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Fighting a comrade || RP / CLOSED

Forum-Index Roleplay Fighting a comrade || RP / CLOSED
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Mon, 10/11/2014 23:55 (9 Years ago)
I grabbed a towel and wrap it around my hips. I open the door ,but nobody was there. I poke my head out and looked to the left then to the right. "Good, I wanted to be alone" I say. I notice a medium size box at my feet. I carefully picked it up ,check the hallway again ,and then close the door. I scanned the box for any traps. "Doesn't seem to have one I wonder who it's from" I thought. I open it and saw a black trench coat with a card on top of it. It read "Meet me by docks." At the bottom it had in fine print "Bill" ( an old friend).

"He must have something importing to tell or give me" I thought. I put on my clothes when I heard a gun shot outside my window. I peek out the window. He saw an older man with a gun pointed at a younger man. "Sucks to be him" I thought
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 00:35 (9 Years ago)
Derek's eyes glazed over as he stroked the screen of his smartphone. He could feel the data under his fingertips, the coding just waiting to be manipulated. The particular piece of it that he was currently playing with was the camera to the assassin his brother had hired. From what his reputation told, this guy was supposed to be pretty good.

Through his new, second pair of eyes, the man saw a scene before him. He could just make it out. A young man was being attacked by a stranger. The young one, Derek thought he knew. J...something. Or maybe it started with an M... The assassin closed his phone so the view of the scene was now blocked. Geez, who even uses flip phones anymore?

Derek traded his eyes for a new set, this one from a nearby security camera that linked to his connection. He adjusted the angle of it to get a better view, before ending the connection.

"What's up, big bro?" He waltzed into his brother's office with no other announcement of his entrance. He wasn't one for the polite "May I come in?" or even just knocking on the door.

"I don't know how well you've been keeping up on the situation, but it would seem that..." He was once again reminded that he had forgotten the kid's name. He had never been one for names, being one who sees too many at a time. "...'Mohawk Kid'...is under attack. There's a stranger who's threatening death." He lightly tossed his phone into the air, and let it revolve once before catching it again.

"So...what's the plan now, brainiac?"

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 13:53 (9 Years ago)
Jonathan "Johnny-boy" Lee | Leech

The stranger took a step back, Jonathan assumed he was trying to duck out of his reach. His assumption was corrected roughly in a blink of an eye. A loud bang assaulted the young man, sending a sharp pain through his ears. However, he didn't have time to even fully register the ringing in his ears before his left leg exploded in pain.

Surprise was evident on Johnny-boy's face as he stared at the older man just out of his reach with wide eyes for a full second before he fell to the ground with a pained gasp. Propping himself up with an elbow, Jonathan pressed his other hand on the wound, to help cease the bleeding. It hurt though, a lot, and the male ground his teeth together, almost painfully, as he took a few deep breaths.

"Next will shot goes through your head, kid."

Jonathan barely registered the words spoken as realization dawned on him, he was breathing in the gas. Whatever it was, it couldn't have been good. He needed to get away from it, and the lunatic with the gun, and fast. Though he wasn't exactly going to just run away, not with a bullet in his shin.

He could try though.

Glaring daggers at the older man, Jonathan pushed himself upright again and made sure not to put weight on his left leg. However, if he wished to escape, he would have to do so and there wasn't anything to use as crutches either. He was in for some serious pain it seemed. He tried putting a small amount of weight on his injured leg at first and sucked in a sharp breath as he trembled slightly. Alright, he could do it, it wasn't his first time running around injured.

It all happened fast. Jonathan turned a solid 90 degrees and started running along the wall. He almost fell over after landing on his left leg for the first time and tears of pain threatened to fall from his eyes. However, he miraculously did make it to the end of the building and let himself slump to the ground beside the wall after rounding a corner, out of the other's sight.

It was as far as he would go. He had lost too much blood and it couldn't have been the only reason for his heavy eye lids, it had to be the gas. Jonathan needed help, he couldn't deny it any longer.

Pressing one hand on the wound again, the youngster fumbled for his phone with shaky fingers. He got blood all over before he raised it to his ear after hitting the last contact on his call history, "Ray".

Come on, come on. Pick up, pick up.

The dialling tone that he could barely hear from over the ringing in ears, was making him anxious and edgy. The seconds ticked by and his vision started swimming as he tried to force himself to stay conscious.

The Black Assassin

The man remained calm as the shot was fired, his finger didn't even twitch on the trigger. The stranger had clearly avoided a fatal shot and only aimed to stop the stupid kid. The mohawk was still very much alive which meant the assassin would stay hidden. However, if the kid insisted on running around with a bullet in his leg, he would just end up killing himself which would cause problems for the man in black.

The assassin got up calmly after the boy disappeared out of sight, he needed a new spot if he wished to keep an eye on the idiot. Gathering his equipment with speed granted from years of practice, he was on the move, silently and quickly.

Daniel Fausto | Red Puppeteer

His brother had no manners. Not that it was news to him, it just irritated him that the underlings got some stupid ideas to treat him with less respect when Derek acted like they were on a playground. Not that it could be helped, he just had to remind people to respect him once in a while.

"By all means, come on in."

Daniel raised an eyebrow at his younger brother, though he never really commented on Derek's lack of manners, besides sarcastic remarks. He always had a soft spot for the kid and they were brothers after all, it would just be weird if Daniel demanded his own brother to treat him the same as any other person who worked for him.

"I don't know how well you've been keeping up on the situation, but it would seem that... ...'Mohawk Kid'...is under attack. There's a stranger who's threatening death."

"So...what's the plan now, brainiac?"

Daniel leaned back in his chair as he waved his hand dismissively at his brother.

"The plan remains the same. Strangers can threaten lil' Johnny as much as they want, the assassin I hired knows his stuff and he'll intervene if things start looking bad. This didn't go exactly as planned but the outcome will still be the same."

He didn't even bother asking his brother how he knew of the attack already, the punk had probably hacked into something or slipped something on the assassin, which kind of made the older of the two proud. If Derek had managed to slip a camera or something else on the gear of a trained assassin, he was good. He could have expected nothing less from his brother.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 123
Posted: Fri, 14/11/2014 15:32 (9 Years ago)
Pacer simply watched the kid as he scaled the building, walking briskly back to his car as he revealed a small handheld device. "Even if he is just some punk, he's not going far without my knowing." On the device displayed a 2-dimensional image of the city's plane, stretching far enough to view the countryside.

Jaden paused to look back at the blood trail, the streak of red that escalated the wall. "Not far at all." Jaden resumed his pace toward his Cobra. That bullet would be in there long enough for him to trace the kid later. He'd get answers when he found him next. Run home, punk. Run home.

Koji Clutch time
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Thu, 27/11/2014 21:45 (9 Years ago)
Trix suddenly stood up, putting her arms behind her head. "Hey, I'm gonna go submit my essay, maybe go punch some criminals in the face after, kay?" Trix walked back up the stairs, proceeding to her computer, submitting the huge assignment. She shoved the laptop into her backpack, pulling her "hero costume," as she called it, out of her bag, zipping the flap shut. She stepped into one of the bathrooms, pulling on her costume. She took her normal clothes and shoved them into her bag, trading them out fora whip, which she hitched onto her belt. "A'right, all ready to go!" She said to herself. "Kay, I'mma just jump outa the window now byyyyyeeee!" Trix called out as she leapt out of one of the windows, shifting into a falcon in midair, gliding over the city.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 123
Posted: Mon, 15/12/2014 02:34 (9 Years ago)
(As an update, I don't think Iliftbro and Carsh are going to be showing back up to this forum or site, so if anyone wants to continue the story please don't hesitate.)

Koji Clutch time
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Tue, 16/12/2014 21:25 (9 Years ago)
It took Ray a while to realize his phone was ringing because of his loud music. When he did he turned the music off and answered it.

"Yo it's Ray, say what you gonna say." Ray waited for a response from the other end.
See the lightning in your eyes
See 'em running for their lives

The Offspring-You're Gonna Go Far Kid

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 123
Posted: Fri, 09/01/2015 15:49 (9 Years ago)
(Just as an update and a reminder about this thread's existence, I haven't posted in a while because my character hasn't really found much to do yet. Just wanted to let you know what's going on.)

Koji Clutch time
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Sat, 10/01/2015 15:03 (9 Years ago)
Jonathan "Johnny-boy" Lee | Leech


Jonathan let out a small sigh of relief when he heard Ray's voice. Trying to sound nonchalant, the black haired male replied while trying to keep his eyes open.

"Heeey Raaaay, you know, I kind of got in some trouble."

The male let out a brief chuckle. The level of 'screwed up' he was in was quite amusing, at least in his hazy mind. The chuckle, however, died when he applied a bit more pressure on his bleeding leg and a hiss escaped his lips. With a more serious tone this time, Jonathan resumed talking as it became harder to stay awake.

"I'm not too far away, you know, that burned complex north from the school. You see, I can't walk... right now and someone... needs to... come pick... me..."

It grew harder to speak with every word and before he could finish his sentence, he heard a dull thud from beside him. Shifting his eyes lazily towards the sound, Jonathan spotted his bloody phone on the ground. What was it doing there, wasn't it in his hand?

Involuntarily, his eyes slipped shut and darkness greeted him as his body went limp.

Rhiannon "Ricky" Anderson | Aviator

Ricky barely had time to finish her sentence when Trix spoke up suddenly.

"Hey, I'm gonna go submit my essay, maybe go punch some criminals in the face after, kay?"

"...Okay then. Don't draw too much attention to yourself though."

After Trix walked away, Ricky turned her attention back to Molly but before she could say anything, she heard a shout from down the hall.


Looking up, she spotted a woman rushing towards them with a man following close behind. Confused, Ricky straightened back up as she addressed the two adults coming towards them.

"Excuse me, what are you-"

Ricky didn't even have time to finish her question before she got answer.

"I changed my mind!"

The woman exclaimed as she took a hold of Molly's hand.

"I can't do this, it's too dangerous. I'm sorry."

Realization clicked in Ricky as the woman started tugging the young girl towards her, protectively. So these were Molly's parents, she had never met them in person so she hadn't recognized them right away.

"I understand, take care."

Ricky didn't really have anything else to say as the two of them started leading Molly away. She was slightly disappointed that they wouldn't get to help out with the young hero-to-be but the timing was indeed inconvenient. Perhaps in the future, she'd meet Molly again.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Thu, 22/01/2015 07:35 (9 Years ago)
[Okies. Here goes nothing]

Matilda, was in no way, a happy camper.

Well, pondering the thought, she noted that she would probably end up sitting in the shadows, watching the other campers sing songs around the fire. A grim smile curled her lips for a brief moment as she tugged absentmindedly at her backpack strap. She had a habit of doing that when she was preoccupied with her thoughts.

Letting her eyes scout out the area she was in, Mattie dully took in the details. She was in a more peaceful area of the city, the houses freshly painted and every lamppost in its place. It certainly was more cheerful than some places in the city she knew.

As she left the area, heading for home, she glanced back, seeming to have something in mind. Whatever it was, she quickly brushed it away, making room for other thoughts as she broke into a sprint. She eventually stopped in front of a two-story white house with a few balconies scattered along the walls in a seemingly random pattern. Without stopping to use the old-fashioned brass door knocker, Mattie twisted the doorknob and flung the door open with enough force to make it slam against the inside wall, making quite a noise.

"I'm home!" She called out as she slipped off her backpack and headed into the kitchen.

The kitchen was a normal kitchen besides the fact it was overloaded with all unfinished paintings and different kinds of art supplies. During mealtimes, the out-of-place things were pushed aside to a little corner. However, whenever the kitchen wasn't used, it was Liza's studio.

Liza, Matilda's foster mother, looked up from her work to smile at her daughter. She was wearing her "artsy" outfit: a paint-splattered white shirt and gray sweatpants with a similarly paint-splattered white apron. Liza's brown orbs momentarily glanced at her daughter when she walked into the kitchen/studio before turning her attention back to the empty canvas in front of her. Liza was seated on a rickety wooden three-legged stool, her left arm outstretched slightly in front of her holding a paintbrush daintily.

"Mattie, dear, could you get me that box by the teapot?" Liza requested serenely, referring to a medium-sized brown box still bound tightly by sticky yellow tape.

Mattie nodded and trod over, easing the box off the table, careful not to bump into anything as she carried it over to her mother. The sticky tape clung to her skin even when she attempted to drop it, and it peeled off after an intense tug that caused her eyes to water. Liza frowned disapprovingly at the box, shaking her head as she dropped her paintbrush and took a pair of double-bladed scissors from her apron pocket.

"I really dislike it when that happens. Delivery people can't even bother to remember to not use double-sided tape," Liza told her daughter as she cut through the tape with some difficulty. The tape was sticking to the metal as she cut through, forcing her to jerk the scissors at certain points.

"How was school?" Liza inquired as she pulled on a pair of old gardening gloves lying nearby and began to peel the tape off, wrinkling her nose in disgust as she did so.

Matilda's face darkened considerably, which her mother immediately took note of. Liza returned the scissors to their original place before looking at her daughter with clear concern, the unopened box momentarily forgotten. Pulling off the gardening gloves, Liza shifted into a more comfortable position on her stool before speaking. "What happened?"

Her daughter's shoulders sagged before replying in a monotone. "Detention for the rest of the week."

Liza raised an eyebrow, which unlike her electric blue hair, was a nice dark brown. "What did you do this time?" Liza asked, both curious and concerned.

"I may or may not have knocked someone unconscious," Mattie admitted sheepishly, her fingers playing with a stray lock of hair.

"Mattie," Liza scolded her with two syllables. "I'm not going to ask for the details. I wanted to show you something, and I don't want your troubles with the rest of the school spoil this one."

Relief flooded the young teen, but Liza hastily added, "Your father, however, will probably have something to say about this."

Noting that her mother refused to give her a false sense of security, Matilda sighed and looked down at the box in Liza's lap. "So what's in the box, Mum?"

Liza opened the box with relative ease, pulling out its contents. "See for yourself."

Matilda was taken aback at the sudden purple that swam into her eyes. She blinked twice, her eyes adjusting to the new color, and began to take in what it was. It was a hooded cloak of a rich purple that somehow seemed to reflect the fading light from the windows, causing anyone who looked for too long to become somewhat blind. The edges of the hood and the hem of the cloak were embroidered with strange astral symbols, some vaguely familiar to Matilda, some completely alien. The cloth seemed to shimmer with a billion different shades of purple whenever it moved, giving it a mysterious yet beautiful appearance.

"Woah," Mattie murmured, staring at the strange fabric. "Whose is it?"

Liza smiled brightly, folding the cloak neatly and returning it to the box. "Yours. I was browsing through some catalogs and saw it. I thought you might like it," Liza explained, shutting the box tight and pushing it into a stunned Mattie's hands.

"But, you didn't have to get me anything!" Matilda, having regained her senses, protested.

"Consider it an early birthday present, sweetie. I'm glad you like it," Liza smiled, dismissing her with a wave.

Matilda opened her mouth to protest, but Liza turned her back already having picked up her paintbrush and dipped it into a can of paint. With a reluctant sigh, she headed out the kitchen, up the stairs, and into her room, dropping the box onto her bed. Not even bothering to get out of her school clothes, Mattie opened the box once more, pulling out the beautiful cloak. There was a superhero fad going on with all the crime going around the city, and the cloak certainly looked like something you could wear to a costume party.

Looking at it now, watching it shimmer along with the last rays of the sun, Matilda was shot with a feeling of foreboding. "I wonder..." She thought out loud, turning to her wardrobe and flinging it open, rummaging for something.

Clothes were pushed aside hastily in a messy manner, until she triumphantly emerged with a a parcel wrapped in brown paper and tied with twine. The twine had been untied before, only to be knotted back soon after. Matilda hadn't given it much thought then, but now...

She brought the parcel to the bed and tugged at the twine, attempting to pull it off instead of untying it due to her impatience. It wouldn't budge. With a frustrated sigh, Matilda felt her fingers grow warmer in irritation. Grabbing the twine again, it crumbled to ashes at the sudden rising of her body heat. Matilda impatiently ripped off the brown paper, causing its contents to tumble on to her bed covers.

A folded tunic, a sleeveless black garment with silver latches, lay on top of a folded pair of black trousers. Matilda placed her hand against the clothing, recalling that night just a few months ago when her parents bought her this for Christmas. She'd liked them, but never really got to use them.

Quickly dressing herself into them, Matilda then cautiously pulled the purple cloak on, hood on. She turned to her mirror, eyes lighting up in delight as she saw herself.

"Oh wow, I look like something from a freaking comic book," She muttered in awe.

The cloak was long enough to conceal her trousers, ending at her ankles. With the hood on, her dark blue eyes sparkling out of the darkness, and the cloak shimmering like an aurora of purples, she certainly looked like something from a magic realm. Her bare feet, after having kicked her sneakers off, however, kind of ruined it. Mattie fixed that by grabbing her purple combat boots studded with silver diamonds (she did have quite the fancy for silver and black) - which was reserved for special occasions - from the wardrobe and slipping them on.

Mattie spent a moment taking note of how well she'd fit in a Marvel Comic right then when her mother called from downstairs, announcing dinner. She quickly got dressed into her normal clothes, carefully securing her future Halloween costume in the box which had previously held only the cloak. Her boots, however, she shoved back into her wardrobe before heading downstairs.

[Meep, had to end it quickly. Plus was getting too long c:]

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Sat, 24/01/2015 20:16 (9 Years ago)
[Two days? Bump.]

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 123
Posted: Sat, 24/01/2015 21:19 (9 Years ago)
Now that one threat was out of the way, Jaden thought of the benefits of either tracking the kid or moving in on the building. The framework wasn't going anywhere for now, but what exactly would some punk kid know about his old administration going under in a flash? He stowed himself inside the large destroyed construct and planted a small device, well out of view from anyone entering, on the wall nearest the door.

"Another question I have is why some punk would still run toward a man with a gun knowing it's aimed at him," he pondered, "It doesn't make any sense. Did he need to get close to me for some reason? I didn't see anything come from his hand when he leaped toward me." Regardless, with that small device in place he would know if he would need to return. "Time to see what I can do with the kid."

Jaden walked briskly back to his car and fired the Cobra's engine-after doing his usual inspection of traps after leaving any of his positions for more than 10 seconds, of course. "The kid can't've gone too far. I wouldn't doubt it if he passed out from the blood loss." Jaden threw his car into first gear and drove toward the kid's current location, rightfully shifting into fifth just seconds after.

Koji Clutch time
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Sun, 01/02/2015 15:22 (9 Years ago)
As she shared the results of her day at the dinner table, Matilda watched cautiously for her parents' reactions. They didn't seem too miffed about her getting detention, but she did hate to disappoint them. They continued the rest of dinner with a lighter air, her father telling jokes and her mother making jabs at them.

A knock at the door cut through the middle of one of Jake's puns and the entire family froze. Mattie felt the hairs at the back of her head tingle ever so slightly. Who'd call at this hour? Glancing back at her parents, she caught them exchanging wary glances.

"I'll get it, Liza," Her father muttered tensely, making to get up from his chair.

Liza was standing in a flash, her hand curled around her husband's arm tightly. "I'm coming with you, Jake. No one ever calls at this hour," She said firmly.

Matilda watched the strange scene with interest, feeling her hands warm up in anticipation and fear. Jake looked like he was going to protest, but sighed in defeat at the last moment. "In that case, we'll have to take along Mattie," He pointed out, but pulling his wife along nevertheless.

With an imploring look from her mother, Matilda obliged to stand up and follow her parents to the front door, which her father opened. A friendly-looking portly middle-aged man stood there, a toothy smile forever plastered to his face. "Hello, I'm looking for a Jake Frazer?"

Jake scowled at him, his wife's grip tightening on his arm. "That would be me," He tersely replied.

It was astonishing to find out how a friendly smile could turn sinister in a matter of seconds. "We've been looking for you," The man hissed in an almost garbled accent.

Two much larger shadows loomed from behind him, and Liza slammed the door in his face, letting go of her husband's arm. She grabbed Mattie's arm, tugging at it so hard that Mattie felt like she was trying to pull her arm off. "Run!" she yelled, her feet already on it as the door was kicked down.

Matilda found her feet obeying, managing to glance back and watch her father seemed to be gathering smoke around his body, finally hurling a stream of it towards the three inhumanly tall men in the doorway. The oddities were forced to their knees, and Jake was already running beside his wife and daughter when they came to their senses.

As her mother drew back her slender arm, light molecules swirling around it as she fired them off in the form of glowing bullets towards the attackers, Matilda felt even more stunned. She'd lived with them for almost six years, yet she'd never knew they were like her.

They abruptly halted by the stairs, Jake lifting his own arms, letting the fire join with its origin. Mattie could do nothing but watch as the three oddities stumbled closer, seemingly resistant from their attacks. Liza briefly glanced at her terrified daughter, her brown eyes softening. "Mattie, love, be a dear and call the police," She requested, serenely as ever with a placating smile.

Nodding slowly, Matilda reached for the nearby telephone, dialing the police station, her numb fingers fumbling to find the right combination. The phone was picked up, and there was a "hello?" from the other end.

Matilda suddenly realized her mouth was dry, and her hands were trembling. "Please. We're being attacked on 112 Rowna Avenue, the white house in the middle. M-my parents are holding off the attackers," She almost whispered, her breathing shaky.

The reply was suddenly more alert, assuring her that they'd be there ASAP. Mattie heard nothing but the ringing in her ears. Her blood pumped through her body even louder, adrenaline rushing through her veins, sharpening her senses. The phone dropped to the floor with a dull thump, Mattie's eyes fixed steadily at the supernatural capabilities her parents now showed. Liza had stopped and turned to her daughter, shaking her shoulders with those glowing arms...those...bright arms...

"...not safe with us," Liza's words suddenly came through. "Mattie, head to the basement."

"You never let me go to the basement," Matilda managed, her tone even somewhat incredulous.

Liza's brown eyes were serious now, the corner of her mouth turning down. "You have permission now. There's a trunk there, Mattie. Open it, you should find that the bomb in there will explode within less than ten minutes. Should be enough time to get you out. Also, your birthday present. Get to your room, pack what you need, and run from this house. Run until you can't see it burning."

It took her several moments to process what Liza meant. "Mum-"

Liza shut her eyes, tears beginning to trickle down her rosy cheeks. She forced herself to push Mattie towards the direction of the basement. "Your father and I are special, Matilda," She said, her voice cracking. Matilda knew she was serious when she called her by her full name. "But you are even more so. You and the rest of the heroes out there may be the only things standing in the Web's way. I knew that the day I stepped into the orphanage's nonexistent garden."

And suddenly...memories. Memories flashing through Matilda's brain. Things clicked, and she found herself choking back a sob as she realized...what these two strange adults had done for poor little her. Because these two weren't her foster parents. No, they were so much more. Resistance was futile. "I love you guys," Matilda sobbed out. "My parents. Real ones. Not foster."

Liza took a step back, and Matilda fled. She barely noticed her feet flying down the basement's stairs, her hands shoving the trunk open with one hot touch of the lock. Her hands, carrying the precious large parcel. She didn't stop to glance at her parents when she headed for her room. If she did, she'd realize they were now fighting hand-to-hand with the attackers. Her room now. Her small suitcase, filling up with clothes, shoes, the books she needed.....and the last gifts her parents ever gave her. She shoved the two parcels in, locked the suitcase tight, and grabbed her coat. How long had it been? Five minutes?

There was no room for hesitation when she tugged her suitcase to her balcony and jumped. The suitcase cushioning her fall, she didn't pause to moan about how her back hurt. She jumped to her feet, dragging the suitcase with her, not looking back. Seven minutes passed, and Matilda was four blocks away, adrenaline pushing her. That was when the house exploded.

Mattie heard the explosion from so far away, and she paused to let a tear fall.

"Goodbye," Mattie thought, her grip loosening on the suitcase.

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sun, 01/02/2015 16:13 (9 Years ago)
Trix was flying over the neighborhoods in her hawk form, when suddenly one of the houses randomly exploded. "Holy-!" She managed to say before the aftershock nearly blew her out of the air. She spotted a single figure running from the house, continuing to run for a couple blocks. She realized that the figure had probably been inside the house just minutes before. When the explosion went off, Trix noticed that the figure paused for a moment, frozen in place. Trix swooped down, shifting into human form just in front of the girl. "Hey, do you know what caused that explosion back th-" Trix saw the girl's face, a single tear dripping from her eye. "Oh... Oh, you poor thing..." She said, embracing the young girl. She couldn't have been older than 14, but her grief seemed to age her. As Trix embraced the young girl, she seemed to crumple up and collapse, her bag slipping from her grip. "Shh, shh, it's ok. Just... Just let it all out." She mumbled into the girl's ear as she combed her fingers through the girl's strange blue hair. It somehow reminded Trix of her own hair, which she dyed on a regular basis to keep from looking too noticeable. Trix scooped up the girl and grabbed her bag. "C'mon, we'd better get out of here before the cops show up. It's ok, I got a place to chill 'til this blows over. Me an my friends can help ya, ok? Now hold on, kay baby?" Trix said as a pair of pure white wings sprouted from her back. She jumped into the air, flying over the city, careful not to drop any of her newfound cargo.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 123
Posted: Sun, 01/02/2015 17:32 (9 Years ago)
While scouting for the Kid in his Cobra, Jaden noticed a pair of white wings hovering high above the cityscape, carrying what seemed to be a child toward the direction of where that punk who had attacked him was going. "Freaks run together, it seems." He hesitated to put a hole in the body where the figures' lives had been with a single bullet, but he refrained. "We're all going to the same place, it seems. I will see-at least-you three there."

(I noticed a slight discrepancy in a previous post, SandeviRae: you had mentioned that you were carrying a backpack while launching from the window into your hawk form. I don't understand how you were carrying you backpack as a standard-sized hawk.)

Koji Clutch time
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sun, 01/02/2015 18:07 (9 Years ago)
(Oh, whoops)
(Of course, I never said my hawk form was standard sized, I just said I was a hawk)
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Tue, 03/02/2015 14:17 (9 Years ago)
There was no other word for it, really. Matilda was numb. Literally and figuratively.

She'd just lost the two things that were remotely close to being her parents, and now she was being carried across the sky by some winged shapeshifting girl in the bitter cold night air.

Matilda never really had heard of red-haired angels. Wasn't there a rumor that gingers had no souls? But right now her whimsical mind had pretty much no filter. It didn't exactly help that she vaguely recalled seeing the girl appearing from the sky as an incredibly large hawk, then landing and transforming into a clothed redhead right in front of her. Normally she'd be embarrassed to be seen crying. But tonight, she made an exception.

"...you and the rest of the heroes out there may be the only things standing in the Web's way..."

The Web. They were some sort of organization that recently rose to power. Mattie didn't know the details. She usually did her best to steer clear of anything that involved supernatural abilities. Ironically, she couldn't really steer clear of herself, could she? Her father worked for the Web. So logically speaking, if they killed him and his wife, giving it a shot at Mattie's life...then her father must have done something.

Mattie's dark, stormy orbs seemed to flash for a moment, and for a moment, the dried tears on her cheeks didn't seem relevant to the current situation. She let out one last shaky sob, her fear and misery and loss turning into a strange, new emotion: lust for revenge. She let it course through her body, returning adrenaline to her veins, pounding throughout her body. Her vision cleared, her senses sharpening rapidly. She felt the tingling warmth of fire beneath her fingertips...just waiting to be summoned and unleashed.

"Dumb question. Are you an angel?" She inquired her savior, who she now just realized was carrying her suitcase as well.

Shapeshifting, in her opinion, was really cool. It was a pity she was stuck with ergokinesis with the constant flaw of possibly killing herself.

She decided to pitch in what was left of her logic. Her mind was awhirl with mixed emotions, questions, and of course, recurring images of her last memory of her parents. Fighting for their lives. For her. "Where are we headed?" She managed to croak out.

As if on cue, a clearly neglected school building loomed into view, and its stability was questionable under the dim light of the moon. With her luck, Mattie reckoned, it would collapse the moment she stepped inside. She pondered this grim idea for a moment before stashing it in one of her memory reserves for later. There was a time and place for questioning one's chances of dying suddenly after skirting the edges of death.

[I just took that out of the first post, by the way owo.]

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 03/02/2015 15:44 (9 Years ago)
"Oh, we're goin to the other heroes. Oh and yeah, I'm not an angel. Mom was though, but she's gone now. After I talk to the others, we're headin' to my apartment, kay?" Trix said, gliding through an open window. She dropped the suitcase and backpack onto the couch she had been doing her homework on only a few hours ago. "Hey guys! I found an adorable super! Can I keep her? Oh and that's a rhetorical question, I'm keeping her anyways!" Trix called, her hand on the girl's shoulder. "Hey, what's yer name anyways?" Trix was just a couple inches taller than the teenage girl, about half a foot. "I'm Druid, though around these nerds I'm called Trix." She stopped to think for a moment. "How old are you anyways?"
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Tue, 03/02/2015 16:03 (9 Years ago)
[wut, but how does Trix know she's a super D:]

Matilda blinked. So much had happened in the past half hour...it was really somewhat confusing.

"Heroes?" She stated out loud, realization dawning upon her. "You're fighting the Web? Right?" She asked, thinking that her question sounded stupid and repetitive.

At Trix's question, Matilda had to focus for a few minutes before even remembering her name and age. Those bits of information seemed so insignificant, now that her parents were gone. "Matilda. Matilda Psyche Haywire. I'm 14," She answered, failing to note that the next week was her birthday.

The first birthday she'd not celebrate since she was adopted all those years ago.

[So short x.x Need to sleep and yeah]

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 03/02/2015 17:36 (9 Years ago)
(*glares lasers into dragonical's head*)
(Don't post in rps you're not a part of >:U)
(It's terribly annoying and it interrupts whatever the rpers are doing)

(Her hair 030)

Trix shrugged. "I pretty much just punch whatever's causin' the trouble. Oooo, haywire huh? Awesome name!" Trix looked at the girl, noticing that there were faint bags under her eyes, and she seemed somewhat tired. "I'mma just go change outta my suit, then we'll be off, alright?" Trix said as she pulled her normal clothes out of bag. She went to the bathroom and switched clothes, reemerging less than 5 minutes later. She scribbled a note on a piece of paper, slapping it onto the coffee table. "Alright, time to go." She said, hoisting the girl onto her back, grabbing the bags with a long and scaly double-pronged tail that she had just sprouted. "Hold on tight, kay?" Trix said as she slipped out of the window, climbing up the bricks of the building to the roof. Once she had made it to the roof, her arms developed into a large pair of leathery wings, much like that of a dragon. She winced as she heard the sleeves of her t-shirt tear. "Whoops, I always forgot about that. Oh well." She said to herself as she took off, flying into the clouds. She flew in the direction of her little apartment on the edge of town.