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Posted: Wed, 18/12/2013 22:11 (10 Years ago)
L.S looked at Volt and went back to sorting things away. "Mm. No, I'm fine, thanks." she finally said after tucking the last Pokeball away. She looked back at Volt again. "Any interesting news, or what?"

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Posted: Wed, 18/12/2013 21:45 (10 Years ago)
L.S picked up the items she stole again and marched briskly off to the food storage. The Thief dumped all of the energy bars into the pile of slowly-growing food, then walked away to store the rest of the items away.

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Posted: Wed, 18/12/2013 21:35 (10 Years ago)
Lily-Sienna ran back to the 4, holding a bunch of items in her paws. The female Dewott gracefully leaped over a shrug and landed in front of Haze. One of L.S's rare smiles flickered across her face, but her expression grew hard again. The Thief laid the items she was holding down and glanced up at Swindel. "Bothering Haze now, Swindel?"

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Posted: Wed, 18/12/2013 21:00 (10 Years ago)

There was a rustle in the grass. Then, quite suddenly, there was a flash of blue and orange. A female Dewott wearing a shawl, a charm, and a medal ran on all four paws, her keen, dark eyes darting this way and that. Then, she spotted a bright yellow bag, with no trainer guarding.

Lily-Sienna, or L.S as she is more commonly known, dove into the bag to reveal the treasures within. The Dewott drew out a bag full of energy bars, some empty Pokeballs, a Potion, and a Pokedex. L.S scooped all of these items into her arms and was about to run off, when a Pokeball rolled out of the bag. There was the faint shape of a Pokemon inside.

L.S couldn't bear to leave the Pokemon trapped inside. Even though this was a job for Liberators, the Thief raised her paw and smashed the Pokeball. As pieces of the item scattered on the ground, a wounded Butterfree laid on the ground. L.S felt a surge of anger at the bruises she saw on the Pokemon. Her trainer! Her trainer must have done this...

The Dewott nodded at the Butterfree. "Lily-Sienna. Call me L.S. Come on, we have to go before your trainer comes back." The Butterfree didn't move, but she uttered a single word, "No."

L.S's patience was running out. "There's no time for hesitation!" she snapped, pulling the Butterfree's wing with a paw. The Butterfree wrenched her wing out of L.S's grasp. "No!" the Pokemon cried again. "No! My trainer... He'll... Punish me and beat me..." "He can't beat you if he doesn't know where you are!" L.S cried in exasperation.

The Butterfree shook her head again. "He'll find me... He'll think I destroyed all of his stuff!" The Butterfree shook her wing at the ripped bag, where L.S had plundered its contents. "So then he'll punish me... B-But he'll punish me worse if I try to run! He'll find me! I can't leave..." L.S didn't get anything the hopeless Butterfree was saying. How could she not want a taste of freedom? the Dewott asked herself, feeling grave.

"Just go... Y-You caused me enough trouble as it is!" the Butterfree yelled, her eyes completely dark and devoid of hope. L.S dipped her head. "I understand." she said, although she didn't understand at all. L.S then turned her back on the scene and ran away, back to the camp. Her mind smoldered in rage. Humans! the Dewott bitterly thought as her twirling shawl fluttered in the breeze.

They will pay for this!

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Posted: Tue, 17/12/2013 12:57 (10 Years ago)
((So, um, is my form accepted?))

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Posted: Tue, 17/12/2013 03:25 (10 Years ago)
This was buried at the very end of the first page, so I guess nobody saw it ^-^

User Name: Celestial
Name Lily-Sienna (L.S for short)
Pokemon or Trainer? If trainer, list the pokemon here) Pokemon, is a Dewott
Moves(and level(s)): Level 32, Focus Energy, Water Pulse, Fury Cutter, and Revenge.
Personality: L.S is brisk and serious. Some might say that she's boring, even though she isn't. However, L.S does have a soft spot for children...
Other: Looks like this:
Rank: Theif

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2013 21:11 (10 Years ago)
Tori was surprised. So many new Pokemon! Well, she had just moved in a few hours ago... "Hey!" she chirped to the Mareep. "I'm Tori!"

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2013 13:01 (10 Years ago)
User Name: Celestial
Name Lily-Sienna (L.S for short)
Pokemon or Trainer? If trainer, list the pokemon here) Pokemon, is a Dewott
Moves(and level(s)): Level 32, Focus Energy, Water Pulse, Fury Cutter, and Revenge.
Personality: L.S is brisk and serious. Some might say that she's boring, even though she isn't. However, L.S does have a soft spot for children...
Other: Looks like this:
Rank: Theif

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2013 03:22 (10 Years ago)
Tori smiled at the Purrloin. "Hey! I'm Tori. What's your name?"

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Posted: Mon, 16/12/2013 00:51 (10 Years ago)

Title: And a 1! And a 2! And a 1! 2! 3!

Here it is. The Charcoal Plaza. I gaped up at the huge, round, stadium-like building before me. It's enormous, even bigger than Lavanda's Local Market! It looks at least five stories tall, and counting. The walls are black, with windows tinted a light grey shade. The massive double doors look like they're made out of charcoal, too. I could hear laughter, chatter, and music from within. The Charcoal Plaza looks like such a lively place. Finally regaining my composure, I pushed my way inside the building.

So many Pokemon! So many smells! So many noises! This must be the centerpiece of Lavanda, the finishing touch. There's some tables and chairs here and there, some vendors and carts, and everywhere, Pokemon are chattering. I felt my stomach rumble as I inhaled the scent of food drifting from the carts. I realized that I hadn't had lunch today yet. Feeling faint from the delicious aromas wafting from the food some Pokemon are eating, I drifted over to a bright red cart with pink lettering. From behind the cart, a Magby beamed at me.

"Hey! Want some Pecha stew? It's delicious, and it's only 50 Poke!" I nodded and drew some coins out of my bag to pay for the soup. The Magby passed a bowl of stew to me. I picked up the bowl with my mouth and looked around for a place to eat.

I found an empty chair and a small table. Setting the bowl down onto the charcoal table, I plopped down onto the ashy grey chair and looked around. The colors of the plaza walls, ceiling, and furniture is all grey and black, and yet it's lively and interesting. My attention snapped back to my stew, with little chunks of Pecha berries floating around inside. I slurped up the stew, reveling in the sweet taste. Tossing the plastic bowl into a nearby trash can and standing up, I started to wander around.

A moment later, I found myself cheering on the contestants of an eating contest. The competitors were slurping bowls of Cheri 'n spice soup. Cheri berries are pretty spicy already, but Cheri 'n spice soup also has some spices mixed into it. This results in a very, very spicy mix. I watched, impressed, as a Simisear downed twelve bowls in under a minute. Spectators cheered as the Simisear received a prize of a packet of rare spices and 1000 Poke. My ears pricked as I heard a voice.

"Step right up, all of you singers, for the Daily Lavanda Singing Competition!" I heard a Quilava wearing a tie yell into a microphone. He's on a stage, which is starting to get clustered with Pokemon. Some Pokemon lined up to the right of the stage, obviously knowing what to do. Intrigued, I joined the slowly growing line.

"Now, folks, you all know the rules! Each contestant sings for a maximum of five minutes. I will judge the best singer! And today's winner receives... A large assortment of Gummis and 2000 Poke!" Now that really had my attention. First off, Gummis are delicious, and 2000 Poke will definitely aid me in my travels, and maybe build me up towards an Absolite!

My hopes faltered as the line grew smaller. These singers are really good. What chance did I have of beating them? I didn't have much experience as a singer, and some of these Pokemon seem pretty seasoned. I gulped as an especially good Flareon sang. Her voice is sweet but strong, and it had an effect on everybody. Pokemon danced and cheered her on. She's really pretty, too, which should earn her a few extra points. Many Pokemon were still cheering as the Flareon bowed and left the stage.

In too short of a time, it was my turn. I stepped on the stage, trembling a little. This is the first time I have ever performed onstage before, and I was pretty nervous. There were some whispers here and there. "Who's that?" "I've never seen an Absol here before..." "Wonder if she's any good." I dipped my head, took a deep breath, and started my song.
"The fire started singing,
The rain began to pour.
They both will fight their hardest,
but which one loves us more?

I was pretty proud of my choice of song. After all, what better theme than fire is there to sing about in a city filled with fire-type Pokemon?
"The rain, it seeks to cool,
The fire, it seeks to live
Which one is more worthy?
Which one has more to give?

Some Pokemon were starting to get into the beat. They tapped their paws to the rhythm on the charcoal floor. I smiled and continued my aria.
"The fire keeps us strong
The rain, it eases pain,
But rain can flood and fire burn
They both know how to hate.

"Go, stranger!" I heard a cheer from the crowd! I smiled again as some began to clap. Swinging my head, I sang further into the tune.
"So one must beat the other
It's Mother Nature's Way
The rain can douse the fire
It's why we die today.

More cheering, some excited whispers. I was really starting to loosen up and get the hang of things. My heart swelled in happiness.
"But the echo of the fire
Still exists beneath our skin
After death is past and life is lost
It will ignite again.

Almost at the end, I glanced at the audience. They looked pretty impressed. I hope I'm giving some real competition to the other contestants, especially the Flareon.
"The fire lives forever
No rain can make it die.
Rain may douse it for a while,
but it will never cease to try!

I ended the song with a ring on the last note. The Pokemon who were sitting stood up and roared in approval. I ducked my head and swept off of the stage. Some Pokemon gathered around me to compliment and congratulate me. I smiled left and right and said a few polite 'thank you's'. Then I settled in to watch the rest of the performers.

When the last contestant finished, the Quilava with the black tie stood up and announced into the microphone, "Well, folks, for the first time in my career, we have a tie! Carla and... Er, the Absol, please come back onstage to split the prize!" The Pokemon around me patted me on the back and congratulated me as I headed for the stage, as well as the Flareon.

"Now, both of you will receive 1000 Poke and an assortment of Gummis!" the Quilava said, pushing a pile of coins and a plastic bag filled to the brim with Gummis. The Flareon, Carla, nudged me and whispered, "Great job! You were really good!" I grinned. She's certainly friendly! "Yeah, you too! I thought I was gonna lose to you!" I responded, and she beamed. I shoved the bag and the money into my bag. "Thank you both for those wonderful songs!" More cheering, then some music boomed out from a boombox.

Carla tapped me with her tail, and with a twinkle in her eye, whispered, "Let's get outta here, or we'll be mobbed my Pokemon!" I looked over to see a surge of Pokemon rushing over to us. Giggling, we both rushed to a door at the end of the stage and flung it open. We then locked it behind us. Panting, both of us collapsed backstage. "That was close!" I gasped as I struggled upright. I then stuck out a paw. "Name's Sonata, nice to meet you!" "Carla!" she responded as she took my extended paw and shook it. "I've never seen you here before. You look about my age, but I'm home schooled. What about you?"

Man, do I have something to tell her...
Current Emotions: Accomplished and Very Happy
Current Health: Healthy
Current Actions: Hiding backstage with Carla and talking to her
Holding: (Slung over shoulder)
Portable Sleeping Bag (In the bag)
2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x
OOC: It's fine, Moonlight! Dialogue is interesting! ^-^

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Posted: Sun, 15/12/2013 16:04 (10 Years ago)
Tori approached the Pidove. "'Scuse me, could I have that berry?" The Pidove, a warm-hearted Pokemon, nodded and smiled as he passed the berry to the kitten. Tori grinned. "Thanks!" she chirped, and munched on the berry.

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Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 22:51 (10 Years ago)
"Looks perfect!


Merrin grins and lumbers away, humming a Christmas carol.
Done, Pheobe!

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Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 22:39 (10 Years ago)
Big news: You can now buy COUPONS!!! There's only one type so far, but more will be added later. Here's how the coupon system works:
1. You fill out the form for one here (or two, or three...)
2. You pay up
3. I add your name to the list of people who own that coupon
4. You use it
5. If you can only use that coupon once, I'll strike your name off the list until you buy another one. If you can use it several times, I'll keep track of how many uses you have left until you run out. Then you can buy another one.
Working on yours now, Pheobe.

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Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 22:09 (10 Years ago)
"Looks perfect!"


Merrin grins and hops away, humming a Christmas carol.
Done, Sh3ll!

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Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 22:01 (10 Years ago)


Dalia gives you a curt nod and hurries away.
Done, Pheobe!

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Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 21:43 (10 Years ago)
Lucy smiled as she glanced at the cup of water. An old bar trick, the Glaceon Gijinka thought. I can do this! Lucy glanced back at the Absol Gijinka. He's a strange fellow... "Hmm. I'll be right back." Lucy said, then quickly hopped to the back kitchen. Her boss, a red-faced and bald man, glared over at the Glaceon Gijinka as she walked in. "Are you serving the customer well, Gijinka girl?" he gruffly asked. Lucy nodded and grabbed a plastic, empty pitcher from one of the cupboards. Then she scurried back to the Absol Gijinka's table.

Setting down the pitcher, Lucy took a deep breath. With a steady hand (paw??), she reached out and grasped the end of the cup in a certain way. With her hand now curled carefully around the glass in a certain position, Lucy slowly lifted the glass. The water stayed in the cup. Slowly, slowly, she lifted the cup and reached towards the empty pitcher to dump it in-

Lucy's fingers slipped down, and the water spilled out all over the table, along with the twenty dollar bill. The Glaceon Gijinka jumped a little, her face burning in embarrassment. "Uwah! O-Oh, I'm so sorry! Here, let me get some napkins..."

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Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 21:32 (10 Years ago)
Tori padded through the small village she lived in, clutching 100 Poke in her mouth. The small, black and red Skitty is hungry, and she's currently looking for something to eat. The kitten stopped at a bakery and pushed her way inside, her nose twitching at the delicious smells coming from within.

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Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 21:26 (10 Years ago)
"Order up!"


Cora floats next to your Pokemon and smiles. "Hope you like the changes!
Done, Atsuya! Wasn't sure if you wanted the antlers to actually be brown... Better safe than sorry, hm?

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Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 16:49 (10 Years ago)
age: Well, the age of my character is 10...
username: AmberWolf
pokemon: Skitty
image from it:

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Posted: Sat, 14/12/2013 16:41 (10 Years ago)
One question: Can we be colored strangely, like Shiny?

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