"The real world has a portal opeing to the game world?"Auraora said
seening link (legend of Zelda) past by not cofnsued about any of
this while holding a bow "We should go..."Auraora said seening
female\r\nApperance: Same as The Survial of Pokemon Highschool
1\r\nPersonaility: Shy, agressive, mean sometimes\r\nHistory:Never
asked her....\r\nOther:Moooooooooo
Archie gets his bow. "Same like last year, ain't it?" Archie said,
he ran through the halls, shooting zombies everywhere. But then, he
went insane. "Hey guys, come help me!" Archie said.
Hey, lest go on a team! Lets be Team Paradox!
Nex: * Goes out the pokeball* Oh Heck NO! When always you do a
team, everyone gots killed or lost!
*Uses his sword and kills some zombies*
COD didnt left to rest in peace the zombies?
Archie, lets team up and do headshots! *Uses the SSG and starts to
shoot the zombies*
SHAAADEEEEEE!!!!!! *Uses ExtremeSpeed and catches Shade* Gotcha
Nex: ¨Defending Aurora and Link* Guys, get up fast! Were gonna die
if you do not do that!
"I think Zelda is ehre somewhere"Auraora said then ehard so many
zombie fall from the elling dead then seen Zelda jump down then
leave "OKKKK"Auraora said slowly backing away
Nex: *Kills the zombies* Hey YOU!!! The girl, go where the fighting
dudes are, they will help you survive!
*Puts Shade up* Dude, watch out, you can get killed!
"Was that Zelda right there?"Auraora said then seen toon link and
toon Zelda come by "WHAT THE EHCK?"Auraora said starring at the
smaller versions (GTG)
"Like i can see them." Shade muttered under her breath.
(Okay, i'll come strait to people who are confused. Shade is a
girl, she is partially blind and partially deaf.)
Nex: *Talks by mind* I should prefer to be with Sky
*Mind talk* At least youre not always tortured by him
*Draws some special glasses* These will work... *Puts them on Shade
and the glasses makes better Shades vision* Can you see now?