Forum Thread
dark storm(dragon rp)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → dark storm(dragon rp)Over the year krystal's change eventually gave her the abbility to breath underwater allowing her to stay under much longer then ever before. But eventually the summer was finnaly coming to an end andkrystal helped the tribe gather food for the winter and for the dragons as the dragons and the changed where gettin ready for hibernation all but vampkite and glacier since glacier loved the cold vampkite decide to use her ice dragon form to be sble to stay with the dragon
Glacite had already grown alot over the months as well though she didnt show any signs of change till after winter was over though barely noticeable that anything had changed
"come pik!cheer up!"alce said
"its ok mam,d-da da is o-ok now... n-no pain now...n-no sickness....n-no curuption..." chu said
"and i was the one who killed him...." pika started to cry.
well....elfcru had an illness and he was curupted,so pika had to put him out of his missery.chu fell asleep " tired."chu said. pika made a bed for chu,a portiable one.she smiled....she only smiled for chu.
she sung a lullibe:
cuona leby aaaaaaaaa, cuntito, voionu.....
when life throws you down you get back,although it may be hard....
try to avoid the l-little stuuufff
save room for the big...alway try to get up my little one, dont stay down to long... always get back up....
i-i cant sing the reast....
"Why do I keep feeling so angry all the time almost??" Sorin mumbled. He was in his house, just sitting.
Lava rages but keeps the world moving even if it can destroy
Water gives life but it also flooods the worlds lands
Air givers us our breath but also brings the darkness of the storm
Ice brings us the cold but without it we would see how the warmth helps us
The ones who attack us throughout the nigh keeps our own population in check
(This shows how the 5 destroy and create life without them there would be no life))
One day, Trix perched in what is now Shade's house, formerly the cave where the dragon eggs were found. "Mama, can I go out and get some fish?" "Sure Trix." Shade absentmindedly said, waiving a claw at the entrance. "Yay!!!" Trix squealed and flew outside.
"lillianin" pika said."begone!"
"i was just saying hi"she said as she disapeared.
"pik! are you ok?"a boy said running to pik(pika,her new nickname)
"yes im fine alex"pik said then suddenly broke don cryig.
oh i should explain, pik found a boy named alex befriended him and hhe travled with her, lillianin is some who is a shadow and is hunting her dow (gtg)
(history yay!ok so pik and them are in a tribe, not that one but a difrent one, they all have marks,pik a window-like shape+life,alce door=to bring the new,lilly=sun=happyness,puma flower=rainbow, chu=leaf=light.why? its rely complecated how the system works. fate, somtime personality depends.alex has one but is hidden. lillianin was a memver,she has a arrwow whitch mean exicution, and that is why she hunts them down. now the lullibie, yes i know it is spelled Lullby but it is spelled like that for a resion,ok so,elfcru sang it to pika when she lost her mom, she was not the one who abaandoned her it was her dada, he had kicked out her mom and she found them. she tagged along with them but in the end she died,from what? a dragon.... and it had the same coloring as her dad. that dragon has never been seen sense, elf cru learnded when he lost his dad to the war, what war? the war between the light and dark dragons, his dad tryed to reson with the lights but failed,his mom learnd it when she lost her mom, it who died from an illness, but what? it was a mixture of many kinds, made by the dreded kumana a great dragon wizard, imfomous infact,now her father learned it when his 4 siblings died in a tragic acudent, a flying acident, a dragon flew so fast he blew right thur them, now his mother and father learnd it while they were travling, they had came to a ruin and it was implanted into there minds.)
(ph and the weird languge translates to:life is hard,but dont givein or up.)
(oh and exept for the ones i said that died,they all are alive, ao yes there are 2 10000 year old dragons roaming around.
they went back to the tribe
"we saw her again."pik said
"no way! shes back?" the tribe member all said "shes back" "no way...."
"ENOUGH!" the tribe leader shouted.