Forum Thread
Mental Games
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Inactive RPs → Mental Games
"Welcome, young ones. You have all been teleported here for various experiments. The test is simple: Learn how to adjust to your surroundings quickly. Those who don't pass the test will be put into an eternal sleep. Good luck," she whispers and the screen shuts off. You notice a bronze door begin to open on the other side of the room. Nobody moves. One creature steps forward and the other follow. You have no choose but to participate the upcoming events: The Mental Games.
creature description:
age of creature:
personal specialty (something they are good at):

We can start the plot as soon as enough people submit forms. I'm currently creating my own creature as well. Thank you

creature description:
gender: Male
age of creature: 19
personal specialty (something they are good at): Sneaking, going unnoticed; no one knows he's there until he allows it.
Mystical entered to room with many others, finding herself purring with interest. Her body had completely changed and it was interesting to have a tail and wings. She spread her wings out to get a better look but accidentally hit other creatures around her. They screeched and spat.
"Sorry," she muttered. She didn't blame them for being so grumpy. They were dropped into a room in space. How could life get any more stressful? Mystical looked up ahead And saw a thing of goo shaped like a raindrop. It was hanging from the ceiling. Inside was a dragon with quills and curled up wings. The door behind them shut. Mystical looked around in panic. Suddenly, The dragon burst open from the gunk. his ignoramus wings spread out, slicing trees. He opened his eyes to reveal a midnight purple shade. Creatures screamed and ran off, many of them disappearing in midair. Was this the first test?

Then the dragon broke free. Soli startled, shrieking in surprise. She was about to fly away, but then the winged cat saw creatures... Disappearing? Definitely don't want that happening to me... Soli thought. What to do, though? Then she remembered her life in the alley, where all sorts of dangerous things happened. The grey and indigo lynx-like cat grinned crookedly.
Hide. Of course! It was obvious. Solitaire swooped under the roots of a sliced tree, concealing herself from sight.
Jonah remained put as the dragon started 'eliminating' the others. Saying he wasn't scared would be a lie but he needed to think clearly and stay calm if he wanted to get out of this alive. Running around in panic wasn't the best tactic for that.
creature description: (A Friend of mine made this for me a long time ago for a warrior cats RP it was my character stormstar)
age of creature:15
personal specialty (something they are good at):As a human he was smart and came up with idea's a lot he is very smart.
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
Mystical was unusually calm in a situation like this. At first, she thought of hiding. But the dragon was practically destroying every place she could think of. Cursing, she started to think of a plan. She saw many flying creatures attempting to fight the dragon but fail. One swiped its chest and it howled in rage. How could one tiny swipe hurt such a huge creature? That's it!, she thought. The weak spot is its chest. If only all the creatures can just attack that one spot... Misty flew up and started to scream.
"THE WEAK SPOT IS ITS CHEST! THOSE WHO CAN FLY, HURRY!" she screeched at the top of her lounge. Most of the creatures just stared at her with confused expression while others continued to run around in panic. She attempted to holler again but her voice was replaced by a fierce roar. She cursed and started to point at her chest and then at the dragon's. The others sort of understood and started to fly up. Unfortunately, the dragon spotted them and gave them a mighty slash. Many disappeared but a few dodged it and attacked its chest. The dragon screeched and started to wobble. it was working. Misty flew over as fast as she could, hoping not to get killed.

Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
In the noise that was currently assaulting him from everywhere, Jonah could hear faint terrified yelps. He scanned the area for the source of the sound and saw a small eagle whose wing was stuck under a fallen tree. Jonah shut his eyes and tried to block the helpless creature from his mind, It's not my problem. It's not my friggin' problem. It's... His eyes flew back wide open and he cursed loudly as he sprinted towards the eagle, not caring who might see him. The dragon's occupied with all those flying creatures attacking it, I'll be fine.
Jonah reached the helpless bird and tried to push the tree trunk off its wing but it wasn't too easy with this new body of his. Just moving around was still a bit clumsy and everything felt alien, no wonder moving a tree trunk was so damn hard. "Come on...," Jonah gritted his teeth summoning all his strength but the tree trunk was still not moving enough to free the eagle.
"NO!" Misty attemptred to scream. A helpless roar came out again as she fell. Through her blurry vision, she could see The dragon wobble back and forth. She hit the ground. Surprisingly, she felt no pain. She got up with ease, wondering how in the world she survived. After brushing off some dirt, she flew toward the dragon again.

The winged lynx-like cat dived at the weak spot with extended claws.

After he had regained his breath, Jonah heard small whimpering from beside him. The eagle was trying to move the wing that had been stuck under the tree trunk and yelped in pain everytime he tried, it was obvioulsy broken. The small bird lifted his gaze from his wing at Jonah and managed to squeak a thank you. He also managed to tell Jonah his name, Riley. Jonah nodded at the eagle, Why did I even bother, he'll get killed as soon as I turn my back... Even though he wanted to just leave the eagle on his own, he couldn't. Somehow, he felt responsible.
((Is it okay if I bring forth an another character, I wasn't planning on this but the little fella kinda grew on me. XD
Name: Riley
creature description:
gender: Male
age of creature: 15
personal specialty (something they are good at): He can fly pretty darn fast. Or could when his wing wasn't broken.))