The Munchlax hesitantly walked to Crystal, but soon began to devour
the berries. It looked at her expectantly, then it realized Crystal
must have lots of food. If I go with her, I'll never be hungry
again! the Munchlax decided, reaching for one of the girl's
Pokeballs. "Hey, what're you doing? Ya want to go in there or
something?" When the Munchlax nodded, Crystal caught it and let it
out again. "We need to find a Pokemon Center for Gible," she said
to Autumn and Munchlax, heading to where she thought she saw a
Pokemon Center.
Jenny and her Team is thinking about travelling around a bit more.
''Should we go and challenge a Gym's leader?" Everyone is nodding.
"So, let's go! We can ask some of the others if they want to travel
with us. Let's go and ask... Mhm, who is there? There was Crystal
and... Jules. And Blaster... But let's ask Crystal first. I've got
this feeling travelling with her could be fun :D"
Hi! I'm from Germany, please forgive me my bad English ;)
Jerome then turned, he saw a trainer. "Hey kid, wanna battle?" The
trainer said. Jerome sent bulbasaur and the trainer sent Tyranitar.
Tyranitar knocked Bulbasaur out. "Return buddy, go aron!" Jerome
said. Aron was knocked out too.
Entering the Pokemon Center and healing Gible, she let it out and
all 3 of her Pokemon began to follow her, occasionally playing
around as she exited the Pokemon Center. She looked around,
wondering if anyone else was nearby.
Jenny started to look for one of the other trainers, that came in
this world. After a while she saw a Pokecenter and entered, because
in the center have to be one, to heal their Pokémon.\r\n
Hi! I'm from Germany, please forgive me my bad English ;)
"Yeah. I'm not sure what Pokémon I'll search next. I Firewing
evolves, I have a fire type, mhm buddy?" Jenny says to Crystal
while stroking Firewings head. But what about a water type? I could
cross the oceans on Lapras back or dive deep with a Gyrados..."
Hi! I'm from Germany, please forgive me my bad English ;)
"..Or give a Magikarp an everstone," Crystal joked. "I'll probably
get a Horsea for that, Kingdra is pretty awesome. Or maybe a
Poliwag, I like Politoed too."