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Fighting a comrade || RP / CLOSED

Forum-Index Roleplay Fighting a comrade || RP / CLOSED
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Mon, 03/11/2014 17:34 (9 Years ago)

-Unfortunately, I'm not accepting new players into this RP for the time being-

The world was corrupt, money ruled over everything and crimes infested the cities. The wealthy had the justice and the poor could only accept their lives as they were. No change for the better was to be even hoped. That was until few individuals with extraordinary gifts showed up seemingly out of nowhere.

They took justice to their own hands and fought the wicked, bringing a sense of safety back to the hearts of the common folk. However, the hope was short lived. These humans with inhuman abilities, superheroes as people called them, were scattered across cities, fighting on their own. The help they offered was far more than welcome but too little in the long run.

One of these heroes realized the importance of teamwork and comrades and began gathering the heroes scattered around the country under his wings, training them. A squad of superheroes was formed, it might have been small but it was organized and full of trust.

This unity of heroes, Squad One, was successful in cleaning the street of the human scum and basked in the affection of the common folk. The government acknowledged the The Squad One and let them continue their work in peace. For five years, it seemed like everything was going great for everyone. The crime rates were down and justice could be bought with money no more.

Then, a tragedy struck.

The one who brought the heroes together, the one whose desire to help and will to never back down made cleaning the cities possible, turned on his own comrades.

Perhaps his sanity was never quite stable. Perhaps his personal life pushed him into it. Or perhaps he had been going mad with power all along, slowly but surely. However, the reason behind his actions mattered not as he struck down the ones who trusted him and brought the world onto its knees in a blink of an eye.

The traitor kept the government and people at bay with the help of an organization he had been building in the shadows, behind everyone's backs. This organization was known as Web. The rules were simple, do as the Web says or suffer the consequences. People obeyed, the easy or the hard way.

The remaining Squad One were in a roller coaster of emotions as they dealt with the loss and betrayal of their leader.

Can they bring down the man that was once their comrade or will they fall apart without even trying?


Quote from Current 'teams'
Squad One:
Rhiannon "Ricky" Anderson | Aviator
Jonathan "Johnny-boy" Lee | Leech
Tarapuawhai "Tara" | Thorn
Allan Wade | Al
Vannister Krakalenge | Genocide
Vennidal Krakalenge | Trojan
Ethan Smoak | Shiver
Lyric | Howling wolf

Newbies to S1:
Bellatrix "Trix" Cadaver | Druid
Matilda Psyche Haywire | None, later Khao
Theia Kamy | Terran

Diana | Trident
Raymond "Ray" Bronson | Volt
Chelsea Ward | Nighthawk
Amelie Ackerman | Tronia

Daniel Fausto | Red Puppeteer
Derek Fausto | The Hacker
Nieves Eikenboom | Chimera

Wild cards:
Morrigan Mayfield | Queen of Hearts
Jaden Mag | Pacer

Due to the character limit on posts, the whole character list couldn't be included here. You can find it by following this link:

-The list of all characters-

Rhiannon "Ricky" Anderson | Aviator

Three months.

Three whole months had passed since Daniel Fausto -no, Red Puppeteer- had attacked his own team, Squad One, and stepped in as the leader of Web. No one had anticipated such an event to take place and Web took control frighteningly fast with overwhelming power.

Thankfully, Squad One wasn't in ruins yet. They had managed to regroup while nursing their wounds and they had even acquired a new member, Druid, in their ranks. However, Ricky wasn't quite sure how she felt about little Molly hanging around as well. Though as long as she was kept out of immediate danger, Ricky would be okay with it for the time being.

Ricky sighed as she glanced out of the window of their makeshift headquarters. She was wearing bright blue jeans, a red tank top and trainers of the same color. Her violet jacket with yellow lines running along the fabric vertically was draped over one of the chairs in the room. Her mood was far from what the happy colors she wore might have suggested.

They used to have a tower in the middle of the city with all kinds of fancy technology and equipment. After Web rose to power, the remainder of Squad One had been labelled as outlaws and they had been forced to hiding for the time being. However, they had still needed a place to gather and thus, they had moved into an old school building in the outskirts of Alle city. The paint on the walls was going to rack and ruins, almost everything was broken, there was dust everywhere and Ricky had found few leaks from here and there during the time they had spent in the building so far.

Despite the poor state of their hideout, it had still provided the team the shelter they had needed during their time of recovery. Most physical wounds healed over time but the blond woman doubted none of them would turn out okay mentally any time soon.

However, no matter how much the team was in ruins, they just couldn't let Web keep doing as they please. Red Puppeteer was the leader of Squad One and it was his team's responsibility to stop him. Besides, Ricky wouldn't rest until she squeezed answers out of Daniel, she needed to know why. They had fought side by side for five bloody years, what on earth could have made him resort to becoming the very thing they had fought against?

To get those answers, the team would have to forget past ties and do what was necessary for the city, even if it meant fighting their comrade.

Jonathan "Johnny-boy" Lee | Leech


Jonathan Lee was pissed off. At least if the school desk he had just broken was anything to go by. The young man wasn't even completely sure who he was angry at. Himself for trusting the man that was now the number one villain, said villain for betraying them, the whole team for being taken down so easily or at every common folk in the city for doing whatever Web wants.

Green converse squeaked against the floor briefly as Johnny-boy took a step back and sat on the teacher's desk. His black hair and jeans disappeared into the dimly lit class room easily but his green footwear and T-shirt were easy to spot for any passers-by. With his form slumped, grey eyes stared at nothing.

It wasn't unusual for the mohawked male to spent time breaking things in that particular class room, it was his way of coping with things. It was easier to break a hand while smashing a desk in half than accept reality.

Daniel Fausto | Red Puppeteer

"What do you mean you can't find them? I thought I had hired a capable assassin to locate and get rid of the freaks hiding in terror not an amateur wannabe ninja."

Dressed in a clean black suit, Daniel glared at the man before him. The assassin was dressed completely in black with his mask in his hands. He didn't seem intimidated by the famous Red Puppeteer's angry words and he just bowed his head before responding.

"I apologize for my slow progress. However, I'm certainly closing in, I just need more time."

"Fine, keep searching."

Daniel huffed in annoyance as the black assassin turned to leave but stopped as the villain continued.

"And don't you dare come back again unless you have anything valuable to report."

Not giving the other man another glance, the infamous Red Puppeteer turned on his heels and walked behind his desk. Sitting down, the man let his eyes roam in the former tower of Squad One, he had always been fond of the place and it was more than fitting to have become the head office of Web.

He was well on his way of successfully establishing a crime free Alle city but he couldn't rest as long as his former team was still running around. He should have killed or at least imprisoned them when he had attacked them. However, he had been soft, he had let his emotions prevent him from acting logically and now he needed to fix his past mistakes. His former team would not understand his vision and would definitely get in his way, Daniel needed to eliminate that threat.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 123
Posted: Mon, 03/11/2014 22:25 (9 Years ago)
Passing by the pawns of their earth, the city that had once given him some sort of purpose but now lies there defenseless, always wanting to be saved but never wanting to do the saving, watching pain being inflicted on their 'resources' while expecting to be paid with a crippled hand, Jaden 'Pacer' Mag strolled down the pitiful streets, reading the memoir from his friend Richard Sledge about the company he had been aligned with years ago. "Another lead. At any rate, I'll find them. I need more intelligence from the old HQ, but that's an eventual goal; not much I can do with a condemned, burned building."

To his left, a woman and her child are being attacked by three thugs. Firing off his pistol through the body-where the life soon left one goon-while grappling the arm of another, Pacer throws a lead pipe lying at his feet to the son. "Make yourself useful. Time to fend for yourself; I've made it fair enough." While dragging the second thug toward him, he lifts his boot to fracture the skull of the ruffian. Pacer then walks away, expecting to hear one of two headlines: 'Vigilante Hero Saves Mother and Son' or 'Local Gang Claims Another Victim.' He tipped his hat in his stride as a bidding of good luck to the two, unseen.

Koji Clutch time
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,488
Posted: Mon, 03/11/2014 23:50 (9 Years ago)
Diana did not like the new building they were in, but she tried to make do. She sat at one of the desks and sighed as she tried to contain the leaks in the school building with her powers. In the old building, they had a big pool of water with fish, so she found it easy to feel at home there, but here the only pool of water came from the leaks and the faucet. Sometimes when she had nothing to do, she'd fill up the faucet with water and put her head in, just so she could feel like she was underwater, even if it was for a bit. The others might've seen her as a bit weird for this, but she didn't care. She found that lately, she's been enjoying breathing in the water's oxygen's rather than the regular oxygen she breathed in normally. She was starting to wonder if she was turning into a fish.

A few of the leaks were fixed, but she still had to do her job of preventing the rest, if they didn't want to end up with the building flooded. She couldn't use the full extent of her powers, as that risked them getting caught, and that was the last thing they needed, so she just did her regular job of containing leaks.

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 04/11/2014 01:03 (9 Years ago)
Trix ran down the street, her long red hair trailing behind her. She bumped into a man walking down the street as she dashed in the direction of the current Squad One headquarters. "Hey, watch where you're goin' kid!" "Sorry sir!" She replied, snickering. Even though she was 21, she still looked like a teenage girl. It was kind of funny when bouncers asked for her ID when she went into clubs. She could probably even pass for a 10th grader if she tried. Clearing these thoughts from her mind, she ran to headquarters, pulling her backpack higher on her shoulders.
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Tue, 04/11/2014 01:28 (9 Years ago)
I woke up on the floor next to a bunch of beer cans. I looked around and last thing I remembered was I was in the bar drinking and staring at the TV. I must have walked into the bathroom and passed out. My head and back were killing me and my breath stank of beer and vomit. I washed my face in front of the bathroom sink. I checked my watch, but it wasn't there."Someone must have stolen it while I was knocked out," I thought. I walked out the bathroom and noticed that the bar was empty. So I slip out before anybody notice him. I checked my wallet for some and saw that I only had a 20 dollar bill. "Great they took that too" I thought to myself.

It was night time and I looked at a nearby bus stop. I walked over to the stop and waited for the next bus. As I was waiting, I saw four guys in an alleyway. In rage I walked in and demanded the guys empty their pockets. The guys refused and even tried to attack me. I easily took out the guys and took their money. "They're lucky I didn't killed them" I thought as I walked away. When the next bus came, I hopped on.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 123
Posted: Wed, 05/11/2014 02:54 (9 Years ago)
(I'll get Carsh to get to writing. For now, I think I'll write a little something to keep it going.)
Though the neighborhood he was in was said to be somewhat pleasant, Jaden was not one to enjoy subtleties in life. He slowly entered his Shelby and sped through an immediate group of cars, barely missing a group of teenagers; 'probably a bunch of idiot junkies' he thought to himself as he lit up a homemade cigarette. He parked near the burned complex to which he used to work and waited for something, anything to happen. (Like someone to post to advance this thing. lol)

Koji Clutch time
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Wed, 05/11/2014 03:13 (9 Years ago)
Trix ran up to headquarters, pushing open one of the back doors and sneaking in. "Hello, anyone home?" she called, walking farther inside. She made her way to the sort of "meeting area, which had a large but cracked tv on one of the walls across from an old circular table, with a beaten down couch to match. She sat down on the couch, dumping her backpack on the table, leaning back to relax a bit as she turned on the news and pulled out a portable laptop from her backpack. "Stupid college homework." she mumbled as she began typing up an essay.
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 9
Posted: Wed, 05/11/2014 03:28 (9 Years ago)
Ray sang along with Ride the Lightning by Metalllica as he worked on a broken down school bus he had found. Mechanics was mostly a hobby for him, so he had made some mistakes. However, he had slowly been learning and improving.

See the lightning in your eyes
See 'em running for their lives

The Offspring-You're Gonna Go Far Kid

Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Wed, 05/11/2014 18:19 (9 Years ago)
Rhiannon "Ricky" Anderson | Aviator

Pushing herself away from the window, Ricky glanced towards the main hall. She could have sworn she had heard something. The blond woman's body stiffened for a second, a reflex that she had come to adapt over the years of fighting criminals. However, after a quick look at the clock in the room, that was working thanks to Ray, Ricky let herself relax. The new girl got back from college around that time, didn't she?

Walking towards the main hall, Ricky heard mumbling but couldn't make out what was being said. Rounding a corner, the woman indeed saw a redhead sitting on the worn-out couch, typing something on the laptop. Ricky found her lips curling upwards slightly as she leaned against the wall for a while, just watching the younger woman type. The presence of such mundane things as college had her forget the sad state they were in for a short while.

Realizing she was probably being kind of creepy just standing there silently and watching, Ricky spoke up with a smile on her lips and amusement in her voice.

"Have a good day at school?"

Jonathan "Johnny-boy" Lee | Leech

Running fingers through his messy mohawk, Jonathan realized his hand was shaking slightly. The young man would have wanted to think it was because he was distraught by the situation but he knew that wasn't the case. Since they were wanted criminals now, they didn't exactly spend time taking down criminals as much as they used to anymore. He had used his powers less and less as the weeks had rolled by and he was feeling the withdrawal effects heavier by the day.

He had actually needed to spent the last few nights sleeping, the male couldn't even remember the last time he had had to sleep more than one night in a row. He was cold almost all the time and now his hand had started to shake. He really needed to use his powers.

Hopping down from the teacher's desk, Johnny-boy started walking towards the closest exit, the front door, while keeping his hands in his pockets. He didn't want any of his team mates who he might come across on his way out to notice the tremors running through his hand. Jonathan walked through the main hall without giving Ricky or the newbie a single glance.

That's when he realized it.

He was walking.

Johnny-boy almost never walked, he always moved around by running or at least jogging, that's just how his energy pumped body worked. Not anymore., Jonathan noted with a grimace.

Once he was out of the door, the mohawked male broke into his characteristic run but it didn't take long for him to slow down to jogging and he was back to walking way sooner than he would have liked. Spotting a wild grassy field beside a burned down building, Jonathan decided he was far away enough from their little hideout and took off his shoes.

With his right hand hanging limply by his side, shaking slightly and holding the pair of Converse, Johnny-boy walked onto the field, leaving footprints of dead grass and plants behind himself as he worked his way towards the burned building. He could feel himself growing more alert with every step he took and he would have lied if he said it didn't feel good.

Daniel had always chastised the younger man for leaving such obvious signs of his powers. But he's not here now, is he?, the black haired male though bitterly. Though Jonathan had never liked taking the life energy of plants either way. Stealing the energy of animals or humans had a greater effect on him and plants could never withstand his touch, they always died.

Those thoughts were wiped from johnny-boy's mind in a matter of seconds as he spotted a car near the burned complex. Narrowing his eyes, the male ran to take cover behind the destroyed building, shivering as his bare feet came to thud against cold, lifeless ground.

Peering from behind the outer wall of the building, Jonathan searched the car with his eyes again. A Shelby if he wasn't mistaken, not too shabby car. After catching a glimpse on the older man sitting in the car, the young man broke eye contact with the car and turned to lean his back against the burned wall, hugging his hands to his torso. A predatory glint flashed in his eyes as he forced himself to stay put. He wanted to drain the unknown man of all energy he had until his body turned cold.

So badly.

The black assassin

The man dressed completely in black observed the black haired young man whose attention was on a car parked nearby a burned down building from a rooftop of another abandoned building. The assassin dug through his pockets for his phone before pressing a few buttons.

It rung once, twice, thrice, before the other person picked up and the slightly annoyed tone of Daniel Fausto greeted the assassin.

"You better have something useful."

"I have a visual of one of the Squad One members, the one with the mohawk."

"Black or red."

"Excuse me, sir?"

"Is the hair black or red?"

"Uh, black."

"Alright, keep an eye on him and don't let him notice you. Find out where they are hiding and report back to me before doing anything else."

"Roger that."

Daniel hung up without any further word and the assassin returned his full attention on the young man standing beside the wall of the burned down building.

Daniel Fausto | Red Puppeteer

Hanging up the phone, Daniel let a small smirk tug at the corner of his mouth. He finally had a lead and he wouldn't let it go to waste. Thankfully it was the Johnny kiddo who had been careless enough to get spotted. Even a second class assassin could stay hidden from that idiot and he had hired one of the best.

Pouring himself a glass of whiskey, the Red Puppeteer leaned back in his chair with a smug grin. Everything was going perfectly so far.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Wed, 05/11/2014 19:31 (9 Years ago)
Trix heard Ricky enter the room as she neared the end of her essay.
"Have a good day of school?"
Trix leaned backwards on the couch until she had Ricky in her vision, leaving her basically hanging upsdie-down on the back of the couch.
"No, it was so boriiinnngggggg. Everything we talked about was just a review of what we were doing for the past month! I need some grapes and a microwave to cheer me up." She said with a slightly pouty face.

"How was your day?" she asked.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 123
Posted: Thu, 06/11/2014 02:09 (9 Years ago)
Jaden felt the tension of a sudden glare upon him while keeping watch on the abandoned, decrepit building. You know the type. You can sense someone peering into you from miles away. Leaving his vehicle, he flicked the on switch to his old-style pocket video recorder; that little device had aided him in landing some of the better scores in the past, and he had had it with him since day one. He exited his vehicle and started toward the burned building, camera hidden and pointing outward toward where he felt the presence. Each step, pushing his battle-hardened and dead heart a beat quicker, he passed around the corner to near the burnt building, paying no mind to anything or anyone there.

Mag took immediately notice of the ground, to which he watches when pacing toward any location. The grass isn’t taking too kindly to whoever has been walking on it. Looks like some grotesque, ugly, morbidly obese individual-lacking the immediate size of lateral aspect of his foot-had taken a stroll through the area. Making a quick note of a faint sound, Mag dropped discreetly dropped a small token out of his pocket, which resembled a coin when clanking the ground. He pointed the camera toward where he thought he heard the sound, and immediately pulled it out of his pocket for a playback. It looked like some punk, a moronic-looking, Mohawk-wielding kid; he could not be sure. He placed his back against a wall nearest the burnt building and waited.

"No sense in searching when I have a straggler on my tail," he thought to himself. "He's going to be around here somewhere." Jaden Mag's hand then rested on his hip, waiting to reveal his pistol. "Answers first, Pac-" He could not believe he was about to call himself what the sheep had called him before. He sneered with a look of disgust and pulled out a toothpick with his other hand, placing it between his decently-kept teeth.

Koji Clutch time
Trainerlevel: 11

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Thu, 06/11/2014 03:29 (9 Years ago)
The bus was coming to a stop and I figured this is far enough. When I stepped off the bus, I put my hoodie on and walking among the huge crowd of people. I walked until I got to a hotel and thought it be a good time to clean myself up. I walked inside, the place didn't look to shabby. I walked to the desk and pay for a room with the money I stole.

As I was walking away, I heard the TV. It was a new broadcast talking about four guys in an ally getting robbed. I smile as enter the room. "Lets hope those guys forgot what I look like" I thought to myself. I didn't want to draw too much attention to myself. I took a long hot shower to clean my body and thoughts. I looked at my brown skin and my long black hair in the mirror. "I need a better look" I joked to myself. Then I heard a knock at the door. "This can't be good" I thought
Trainerlevel: 45

Forum Posts: 1,488
Posted: Thu, 06/11/2014 06:09 (9 Years ago)
Diana heard some people talking and was tempted to go and join the conversation, but she was a bit shy and nervous about meeting new people. She went on a daydream about the old day when fighting crime wasn't something you had to think twice about. She just wanted the chance to send waves surging and crashing right into enemies of humanity. She shook it off and continued to control the leaks while some people fixed the problems that allowed the water through. She tried to redirect the water in a different direction so that the leak would at least be stopped, even if it was temporarily, but she couldn't find a way to do this.

Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Thu, 06/11/2014 15:44 (9 Years ago)
Rhiannon "Ricky" Anderson | Aviator

Chuckling as Trix leaned backwards on the couch to look at her, Ricky couldn't help but be amused by the carefree young woman. The older female was quite happy at least someone could still complain about such ordinary things as a boring day at school.

Taking a few steps closer to the couch and the redhead sitting on it, Ricky shook her head briefly.

"I'm afraid we don't have any grapes nor a working microwave to amuse you."

That was when Ricky spotted a familiar figure with spiky hair running across the center of his head, walking towards where the two women were. Waving at the male briefly, Ricky smiled as she greeted him.

"Oh, hey Johnny-boy, what's up?"

Ricky raised a suspicious eyebrow at the young man as he walked past them without even acknowledging them. It was unusual for the energetic lad to be even walking in the first place.

Weird, the blonde woman thought as she sat on the couch beside Trix. However, she just brushed Jonathan's behavior off, after all they were all stressed one way or another, and returned her attention back at the younger female as she replied her question with a small smirk.

"You know what, my day was probably just as boring as yours."

Jonathan "Johnny-boy" Lee | Leech

Scrunching his eyes shut, Jonathan took a few deep breaths to make his brains stop screaming at him to attack the man, whoever he was. However, the young man had been so focused on controlling himself he hadn't noticed the older man had got up from his car nor had he heard him walk towards the building he was taking cover behind.

A small clank had Jonathan eyes flying open in an instant and he pushed himself off the wall to search who or what had made the sound with his eyes. It was pure instinct, he gave no mind to the fact he may have just given away his location to a possibly hostile stranger.

Hissing a curse under his breath, Johnny-boy backed away a few steps along the wall as he kept an eye on his surroundings. Hiding didn't seem logical anymore as the stranger probably knew where he was. He had no idea what the older man was after or whether he was hostile in the first place. For the young man there was only one logical approach, he'd have to attack first. He wasn't going to wait for the other to take the jump on him.

Slipping his shoes back on, Jonathan climbed inside the building from one of the windows. Staying low, he maneuvered his way through the burned remainders of furniture while glancing out of windows every now and then on his way.


Catching a glimpse of the man from one of the dirty windows, Jonathan halted to a stop and pressed himself against the wall while keeping an eye on the unknown man, it seemed like he hadn't noticed Jonathan yet but he could have been wrong. Either way, the young man had to act fast if he wanted to keep the surprise element for himself. The other man wasn't too far away from the window and if Johnny-boy acted quickly, he might be able to reach the man in time. After all, his only strong suit was hand-to-hand combat.

A sloppy plan in his mind, Jonathan shattered the glass on the window with a leg of a chair and jumped through it, receiving a few cuts from glass in the progress. Ignoring the thin line of blood rolling down from his cheek, the stinging on his arm and the clean cut and small amount of blood ruining his jeans, the youngster started running towards the older male as soon as his feet touched the ground.

Now it was just the matter of whether he could get his hands on the strangers before the man could act.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 123
Posted: Thu, 06/11/2014 16:01 (9 Years ago)
Jaden bit down on his toothpick, which held inside its thick core the antidote for a semi-deadly, high dose of sleeping serum, and finally flicked a trigger, releasing an outburst of gas from the container he had dropped. Dodging toward the open field, Mag released his pistol from his holster and aimed it toward the kid. "Thought so."

Koji Clutch time
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Thu, 06/11/2014 17:32 (9 Years ago)
"So, what've you been doing all day?" Trix asked, closing her computer. She had just finished her essay, and was relieved of it.
Trainerlevel: 20

Forum Posts: 12
Posted: Sat, 08/11/2014 23:35 (9 Years ago)

Title: Molly "Moe" Matter| The Sculptor

(I would like to change the color of text of people who speak .__.; but idk how..)

Humming can be heard from the back seat of a white explorer as a young girl is somehow coloring in a moving vehicle, outside the windows is the old side of town with few usable buildings; looking to the front of the explorer are Mr. and Mrs. Matter taking notice of these god awful surroundings and wondering if Molly should really be dropped off at the, closer approaching, abandoned school.

The Mr. leans towards the Mrs., eyes still on the road "I think we should turn around, this place is ridiculous", the Mrs. looks back to Molly who seems to be oblivious and happy as ever--then back to her husband "I don't like it either but Molly needs guidance and we can't provide her that kind of guidance" the couple continues their conversation trying to reassure themselves..

Molly looks up from her coloring book to look out her window as the vehicle begins to slow down at the closer approaching school--"we're here!" shutting her book she wiggles in her seat fighting with her seat-belt and peering out her window more excitedly now at the front of the school.

Grunts and whines are heard in the back seat as she continued to struggle, "Molly." her mother stretches back to unbuckle her from her kid seat and the seat belt across it--"listen to me, I don't want you talking to anyone that you don't know from the TV-alright?" Molly continues to peer out the window "uh huh, yeah, ok mama--I love you!" she bounds to the front of their vehicle to hug their necks and bounce out the side door of the car. "bye mama! bye papa!" she grips her marker and runs to the front of the building stopping at the semi rusty door in awe as her parents drive off slowly watching their daughter before the finally leave.

She pushes her shoulder to the door trying to push it open and realizes she needs to pull *hmpf!* she grunts pulling the door towards her and manages to get it open enough to get her and her backpack inside. She walks through the halls looking at all the mess and flaking paint "this place looks like grandmas basement" she steps in a puddle and giggles at herself "ew!" continuing down the main hall.

"HELLO?" "HELLO?!" she keeps calling loudly and decides to semi-sing/yell "HELLO!? HELLLLLOOOOO?! HEY LA LA LA LA LOW!? HIGH LOW!?" she pretends to be a little opera singer and stops to put her hand dramatically on her chest and in the air "FIGARO! FIGARO! HELLO! FIGARO!"
Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sun, 09/11/2014 01:45 (9 Years ago)
(bb codes)

Trix heard a young voice shouting, maybe even singing opera? Well, nobody really cared anyways, it was a visitor! Trix scrambled down the stairs to see a little girl shouting/singing at the entrance. "I wonder who she is, a new recruit?" Trix thought. "Hi! Who are you?" Trix asked, crouching down in front of the little girl.

(yeah, Trix has basically only met finny's chars, since she's really new.)
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Sun, 09/11/2014 18:30 (9 Years ago)
{Just use this code:
[color=the name of the color goes here]Text goes here[/color]

For example, Ricky speaks in LightCyan so the code is like this:
[color=LightCyan]"Blah blah"[/color]

And it shows like this:
"Blah blah"
You can find all the colors available here. :3}

Rhiannon "Ricky" Anderson | Aviator

Ricky cocked her head slightly as she pretended to think about Trix's question for a while.

"Well, I did some cleaning but it's not really helping any."

She leaned slightly forward on the sofa as she gave the other female a broad smile.

"And I think I found a way for us to-"

Her sentence was interrupted as yelling, and perhaps some kind of singing, could be heard from towards the entrance. Ah, that must be Molly, Ricky thought as she got up from the couch and followed Trix towards the entrance where a young girl was coming from. Dropping a hand on Trix's shoulder who was crouching down in front of the young girl, Ricky smiled at the child.

"Hey there, you must be Molly. I'm Rhiannon, I talked to your parents. You can call me Ricky though, all my friends do that.

Jonathan "Johnny-boy" Lee | Leech

Weird gas and a gun. This was no ordinary man loitering around abandoned buildings.

Jonathan simply kept on running towards the other male despite the pistol pointed at him. The young man sucked in a breath before the gas engulfed him, he could hold his breath long enough. At least Jonathan himself thought so even though he had a habit of overestimating himself.

Most people weren't dumb enough to run towards a gun of any sort but the mohawked male had never really been the sharpest tool in the box. Besides, it wasn't the first time he was staring down a gun barrel, not even close.

The older male was quite well dressed which only left the face and neck for Johnny-boy to target. With only few more steps between himself and the other, the younger man extended his right hand towards the older man's face, his grey eyes gleaming with confidence.

Almost there...

The Black Assassin

Frowning, the man dressed in black peered through his binoculars in confusion. Seemed like the Squad One member was attacking a random man loitering around the burned building. He couldn't let the kid get killed. Replacing his binoculars with a sniper rifle, the assassin targeted the unknown man's head. He was about to pull the trigger when he decided it was better to let his employer know of the situation change than do something he might end up regretting. Dialling the Red Puppeteer, the assassin waited for the other to pick up.

"What is it now!?"

"There has been a change in situation. The mohawk kid seems to be attacking an unknown man. Should I kill the random guy?"

"...Not yet. Stay hidden, only intervene if it's absolutely necessary. Don't let the mohawk kid get killed no matter what, he needs to lead you to their base."

"Roger that."

Clapping his phone shut, the assassin peered at the scene below through the rifle scope, ready to pull the trigger if he had to.

{I included Ricky having talked to Molly's parents since they would have had to agree on the situation somehow.}
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 123
Posted: Sun, 09/11/2014 19:27 (9 Years ago)
Jaden aimed at the kid's shin, aiming only at the muscle so as to wound him. Killing him wasn't going to help; maybe this kid could be of use. Then again, how knowledgeable could someone be to run straight toward a gun? He seems to be holding his breath back as well. Only thing to do now is hold him within the increasing radius of the smoke and make sure he doesn't leave.

Taking a single step back, he pulled the trigger, firing a single shot toward the shin of the kid. "I'm apparently at that age where the Reaper is sending out friends to finish me," He thought to himself, before stating aloud, "Next will shot goes through your head, kid."

Koji Clutch time