"Okay enough happy thoughts, we need to really find more food
before nightfall." Aubrey says as the two finish their can of
peaches. Ellie jumps up, more happy to get moving with the thoughts
in her mind. Aubrey and Ellie both put on their backpacks and begin
trotting down the stairs, Aubrey with a machete and Ellie with a
crowbar. The sun is just beginning to set and the sunset is quite
beautiful. Aubrey smiles and takes Ellie's hand, walking towards a
torn down corner shop, hoping to find something there.
"I Wonder how zombies can swim into the water to turn them"Auraora
said looking through the info of the zozmbie whale,At ngiht zombies
where morwe common and quite, powerfull
"Oh"Auraora said looking at a real life whale jumping out of the
water gracefully then got biten "WHYDO PEOPLE POST THIGNS LIKE
THIS"Auraora said scared about this
The two walk into the store. Many shelves, broken glass, and fallen
pieces of the roof lay scattered around. Aubrey looks at Ellie and
nods, pushing inside. "Don't touch anything, I'll look around."
Aubrey says, walking around, crunching glass below her feet. She
begins digging through the shelves, looking for anything of use.
She finds a few bandages and a empty water bottle. Aubrey sighs,
"Not much here, on to the next place."
"To inform. It is science. I have several spare rooms. Do you need
to get anything from a previous safe house?"
"Because it's nearing night. You would want to get your supplies
before nightfall"
They reach the next building, climbing six flights of stairs to
reach the top. As the sun sets they decide to spend the night
there. Aubrey takes out the sleeping bag and tucks Ellie into it,
kissing her lightly on the head and goes over to take the first
watch of the night, while Ellie sleeps for a bit.
Aubrey walks over to a window, looking outside, watching the dark
streets. A few zombies walk around outside, looking for their next
victim. Aubrey sighs and thinks, when will this be over? I just
want everything to end. She looks at the gun in her hand, which
has killed so many, dead and living. It's not like she had any
choice but it still hurts her.
"Wait one sec. I'm going to get the door. But yeah, just continuing
my mother's work." She said, opening her door while bringing her
battle drones with her
"Is that your dog?"
The night has a strange way of drawing thoughts out of you,
huh Aubrey thinks to herself as she watches the streets below.
She smiles slightly, remembering when the city used to be covered
in bright lights and there would never be a dull moment. Honking
taxi's, dancing people dressed in funny costumes, and the delicious
city food. Her parents used to take them to the city for deliveries
and she always loved walking the streets with Ellie.
Auraora slowly went through the video then looking through he rbag
seening some old thgins she ahd as a kid,3dsxl,psp etc "Wanna
play?'Auraora said asking fox
Fox let Aurora's dog in the house. "Hey, what's your dog's name?"
Fox said, reaching up to a shelf, her eyes not leaving the dog. She
grabbed a syringe from the shelf, clutching it carefully in her