Forum Thread
The Legend of Shadow Lugia (Open And Accepting)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Legend of Shadow Lugia (Open And Accepting)You wake up in a dimly lit room and as your eyesight focuses you realise you are in a cage!
You cry out but noone except other pokemon can hear you, they cry back and several people wearing odd uniforms enter through double doors,
'' We caught some new pokemon for you professor.'' the male in unifrom says proudly,
'' Some we belive to be rare.'' a female adds in as they walk closer to you, you shuffle to the back of your cage and whimper fearfully, you know you have to get out but how?
The humans open the cage next to you and a vulpix is taken screaming and kicking in fear, it was taken away to an experimental unit. Never to be seen again.
Ok so your a pokemon or Goon for the organization which I have deemed Team Galactic or Team Rocket.
Here are the forms.
Galactic/Rocket Goon Form
How long they have worked in the facility:
Rank (Catcher/Scientist etc):
Looks (Pic would be preferred):
Pokemon Form:
Type of Pokemon:
How long they have been trapped in the facility or if they are wild:
Looks (Pic would be preferred):
My Charaters:
Name:Shadow Aura
Type of Pokemon:Shadow Lugia
How long they have been trapped in the facility or if they are wild:Since she hatched. She is kept in the underground facility.
Looks (Pic would be preferred):
History:She has been experimented on since she hatched and has become the very first Shadow Lugia. She wont talk about the rest.
Type of Pokemon:Shiny Mew
How long they have been trapped in the facility or if they are wild:Hatched in the facility and studied every day. Can’t escape as her cage is too robust.
Looks (Pic would be preferred):
History:Hatched in the facility, she was studied and was forced to learn move after move, now she knows every move possible. Because she is so powerful she is kept in a high-security cage.
Other:Whenever Aqua transforms into other Pokemon it will be the Shiny version, unless that species doesn’t have a Shiny version then it's the normal version.
Name: Sage
Gender: Female
Type of Pokemon: Shiny Emolga
Age: 1
How long they have been trapped in the facility or if they are wild: Wild
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Looks (Pic would be preferred): Wears a brown scarf and has blue eyes,The other is normal shiny emolga features.
History: Not told
Other: Hihihihi
interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)
Name: Genesis (Gene for short)
Gender: Female
Type of Pokemon: Mew, but part mewtwo
Age: ?????
How long they have been trapped in the facility or if they are wild: since she woke up
Crush: None
Mate: None
Looks (Pic would be preferred): (sorry, no pic!) A tiny green mew, with strange, sometimes glowing blue symbols all over her body
History: She woke up in a pod, not knowing who or where she was, except for her name
Other: Mewww~ ^w^
type of Pokemon:pachirisu
How long they have been trapped in the facility or if they are wild:she has been trapped in there for 2 months. She is to weak to escape.
Looks(Pic would be preferred):sorry no picture but she is a pachirisu with an unusual thunder cloud
History:was a healthy Philemon until she had been caught for her weird marking on her chest.
Other:hi C_C/
Type of Pokemon:Shiny Shedinja\r\nnn
Age:1\r\nHow long they have been trapped in the facility or if they are wild:wild :)\r\n
Looks (Pic would be preferred):Just like a shiny shedinja\r\n
History:He had a trainer,but when he evolved,the trainer released him and kept with ninjask,now he doesnt trust on humans\\\r\n
Other:Nope :3\\\\r\\\\n
Username: Sylvia
Name: Autumn
Gender: Female
Type of Pokemon: Turtwig
Age: Um.. 3 -Shrug-
How long they have been trapped in the facility or if they are wild: 3 months
Crush: None
Mate: None
Looks (Pic would be preferred):
History: Untold.
Other: She is unusually powerful for a Turtwig, but she rarely attacks. The only reason she was caught was because of the strength of her moves when she attempted to fight.
Personality: Autumn is quiet. She usually doesn't talk to anyone, or anything. She has a terrible temper, though she can be kind if you manage to talk to her without her ignoring you completely.
She cried out as the waves of electricity tore through her body, stinging her muscles and electrocution her over and over. "Help... me... HELP!" She cried out telepathically, causing some of the scientists studying her to hunch over in pain, clutching their heads
Username: Buizel1
Name: Rick
Gender: Male
Type of Pokemon: Quilava
Age: 14
How long they have been trapped in the facility or if they are wild: trapped since his thirteenth birthday.
Crush: none
Mate: none
Looks: (Pic would be preferred)
History: He was a human, and had a good life, but then he was captured and turned into a Quilava in an experiment. All he wants to do is go home even if he doesn't get turned back into a human.
Other: This took so long to filll out...
Username: Ghost_Rayquaza
Name: Vithee
Gender: Genderless...?
Type of Pokemon: Lugia
Age: 15
How long they have been trapped in the facility or if they are wild: A year ago.
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Looks (Pic would be preferred): A very small Lugia
History: Not told
Other: :p
Name: Vithee
Gender: Genderless...?
Type of Pokemon: Lugia
Age: 15
How long they have been trapped in the facility or if they are wild: A year ago.
Crush: N/A
Mate: N/A
Looks (Pic would be preferred): A very small Lugia
History: Not told
Other: :p
interact with my sentret i want her to become big n strong
tumblr: chuckpanozzo (more active there)