"better change to somthing else" Comfort changed his shape into a
shiny eevee "hi am Com-oh oops my names is uhhh...Snow! oh and
don't touch me!" (Comfort can change shape because he spririt now)
"you turned in to a eevee!" gasped spotty who was still tring out
her new power from the gem. "stay near me, ok? or icey will
pratically kill her self. ill hide you till your safe."
"I sense somthing" Comfort dash to the lodge to his body the ice
was broken "what the heck?" Comfort heard a crack out of the wall
it was himself having red eyes having his saw bow "AM FINALLY FREE
FROM YOU NOW DIE!" his body began
attacking Comfort "guys...Help!"
hey you didn't notice me yaaa wait now they see me time for wait
for it double team ahhhh glare says as darkri uses double team but
was still weak from coming out then suddenly a yveiltale
Em.J the Greninja walked up to O'Hare. "Hi big boss. I am back and
stronger." O'Hare backed up as Em.J used dark pulse. It was
followed by Water Pulse and O'Hare began to fade. He returned to
normal and continued fighting.
no i don't think i think I'm going to fast i might have made a
sonic boom.. Or its this thing here that i dug up.. the numbers are
slowly counting from 3:00 to 2:59 and so on