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Posted: Wed, 30/11/2022 16:05 (2 Years ago)
Hu Tao, I'd like to order!

Pokemon(s): Gulpin, and Togepi
(fusion, theme, etc,) Just a cutesy picture of Gulpin and Togepi cuddling/sleeping. Theyre two of my favorites and Ive never seen them together before
Payment: 45,000(minimum plus an extra ten since its two pokemon)
Other: Im really not picky, I just want a cute cuddle picture :)

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Posted: Tue, 29/11/2022 18:45 (2 Years ago)
Hi guys! So I was recently reminded of this site. I used to be really active 4 years ago, but a mix of college and work got me offline.
Has anything changed in the last 4 years? It all looks pretty similar to what I remember. I forgot how much i love this site.

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Posted: Mon, 12/03/2018 07:54 (7 Years ago)
Accepted :)

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Posted: Tue, 27/02/2018 20:15 (7 Years ago)

Mr.Meowpant's Animation Shop

Hello and welcome to my animation shop!

I am an amateur animator. I make animation gifs, specializing in pokemon!


I only do pleasant gifs. So no blood/gore
Same goes for NSFW
Please follow the template, to make it easier
Don't rush me. I'm in college, taking 6 classes.


Gulpin Gif

Mareep Gif

Wynaut Gif

Spoink Gif

Pikachu Gif

Popplio Gif

Sneasel Gif


Pokemon you want in the gif:
What it's doing in the gif:
Anything extra:


10,000 Poke Dollars

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Posted: Thu, 22/02/2018 09:33 (7 Years ago)
So, we are just suppose to draw anything?

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Posted: Thu, 22/02/2018 04:59 (7 Years ago)
Hey Fox, I want a fusion!
Username: mrmeowpants
Type of Fusion: standard, 2 pokemon
Pokémon to be fused: My two favorite pokemon in the anime! Togepi and Squirtle

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Posted: Wed, 21/02/2018 00:32 (7 Years ago)
Hey Puddle, I want some art!
Username: Mrmeowpants
Pose you want: The two hugging
Pokémon/Creature you want drawn: Squirtle hugging Popilo
Other: I'd be willing to pay double since theres two :)

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Posted: Sun, 18/02/2018 23:35 (7 Years ago)
Hey Fox, I want a fusion!
Username: Mrmeowpants
Type of Fusion: Dewgong + sandshrew
Other: I used to do these with my brother alot so Id love to see your interpretation of some of the fusions we came up with

Hey Hope, I want a Dragon!
Username: mrmeowpants
Dragon you want drawn:

Format: Anyway that is easiest
Other: These are a two headed dragon so Im willing to add an extra 5000 for the extra head :)

Hey Pixel, I want a pony!
Username: mrmeowpants
Pony you want drawn:

Pose you want them in: standard pose is fine

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Posted: Sun, 18/02/2018 07:46 (7 Years ago)

Title: For Devil0356

Here is the first commission

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Posted: Sat, 17/02/2018 19:53 (7 Years ago)

Maybe just like the chest up and them rubbing on each other?
You can use whichever is easier for you
Again, what ever is easier
No shading nessecary
30,000 PK

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Posted: Sat, 17/02/2018 19:38 (7 Years ago)
Could you give some examples of your art?

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Posted: Tue, 13/02/2018 05:43 (7 Years ago)
Sure! Which one is it? Or is it both? Are they twins? :O

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Posted: Tue, 13/02/2018 05:34 (7 Years ago)
Yes. Fully colored images are only 5000. I see alot of people charging more, but I love to draw and I know it takes a casual PH player like me a while to save up that much

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Posted: Tue, 13/02/2018 05:13 (7 Years ago)
I am not sure how to put pictures onto here. If I knew how, I would. But if you want to see some examples, you can find me on DA.
theres a mix of good and bad art in there. :)

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Posted: Wed, 07/02/2018 06:15 (7 Years ago)
I understand that you want to be a solo player, but that defeats the whole purpose of pokeheroes. You click on others pokemon and they click on yours, and you send each other plushies. Ive made my best friend on this site solely because one day she started to send me plushies. I sent some back and now its been like a cycle of gifts and it feels way better than if I had sent some to myself

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Posted: Tue, 06/02/2018 21:51 (7 Years ago)
I dont know if this is a bug, or just bad luck. I have tried to get something, ANYTHING out of the treasure chests for 500 GCs. Howvever, for the past two weeks I have tried to get anything out and i have found empty chests. Every time. I have yet to find anything aside from my first chest. Is this a bug or just bad luck? Ive tried clicking different chests, ive tried clicking the same chest but its always empty

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Posted: Sat, 03/02/2018 23:05 (7 Years ago)

MrMeowpants Art Shop

Hello everyone, welcome to my art shop!

About My Art

Each of my drawings can be either digital or traditional. Your choice.

I draw original pieces. I do not trace, steal, or copy.

I am an intermediate artist. I am not great, but I am decent and put my effort into each piece I make

I will draw cross over fan art. Its actually my favorite thing to draw. This is when you take a character from one universe and mix them with a character/setting/item in another(imagine pikachu wearing an iron man mask)

What I will draw


Other Cartoon Characters

Original Characters

Fan Made Pokemon

What I Will Not Draw

Intense Violence
Anything Hateful

I like to keep my art happy and upbeat. If that isn't for you than kindly find another artist

$ Prices $

5000 PokeDollars

Full colored images of:

Cartoon Characters
Original Characters

3000 Pokedollars

No color, no background images of:

Cartoon Characters
Original Characters


DONT pay me until I'm done with your art, if for some reason I am unable to complete your art, I will let you know. This way you do not lose any money. However, I will send you a message before I give you the art, giving you the okay to pay. Only after I recieve payment will I send you a copy of the image.

Comment below about what art you would like, and give me a few of your favorite fandoms so I can get an idea of what you like. I will respond to each request and either accept, ask for more information, or kindly deny.

Thank you! Have A Great Day


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Posted: Sun, 28/01/2018 03:37 (7 Years ago)
I started to notice that after a while of playing on this site, you catch alot of one pokemon. So, the only two choices you have, are to try and auction it off(which no one buys it since its such a common pokemon) or release it. You should get a reward for releasing pokemon OR have it so that you can sell certain pokemon at a flat rate at the market. The less rare, the less money you get and the market would only accept so many of a certain kind

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Posted: Sat, 27/01/2018 21:30 (7 Years ago)
What are your requirements for art trades? Will you trade with any one or only those who are at your skill level? I'm not quite at your level, but I would love to trade with you! I would work really hard on it too

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Posted: Sat, 27/01/2018 02:45 (7 Years ago)
Would you be able to draw fakemon?

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