Forum Thread
Mega Bubble Visibility
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Implemented → Mega Bubble VisibilityAfter searching the term mega bubble I did not find this in the suggestions yet, so here goes.
On the pokemon's page, on the party page, and in the boxes, we can see the mega bubble. BUT, we cannot see the bubble in the GTS or auction house.
While trading for a mega-bubble pokemon, it would be nice to see the mega bubble without having to click through to the party page. Or while in the auction house, being able to see that bubble right next to a potential pokemon you are bidding on.
So my suggestion is this: make the bubble visible in more places, such as the GTS and Auction House.

Example 1 (mega/gts):

Example 2 (Shiny And Mega/gts):

Auction House:
(credit for all of these ones go to Navuso)

Example 1:

Example 2:

So don't forget to vote and discuss! I don't want "I support" spam, I want Reasons
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Trick and Treat art by Podunk
I do like seeing if the Pokemon's a Mega able before I bid or what not on it. And going to the party page, though isn't hard, just takes away a little bit of time from making you bid/offer. So not only would this be easier, probably especially easier for mobile user, but maybe make bidding or offering quicker to ;)
Again, support :3

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Anyhow I think this suggestion would go well because then we wont have check the summarys of each pokemon to see whats megas and whats not I think it should also be applied to the auction house to help witht hat as well just my personal opinion.

As I said, somewhere in both the GTS and Auction House.
I edited the first post with the GTS examples.
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Trick and Treat art by Podunk
1) Add a new sort option (like shinies are on top of the page)
2) Add it when viewing the auction itself
3) Include the mega-bubble after the level in the over view

Anyone better at art is welcome to do that again.
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Trick and Treat art by Podunk
I think this one should be moved to the trades section with the lovely new formatting we have.
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Trick and Treat art by Podunk
I highly care about this suggestion
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Trick and Treat art by Podunk
I'll even give an example , when I started playing this I started a shiny hunt without knowing that we cant get a shiny without the radar.
So I stoped but aparently I was able to breed a mega-able absol meanwhile and sadly it was sold in the auction house for 1k pd.
This implementation it's just needed..
*Thumbs up* (Y)
Syfer said that they tried to hunt absol before they knew the radar was needed. They hatched a mega, and put it in the auction house (unaware until after). Since the bubble isn't visible there, they only got 1k pd for the mega-able absol.
ShinyBisharp said...i am not sure what you mean in the second half actually
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Trick and Treat art by Podunk

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