was standing in front of her, flesh and blood. She almost thought she would cry with joy.

(Sorry it's so long, I got carried away.)

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 100
Posted: Sat, 04/01/2014 08:12 (10 Years ago)
The wolves had no fear. They inched closer towards Blood and I. Blood got down on his fours and started to take steps toward the little beasts. I simply stood there, shaking with fear. Blood gave out a final roar and spat out a ball of purple fire toward the pack leader. He was barely hit and his coat was partially burnt. He lunged at Blood (who just gave a small swat that sent the wolf flying). Sure, a dragon could defeat a pack of animals. But this pack was at least fifty wolves, if not greater. Besides, Blood was only five years old. He may be huge but he was weak and could easily be taken down.