(Let's try!!!!)
Suddenly a crash was heard "mom!" Marine and Blast screamed as they
entered. "They are here! The full blood humans!" Winter stands up
in alarm "We must fight back" she told the kids "Draco, don't stop
me, I can help myself, I saved you when in dark mega form, I am
sure to stop the humans."
"But mom!" Marine shouts "There is hundreds of them!" Winter walks
over to a drawer and grabs three special things. (can you guess?) A
water shaped gem, the amulet from splash, and her mega stone. "Go
get Moon" Winter says "We'll need her help."
I just reread the whole ting so...
Draco is the one who dies a lot and is by dracoflame22 also the
older brother of Winter
Blast is the son of Winter and brother to Marine
Moon was found in the lost world and helped defeat Hella a muk
Winter, the watcher or a guardian of the Pokemon around
Scarlet and Skylar were created by wolf girl. Scarlet is a
chikorita while Skylar is a totadile
Star, a megainum
Lance, a monferno, created by 100-persent-empoleon
and some others I'll find if I put my mind onto it.
I can't remember her name, but was controlled by kyliebelle13 and I
can't remember her new username. She also had a megainum but I
can't remember name's. There was also Flare, Rocket, and Plasma.
(i cant belive this is still going i have not been on the server in
almost a year
i remember for me there was:
flare(infernape) who is now hono(dusknoir)
(i forgot his name lol)(ninjask)shadow(shedninja)
and annabelle(frosslass)
i have a lot of pokemon lol sorry if i forgot any)
(oh and btw i remember aki and draco have a baby given by rayquaza
it was juna the jirachi if i remember correctly) (there was also
luce the infernape controlled by 100-percent-empoleon)
(gonna read from the start this might take a while)
(i read for a while i also apparently have drake(flygon)
(i continued reading so there was a shinx named carmen and an
umbreon named night)