Name: Crystal_the_dragonair
Categories i wish to apply for: 3 and 5
Why i Want to apply for These Categories:
I wanna apply for these catagories because I have always wanted to
get a legwnd and a summon Item since I started on PH but I never
seem to have enough to the items Ive been dreaming to get. This is
a huge oppertunity for me and I thank you
Categories i wish to apply for:shinies,mega ables and
Why i Want to apply for These Categories:because they are the ones
I like the most
Name: skekZok
Number: 179
Categories i wish to apply for: 1) shinnies, and 2) Megas and mega
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: I would like to apply for
these categories because I have rotten luck with shinnies and
Megas. If I win any they will always be in my party to remind me of
this lovely raffle.
Categories i wish to apply for:1)shinies,2)megas and mega ables and
5)Evo items,Change form items
Why i Want to apply for These Categories:i'm not lucky at all,i
cant buy this items,shinies and megas(dont have much PD) and cant
get them(not lucky at all!!)!
Categories i wish to apply for:2nd
Why i Want to apply for These Categories:tbh i never get anything
this it will be nice if i do ;)
Categories i wish to apply for: Shinies (1st) Mega's (2nd)
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: I don't have that many
shinies and i love to gift them to friends!
And i only have 2 megas. cx
Name: shaymin
Number: 159
Categories i wish to apply for: 1, 2, and 5
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: I have most of the other
items and such :)
Categories i wish to apply for:1,2 and 3
Why i Want to apply for These Categories:So i can complete my
collection(and to get christmas gift for my friends(due to the fact
i cant breed them myself....))
Name: Star_Savior_Dragon
Number: 33
Categories i wish to apply for: Legendaries and Evo items, Megas
and Mega ables
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: Because i need
Legendaries and a Mega Pokemon
Name: darklord
Number: 2
Categories i wish to apply for: megas and megables and in Evo items
and change form
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: i want to apply because
to gift my friends some thing awesome and want to thank them for
talking to me being kind and all and wining some thinking from
these like a mega stone and gifting them will make the sooo happy
^^ :D
Name: 420Blaziken-It
Number: 1
Categories i wish to apply for: Shinies, Legends, Retros/Events
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: I really like shinies and
never had luck with those. And legends and retros and events. I
just really like Pokemon as prizes
Name: ikkeme
Number: 4
Categories i wish to apply for: 1 (shinies), 2 (mega's) and 5 (evo
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: I like shinies very much,
but I can't hunt them all at once :P; I hunted for a mega able
Bulbasaur, but I didn't find one, so I hope to win it here; and I
have a few mega able pokemon, but not a single mega stone yet
Name: Jackling
Number: 172
Categories i wish to apply for: Shinies,Evo items, Legendaries
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: I really want a
megastone,and i just love the legendary bird trio.They are awsum!!
As fr shinies,their innovative spriting excites me!! :)
I just noticed I am not a participant for any categories so...
Name: JudJud
Number: 41
Categories i wish to apply for: Legends, Megas, Shinys
Why i Want to apply for These Categories: So I can give them away
to friends and people who just started out ^_^
Name: Nino
Number: 9
Categories i wish to apply for: Megas and mega ables and Evo
Why i Want to apply for these Categories: I can hunt so many
different shinies, but it's even harder to get something out of
those other 2 categories!