"Their are 3 ranks Bronze, Silver, and Gold. They higher dis ion
you are the more respect, better quality, life, and equipment you
get. If you are in bronze then the teachers are harder on you. You
get bullied a lot and the food is kinda junky"
''right now i don't really remember much of that battle i had...
but the person i battled with........ his name was gavl'' violet
said, once again carefully sitting up.
she rolled her eye's.
''yeah... already learnt that lesson aeon.....'' she grumbled.
''well now! look's like the young mage is finally awake'' a nurse
said walking over.
violet grabbed the pillow behind her and burried her face into
''everyone in the place know's i can do spell's am i correct....?''
she asked.
''yep'' the nurse said.
she fell backward's onto the bed.
''great....'' she grumbled.
''oh well lucky him...'' she quietly growled.
she looked over at lily with her head tilted.
''could you bring me some book's sis..? i would really like to
read....'' she asked nicely and lily nodded, running off to find
the bag they had brought with them.
violet was already up and out of the infirmiry.
she was in the training room punching and kicking a training dummy
while her sister sat in a corner reading a story book peacefully,
the bag sitting next to her.
"Theirs 2 ways you can win but all involve fighting. You either
beat him or you knock his swords out of his hands but that is not
easy. Trust me I have tried"