"whoa..." Comfort see some crystals as touch one his leg turn into
ice "The ice! it spreading better get back!" Comfort flew back as
soon as he could the ice reach to his thigh "guys...help me!"
"Eeeh... you are a lost cause. Dum dum da dum da dum dada da
daaaa!" Em.J seemed to think it was all a joke. Mie came out.
"Slashy, watch and learn." He inhaled then WHAM! a great
crack appeared in the ice. "Crawl out buddy," whispered Mia.
"IT THICK!!" Comfort shouted the ice was at his neck by now "I
guess this is good bye..." Comfort said to them, the ice cover him
entirely over lapping him "em...can you hear me...?"
lets all use physical moves everyone pound attack with double team
50 treeckos appear and there all using pound everyone help him
glare sayd his eyes were pleading.......!!!!!
Mia was pounding furiously, tears in his eyes. Em.j transfered to a
funeral march. "Dum dum da sum dumdum dym dubdum dum dum dun dun
dun did dundiddi duum do doooo!"