Forum Thread
~Dragneo Region RP!~
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → ~Dragneo Region RP!~~Dragneo region!~
This is a region that is separated by a border-the Draconis territory lies to the east of this border, while the Shadowsky territory lies to the west. In Draconis, there's many nice sights to see and most of the Pokémon are mainly friendly. However, in Shadowsky, it's mostly a dark wasteland, with nearly all of the Pokémon living there highly territorial and aggressive. The people of Shadowsky want the whole region to themselves, and so they have formed Team Yami. Team Yami's forces are in Draconis, capturing Pokémon for their plans to take the region. This is where your adventure begins. Which side are you on? That is your choice.
Here is where you sign up

-RP Name: Blythe
-Pokemon: A fusion between Bidoof, Flygon and Shiny Umbreon
-Age/Level: 12 years old, her level is 43.
-Gender: Female

-History: Her old trainer's father was a scientist who fused Pokemon. The scientist would have his daughter dispose of unsuccessful fusions-those who died in the process-sadly. When Blythe was fused, she was presumed dead. When the trainer was 'disposing' of her, she began to struggle. From that day on they were partners, the trainer keeping her out of sight of her father.
And then her trainer vanished.
-Other: Her wings are much stronger then her legs, therefore she tends to stick to the sky.

-RP Name:Yuma
-Appearance:a red jacket with a shirt with a D on it and has red eyes and white pants
-History:was instantly taken out of middle school to travel
-PKMN Team:flygon and roselia
~Pokémon Form~
-RP Name:shark and rio
-Pokemon:shark-flygon rio-roselia
-Age/Level:shark and rio's age-13 shark is older by 3 months though shark's level-89 rio's level-76
-Gender:shark-male rio-female
-Appearance:shark-a normal flygon with blue eyes and a blue scarf rio-a normal roselia with light blue eyes and a light blue scarf
-History:both are brother and sister shark
-Other:rio holds an everstone

-RP Name: Alex
-Pokemon: Fusion between Dragonite and Shinx
-Age/Level: Ten
-Gender: Male
-Appearance: A pokemon with the body of a shinx, but the wings and werid horn things of a dragonite. The colors also match dragonite. He has a scar on his chin.
-History: He was born with a twin sister, Sheela. His parents were Luxinites. When Alex got lost one day, a small voice twittered for him to follow, so he did. He came out into the Dragneo region.
-Other: He usually calls girls "Toots 'n boots"
Alex woke up with a jump. He looked up, he slept under two trees that intertwined. The sunshine weaseled its way into the small hollow and warmed the Shinxite's body. He yawned and stretched in the moss. He stretched some more and padded out of the hollow and into a forest.