Forum Thread
Next post wins (Contest) 3 Rules added!
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → Next post wins (Contest) 3 Rules added!You post
Next post wins (Something here)
Oh i would like that (Something) Please!
But if you have under 5 words in your post you dont get it
1. if There is under 5 words in your post and you are trying to get something from someone who said next post wins (Something) You wont get it the next person will (And under 5 words is spam which puts you on the warning list) Adding on to this Please do not say Sent PD Or This pokemon is in GTS for you now Palpad or PM Telling them because this is a pointless post (Unless you take something from above you and give something to NP)
2. Please be polite Otherwise if you break the rules or are mean/greedy then i will have to make a warning list (And you will be put on a warning list)
3. No mini-modding! Unless someone is on a list where they can
4. ABSOLUTELY NO SCAMMING If i hear you scammed somebody and have proof of a picture then you will be reported AND Added to a warning list
5. 3 warnings and your banned for a week 5 warnings and your banned for a month (And if i need to i will ban you from this thread forever)
6. I dont want this to happen anymore Example: If someone posted Next post wins 300 PD and you didn't want that and then post No thanks Next post Etc etc Then you will be given a Mini warning a Mini warning is smaller then a warning 2 of them = 1 warning and 3 warnings = Ban for week So if you dont want that item (or pokemon) or PD dont post
Mini-Modders list
The Warned list

Speedtest Warning 1: For breaking rule
4 (Not sending pokemon to user)
Yveltal_King_Death Warning 1: For breaking rule 4 (Not sending pokemon to user)
ivo200198 Warning 1: For breaking rule 1 (Under 5 words in post)
Yveltal_King_Death Warning 1: For breaking rule 4 (Not sending pokemon to user)
ivo200198 Warning 1: For breaking rule 1 (Under 5 words in post)
Next post wins a random Pokemon (It will be in the GTS when you say you want it)
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs