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Legendary Conduits (Semi-literate, accepting)

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Legendary Conduits (Semi-literate, accepting)
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 45
Posted: Tue, 10/02/2015 18:04 (9 Years ago)
Roses are red,
Forum threads are blue,
Make sure to sign up here,
Or no RP for you!

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1. Standard RP rules
2. This is a semi-literate thread. PLEASE refrain from one-liners.
3. Start with one character, only people who i trust as good RP'ers or have showed great RPing skills in this thread may make a second.
4. Nice try, but noone here is taking Arceus.
5. PLEASE make sure a legendary isn't taken before applying.
6. This isn't the place for ERP. This isn't even a plot line that would be able to rationalize it anyways, so please just don't.
7. To get the password, go to my profile, to ABOUT ME, and find out what my worst enemy is. XD
8. HAve fun!

Will you have the power?

*Saving this place for future use, YAY*
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 45
Posted: Tue, 10/02/2015 22:09 (9 Years ago)
It was dawn at the cabin. Unbeknownst to anyone else in the world, this cabin was home to humans with great power. If you looked into the window at the top, you would have seen a strange sight…

Suddenly, an alarm clock went off, blaring some cheesy tune from who-knows-when. Jack instantly woke up, flung himself out of bed, turned the alarm clock off, and threw the clock at Jake to wake him up.

The clock suddenly stopped, levitating. Jake turned around, laughing.

"Psyche! I was awake! GOTCHA!"

"Just you wait. I'm gonna get you some day."

"Daily check up!"




"CHECK! I think… wait… oops…"

"come on, really? This is the third time in a row that you've done this!"

"Well, you're alarm clock is waking everyone up ANYWAYS!"

"Ugh, whatever. Too late now. You know what time it is?"


The twins ran down the stairs to the basement, Jake creating a sound barrier so they didn't make anymore noise. Meanwhile, Jack sent out a slight time ripple, so that the other conduits could go back to sleep and forget the noise.

"You're going down again today!"
"Nope! Im coming back from 3 down to STEAL the trophy!"
"Well that's because you're gonna do some ball moving shenanigan!
"Well if i did that, you would just turn the time around and predict it!

The words faded away as Jack and Jake picked up ping-pong paddles and mentally prepared themselves for the battle ahead. This was no ordinary Ping-Pong battle...
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Tue, 10/02/2015 22:31 (9 Years ago)
madeline wasn't really in bed when jack and jake made all the noise, she was nearby in the wood's singing a soft melody to a couple of young sentret's.
''sleep well little one's...'' she said kindly and scratched both of them on the head.
the two sentret's yawned and curled up together, a furret curling around them and smiling up at madeline.
she smiled back and gave the furret a lum berry, the furret eating it thankfully.
she stood up and headed back to where the cabin's were.
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Thu, 12/02/2015 09:51 (9 Years ago)
(Wait, but aren't we supposed to start at the camp? o.o)
PokeHeroes was a mistake - Riako 3056

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 45
Posted: Fri, 13/02/2015 15:14 (9 Years ago)
[yes, unless you haven't been discovered yet, but most people will start at the cabin. Also i would RP but im on a tablet DX]
beware the attack of the punz
make a wish?
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Fri, 13/02/2015 18:17 (9 Years ago)
[oops o-o... didn't know that, but i kinda just put that she technically 'was' outside of that camp area.... didn't know everyone had to actually be in the camp first x-x......*face-plant's onto desk*]
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Fri, 13/02/2015 19:13 (9 Years ago)
''Wha... Where?''

Akira was dreaming a wonderful dream, that he would rather not talk about, when suddenly, something ringed. It sounded like an alarm, but then it simply stopped, like it didn't even exist.

He got up slowly, still being a little drowsy. It was the moment he realized he wasn't on Rayquaza's back, flying at high speeds in the sky. He was laying on a normal bed, in a normal building. After some time, he finally got his brain to work. He stopped living with Rayquaza and started living there, just yesterday.

Remembering the alarm, Akira soon went to check what's going on. He heard some familiar voices down in the basement, so he followed them. However, the voices unnaturally faded into dead silence after some time, but he decided to keep going.
PokeHeroes was a mistake - Riako 3056

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Sun, 15/02/2015 22:23 (9 Years ago)
The distant sound of movement roused a rather gruff sounding groan from the sleeping mass under a dark red blanket. Mismatched eyes groggily opened as Japhet rose from the bed, his mane of hair sticking this way and that. He stretched, yawning a small breath of flame before taking in his surroundings.


Oh right... He was here now, with the other Conduits... Stifling another yawn, he slowly gets out of bed, shuffling down the stairs, eyes falling on Akira. "Uh... Morning..?"
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Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Mon, 16/02/2015 19:15 (9 Years ago)
Waffles. Piles, heaps, of waffles covered in sweet syrup. They were everywhere, left, right, up and down. Waffles as far as he could see. What a sweet place he had ended up in. Joachim gave a toothy grin as he sat on top of the highest waffle-mountain and gazed down at his waffle-kingdom. Everything was well among his waffle-people, he had locked the criminal-waffles behinds bars earlier so the common-waffles could roam the waffle-streets without fear. It was a peaceful day among all the waffles.

Until Joachim felt his glorious waffle-mountain/throne give away under him, that is. He stood up hastily but he couldn't make a single move before his feet started sinking into the waffle pile and he was stuck. The more he tried tugging his feet free and the more he struggled, the further he sank into the waffles. Panic started setting in when he was up to his waist in waffles and Joachim flailed aimlessly to get a hold of something, anything. It was no use, it was just waffles, there was nothing to help him drag himself up from the waffle-deathtrap. He kept sinking further, it was like something was pulling him under from within the waffles and he couldn't fight it. He wasn't strong enough. Joachim whimpered as the waffles reached his neck and he clawed at the waffles helplessly as he was facing his inevitable doom. He was going to die by suffocating in a pile of waffles.


Joachim yelled in panic as he sprung up in his bed, covered in cold sweat. He didn't dare to move a muscle for a while, he just sat there, rigid and breathing heavily as his mind processed the fact that evil waffles weren't going to trap and suffocate him to death. Awesome. the lad swallowed through the lump in his throat before letting out a relieved sigh that turned into a chuckle. What a moronic dream, or nightmare, Joachim couldn't believe he had actually thought it was real. Funny how dreams work. However, that didn't make the terror he had felt when he had woken up any less real. It just made him stupid.

A chill ran up Joachim's spine, which finally got him moving. Once he had managed to drag himself out of bed, the young man stretched his tense muscles, which was accompanied by a large yawn. He had sweat quite a bit during his terrible ordeal in the clutches of the killer-waffles so Joachim figured a shower would be in order. With his shoulders slightly slumped, he set off on a quest to find the showers to wash away the remnants of the horribly ridiculous dream that had just plagued his sleep.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Wed, 18/02/2015 17:06 (9 Years ago)
"No matter how much I play here, I never get bored!" Road squealed with excitement as she zipped through the air, darting in between the clown house buildings. Giratina mirrored her movements overhead as they played a sort of "tag" with a few extra rules thrown in. She deftly landed on the side of a building. Gravity obeyed her completely here, and she stood parallel to the ground. The girl looked "down" over the roof as Giratina landed on it. She tenderly stroked the legendary Pokemon's head.

"You know," she said absentmindedly, "It's been a while since I went to the real world. I wonder if I'll find anything interesting this time around." One of Road's pastimes was opening a "random" door to the real world. The thing could lead to literally anywhere. Kanto, Sinnoh, even places like the Abyssal Ruins and, heck, even the moon.

Road pointed a finger at the ground. A short black line appeared, and a door raised out of it. The door was kite-shaped, and golden horns resembling Giratina's adorned the top section of it. Three red spikes appeared on both sides of the door, pointing outward, suspended in a ragged, shadowy substance similar to Giratina's wings. Of course, she had given the door certain restrictions. It must lead her to land in one of the Pokemon regions.

Gravity changed for Road once more, this time dropping her to the ground. The girl landed nimbly on her feet in front of the door, which opened for her of its own accord. The inside of it was filled with swirling black and purple energy.

Road twirled her fingers as she stepped through the door. "Round and round I go, where I stop, nobody knows!" She sang playfully as the darkness enveloped her. When she stepped out of it, she found herself in a lush forest. The door closed itself behind her and sank into the ground, disappearing.

"Ah, now this is nice!" She exclaimed as she examined her surroundings. Something about this clearing seems off, though... She walked over to examine the clearing, but somehow found herself turned around, going the opposite direction. She tried once more, only to have the same result.

"Oh, now this just isn't fair! Tell me your secret, already!" she pouted to the trees as she kicked the ground in frustration.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 45
Posted: Fri, 20/02/2015 17:13 (9 Years ago)
Jack grunted as the ping-pong ball flew past his paddle and hit the ground behind him. He conceded defeat to Jake and picked up their scoreboard.

"Well, the score now stands at 975,259,100 to 974,930,987. You still have a long ways to go to catch up to me," Jack said, smiling. This scoreboard was the only object that revealed the truth as to just how long the Conduits have been surviving without Arceus, and Jack and Jake never revealed it to anyone.

"Well, a win is better than a loss in any scenario!" Jake took the scoreboard and tucked into a little invisible pocket of space behind his head. All sorts of conveniences were stored there, and it was one of Jake's best inventions.

"Well, time to see how everyone else is doing."

The two twins walked upstairs, where many Conduits were sitting at the tables in the kitchen. They sat down and silenced the room to begin the day with the announcements.

"Good morning, everyone! Up bright and early, and today is a special day! Jake, tell us what happened."

"Well, one of our leads has expanded, and we might have a general idea of where enemies might be located. Luckily, they don't seem to be a threat to us, but now is as good of a time as any to train a bit! Meet out in the backyard in 15 minutes, sharp!"

[btw, i am not power-playing, you can come or not come to this, although it is highly recommended by the plot]

"Ok, we are going to split up a bit here. People that feel either scared of their powers, not in control of their powers, or unknowing of their powers hear over to where Jake is, and he will help you. All others, come with me and we will work on fine-tuning and maybe practice sparring."

[sorry if i messed up the italics-Jack and Jake get confused in my head easily XD]
beware the attack of the punz
make a wish?
Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 243
Posted: Fri, 20/02/2015 17:32 (9 Years ago)
since madeline knew her power's, she walked over to where jack was with her arm's crossed.
''hey jack'' she said smiling at him.
she stood over by him and waited to see if any others came over to practice on their power's as well, excited to do some training.
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Fri, 20/02/2015 17:35 (9 Years ago)
''Hey, wait for me!'' - Akira shouted at the two Conduicts. In a fraction of a second, he flew through the entire Cabin into the kitchen, spilling and destroying many objects on the way.

"Good morning, everyone! Up bright and early, and today is a special day! Jake, tell us what happened."

"Well, one of our leads has expanded, and we might have a general idea of where enemies might be located. Luckily, they don't seem to be a threat to us, but now is as good of a time as any to train a bit! Meet out in the backyard in 15 minutes, sharp!"

At this moment, Akira was already sitting in one of the chairs, carefully listening.

"Ok, we are going to split up a bit here. People that feel either scared of their powers, not in control of their powers, or unknowing of their powers hear over to where Jake is, and he will help you. All others, come with me and we will work on fine-tuning and maybe practice sparring."

One of them said. Akira doesn't remember his name yet. Was it Shack? Jack?

Living in the ozone layer for years was more than proof that he can handle his abilites.
He decided to follow him.

[Sorry for a very amateur post. I just can't get my brain to work. @-@]

PokeHeroes was a mistake - Riako 3056

Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Fri, 20/02/2015 19:45 (9 Years ago)
A shower had indeed been a great idea. Joachim hummed slightly as he slipped on a clean purple T-shirt to accompany the blue jeans he was wearing. Satisfied with his simple choices in clothing, the young man slipped on a pair of purple converse and put his glasses on before heading towards the kitchen. He was starving. However, the lad would rather have anything else than waffles for breakfast, that's for sure.

Oh wait...!

Joachim spun around quickly before he even managed to take five steps and more or less lunged at his trusty old baseball cap. He wasn't going anywhere without it. Except the shower, which had required a lot of willpower to pull off. With a grin, Joachim stuffed his utmost favorite piece of clothing on his head and turned it halfway to the side because he was cool like that. Now ready to face the day, Joachim marched to the kitchen, only to be almost knocked over by Akira, along with various random objects, in the progress.

"Jeez, destroy a little more stuff, will ya?"

Of course there was no way Akira heard his sarcastic remark as he was long gone by the time Joachim recovered from the surprise and was merely left to mutter to himself. With a huff, the youngster brushed it off and followed the other male into the kitchen just in time to hear the end of Jack's sentence.

"-ke, tell us what happened."

"Well, one of our leads has expanded, and we might have a general idea of where enemies might be located. Luckily, they don't seem to be a threat to us, but now is as good of a time as any to train a bit! Meet out in the backyard in 15 minutes, sharp!"

"Ok, we are going to split up a bit here. People that feel either scared of their powers, not in control of their powers, or unknowing of their powers hear over to where Jake is, and he will help you. All others, come with me and we will work on fine-tuning and maybe practice sparring."

Joachim gave an amused chuckle at the little speech as he plopped down on a chair lazily, clearly not intending to follow either of the twins anytime soon.

"Pffft, let's just go smash the baddies while we have a location, sounds like good enough training to me."

Considering that he was rather new to the whole 'conduit'-thing, Joachim was being quite the arrogant fool. Not that he'd acknowledge or admit it himself, no way. He was actually quite convinced beating up few measly enemies would be no biggie. How bad could they even be anyway? Sure, they captured the almighty leader but with the element of surprise, it sounded rather doable.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 45
Posted: Fri, 06/03/2015 01:40 (9 Years ago)
[le massive, time and space defying bump.]

[also, i would write, but writer's block DX]
beware the attack of the punz
make a wish?
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 45
Posted: Wed, 25/03/2015 01:53 (9 Years ago)
[le massive, time and space defying double post combo bump]

After drilling with the students for a bit, Jake felt a little prick in the back of his head. He reached his senses out, and after realizing what it was, he called to the people near him "I have to go for a moment, so try and work on what I've taught you!"

Jake walked over and tapped on Jack's shoulder. They walked a little ways off, where Jake dropped his voice to a whisper.

"She's back."

"Her? She hasn't been detected for a very long time."

"Well, she's on the outskirts of the property, should i let her in?"

"Go for it. Keep a backup plan if she decides to attack stuff."

"On it."

Jake lowered the strength of the property barriers slightly. The two of them remembered Road from a very long time ago, but hadn't seen each other in many many years. He prayed that nothing would go wrong, then scolded himself. Something always went wrong. That was the fun part about it.
beware the attack of the punz
make a wish?
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sat, 04/04/2015 00:48 (9 Years ago)
Road grinned as a cabin became visible, almost magically so.

"Now that's much better," the girl chimed as she admired the newly-visible structure. She noticed some people outside, none other than her long-lost "brothers."

"O-M-G! It's been so long since I've seen you!" She ran up to Jack and Jack and hugged them together. The Giratina conduit had to balance on her tiptoes in order to reach them better, considering how short she was.

"You might even say...ages." The last sentence was spoken barely above a whisper. Road released the twins and grinned at them, although whether it was a good smile or a bad one was hard to tell.

The girl rocked back and forth on her feet. "So this is where you two have been camping out all this time, then? Must be a bit boring, being stuck out here all on your own for so long. Kind of a shame, a lot of cool stuff's happened since we last saw each other," Road remarked as she inspected the cabin. "Personally, I would have picked something like a luxury condo, but I suppose it works for someone with your taste."

i have fists for hands and fire for fists