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Secrets of Shadow Clebi (open and accepting)
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Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Secrets of Shadow Clebi (open and accepting)
Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Sat, 27/09/2014 17:41 (10 Years ago)
"Hey you ok" I said "how are you"
Acrene OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 31
Forum Posts: 226
Posted: Sat, 27/09/2014 17:50 (10 Years ago)
"I'm OK and I'm good" Shadow said as she turned into her true form
Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Sun, 28/09/2014 14:43 (10 Years ago)
ZYX020 OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 20
Forum Posts: 34
Posted: Tue, 30/09/2014 22:19 (10 Years ago)
(Just noticed I forgot to sub xD)
With a random puff of smoke, she jumped out of a portal, far from
everyone else. "Ah, new world, new things to destroy." She looked
around and smirked at the new surroundings.
Acrene OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 31
Forum Posts: 226
Posted: Tue, 30/09/2014 22:29 (10 Years ago)
(Shadow clebi will turn evil but she has a brother...)
ZYX020 OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 20
Forum Posts: 34
Posted: Tue, 30/09/2014 22:37 (10 Years ago)
The portal closed behind her. She looked around again and suddenly
locked onto Shadow. "A shadow Celebi?", she asked herself. She
began to slowly walk towards Shadow.
(Surprised nobody questioned my choice of being an Okami boss.)
Acrene OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 31
Forum Posts: 226
Posted: Tue, 30/09/2014 22:41 (10 Years ago)
Shadow saw the ninetails
ZYX020 OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 20
Forum Posts: 34
Posted: Wed, 01/10/2014 01:02 (10 Years ago)
(Being random yaaay)
She stopped a couple of yards away. Then she turned and ran.
Acrene OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 31
Forum Posts: 226
Posted: Wed, 01/10/2014 01:16 (10 Years ago)
"Where are you going?" Shadow said softly
ZYX020 OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 20
Forum Posts: 34
Posted: Wed, 01/10/2014 01:19 (10 Years ago)
She stopped and turned around. "Why do you care?", she asked.
Acrene OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 31
Forum Posts: 226
Posted: Wed, 01/10/2014 01:21 (10 Years ago)
"Because I'm different like you" Shadow replied
ZYX020 OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 20
Forum Posts: 34
Posted: Wed, 01/10/2014 01:33 (10 Years ago)
"...Well...Fine. I'm Ninetails. What's your name?"
Acrene OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 31
Forum Posts: 226
Posted: Wed, 01/10/2014 01:36 (10 Years ago)
"Shadow" she replied
ZYX020 OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 20
Forum Posts: 34
Posted: Wed, 01/10/2014 01:41 (10 Years ago)
"Well Shadow, it's nice to meet you." She smiled.
(Edit:I just remembered DLN wears a mask...)
ZYX020 OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 20
Forum Posts: 34
Posted: Mon, 20/10/2014 03:40 (10 Years ago)
Acrene OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 31
Forum Posts: 226
Posted: Mon, 20/10/2014 03:42 (10 Years ago)
(Sorry! :( )
"Well, I must get going!" Shadow said as she flew off
ZYX020 OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 20
Forum Posts: 34
Posted: Mon, 20/10/2014 03:46 (10 Years ago)
She turned back around. "Now...what can I destroy first? Oh, trees
to cut." She used power slash on a small group of trees and walked
away as the cut trees fell over.
Acrene OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 31
Forum Posts: 226
Posted: Mon, 20/10/2014 03:49 (10 Years ago)
Shadow flew into a cave.