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The Dreamer | Non-Lit RP | Open

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP The Dreamer | Non-Lit RP | Open
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 19
Posted: Tue, 05/11/2013 02:33 (10 Years ago)

The Dreamer

~ Introduction ~
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The Noctowl flew over the damp swamp, carefully flapping her wings to make sure her wingbeats were silent. I'm almost to the ocean! I can make it! she thought, soaring through a puffy cloud. She shook off the wet droplets it left on her feathers, and continued to fly.

Then she heard him.

Booming, ferocious wingbeats like thunderclaps in a hurricane. A dry, sour voice that could make a whole berry field wilt.

"I'm not letting you escape." he growled. Zapdos.

The Noctowl flew down below into the swamp, attempting to hide from the Legendary Pokemon. The sparking Pokemon boomed, "I can feel your fear!"

The trees began to part, spreading onto a flat land. The ocean was a mere length away. I can see it!

A huge thunderbolt cut through the air, and the Noctowl was never seen again.

~ Plot ~
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The Legendary Pokemon have tormented regular Pokemon for centuries. The non-legendary Pokemon are confined to their homes, while others live in hiding in fear of the rulers of the region. Many Pokemon have tried to escape the tyranny of the Legendary Pokemon, but few have succeeded.

Legends rose of a Legendary Pokemon that has been asleep since the beginning of time. It is said, if found, this Pokemon will aid the Pokemon who has woken it from its slumber, taking its side.

If only someone could find this sleeping Pokemon....

~ Rules ~
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1) Absolutely NO godmodding or bunnying.
I don't think this should be an issue.
(Bunnying = controlling someone else's character
Godmodding = dodging all attacks, being immortal, etc.)
2) No Legendary characters unless you would like to be a villain of some sort.
You can't be the sleeping Pokemon, of course.
3) No Mary Sues or Gary Stus.
Spark the Shinx
Very fast and strong
Well-known hero in town
4) Use this as your password while filling out the form:
Note: It would be appreciated if you could make a maximum of two posts in a row.

~ Form ~
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Username: (Your PokeHeroes username here)
RP Name: (The name of your character)
Gender: (Female/Male, even if your Pokemon species is genderless)
Pokemon Species: (Pokemon)
Age: (Is your Pokemon young, or old?)
Personality: (Examples: Shy, Bold, Quiet, Defiant, Rebellious)
Appearance: (Please don't overdo it. Things like, say, a white tailtip or a white ear are okay.)
Location: (Where does your character live? Or does he/she wander?)
Other: (This is where the things that don't fit in a category go. Example: Blind, Orphan)
Password: (To make sure you've read everything)

Username: (Insert Username Here)
RP Name: Sparky
Gender: Male
Pokemon Species: Shinx
Age: 6 years old, very young
Personality: Gets into trouble often
Appearance: A regular Shinx, nothing special
Location: In a mountain village nearby Zapdos's castle
Other: Orphaned and then taken in by a male Gogoat
Password: (Insert Password Here)

~ Character List ~
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Username: LunaLinoone
RP Name: Luna
Gender: Female
Pokemon Species: Linoone
Age: Young, 14 years old
Personality: Mostly quiet, but rebellious in the inside
Appearance: A regular Linoone, but with grass green eyes
Location: Wanders, but will stay at a town without a legendary Pokemon guarding it for food and shelter
Other: Orphaned when she was an egg, fended for herself as soon as she hatched

Username: Celestial
RP Name: Tessa
Gender: Female
Pokemon Species: Growlithe
Age: Young (12 in human years)
Personality: Rather defiant, rebellious, and stubborn. Tessa never looks before she leaps, and she likes insulting and arguing with the Pokemon that she thinks are stupid. She's fiercely loyal to her friends, though, although she would never admit it.

Location: Wanders.
Other: Parents are unknown, but Tessa doesn't really care about this fact.

Username: Zoka
RP Name: Rashime
Gender: Male
Pokemon Species: Quilava
Age: Young adult (24 years old)
Personality: Thinks lowly of himself and tends to avoid battle. However he will defend his friends fiercely in case it's needed. He's also very loyal.
Appearance: Just a normal quilava.
Location: He mostly wanders around but he does have this sort of "home" inside a giant hollow tree.
Other: His parents died when he was a kid and his older brother took care of him. This older brother, Tristan, died recently.

Username: Fastrun25
RP Name: Sky
Gender: Male
Pokemon Species: Burmy (Plant)
Age: Young (9 Human years)
Personality: He is shy but nice when you get to know him and become his friend
Appearance: He looks like a normal burmy
Location: Wanders hiding in forests
Other: His family is all dead except his little brother a burmy (sand) Who went missing 1 year ago when his family died But he doesn't know if his brother is alive or dead

Username: Victory_Fire
RP Name: Chnair (Ca-Nair) Van Unser
Gender: Female
Pokemon Species: Sneasel
Age: Young-ish (19 human years)
Personality: She normally keeps to herself, and is normally very shy. Once you get to know her she won't hesitate to show her true personalities.
Appearance: Normal, except one of her three tails is missing (Look at Sneasel's tails.)
Location: She normally keeps to a small rocky shelter in the woods, but she may wander sometimes.
Other: She has a disability in her right leg, so she tends to limp.

Username: iScribble
RP Name: Lady
Gender: Female
Pokemon Species: Poochyena
Age: Young - five in human years.
Personality: Lady is one stubborn pup, she normally has her nose in a place where it doesn't belong, which is one of the biggest things that gets her into trouble. When faced with tough situations, she tries her hardest to be brave and rarely gives up but when it comes to the legendaries, you'll see her shaking. She's extremely protect of any friends she may make, and would do pretty much anything to keep them safe.

Location: In the forest. Her usual hideouts consist of tree stumps and holes in the ground. Basically, anywhere where she feels safe. She tends to wander a bit.
Other: After being stuck in her parents' cave for so long, she couldn't help but go out and explore. Of course, she was wise enough not to go alone, taking her brother Marom with her. But of course, both being young and having no sense of direction got lost and haven't seen each other since. The two were separated after seeing a glimpse of Zapdos flying above them and panicked, each running away from each other and getting lost.

Username: NeverEndingStory
RP Name: Jakob
Gender: Male
Pokemon Species: Pawniard
Age: Adolescent. Roughly 4 or 5 years now. Because he doesn't often pick fights, he not very high leveled.
Personality: Jakob is quiet, but easily irritated. It makes it hard to bear with the Pokemon who don't know him well yet.

Location: He wanders. No real home, and he often gets lonely.
Other: Like all other Pawniards, he cannot speak a word. Only his own siblings know his name.

Username: Moonlight197
RP name: Eclipse
Gender: Male
Pokemon Species: Umbreon
Age: Adolescent. Roughly 8 or 9 in human years.
Personality: Docile and easygoing. He loves to help younger Pokémon train, especially young Eevee. He is very intelligent and prefers not to fight, but when his friends are in danger he never backs down.
Appearance: A normal Umbreon, with a scar on his shoulder.
Location: He lives on a cliff, where he can sit and gaze at the moon.
Other: When he was younger, he loved to battle. He got his scar from fighting a Pokémon stronger than him. He has a brother, a Jolteon named Bolt, but they have been separated for a long time.

Username: Fl4r3Wolf
RP Name: Volt
Gender: Male
Pokemon Species: Elekid
Age: Young, 3-4 Yr Old
Personality: Quiet
Appearance: Just like a normal Elekid, but his right arm is red with black stripes. He got poisoned on that right arm, when he was 1 by a Nidoran (male), and it turned red (Electron can use a slightly stronger Fire Punch). So far, no one has completed curing it.
Location: He lives in a small house, in the middle of the woods. He wanders sometimes.
Other: He was a orphan, his parents got killed when he was born. He has no idea what they look like. A grown up Glaceon adopted him, and lives with him.

Happy RPing!

Linoone from Celestial, and the Aggron from NeverEndingStory!

Please click!
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 127
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 13:02 (10 Years ago)
Username: Celestial
RP Name: Tessa
Gender: Female
Pokemon Species: Growlithe
Age: Young (12 in human years)
Personality: Rather defiant, rebellious, and stubborn. Tessa never looks before she leaps, and she likes insulting and arguing with the Pokemon that she thinks are stupid. She's fiercely loyal to her friends, though, although she would never admit it.
Location: Wanders.
Other: Parents are unknown, but Tessa doesn't really care about this fact.
Password: Zapdos
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 19
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 13:33 (10 Years ago)
( Form accepted! If you would like to begin RPing, you may do so now. I'll add you to the character list. )

Linoone from Celestial, and the Aggron from NeverEndingStory!

Please click!
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 14:01 (10 Years ago)
Username: Zoka
RP Name: Rashime
Gender: Male
Pokemon Species: Quilava
Age: Young adult (24 years old)
Personality: Thinks lowly of himself and tends to avoid battle. However he will defend his friends fiercely in case it's needed. He's also very loyal.
Appearance: Just a normal quilava.
Location: He mostly wanders around but he does have this sort of "home" inside a giant hollow tree.
Other: His parents died when he was a kid and his older brother took care of him. This older brother, Tristan, died recently.
Password: Zapdos
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 760
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 15:23 (10 Years ago)
Username: Fastrun25
RP Name: Sky
Gender: Male
Pokemon Species: Burmy (Plant)
Age: Young (9 Human years)
Personality: He is shy but nice when you get to know him and become his friend
Appearance: He looks like a normal burmy
Location: Wanders hiding in forests
Other: His family is all dead except his little brother a burmy (sand) Who went missing 1 year ago when his family died But he doesn't know if his brother is alive or dead
Password: Zapdos

First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 127
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 22:12 (10 Years ago)
Tup, tup, tup.
Little orange paws scampered through a green meadow. The lush grass crunched under the paws of a solitary Growlithe, running through the seemingly endless field. From the sky, it looked like a streak of orange and black in that infinite color pattern of green and yellow.
Tup, tup, tup.
Tessa loved running through this meadow. Not many Pokemon came here, and the field is so vast that she never ran into anyone yet. Once a Legendary had swooped over the field with searching eyes, but Tessa had hid in an abandoned Buneary burrow in the nick of time. Although the field had no official name, the Growlithe liked to call it "Lush Meadow". The name certainly fit the meadow. Tessa liked to think of this as her meadow, a place where she belongs.
Tup, tup, tup.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 1,380
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 23:09 (10 Years ago)
Username: Victory_Fire
RP Name: Chnair (Ca-Nair) Van Unser
Gender: Female
Pokemon Species: Sneasel
Age: Young-ish (19 human years)
Personality: She normally keeps to herself, and is normally very shy. Once you get to know her she won't heasitate to show her true personalities.
Appearance: Normal, except one of her three tails is missing (Look at Sneale's tails.)
Location: She normally keeps to a small rocky shelter in the woods, but she may wander sometimes.
Other: She has a disability in her right leg, so she tends to limp.
Password: Zapdos

sig by Tokimaru
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2013 23:31 (10 Years ago)
Username: iScribble
RP Name: Lady
Gender: Female
Pokemon Species: Poochyena
Age: Young - five in human years.
Personality: Lady is one stubborn pup, she normally has her nose in a place where it doesn't belong, which is one of the biggest things that gets her into trouble. When faced with tough situations, she tries her hardest to be brave and rarely gives up but when it comes to the legendaries, you'll see her shaking. She's extremely protect of any friends she may make, and would do pretty much anything to keep them safe.
Location: In the forest. Her usual hideouts consist of tree stumps and holes in the ground. Basically, anywhere where she feels safe. She tends to wander a bit.
Other: After being stuck in her parents' cave for so long, she couldn't help but go out and explore. Of course, she was wise enough not to go alone, taking her brother Marom with her. But of course, both being young and having no sense of direction got lost and haven't seen each other since. The two were separated after seeing a glimpse of Zapdos flying above them and panicked, each running away from each other and getting lost.
Password: Zapdos.

(( I hope you don't mind but eventually, I may bring in her brother~ ))
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 19
Posted: Thu, 07/11/2013 01:15 (10 Years ago)
( All forms accepted, I'll add them to the Character List and then you can start RPing.
iScribble - that's fine, I usually accept NPCs.
Also, password has been changed. As of now, forms using the previous password (Zapdos) will not be accepted until corrected. )

Linoone from Celestial, and the Aggron from NeverEndingStory!

Please click!
Trainerlevel: 31

Forum Posts: 760
Posted: Thu, 07/11/2013 02:18 (10 Years ago)
Sky Slowly walked in a green meadow He wasn't a running type of pokemon and was slow and not very strong he Came across a tree in the meadow and hid beside it.

He was a weak pokemon of course and didnt like open places the tree was perfect He loved trees And trying to climb them.
First i didn't know what to put in here but then..
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Thu, 07/11/2013 02:30 (10 Years ago)
Just as she feared, her brother hadn't found her yet and the little Poochyena wasn't sure just what to do about this. Sitting in a tree stump probably wasn't helping her case and she didn't want to go out into the open, not with the rumors that the legendaries were watching for her type. The normal ones who weren't superior like them. Staying out in the open was surely a death wish but maybe it was the only way her brother would find her. In all aspects, he was the older pup, as he had been born just a few minutes before she had, and he was a lot bigger than her, taking after their father.

Crouching, the young Poochyena walked out of the stump she'd been hiding in for the past two days, walking her way through the woods in hopes of finding her sibling. Or even her parents, with their protection, she would certainly be safe. And finding Marom wouldn't be so hard, after all! Maybe he's trying to wait for me to find him.. Gah, I'm so stupid! Marom's gonna kill me! The Poochyena thought, shaking her head as she walked along the main path of the woods, trying to find her way to the open meadow that they had previously been playing in.

She walked for awhile before finally coming to a stop at the edge of the woods. This time she knew to keep an eye out, and first Lady scanned the skies for any sight of the legendary that had hovered above them before scanning the fields before her. While she was watching the field, she noticed little flashes of orange, something that confused her. It seemed small, so maybe, just maybe she'd be okay. Making her approach, at first Lady was slow but eventually, she broke out into a run, eager to meet this other pokemon who was so brave to be out and about. "Hi! I'm Lady! Who are you?" She called out as she finally approached Tessa, standing a few feet from her and watching her curiously.

[[ Gah, sorry for the long posts.. My intros are always long. :P ]]
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Thu, 07/11/2013 10:01 (10 Years ago)
Rashime yawned as he was slowly waking up. He got to his feet and walked out of the tree he was currently living in. He stretched his legs and took a look around him. No danger in sight, that's good. He started walking around the forest, trying to find himself some breakfast.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 127
Posted: Thu, 07/11/2013 22:26 (10 Years ago)
Tup, tup, tup, skiiiiiid.
Tessa screeched to a sudden stop with scrambling paws as she heard a friendly voice. "Uwah!" the little blue-eyed Growlithe yelped, surprised by a sudden streak of black and grey beside her. Then the fire puppy shook her head, inwardly chiding herself for her fear. Not a Legendary, Tessa comforted herself. Besides, no Legendaries are the same size as I am, right?

"I... Um, I'm Tessa." the young Growlithe cautiously introduced herself. This was the first time Tessa had ever run into someone in Lush Meadow. She felt a litle indignant, thinking that this meadow was hers. She had discovered it first. Or that's how it played in her mind, although hundreds of other Pokemon had come here even before Tessa was born. The puppy shook away the foolish thought, though.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Fri, 08/11/2013 00:36 (10 Years ago)
Now Lady felt terrible for startling the Growlithe in front of her though she couldn't help but giggle as she watched her hurry to a stop. For a moment, she had thought that Tessa would keep going but thankfully she had stopped. "Sorry for spooking you, I'm friendly, no worries!" Lady announced, hoping that the same went for this little Growlithe. She seemed to be young, just like herself and this made Lady more curious. It seemed as if she had scared the Growlithe, or maybe that she wasn't welcome here. Maybe both, Lady couldn't be sure until Tessa spoke up.

When she finally did introduce herself, Lady stuck out a paw. "I'm Lady! What are you doing out here in the open? Haven't you seen Zapdos? Don't you know what him and the others do to Pokemon like us?" She questioned, unable to hold her tongue on this matter. Now, she wasn't much better, coming out into the open as well but she felt like she had to. Marom was still missing and she couldn't risk leaving her brother alone. What if he was hurt? Dismissing her thoughts, she turned her full attention onto Tessa again, giving her a curious look.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 1,380
Posted: Fri, 08/11/2013 02:07 (10 Years ago)
Chnair half-crawled out of her rock pile. "Lovely days!" She sang. "Oh lovely days, so full of nature and life! I love Lovely days, good days to be alive!" Then she walked over to a tree, hoping to find a source of berry. Chnair kept humming the tune to her song while she rummages through the leaves. She looked at a Sitrus Berry on a branch next to her after a little rummage. Aha! My berry! She thought. She picked up the berry and shimmied down the tree, then ran back to her rock pile close by.

sig by Tokimaru
Trainerlevel: 6

Forum Posts: 19
Posted: Fri, 08/11/2013 02:23 (10 Years ago)
Luna hunched her burlap bag over her back. Gardevoir soon approached her and tied the bag's string around her neck. "Thanks, Gardevoir," Luna said, "I really appreciate it." Gardevoir nodded. "Are you sure you don't want to stay?" she asked. "Yeah," Luna answered,"I need to keep on traveling."
"I understand..."
"Great, thanks. Maybe I'll stop by sometime."
Luna began to walk away from the small village. Stopping one last time in front of the village, Luna stood up on her back legs, and waved one of her front paws in goodbye. She could see Gardevoir in the short distance, waving back.

Luna began to travel into the swamp. She hopped onto a drier part of the swamp, and shook the water off her paws. Sighing, she stepped back into the murky water. "Hey! Watch it!" a Stunfisk bellowed, hopping out of the water under her. "Sorry!" Luna apologized, speeding up into a small "island" in the middle of the swamp. Panting, she dug a small den under a tree. Jumping into the den, she curled up and closed her eyes. She quickly fell asleep, exhausted.

Linoone from Celestial, and the Aggron from NeverEndingStory!

Please click!
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Fri, 08/11/2013 17:25 (10 Years ago)
Rashime came across some razz berries while aimlessly wandering around. He never got worried about getting lost since he knew this forest like his own pockets, but of course he didn't really have any pockets. Rashime ate a couple of razz berries and then carried on walking. He liked the silence of the forest that surrounded him. This forest, like any other, had probably been full of sounds from various pokemon before. In a way Rashime would've given anything to hear those sounds now so maybe he could pretend everything was alright. But he wasn't, and he liked the peaceful silence.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 127
Posted: Sat, 09/11/2013 01:13 (10 Years ago)
Tessa smiled at the friendly Poochyena, her tail wagging a little bit. Normally she would be snappy and argumentative, but the Growlithe hadn't talked to anyone in awhile. It felt good to use her jaws to do something other than eating. The puppy decided to put up with the over-energetic friendliness. Perhaps she could get over it and make friends with this other canine Pokemon.

"Yeah, I've seen him once before! But only once, I don't think Zapdos bothers checking this meadow. The meadow's pretty bi-i-i-ig!" Tessa woofed, rising onto her hind legs and spreading her front paws out to emphasize the 'big'. "'Course I know what he does! But I'm not scared of him!" the puppy boasted while dropping down on all four paws. She hit the ground harder than expected, though, and her paws splayed out from under her.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Sat, 09/11/2013 21:15 (10 Years ago)
Still no sign of fear, in fact, the Growlithe looked happy to see another Pokemon. And while Lady was happy to see another pokemon being brave enough to be out and about - this wasn't the pokemon that she needed to see. But if pokemon were starting to come out again, maybe that meant it was safe. Maybe that meant that Marom wouldn't need her to come to his rescue and that he wasn't dead in Zapdos' nest. "Oh! That's weird, I figure this would be one of the easiest places to check. Then again, no one comes out in the open anymore, do they?" Lady questioned, even if it was pretty obvious as to what the answer was. No one really came out and those who did usually didn't risk going out in the open such as Lady and Tessa had chosen to do.

"You're not scared? But.. Why not?" Lady questioned, appalled by this Growlithe's bravery. Not only was she bouncing around a meadow like no tomorrow but it was pretty obvious that she wasn't too worried about Zapdos or the others. Did she not know how serious this was? Did she have some sort of special protection from the evil legendaries?

(( Sorry for the semi - late post. Posts will be slower as I have started work and work almost every day. Sorry guys. I'll try to be on daily and post but I can't make any promises. Sorry for any future delays. ))
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Sat, 09/11/2013 21:39 (10 Years ago)
Username: NeverEdningStory
RP Name: Jakob
Gender: Male
Pokemon Species: Pawniard
Age: Adolecent. Roughly 4 or 5 years now. Because he doesn't often pick fights, he not very high leveled.
Personality: Jakob is quiet, but easily irritated. It makes it hard to bear with the Pokemon who don't know him well yet.

Location: He wanders. No real home, and he often gets lonely.
Other: Like all other Pawniards, he cannot speak a word. Only his own siblings know his name.
Password: Articuno