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Searching for: Posts from Nino.
Posted: Wed, 26/08/2020 12:09 (4 Years ago)

Welcome to my art shop!

Hi! My name is Nino, and I've been part of this community for 7+ years.
Sometimes I tend to vanish for a while, but I always keep returning. If you're interested in Art, feel free to browse through some references I linked you above.
Make sure to read the following rules and informations very carefully.
Enjoy! 🤍

Available Slots: 0
I draw humans only. (Catgirls, Gijinkas etc are fine as well, but no Furries.)
I won't draw animals and backgrounds.

Δ If you're unsure if your character matches my criteria,
feel free to contact me before ordering! Δ

Do not remove my signature/watermark.
You are only allowed to use the art that was done for you.
You may upload your commission to any other site/platform but credit me please!
This is my deviantart page. Please use this to credit me.

Do not claim my work as yours.
You have to pay in advance.
Currently I accept Nuggets only.

Finishing your orders might take a while. I won't promise to finish your orders in X days.
That depends on how much free time I have beside Pokeheroes. I am also working on off-site comissions involving $ or €; these are my priority since I can't use virtual currencies to pay my bills.
Feel free to ask me for updates anytime but please stay patient. I will do my very best to finish your picture as soon as possible.

• Sketches
Price: 150 Nuggets or 225000 PD

• Linearts
Price: 250 Nuggets or 375000 PD
• Flat Colors
Price: 300 Nuggets or 450000 PD

• Full Colors
Price for Portraits: 350 Nuggets or 525000 PD
Price for Full Body: 450 Nuggets or 675000 PD

• New Character Design
Price: 600 Nuggets or 900000 PD

I also take a combination of both.






[center]your name:
your wish:[/center]

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Posted: Mon, 08/04/2019 13:50 (5 Years ago)
I always liked it when other artists redid my stuff in their style, or just better. This way I could see which mistakes I made, and next time, I would try to avoid making the same mistake. Like in anatomy...No one is perfect, but you can't deny if someone is better than someone else. That doesn't mean whatever the other person did was garbage. It just means that there is room to improve and a lot of people would pay real money for information like that. That's why there are art classes. Even if no one from the staff asked for critique...If you are working for a public site, you are going to get critisized. Be happy about critisism. It's a good thing. What she did is just pure constructive critisism. If you're going to sugarcoat everything it's not going to help that artist to improve. Most artists do want to improve themselves. Sure, every artist puts emotions in what they are creating, that's a good thing, yes. But instead of making it personal, and cry about how someones feelings may have been hurt, just take it as an opportunity to improve, and don't complain. Get yourself a thick coat, or don't work so publicly. She also didn't say everything they make is garbage, and she didn't even critisized the design. She just critisized the technique.

I understand that every artist on this site does their best, and over the past 6 years I could see how much the art on this site improved. Just try to be open for critisism, and take it as an opportunity to improve.

I myself am thankful that she took the time to make this tutorial for public use, because it motivated me to actually try it myself.

So now...can we just move on from this?

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Posted: Mon, 05/03/2018 22:39 (6 Years ago)
I had fun doing these °u°

1. (x)

This was inspired by Ivysaur, but a spring version of it.

2. (x)

This is for ''Gründonnerstag'' or ''Maundy Thursday''(I googled it, I don't know if it's correct) and in my family it's tradition to eat spinach and fried egg, like in a lot of other families in germany... That's what it's supposed to resemble...

3. (x)

How about an easter basket with a pokeball in it? No? ...Ok... ö_ö

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Posted: Fri, 22/04/2016 09:01 (8 Years ago)
I'm selling her.

Just make an offer.

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Posted: Mon, 18/04/2016 19:35 (8 Years ago)
Huhu, ich hätte gern folgendes:

Einen etwas düsteren Wald, mit einer kleinen Holzhütte, die, wenn es geht, auch etwas spooky aussehen darf. Neben der Holzhütte, rechts, hätte ich gerne einen kleinen Fluss der von oben nach unten, etwas gewunden (wie ist dabei egal), an dem Häuschen vorbei geht. Ich fänd auch diese kleinen Lichtflecken gut, die du bei der Autumn Route gemacht hast. Violette Blumen mit dunklem hohen Gras wären auch schön. Du kannst das natürlich alles deiner Meinung nach sinnvoll einbringen, allerdings fände ich es schön wenn das alles so ungewollt wie möglich platziert wird. Da mal ein Fleckchen Blümchen mit Gras verteilt...sowas eben :D Einen kleinen Steinpfad vom Haus aus auf eine potentielle andere Route wäre auch schön. Der Fluss sollte auch unbedingt eine kleine Brücke haben...ein kleiner Wasserfall oben am Anfang des Flusses wär auch super. Das darf ruhig recht flach sein, weil es einfach nur ein Waldstück ist. Ich find die Bäume aus der letzten Map die du auf deviantart gepostet hast übrigens sehr passend.

An Trainer und Pokémon Sprites hätte ich gerne einmal das Mädchen in grün mit der grünen Schleife und den braunen Haaren. Ich glaube es war das 2. Set welches du verlinkt hattest. VIELE VÖGEL! Kann das gar nicht groß genug schreiben :D Naja gut...eine angemessene Portion Vögel, bitte. Und ein Karnmani am Fluss. Wenn es geht bau ein paar Taubsis ein. Das Mädchen soll auf der Brücke mit dem Gesicht zum Haus stehen.

Und nur um es noch mal feszuhalten:

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Posted: Sat, 12/03/2016 14:35 (8 Years ago)
I'm an hunter called: ninotaurus
..and I'm currently hunting: a shiny-mega Sableye
because: it looks like a golden statue with a lot of gems. And look at that giant green gem... v:
My Slogan is: I don't have one. ö_ö After my shiny mega pidgeot hunt I achived some kind of zen-mode for everything :'D

I also already own this little birb.

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Posted: Wed, 02/03/2016 15:11 (8 Years ago)
He loooks really nice! o: I love the Thylacine gene, it's definetly one of my favourites!

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Posted: Fri, 01/01/2016 19:48 (8 Years ago)
I am buying Gems for 300k treasure total (1:650)

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Posted: Tue, 29/12/2015 12:06 (8 Years ago)
I got around 6 Eggs and hatched 2 with which I'm very happy <3 I'm going to gene them all some day.

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Posted: Sat, 26/12/2015 11:56 (8 Years ago)
@WhiteAndBlack2 How does 15k sound? o:

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Posted: Sat, 26/12/2015 10:49 (8 Years ago)
I'd take Coeus if he is still available. <: How much?

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Posted: Mon, 14/12/2015 13:40 (8 Years ago)
I just fell in love with her

She's so perfect *u*

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Posted: Tue, 08/12/2015 14:46 (8 Years ago)
Kölner und nett, naja, das kann ich so auch nicht gänzlich unterschreiben :'D

Aber die, die eben was zu meckern haben, fallen am meisten auf. So ist das eben.

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Posted: Mon, 23/11/2015 09:04 (8 Years ago)
I got triplets :'D

Anyone interested in one of them?

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Posted: Wed, 18/11/2015 15:34 (8 Years ago)
Lebkuchen? WO WO WO WO ÖnÖ

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Posted: Wed, 18/11/2015 12:20 (8 Years ago)
Hatched this one today

Now I need to make it a spiral and poison one cause look at that beauty v:

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Posted: Fri, 13/11/2015 15:45 (8 Years ago)
I'm buying Gems with Treasure


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Posted: Wed, 11/11/2015 14:21 (8 Years ago)
Selling those

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Posted: Fri, 06/11/2015 14:17 (8 Years ago)
These are my entrys. Good luck to everyone. :]


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Posted: Thu, 05/11/2015 13:02 (8 Years ago)
Selling this one for treasure

Please make a fair offer. My PalPad is open. ^^

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