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DuskClan (w/ wishingonjirachi & infinityplayspokemon

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP DuskClan (w/ wishingonjirachi & infinityplayspokemon
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Mon, 18/08/2014 11:46 (10 Years ago)
Name: Lilykit
Age: 3 moons
Gender: Female
Appearance: A light-ish brown tabby with a white chest and underbelly, white streaking up to her muzzle. She has bright, bright green eyes.
Rank: Kit

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 873
Posted: Mon, 18/08/2014 11:49 (10 Years ago)
Name: Nightpaw
Age: 3 Moons
Gender: Female
Appearance: A black cat with grey patterns and has a birthmark on neck and sky blue eyes
Rank: Kit

Oops I mean night kit XD
Trainerlevel: 24

Forum Posts: 25
Posted: Mon, 18/08/2014 12:02 (10 Years ago)
Name: Hazekit
Age: 4 moons
Gender: Male
Looks: Short, light gray fur with hazey pretend that's a word blue eyes.
Rank: Kit

Going kit with you two XD

Those are my babies. <3
Trainerlevel: 27

Forum Posts: 308
Posted: Mon, 18/08/2014 13:36 (10 Years ago)
(POwerofWaffle invited me i am just going to call her POW)
Name: Swirlkit
Age: 3 and 1/2 moons
Gender: female
Looks: Grey kit with wierd light colored gray swirl pattern on back with turquoise eyes.
Rank: Kit

Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 19/08/2014 08:25 (10 Years ago)
(Ev my nickname is WaffleCat, if you haven't checked my latest raffle.)
Lilykit wriggled in the nursery, just interrupted from her dream. She let out a small, weary sigh as she woke up to see Treekit curled up with his mother, Rabbitear. Treekit was always teasing her about something, she almost wanted to claw his left, gold eye out. Almost.
Than again, there were companions in the nursery she trusted with her soul, and would give her own life just to keep them safe. Nightkit, Hazekit, and Swirlkit. She reaped out of her sticky, small moss nest to see an early dawn's light. Nobody was awake in the nursery, but Lilykit got to see the dawn patrol leave.

This sunrise it had been Bluemist, Mintclaw, and Shineflower. "They're so big..." Lilykit squealed very quietly, extra careful not to disturb anyone. She had dreamed of being a warrior, but right now she could relax. She took her role of the med-cat apprentice's 'assistant', which she loved, and played whatever kind of games with her friends. She called her life almost perfect. If only I could go back to sleep, Lilykit thought as her eyes beamed at the dim sunlight.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 873
Posted: Tue, 19/08/2014 09:31 (10 Years ago)
Nightkit woke up in just enough time to see the patrol leave, she jumped around like a little bunny and whispered: " Bye!" to the patrol. She nudged Lilykit and started to pretend to be shadow clans leader. " You will ever defeat me, Lilystar!"
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 19/08/2014 10:33 (10 Years ago)
Lilykit purred. She loved playing games like this, especially with her friends. "Nightstar, I shall defeat you in the name of DuskClan!" She roared, as she lead Nightkit to the large opening at the edge of camp. The grassy fields would've put Lilykit in a soothing, calm realm almost a meditation. Though this tabby kit was into this game.

The she-kit let out a small yowl, and she playfully rushed towards Nightkit and leapt on her back, nomming on her ear lightly. A silver tom-warrior padded over to the kits and chuckled, in a warm tone. "Be careful there, kits." His voice made Lilykit freeze as Nightkit pinned her.
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 873
Posted: Tue, 19/08/2014 10:47 (10 Years ago)
Nightkit growled at Lilykit " I told you, you never will defeat me!" Nightkit hissed as the two kits rolled around the floor playfully, the sun was up now, and the other kits were stirring.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Tue, 19/08/2014 11:03 (10 Years ago)
"No fair! I was distracted," Lilykit began to mew but Nightkit lunged at her. To her reactions, the she-kit jerked to the side, but she was hanging onto her balance. She regained it quickly, and she really was a fair fighter for a kit. As she rammed into Nightkit's side, she reduced the plunge only enough for her friend to fall over.

Her paw landed on her friend's chest, holding Nightkit down with a slick look in her eyes. It was serious, but it showed the playfulness in the young kit. "Hah! I, Lilystar, shall win this fight on behalf of my clan!" She roared as her tail lashed.
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 873
Posted: Tue, 19/08/2014 11:38 (10 Years ago)
"Not yet" Nightkit roared, as she shuffled her body over and Lilykit fell flat on the ground. Nightkit held her down and tugged on her ear playfully
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Wed, 20/08/2014 08:46 (10 Years ago)
"Though I will," Lilykit laughed and jerked to the side, shoving her friend on the ground.
The she-kit nommed her friend's tail, as Thundercloud had just woke up, padded out of the nursery and whipped up Lilykit by the scruff. Since Lilykit had no mother, Thundercloud would take care of her, almost like a mother to the orphaned she-kit. Thundercloud was a broad, short she-cat with pale cream fur. There were a few splotches of light brown among her pelt. Thundercloud had lost her claws in a battle, and wasn't very harsh with her teeth. Since than, the retired warrior had spent her days in the nursery, helping out. She was still young, after all.

"Don't get to rough, kits." Thundercloud scolded to the little she-kits. She plopped Lilykit on the grassy ground and started to groom the kit's messy fur. The small, tabby kit shrank back into the former warrior's fur, her green eyes glimmered like an emerald fire. "We were just playing," Lilykit protested.
Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 873
Posted: Wed, 20/08/2014 09:49 (10 Years ago)
"It's okay lilykit, maybe next time you will beat me!" Nightshade teased. She couldn't wait to start her training to become a warrior, the breeze fluffed up her fur as she smelled the mid-morning air.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Wed, 20/08/2014 10:11 (10 Years ago)
Lilykit leaped from Stormcloud's large forepaws. "I already have beat you!" Lilykit purred.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 873
Posted: Wed, 20/08/2014 10:13 (10 Years ago)
((It's thundercloud))
Nightkit fell to the floor, pretending to have been slain by Lilykit.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Thu, 21/08/2014 08:30 (10 Years ago)
The tall, but muscular she-kit giggled. Thundercloud sighed and nuzzled Lilykit affectionately. "I'm going to wake up some of the queens or something," she meowed and padded off. Lilykit watched the bold she-cat shrink over to the nursery. She whipped around playfully and hauled her friend up. "Victory!" she screeched in joy.

Lilykit jumped as a dark brown tom-kit spoke in a sly voice, behind her. "Good morning, mouse-brained orphan." He sniggered tauntingly. "Hah! Scaredy-cat!" He rejoiced. Lilykit began to protest... "I-" but Treekit had jumped around in circles at Lilykit, taunting the she-kit. Lilykit's fur began to bristle in rage, but she calmed. "At least i'm not scared of Thundercloud. You came after she left, brave mouse." Lilykit grumbled calmly, as Treekit paused and pinned his ears back.

Lilykit padded away into the crowded nursery, as she stealthily whipped over the moss nests, avoiding stepping on anybody. It was a single game of her own, plus she got to wake up her friends. She nudged Hazekit with her muzzle and woke him up, next came Swiftkit. She seemed like a flash of brown, sneaking over the nests and leaping. The kit placed a single, tiny paw on Swiftkit's stomach, feeling her breath. Than, the kit nibbled her friend's ear. "Wake up," she murmured.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 873
Posted: Thu, 21/08/2014 09:24 (10 Years ago)
"Nice going treekit." Nightkit said as she flicked her midnight-black tail on his face."You know better." She said calmly.
She walked out into broad sunlight and started cleaning her shiny fur, it glimmered like the gew off the trees, she loved all of her friends, even treekit was one of her good friends, and she tried to stop him from pestering Lilykit.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Thu, 21/08/2014 09:31 (10 Years ago)
Lilykit's bright, green gaze looked through the sleeping maple leaves covering the roof of the nursery. The sky was a pale, silent blue that made Lilykit a bit... Eerie. She felt a shiver down her spine, as if a ghost was whispering inside her. Her fluffy brown tail lashed as she waited for her friends to wake up.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 873
Posted: Thu, 21/08/2014 09:36 (10 Years ago)
Nightkit had just finished cleaning herself and she looked at how lilykits face looked so white. "Are you okay?" She said, worried about what was going on. "She is just being a baby!" Treekit jeered, trying not to snigger. Nightkit gave him a gaze, and he looked into her blue eyes and stopped. Nightkit gave a smile and wandered into the empty den that Treekit had claimed, and Treekit followed, sticking his tinge out at Nightkit as he went.
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 270
Posted: Thu, 21/08/2014 09:38 (10 Years ago)
"I'm fine," Lilykit's head tilted in confusion. Her ears flopped the way her head was tilted. "And i'm not a baby, mouse-brain!" Lilykit hissed.

Trainerlevel: 65

Forum Posts: 873
Posted: Thu, 21/08/2014 09:41 (10 Years ago)
Treekit took a mouse from the pile and put it on her head. "Who's the mouse brain now?" She sniggered and walked back into his den. Nightkit was unaware of this, and treekit just sat down and started talking to her.