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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Moony.
Posted: Sat, 11/01/2014 21:18 (11 Years ago)
My wish is to come into some much needed cash. Im knee deep in credit card debt, bills are starting to pile up and I hate living paycheck to paycheck, not knowing if I'll make enough to get through the next month or not. If I could just pay some of these things off and not have to worry about them for a month or two, my stress levels would decrease dramatically.\r\n\r\nI mean, Im 22 and already have a decent number of grey hairs?? That's not good! xD

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Posted: Tue, 07/01/2014 02:51 (11 Years ago)
Your sprites are absolutely amazing! Could I possibly make a request or two? :3

One of this character here.
It doesnt have to be the same pose or anything. Have fun with it, and by all means take your time, there's no rush at all ^^

And here is the other one.
Same goes for this one. Feel free to play with it however you like. Surprise me ^^

And thank you so much!

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Posted: Tue, 31/12/2013 20:45 (11 Years ago)

So done with ponies...

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Posted: Sun, 29/12/2013 00:32 (11 Years ago)
I got-
A panini grill
Hogwarts sleep pants
A Jolteon mug
A waffle maker
Gift cards
A gryffindor backpack
Glass measuring cups
A food chopper
A Keurig cup carousel
... And I think there was something else, but I can't think of it at the moment ^^;

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Posted: Wed, 25/12/2013 12:48 (11 Years ago)
Asdfghjkl Awh, he's adorable x3 ( Only thing is, I had asked for a christmas tree ^^; Would it still be possible to get one? :3 )

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Posted: Wed, 25/12/2013 00:25 (11 Years ago)
• I want a Christmass Tree Sprite! •
• Username: Moony
• Pokemon: Jolteon

And merry christmas to you, Toothless! :3

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Posted: Tue, 03/12/2013 04:28 (11 Years ago)
Jolteon is my beast in every game. Nothing can stop him! :3

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Posted: Tue, 03/12/2013 00:48 (11 Years ago)
Yeah, im probably never going to use the raffle tickets either, so I'd love to be able to send them to someone who will

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Posted: Sun, 01/12/2013 14:08 (11 Years ago)
Looks great! Thanks so much x3

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Posted: Sun, 01/12/2013 13:51 (11 Years ago)
Ahhhh, I've never really been a fan of sprite shops, but omg you've got some amazing things in here! :3 I cant resist, gotta get one, maybe more later xD

• I want an Poke iPod Sprite! •
• Username:Moony
• Pokemon:Jolteon
• iPod Color:Yellow

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Posted: Fri, 29/11/2013 01:19 (11 Years ago)
Fine, it's in the GTS.

Next post gets 600PD

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Posted: Thu, 28/11/2013 23:41 (11 Years ago)
I would love a green mystery key!

Next post wins a poochyena, since my last offer got overlooked it seems xD

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Posted: Thu, 28/11/2013 14:10 (11 Years ago)
Did anyone read the rules?

I would love the 500PD, please! :3

Next post wins a poochyena because I have a hoarding problem xD

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Posted: Mon, 11/11/2013 23:38 (11 Years ago)
7/10 - Seems to be a pretty basic anime style, but the colors are very nice and strangely soothing in a way, though the girl doesnt seem to be completely at peace as one would assume. Very mysterious :3

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Posted: Thu, 07/11/2013 17:15 (11 Years ago)
Oh, I know there would be other uses for it. I'm just speaking from personal experience and explaining how it would personally help me out :3

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Posted: Thu, 07/11/2013 16:18 (11 Years ago)
I support this. I cant even begin to count the number of begging messages I've gotten, and I don't have the time to reply and/or report all of them. I would rather just have the option to disable the messages all together, or like you said, only be able to message mutual added friends.

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Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 19:39 (11 Years ago)
I would definitely like to see something like this introduced! My main party of Pokemon consist of actual Pokemon characters of mine and they've each got things about the I wouldn't mind sharing, not to mention, people that get art of their Pokemon could throw the image on their pokemon's description as a sort of gallery of sorts. Just to add a little flare.

Support! :3

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Posted: Thu, 31/10/2013 15:10 (11 Years ago)
September 14th :3

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Posted: Tue, 29/10/2013 01:39 (11 Years ago)
Have all existing fossils been released on this site so far, or are there jsut a few of them?

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2013 20:33 (11 Years ago)
Came in 22nd place for Fennekin :3 congrats to everyone! It was a tough battle, and my hands are still a little achey from all the clicking but it was worth it!

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