Forum Thread
Dream World - Send yourself plushies
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Dream World - Send yourself plushiesYou can't send a Plushie to yourself!
Being a "solo" player, this kind of discouraged me. So what I am suggesting is simply to remove the restriction on sending yourself a plushie. I get that plushies are a big part of the game, and people are really proud of their collection. All I am suggesting is adding in a new way to get plushies so that people who prefer to play by themselves can have the same chances of getting plushies as people who are more social. In an effort to help sway some minds, I came up with a couple of positives and negatives for this suggestion.
- You can earn that one really expensive plushie instead of hoping that someone will send it to you.
- Makes completing your wishlist much more feasible
- Reduces the number of people who send plushies to others
- Makes plushies less "special"
Im all for feedback, so lets talk about this :)
I spent a good chunk of time seeing if this was already suggested, so sorry if this is a repost.

You gain nothing by getting a Plushie. The sole purpose of the Dream World shop is to send gifts to others, so why should you be able to send a gift to yourself?
There is no reward for completing your collection. All you get are the Plushies themselves, and the only value the Plushies have whatsoever is the thought put into them.
Honestly, I think it's kind of selfish to take a feature that is solely for gifting others and replace it with a feature that just involves saving up currency to buy items for yourself. We already have ways to earn things for ourselves. What the Dream World is - and always should be - is a way that promotes and encourages giving things to others.
So no support.
Edit: Also, I'd like to point out that both of the "cons" are literally destroying the sole purpose for which the Dream World was created.
Woah, back up. At what point did I suggest taking the gifting portion out of the dream world? I am talking about adding something in, not taking it away. Nothing is being replaced.
Nope. I am saying we should remove the restriction put in place and let users decide how they want to use the shop. IF the number of people who gift plushies to other people were to decline, doesn't that just mean that they wanted to buy their own plushies for themselves in the first place? And, if it doesn't reduce the number, then there is no harm in it is there?
Also, if plushies aren't worth anything and have no value, why is it so important to keep the dream-world "gift only"? Why does it matter that someone wants to buy a plushie for themselves?

It's not to encourage anti-social, unresponsive, and selfish behaviour, which is what this suggestion is promoting.
If you really want to get a specific plushie, you don't have to know anyone. You can post a feed to ask for a plushie swap, or you can post in the Gift a user above you a plushie thread. (Where you send a plushie to someone, and request one in return. And usually, if you don't request something too overpriced, people will try to get you what you want.)
As there are already ways around this, there's no reason to encourage lack of socializing. Even if you prefer to ignore others, mild interaction that takes less time than what it took you to make this thread can get you what you want.
Yes, that's being selfish. By definition, in fact - "concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure." That's what taking a feature purely about gifting and changing it into a feature where one can "gift" oneself is. I'm not insulting you. I'm stating fact, proven with definitions.
The fact that I said card and not present was deliberate.
There is a functional difference between a card and a present, just like there is a functional difference between a Plushie and a Pokémon or item: a card is just a piece of paper/some other materiel with a nice message and some pictures, and cannot be used for anything, like Plushies; whereas a PRESENT actually does sometimes have a use, be it playing (a video game) or helping you work (a special kind of woodcutting knife if you enjoy woodcutting/professionally cut wood), for two examples. Pok émon are the same way: yes, like Plushies, they're just pixels, but Pokémon CAN be used around the site, whereas Plushies literally do nothing other than being there. Plushies are like birthday cards - sweet, thoughtful, but absolutely worthless to anyone other than the one to whom they were gifted (and they should stay that way, because the entire feature was created solely with gifts in mind and NOT with things like Plushie trading and sending yourself Plushies) - and hopefully the fact that I explained why I said "card" and not "present" will be clearer now and my analogy will make more sense.
Also, no, you didn't say take the gifting portion OUT, but the feature is SOLELY intended for gifting and has been that way since the minute Riako started coding it. If you add the option to buy a Plushie for yourself, do you even realize how few people would actually keep using it for gifting?
So yes, if this is approved, it does take something away - it reduces the chance to get an actual thoughtful Plushie that someone else sent you with the intention of making you happy and not a pointless Plushie that you sent yourself after clicking for a few hours.
Why should users be allowed to decide how they want to use the shop if it's one of ONLY two places on the ENTIRE site where solely helping yourself and not giving anything to others ISN'T possible (which is a fact - the Dream World Shop and the holiday gift centers are the only two places where you CANNOT gain anything for yourself, and clearly they were intended that way)? If you don't like the inability to send yourself a Plushie, then don't try to reduce the gifting aspect - simply don't use the Dream World. Plushies have no use outside of the Dream World, as I've stated several times before in my explanation as to why they aren't a necessity, but a pleasure, so it literally doesn't hurt you at all to ignore the feature. There are plenty of other places to work hard and benefit from it yourself, but I would greatly appreciate if the Dream World was left alone, because it's the only time-unrestricted place that requires GIVING and doesn't involve GAINING. Since the implementation of this suggestion would adulterate the core purpose of the Dream World, I still give no support.
(btw @Carpet, is it just my bad english or is your post written a bit harsh?)
The plushies would be -true- presents and not just 'Oh yeah, let's exchange some plushies for completing the list.'-presents. They would be sent because a person really wants to gift something small. the main-thought of this feature would be kind of more honest and that's what I'd like to support.
Beside that plushies don't have a use yet. There isn't a reason for hoarding or collecting them all ..
If they didn't WANT to gift something, they wouldn't be in the Dream World at all. Yes, those "let's exchange Plushies for completing the list" presents ARE annoying, and I personally don't participate in Plushie exchanges (contrary to what someone who kept spamming me with Plushies and expecting them back without asking first seemed to think), but it's even worse to send YOURSELF a Plushie. That's not how the feature is supposed to work at all! .-.
Exactly. There isn't a reason to collect them all. So there's no point in selfishly changing a feature that is all about gifting to one that lets you help yourself like every other part of the site... solely so you can collect them all... which doesn't even do anything.
Don't think this is selfish? Then you need to reread the definition I posted, because I'm fairly certain that it is.
so no support here
that being said, the plushies -are- a social aspect of the game, and like others have said, it requires poking out of your shell a bit to get what you want, but it's not a -necessary- aspect of the game
And if you're going to say, "post in the plushie thread", well, some people send you a plushie that you already have and don't want anymore of.
Wrong. There IS something you gain by getting plushies. I can't give anymore details, though.
Nothing in this game is necessary. It's all meant in fun. Doesn't mean we can't want something on this site, though.
I should start by saying that I do not support it.
I know it is hard to remember, but Pokeheroes, while being an interaction game, has a very large social aspect. That includes gifting, battling, friending, and making feeds. The whole system is very well set up for making friends.
And even if you don't have many friends, a feed asking to exchange plushies is fairly easy, and it will be seen by anyone looking at the notifications wall.
If you can read this, you know how to read.

Trick and Treat art by Podunk
You obviously didn't read my post... I made a counter-suggestion that "it should be posted clearly that you can't buy for yourself"... That comment "has a use" and doesn't "defeat the purpose of gifting to each other"
Total votes: 145
Support ratio: 52%
Kitties! Riako has no idea what he unleashed with that update🙀
Collecting Lovely Larvesta and Silly Seel Plushies~
Looking for Ice Gems and Flying Gems here! Help me hunt a Shiny Articuno!
(You can win your own non-shiny Articuno in return)
Breeding events for the cause here!