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•° Maniac's Log °•

Forum-Index Diaries •° Maniac's Log °•
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Mon, 27/09/2021 09:52 (3 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Mon, 27/09/2021 09:53 (3 Years ago)

° Evolution Methods °

Here you can find how pokemon evolves! (excluding pokemon that evolves by only lvling up)
It's hard to remember how all pokemon evolve. Some evolutions are simple, some are more complex...
So here's a list of all the ways to evolve a pokemon, all in one spot!

* PPP = Pokémon-Profile Page

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If you're using this, please let me know if I'm missing any evolutions, I'll add it ASAP
(except evolutions by normally lvling up)
I'll update this ASAP whenever a new event / pokemon gets released and the evolution method is discovered

Thanks, enjoy!

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Evolutionary Items || Evolve a Pokémon by using these items on them.
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Cracked Pot
Cracked Pot--
Cracked Pot--
Sinistea → Polteageist
Sinitharos → Polstamnos

Dawn Stone
Dawn Stone--
Dawn Stone--
Kirlia Gallade
Snorunt Froslass
Driflamp → Lightblim

Dusk Stone
Dusk Stone--
Dusk Stone--
Witch Vulpix → Magic Ninetales
Murkrow → Honchkrow
Plaguekrow → Dr. Honch
Misdreavus → Mismagius
Lampent → Chandelure
Doublade → Aegislash
Harplade → Caegillo
Rockruff → Lycanroc (Dusk)

Fire Stone
Fire Stone--
Fire Stone--
Vulpix → Ninetales
Growlithe → Arcanine
Cuddlithe → Arcaddly
Growlithe (Hisuian) → Arcanine (Hisuian)
Eevee → Flareon
Pansear → Simisear

Galarica Cuff
Galarica Cuff--
Galarica Cuff--
Slowpoke (Galarian) → Slowbro (Galarian)

Galarica Wreath
Galarica Wreath--
Galarica Wreath--
Slowpoke (Galarian) → Slowbro (Galarian)

Ice Stone
Ice Stone--
Ice Stone--
Ice Stone--
Sandshrew (Alolan) → Sandslash (Alolan)
Vulpix (Alolan) → Ninetales (Alolan)
Woopice → Quagschnee
Darumaka (Galarian) → Darmanitan (Galarian)

Lava Cookie
Lava Cookie--
Obsidianix → Obsidialix

Leader Crest
Leader Crest--
Bisharp → Kingambit

Leaf Stone
Leaf Stone--
Leaf Stone--
Gloom → Vileplume
Sproutlett → Sproutrio
Weepinbell → Victreebel
Exeggcute → Exeggutor
Disguised Exeggcute → Disguised Exeggutor
Nuzleaf → Shiftry
Pansage → Simisage
Voltorb (Hisuian) → Electrode (Hisuian)

Farfetch'd (Galarian) → Sirfetch'd

Meltan Candy
Meltan Candy--
Meltan → Melmetal

Moon Stone
Moon Stone--
Moon Stone
Nidorina → Nidoqueen
Nidorino → Nidoking
Clefairy → Clefable
Clawfairy → Nessy
Jigglypuff → Wigglytuff
Skitty → Delcatty
Magnedrones → Motherzone
Munna → Musharna
Nightmare Munna → Nightmare Musharna

Scroll of Darkness
Scroll of Darkness--
Scroll of Darkness--
Kubfu → Urshifu (Single Strike)

Scroll of Waters
Scroll of Waters--
Scroll of Waters--
Kubfu → Urshifu (Rapid Strike)

Shiny Stone
Shiny Stone--
Shiny Stone--
Togetic → Togekiss
Nosepharos → Probolight
Roselia → Roserade
Floette → Florges
Floette (Sakura) → Florges (Sakura)
Floette (Eternal Flower) → Florges (Eternal Flower)

Spray Duck
Spray Duck--
Blossomly → Applewoodo

Sun Stone
Sun Stone--
Sun Stone--
Gloom → Bellossom
Sunkern → Sunflora
Cottonee → Whimsicott
Petilil → Lilligant
Helioptile → Heliolisk

Pikachu → Raichu
Satochu → Raitoshi
Eevee → Jolteon
Eelektrik → Eelektross

Water Stone
Water Stone--
Water Stone--
Igglybath → Jigglybath
Jigglybath → Wigglybath
Poliwhirl → Poliwrath
Shellder → Cloyster
Staryu → Starmie
Eevee → Vaporeon
Lombre → Ludicolo
Panpour → Simipour

Friendship || Evolve by using a Soothe Bell / Acupuncture at the Salon.
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Soothe Bell
Soothe Bell--
Soothe Bell--
Golbat → Crobat
Meowth (Alolan) → Persian (Alolan)
Chansey → Blissey
Pichu → Pikachu
Satichu → Satochu
Cleffa → Clefairy
Clawfa → Clawfairy
Igglybuff → Jigglypuff
Togepi → Togetic
Azurill → Marill
Budew → Roselia
Buneary → Lopunny
Easter Buneary → Easter Lopunny
Chingling → Chimecho
Munchlax → Snorlax
Sugar Shock → Candy Belly
Riolu → Lucario
Rokkyu → Lucario-sensei
Woobat → Swoobat
Swadloon → Leavanny
Type: Null → Silvally

Trade || Pokémon required to trade with another user in order to evolve.
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Kadabra → Alakazam
(Autumn) Kadabra → (Autumn) Alakazam
Machoke → Machamp
Graveler → Golem
Graveler (Alolan) → Golem (Alolan)
Haunter → Gengar
Boldore → Gigalith
Gurdurr → Conkeldurr
Phantump → Trevenant
Pumpkaboo → Gourgeist

Karrablast → Escavalier ⇄ Shelmet → Accelgor
Trade Karrablast, while Shelmet is in the recipient's party. Vice versa for Shelmet.

Holding DeepSeaScale
Holding DeepSeaScale--
Clamperl → Gorebyss

Holding DeepSeaTooth
Holding DeepSeaTooth--
Clamperl → Huntail

Holding Dragon Scale
Holding Dragon Scale--
Holding Dragon Scale--
Seadra → Kingdra
Pterdra → Lionking

Holding Dubious Disc
Holding Dubious Disc--
Porygon2 → Porygon-Z

Holding Electirizer
Holding Electirizer--
Electabuzz → Electivire

Holding King's Rock
Holding King's Rock--
Holding King's Rock--
Poliwhirl → Poliwrath
Slowpoke → Slowking

Holding Magmarizer
Holding Magmarizer--
Magmar → Magmortar

Holding Metal Coat
Holding Metal Coat--
Holding Metal Coat--
Onix → Steelix
Scyther → Scizor

Holding Prism Scale
Holding Prism Scale--
Feebas → Milotic

Holding Protector
Holding Protector--
Rhydon → Rhyperior

Holding Reaper Cloth
Holding Reaper Cloth--
Dusclops → Dusknoir

Holding Sachet
Holding Sachet--
Spritzee → Aromatisse

Holding Shoal Shell
Holding Shoal Shell--
Slugua → Aquargo

Holding Up-Grade
Holding Up-Grade--
Porygon → Porygon2

Holding Whipped Dream
Holding Whipped Dream--
Swirlix → Slurpuff

Rumble Areas || Evolve by sending Pokémon to a Rumble Area.
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Mossy Forest

Eevee → Leafeon

Snowy Mountains

Eevee → Glaceon
Crabrawler → Crabominable


Eevee → Sylveon

Lightstone Cave

Magneton → Magnezone
Magnedrones → Motherzone
Nosepass → Probopass
Nosepass → Probopass
Charjabug → Vikavolt

Level Adjustments || Pokémon evolving at different lvls than when they would normally evolve.
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Catercream [lvl 12] → Metacream
Metacream [lvl 24] → Buttercream

Impasta [lvl 36] → Tanghetti

Festival Ralts [lvl 20] → Festival Kirlia
Festival Kirlia [lvl 50] → Festival Gardevoir

Wailmer (Babylonian) [lvl 100] → Wailord (Babylonian)

Yamask (Galarian) [lvl 34] → Runerigus

Scattercube [lvl 10] → Spewbrella
Spewbrella [lvl 25] → Cocktaillon
By learning a move --

By learning a move --
Primeape [lvl 35] → Annihilape
Lickitung [lvl 33] → Lickilicky
Tangela [lvl 36] → Tangrowth
Aipom [lvl 32] → Ambipom
Yanma [lvl 33] → Yanmega
Girafarig [lvl 32] → Farigiraf
Dunsparce [lvl 32] → Dudunsparce / Dududunsparce
Piloswine [lvl 50] → Mamoswine
Bonsly [lvl 17] → Sudowoodo
Mime Jr. [lvl 18] → Mr. Mime
Inkay [lvl 30] → Malamar
Steenee [lvl 29] → Tsareena
Poipole [lvl 40] → Naganadel
Clobbopus [lvl 35] → Grapploct

Day & Night Evolution || Level up at a specific time of the day (server time) to evolve.
[Day; 06:00-17:59] [Night; 18:00-05:59]
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Linoone (Galarian) [lvl 35 + Night] → Obstagoon

Gloweon [lvl 31 + Day] → Lumiday
Gloweon [lvl 31 + Night] → Cosmoneon

Tyrunt [lvl 39 + Day] → Tyrantrum
Amaura [lvl 39 + Night] → Aurorus

Yungoos [lvl 20 + Day] → Gumshoos

Rockruff [lvl 25 + Day] → Lycanroc (Midday)
Rockruff [lvl 25 + Night] → Lycanroc (Midnight)

Fomantis [lvl 34 + Day] → Lurantis

Cosmoem [lvl 53 + Day] → Solgaleo
Cosmoem [lvl 53 + Night] → Lunala

Holding Oval Stone
Holding Oval Stone--
Happiny [Day] → Chansey

Holding Razor Claw
Holding Razor Claw--
Sneasel [Night] → Weavile

Holding Razor Fang
Holding Razor Fang--
Gligar [Night] → Gliscor

Holding Soothe Bell
Holding Soothe Bell--
Snom [Night] → Frosmoth

Holding Whipped Dream
Holding Whipped Dream--
Holding Whipped Dream--
Pumplin [Day] → Pumpkintun
Pumplin [Night] → Gourdie

Milcery || Place Milcery in party, give it a Sweet to hold, and spin the Wheel of Fortune with a Pokémon.
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Variables for the Pokémon spinning the wheel:
Direction of spin
Clockwise = Male
Counter Clockwise = Female

Length of spin
~5 seconds = Speed stat ≤ 149
>5 seconds = Speed stat ≥ 150

Server time
 Love Sweet
Strawberry Sweet
 Flower Sweet
 Star Sweet
 Clover Sweet
 Berry Sweet
 Ribbon Sweet

Milcery → Alcremie (Vanilla)
Direction: Clockwise, male
Length: ~5 sec, SS ≤ 149
Time: Day

Milcery → Alcremie (Matcha)
Direction: Clockwise, male
Length: ~5 sec, SS ≤ 149
Time: Night

Milcery → Alcremie (Lemon)
Direction: Clockwise, male
Length: >5 sec, SS ≥ 150
Time: Night

Milcery → Alcremie (Caramel Swirl)
Direction: Clockwise, male
Length: >5 sec, SS ≥ 150
Time: Day
Milcery → Alcremie (Ruby)
Direction: Counter Clockwise, female
Length: ~5 sec, SS ≤ 149
Time: Day

Milcery → Alcremie (Salted)
Direction: Counter Clockwise, female
Length: ~5 sec, SS ≤ 149
Time: Night

Milcery → Alcremie (Mint)
Direction: Counter Clockwise, female
Length: >5 sec, SS ≥ 150
Time: Night

Milcery → Alcremie (Ruby Swirl)
Direction: Counter Clockwise, female
Length: >5 sec, SS ≥ 150
Time: Day

Milcery → Alcremie (Rainbow Swirl)
Direction: Any genderless
Length: Any Speed Stat
Time: Any time

Form change || Change the form by various actions.
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Holding an Item
Holding an Item--
Holding an Item--
Pikachu [+ Cosplay Box (Beauty) ] → Pikachu Belle
Pikachu [+ Cosplay Box (Detective) ] → Pikachu Detective
Pikachu [+ Cosplay Box (Tough) ] → Pikachu Libre
Pikachu [+ Cosplay Box (Cute) ] → Pikachu Pop Star
Pikachu [+ Cosplay Box (Cool) ] → Pikachu Rock
Pikachu [+ Cosplay Box (Smart) ] → Pikachu Scientist

Teddiursa [+ Misdreavus Cosplay ] → Teddiursa (Misdreavus)

Latias [+ Enigma Pearl ] → Mega Latias
Latios [+ Enigma Pearl ] → Mega Latios

Kyogre [+ Blue Orb ] → Primal Kyogre
Groudon [+ Red Orb ] → Primal Groudon
Rayquaza [+ Green Orb ] → Mega Rayquaza

Deoxys [+ Red Meteorite ] → Deoxys (Attack)
Deoxys [+ Blue Meteorite ] → Deoxys (Defense)
Deoxys [+ Yellow Meteorite ] → Deoxys (Speed)

Tom Nook [+ Seller Clothes ] → Tom Nook (Seller)

Cherrim [+ Energy Root ] → Cherrim (Sunny)

Rotom [+ Microwave ] → Heat Rotom
Rotom [+ Washing Machine ] → Wash Rotom
Rotom [+ Refrigerator ] → Frost Rotom
Rotom [+ Electric Fan ] → Fan Rotom
Rotom [+ Lawnmower ] → Mow Rotom
Rotom [+ Mixer ] → Mixer Rotom
Rotom [+ Drill ] → Drill Rotom
Rotom [+ Monitor ] → Monitor Rotom
Rotom [+ Old PokéDex ] → Dex Rotom

Giratina [+ Griseous Crystal ] → Giratina (Origin)
Giratina [+ Griseous Pearl ] → Mega Giratina

Shaymin [+ Gracidea ] → Shaymin (Sky)

Arceus [+ Insect Plate ] → Arceus (Bug)
Arceus [+ Dread Plate ] → Arceus (Dark)
Arceus [+ Draco Plate ] → Arceus (Dragon)
Arceus [+ Zap Plate ] → Arceus (Electric)
Arceus [+ Fist Plate ] → Arceus (Fighting)
Arceus [+ Flame Plate ] → Arceus (Fire)
Arceus [+ Sky Plate ] → Arceus (Flying)
Arceus [+ Spooky Plate ] → Arceus (Ghost)
Arceus [+ Meadow Plate ] → Arceus (Grass)
Arceus [+ Earth Plate ] → Arceus (Ground)
Arceus [+ Icicle Plate ] → Arceus (Ice)
Arceus [+ Toxic Plate ] → Arceus (Poison)
Arceus [+ Mind Plate ] → Arceus (Psychic)
Arceus [+ Stone Plate ] → Arceus (Rock)
Arceus [+ Iron Plate ] → Arceus (Steel)
Arceus [+ Splash Plate ] → Arceus (Water)
Arceus [+ Pixie Plate ] → Arceus (Fairy)

Simisage [+ Waiter Dress (Green) ] → Simisage (Waiter)
Simisear [+ Waiter Dress (Red) ] → Simisear (Waiter)
Simipour [+ Waiter Dress (Blue) ] → Simipour (Waiter)

Darmanitan [+ Focus Sash ] → Darmanitan (Zen)
Darmanitan (Galarian) [+ Focus Sash ] → Darmanitan (Galarian Zen)

Tornadus [+ Reveal Glass ] → Tornadus (Therian Forme)
Thundurus [+ Reveal Glass ] → Thundurus (Therian Forme)
Landorus [+ Reveal Glass ] → Landorus (Therian Forme)
Enamorus [+ Reveal Glass ] → Enamorus (Therian Forme)

Kyurem [+ DNA Splicer (Black) ] → Black Kyurem
Kyurem [+ DNA Splicer (White) ] → White Kyurem

Keldeo [+ Secret Sword ] → Keldeo (Resolute)

Meloetta [+ Shell Bell ] → Meloetta (Pirouette)

Genesect [+ Burn Drive ] → Genesect (Burn)
Genesect [+ Douse Drive ] → Genesect (Douse)
Genesect [+ Shock Drive ] → Genesect (Shock)
Genesect [+ Chill Drive ] → Genesect (Chill)

Hoopa [+ Prison Bottle ] → Hoopa (Unbound)

Silvally [+ Bug Memory ] → Silvally (Bug)
Silvally [+ Dark Memory ] → Silvally (Dark)
Silvally [+ Dragon Memory ] → Silvally (Dragon)
Silvally [+ Electric Memory ] → Silvally (Electric)
Silvally [+ Fighting Memory ] → Silvally (Fighting)
Silvally [+ Fire Memory ] → Silvally (Fire)
Silvally [+ Flying Memory ] → Silvally (Flying)
Silvally [+ Ghost Memory ] → Silvally (Ghost)
Silvally [+ Grass Memory ] → Silvally (Grass)
Silvally [+ Ground Memory ] → Silvally (Ground)
Silvally [+ Ice Memory ] → Silvally (Ice)
Silvally [+ Poison Memory ] → Silvally (Poison)
Silvally [+ Psychic Memory ] → Silvally (Psychic)
Silvally [+ Rock Memory ] → Silvally (Rock)
Silvally [+ Steel Memory ] → Silvally (Steel)
Silvally [+ Water Memory ] → Silvally (Water)
Silvally [+ Fairy Memory ] → Silvally (Fairy)

Marshadow [+ Marshadium Z ] → Zenith Marshadow

Morpeko [+ Leftovers ] → Morpeko (Hangry)

Zacian [+ Rusted Sword ] → Zacian (Crowned Sword)
Zamazenta [+ Rusted Shield ] → Zamazenta (Crowned Shield)

Using an Item
Using an Item--
Using an Item--
Castform [+ Weather Balloon ] → Castform
Depending on the weather, Castform will evolve accordingly

Being in Party
Being in Party--
Being in Party--
Cramorant [+ Arrokuda + change at PPP] → Cramorant (Gulping)
Cramorant [+ Pikachu + change at PPP] → Cramorant (Gorging)

Eiscue [+ Buy Marill Ice Cream at the Beach ] → Eiscue (Noice)

Hisui || Evolve normal pokémon into their Hisui counterpart.
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With Arceus in Party holding Azure Flute ...

Growlithe [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Growlithe (Hisuian)
Arcanine [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Arcanine (Hisuian)
Voltorb [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Voltorb (Hisuian)
Electrode [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Electrode (Hisuian)
Typhlosion [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Typhlosion (Hisuian)
Qwilfish [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Qwilfish (Hisuian)
Sneasel [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Sneasel (Hisuian)
Dialga [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Dialga (Origin)
Palkia [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Palkia (Origin)
Samurott [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Samurott (Hisuian)
Lilligant [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Lilligant (Hisuian)
/ Basculin (Red / Blue) [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Basculin (White)
Zorua [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Zorua (Hisuian)
Zoroark [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Zoroark (Hisuian)
Braviary [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Braviary (Hisuian)
Sliggoo [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Sliggoo (Hisuian)
Goodra [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Goodra (Hisuian)
Avalugg [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Avalugg (Hisuian)
Decidueye [in party + Evolve via PPP] → Decidueye (Hisuian)

Using/holding an Item
Using/holding an Item--
Using/holding an Item--
Scyther [+ use Black Augurite ] → Kleavor
Ursaring [+ use Peat Block ] → Ursaluna

Sneasel (Hisuian) [+ hold Razor Claw + lvl up [Day]] → Sneasler
Stantler [+ holding Azure Flute + send to Snowy Mountains] → Wyrdeer

Lvl up
Lvl up--
Lvl up--
Basculin (White) [lvl 50] → Basculegion
Qwilfish (Hisuian) [lvl 35] → Overqwil

Special / Multiple Steps || Unusual evolution methods. Requires multiple steps.
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Slowyore [Feed 5-10 Honey via PPP] → Yorebro

Holding an Item
Holding an Item--
Holding an Item--
Slowyore [Hold King's Rock + Feed 1-3 Honey via PPP] → Yoreking

Eevee [Hold Soothe Bell + Use Sun Stone ] → Espeon
Eevee [Hold Soothe Bell + Use Moon Stone ] → Umbreon

Solar Eevee [Hold Stardust + Use Neptune Sphere ] → Neptuneon
Solar Eevee [Hold Stardust + Use Mercury Sphere ] → Mercureon
Solar Eevee [Hold Stardust + Use Jupiter Sphere ] → Jupiteon

Narichu [Hold Rare Candy + lvl up] → Naruchu
Naruchu [Hold Calcium + lvl up] → Raizumaki
Orryrm [Hold Jaboca Berry + lvl up] → Flapperine
Orryrm [Hold Custap Berry + lvl up] → Orake

Weather Conditions
Weather Conditions--
Weather Conditions--
Sliggoo [lvl 50][Rainy + lvl up] → Goodra
Kitema [lvl 33][Windy + lvl up] → Yanlift

Being in Party +
Being in Party +--
Being in Party +--
Pancham [lvl 32][+ another dark-type in Party + lvl up] → Pangoro
Mantyke [+ Remoraid in Party + lvl up] → Mantine

Applin [+ slather Super Honey on Honey Tree] → Appletun
Applin [+ slather Honey on Honey Tree] → Flapple

Sad Jr. [lvl 20] & Jolly Jr. [lvl 20][+ Fuse via PPP] → Mr. Moody
Solastra [lvl 21] & Selunar [lvl 21][+ Fuse via PPP] → Eclipseon
Machotide [+ Lopunny in Party + Fuse via PPP] → Beachamp
Sundaelite (Chocolate) & Sundaelite (Strawberry) [+ Fuse via PPP] → Sundaelish (Chocoberry)
Sundaelite (Chocolate) & Sundaelite (Vanilla) [+ Fuse via PPP] → Sundaelish (Choconilla)
Sundaelite (Strawberry) & Sundaelite (Vanilla) [+ Fuse via PPP] → Sundaelish (Strawnilla)
Sundaelish (Chocoberry) & Sundaelite (Vanilla) [+ Fuse via PPP] → Sundaelux
Sundaelish (Choconilla) & Sundaelite (Strawberry) [+ Fuse via PPP] → Sundaelux
Sundaelish (Strawnilla) & Sundaelite (Chocolate) [+ Fuse via PPP] → Sundaelux
Pumpkabowl & Goldeen [+ Fuse via PPP] → Aguageist (Goldeen)
Pumpkabowl & Luvdisc [+ Fuse via PPP] → Aguageist (Luvdisc)
Pumpkabowl & Magikarp [+ Fuse via PPP] → Aguageist (Magikarp)
Pumpkabowl [+ hold Bottled Message + Visit Leah at Emera Beach] → Aguageist (Leah)
Necrozma & Solgaleo [+ Fuse via PPP] → Necrozma (Dusk Mane)
Necrozma & Lunala [+ Fuse via PPP] → Necrozma (Dawn Wings)
Necrozma (Dusk Mane) & Lunala [+ Fuse via PPP] → Ultra Necrozma
Necrozma (Dawn Wings) & Solgaleo [+ Fuse via PPP] → Ultra Necrozma
Calyrex & Glastrier [+ Reins of Unity + Fuse via PPP] → Calyrex (Ice Rider)
Calyrex & Spectrier [+ Reins of Unity + Fuse via PPP] → Calyrex (Shadow Rider)

Super Shroom [+ Princess Smoochum in Party + Evolve via PPP] → Super Breloomio

Flower Boy [+ Flower Girl in Party + Day + Evolve via PPP] → Groomicott
Flower Girl [+ Flower Boy in Party + Day + Evolve via PPP] → Lillibride

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" style="max-width: 100%"/>Oh, hi again! Want to see more?
My log is full of stuff, some are even useful, so maybe take a look ^^
Last update: August 2023
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15/08/23 - paldea
29/07/23 - necrozma
23/02/23 - aquarium, ufo, cupid, karatebear
14/09/22 - more hisui
06/07/22 - added Form Change and Hisui
01/07/22 - added growlithe (hisuian)
27/05/22 - added sinitharos
19/04/22 - added solar eeveelution
07/03/22 - Added Eiscue (Noice)
06/03/22 - added Voltorb H
06/01/22 - added Calyrex fusions
08/01/22 - added Yamask (Galarian)
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Sat, 23/10/2021 15:16 (3 Years ago)

° Halloween 4.0 °

Started: 23rd October 2021
Ended: 2nd November 2021 (last day)

Trick or Treat:
I'm afraid of Ghosts!

It's Spooky-Time!
Halloween is approaching again! As always; Halloween Sweets can be collected by doing interactions, 'trick-or-treat'ing and rumbles.
A new method to collect Sweets has been introduced this year; gaining Sweets by spending DP (which requires a special (new) item, Odd Ditto Doll)
As usual; all the previous event eggs and items are available. This year, Mega Cursed Rapidash [10k sweets] and Odd Ditto Doll [200 sweets] were introduced! There's also a Shiny Mega Cursed Rapidash 150k sweets, for those hardcore players.
The Odd Ditto Doll makes it possible to receive one Halloween Sweet per Dream Point that has been spent.

I was halfway through lvl 4 when I started. Gonna try to get max this year :3
I keep saying I will get max level, but I never do :'D

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EDIT: 23rd October 2021
Quote from Trick or Treat!Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Darnit, the Pokémon ran away!
Lvled up to lvl 5 (I think? I didn't note that down)

EDIT: 24th October 2021
Quote from Trick or Treat!Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Darnit, the Pokémon ran away!
Lvled up to lvl 7

EDIT: 25th October 2021
Quote from Trick or Treat!
Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Gotcha! The Pokémon was caught.
Lvled up to lvl 8

EDIT: 26th October 2021
Lvled up to lvl 9
I might actually get max lvl this year o.o Thanks for the little push min lille wolfje <3 (and shiny mega event reward)

EDIT: 27th October 2021
Quote from Trick or Treat!
Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Gotcha! The Pokémon was caught.
Lvled up to lvl 10. Yayyy, max lvl!

EDIT: 28th October 2021
Quote from Trick or Treat!Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Darnit, the Pokémon ran away!

Quote from Trick or Treat!
Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Gotcha! The Pokémon was caught.

EDIT: 29th October 2021
Quote from Trick or Treat!Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Darnit, the Pokémon ran away!

Quote from Trick or Treat!
Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Gotcha! The Pokémon was caught.

EDIT: 30th October 2021
Quote from Trick or Treat!Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Darnit, the Pokémon ran away!

Quote from Trick or Treat!
Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Gotcha! The Pokémon was caught.

EDIT: 31st October 2021
Quote from Trick or Treat!
Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Gotcha! The Pokémon was caught.

EDIT: 1st November 2021
Finally got enough for the SM Cursed Rapidash *-* Now, I just have to collect enough for the normal mega as well.
I didn't encounter any retros while ToT-ing today, weird.

EDIT: 2nd November 2021
Quote from Trick or Treat!
Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Gotcha! The Pokémon was caught.

EDIT: 25th October 2021
A Dark Ponyta Plushie got added on the 24th!
EDIT: 31st October 2021
A Shiny Pumple Plushie got added!

EDIT: 2nd November 2021
During the event, I collected some numbers. It's not thaaaat precise because I didn't account for Sweets from rumble missions, but it's a very close estimate.
Show hidden content

Interaction at lvl

Sweets Collected

Sweets Gained_1
compared to yesterday

Total Interactions

Sweets Collected
after total interactions

Sweets Gained_2
compared to yesterday



Total Sweets Collected

Total Sweets Gained
compared to yesterday
---- 1 ----










---- 2 ----










---- 3 ----










----- 4 -----










----- 5 ------










----- 6 ------










----- 7 -----










----- 8 -----










----- 9 -----










---- 10 ----










---- 11 ----











* = lvl 7
** = lvl 8
*** = lvl 9
¤ = lvl 10

I... I actually did it... I collected 160k Sweets x-x

Quote from Halloween Event Thanks for the sweets!
Take good care of this special egg. It's... a little creepy. I'm glad you took it.

Quote from Halloween Event Thanks for the sweets!
Take good care of this special egg.

My experiences
Show hidden content
Day 1
Doubted that I could get the SM event, so I took it slow.
I did try a little bit, but then quickly realized I had to devote many hours to interact 100k times (with 1-2 clicklists). I got tired after +20k interactions, so I stopped. As long as I had enough Sweets to get the normal mega, I'd be fine.

Day 2
My lovely bf offered his phone to me, so that I could use 4 clicklists in total = finish faster (aka. so I don't have to spend as many hours interacting). I was able to do max interactions (which went surprisingly fast), and I was convinced that I could actually get the SM event. I finished interacting pretty early in the day, so I had the rest of the day to relax.
I've already finished writing my Dispatch for one of my courses, so I had some time to interact like a Maniac.

Day 3
Interacted whenever I was able to, while still reading some notes. I didn't finish interacting as early as the previous day, but I was able to do the max interactions nonetheless.
Then at the evening or so, BAM, permanently locked?? I won't go into details here, because I trust myself to remember what happened (right, future me? >.>). It did shock me, so I don't think I'll forget about it that easily.
Anyway, it got resolved pretty quickly. Back to normal, time to charge for tomorrow's iinteractions.

Day 4
Took it a bit slower, after the slightly stressful event of yesterday.
Had to attend a field-trip to a local pond. It was fine, until the end (it rained). But we saw a rainbow :D
Pretty tired when I came home, so I took my time to interact.

Day 5
Nothing new, just neutral. A bit more relaxed from what happened 2 days ago.
Click click click click...

Day 6
I feel like a zombie while I interact.

Day 7
Less enthusiastic to do 100k interactions... but... only a few days left.

Day 8

Day 9
I didn't do as many interactions as I wanted during the day, so I had to speed-interact right before reset. Luckily, I was able to do the max interactions. And right in time too. There was around 2-3 minutes left, and I still had to Trick-or-Treat.
So stressful >.<

Day 10
So close to my goal (160k Sweets), so I only did around 50k interactions. It was nice to chill a bit with the interactions.

Day 11
FINALLY! I have enough! I barely did any interactions this day, but I was able to Trick-or-Treat my way to the last bit of Sweets that I needed.
Aaaah, my first Shiny Mega! And it's even an event :D
I am officially done with this event. Time to rest my fingers on both hands.
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Wed, 01/12/2021 23:26 (3 Years ago)

° Advent Calendar 6.0 °

Another year, another advent calendar!
By opening at least 20 doors, we'll receive a new legendary Event Pokémon! Opening all 24 doors will give us a special reward. And as every year, I will open all 24 doors >:3
As usual, I'll log down every task and reward that I receive. Gonna try a different format this year, since I didn't really like last year's format :'D
IRL, my bf and I have an advent calendar with teas. Sooo, to keep this year's log a bit different, I'll add what kind of tea we got and maybe a rating ^^

Day 1 - 6
Show hidden content
Quote from Day 1 || 2
Make 750 interactions.

1x Mega Stone obtained!

Tea of the day
White tea with Lychee & Cocoa || 3.5/5 ✨
Time for some early christmas shopping!
Spend at least 1,000 PokeDollar on items at the Item
Market (GTS).

5x Fighting Gem obtained!

Tea of the day
Green tea with Vanilla Cinnamon & Mango || 2/5 ✨

Quote from Day 3 || 4
Send 3 Dream World Plushies (Min.: 10DP each) to another user.

1x Cosplay Box (Beauty) obtained!

Tea of the day
Black tea with Ginger & Cranberry || 3/5 ✨
Buy 10 Lottery Tickets. Good luck!

200x GC obtained!

Tea of the day
Green tea with Honey & Mint || 1.5/5 ✨
It had liquorice >.<

Quote from Day 5 || 6
Make 750 interactions.

Event egg obtained!

Tea of the day
Black tea with Sweet Vanilla Bread || 2.5/5 ✨
Brrr, it's cold... Fill your Party with 4 Fire Pokemon!

1x Cosplay Box (Tough) obtained!

Tea of the day
White tea with Blueberry & Elderflower || 3.5/5 ✨

Day 7 - 12
Show hidden content
Quote from Day 7 || 8
Flip the coin 50 times (Game Center).

3x Poké Ball obtained!

Tea of the day
Herbal tea with Spiced Red Fruits || 3/5 ✨
Is there a Pokemon that you still need? Bid on 1 Auction!
Interact with 25 Pokémon/Eggs on the Index-Page
("Give a hug?"/"Feed Free Berry!"-boxes)

1x Mystery Box (Black) obtained!

Tea of the day
Black tea with Savoury Blend || 2.5/5 ✨

Quote from Day 9 || 10
Send 2 Plushies to another user! (Min. Price: 10DP)

1x Event Plushie obtained!

Tea of the day
Herbal tea with Berry Savoury Pie || 4/5 ✨
Make 750 interactions.

1x Cosplay Box (Cute) obtained!

Tea of the day
Herbal tea with Chocolate Rooibos & Vanilla || 3.5/5 ✨

Quote from Day 11 || 12
Send at least 1 christmas gift to a friend
(See news post for more information).

1x Mystery Box (Dark Blue) obtained!

Tea of the day
Green tea Pomegranate || 4/5 ✨
Solve 20 hangmen at the Game Center!

Event egg obtained!

Tea of the day
Herbal tea with Glory Day || 3/5 ✨

Day 13 - 18
Show hidden content
Quote from Day 13 || 14
Make 750 interactions.

1x Cosplay Box (Detective) obtained!

Tea of the day
White tea with Lychee & Cocoa
Summon the snow in Emera Town! Place 5 Ice-Pokemon in your Party.

15x Figy Berry obtained!

Tea of the day
Green tea with Vanilla Cinnamon & Mango

Quote from Day 15 || 16
Send out at least one christmas gift.
Make 250 Interactions.

1x Mystery Key (Black) obtained!

Tea of the day
Black tea with Ginger & Cranberry
2021 is almost over. What are your goals for 2022?
Share them as a feed with the hashtag

1x Mystery Box (Pink) obtained!

Tea of the day
Green tea with Honey & Mint

Quote from Day 17 || 18
Make 750 interactions.

1x Cosplay Box (Smart) obtained!

Tea of the day
Black tea with Sweet Vanilla Bread
Set up a Wonder Trade!

1x Thunderstone obtained!

Tea of the day
White tea with Blueberry & Elderflower

Day 19 - 24
Show hidden content
Quote from Day 19 || 20
Set up an auction at the Auction House.
Did you find any auction that you're interested in?
Bid on at least 3 auctions!

Event egg obtained!

Tea of the day
Herbal tea with Spiced Red Fruits
Make 750 interactions.

1x Cosplay Box (Cool) obtained!

Tea of the day
Black tea with Savoury Blend

Quote from Day 21 || 22
Christmas is near - don't forget to send out 2 christmas gifts!
There are many eggs freezing! Hatch 3 eggs.
Last but not least: Time to chill at the Game Center. 20 coinflips.

1x DNA Splicer (Black) obtained!

Tea of the day
Herbal tea with Berry Savoury Pie
Make 2000 Interactions.

1x Mega Stone obtained!

Tea of the day
Herbal tea with Chocolate Rooibos & Vanilla

Quote from Day 23 || 24
It's time for a Pokemon Christmas Party!
Invited guests: Spheal, Delibird and Vanillite!
3 in your Party.

1x Snowling Plushie obtained!

Tea of the day
Green tea Pomegranate
Interact with 8 Pokemon/Eggs on the Index-Page.
(Feed free Berry/Give a hug?))
Hatch 4 eggs.
Secret Santa! Set up a wondertrade.
Close your eyes and make a wish.

You received a premium upgrade (1 week)! Merry Christmas!

Tea of the day
Herbal tea with Glory Day

Day 25 || Special
Show hidden content
You have opened enough doors to claim our special reward!
Claim legendary egg
You received a legendary egg. Take good care of it!
Because you opened all 24 doors successfully, you received a mega-able version of the egg!

Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Fri, 21/01/2022 22:31 (3 Years ago)

° Apricorn Battle 3.0 °

Started: 21st January 2022
Ended: 11th February 2022

In celebration of the release of Legends Arceus, Lyra from the Johto-Region has returned! The Apricorn Battle is a yearly tradition in the Johto-Region. It's an exciting event that is all about the power of apricorns.
New prizes: something completely new from the Hisuian region!

Quote from Lyra Hey Maniac, my name is Lyra and I'm from the Johto-Region.
Welcome to this year's Apricorn Event - sponsored by the Silph Company!
The Apricorn Event is a yearly festival that is celebrated here at the Emera Square at the beginning of the year.

Before being able to participate in our huge Apricorn Battle where all trainers of Emera Town compete with each other, you have to clear three different tasks to show us your skills. Good luck!

Task 1: Feeding berries
Show hidden content
QuoteApricorns from Johto are very similar to the berries from your region - we also use them to feed and train our Pokémon. Though, of course, Apricorns contain much more vitamin C and other important nutritions, making them a lot more efficient. Plus, they taste a lot better, hehe!
But anyway, I'm sure the Pokémon from here love regular berries just as well, right? Show me!

Feed 500/500 berries to Pokémon

Your progress will not reset at midnight.

Task 2: Apricorns from Johto
Show hidden content
QuoteDid you know that Apricorns grow on trees similar to berries growing in bushes? You should be able to plant their seeds in your Berry garden and grow them just like you would grow regular berries.
I put 5x Blue Apricorn Seeds into your Seed bag. Try it out and plant them in your garden!
Raise a Blue Apricorn to Level 5 in your Berry Garden

Task 3: Tasty cookies
Show hidden content
QuoteIn the Johto-Region we often use Apricorns to craft special Poké Balls. But I found a better way to use them!
I made up a recipe for tasty cookies that combines the flavour of my three favorite apricorns. They are so delicious and very easy to make!

Make Lyra 1x Johto Cookie in your Cooking Pot

[lvl 5] + [lvl 2] + [lvl 2] + + =

[The reward for completing the tasks is the Burned Tower map. I already have it from the previous years]
That was quick!

Wow, you have already cleared all tasks!
However, we will wait a bit longer before starting with the Apricorn Battles - so there are enough participants. Let's give all the others a chance as well, alright?

The final round starts on January 23rd.

EDIT: 23rd January 2022
Let the Apricorn Battles begin!!

Show hidden content
Quote from Lyra Welcome to this year's Apricorn Battles. You successfully made it to the final round of our huge competition! The Silph Company is very proud of you.

The rules are very simple: Plant the apricorns from the Johto-Region that I gave you and bake as many Johto Cookies as possible! The more cookies you produce, the more Festival Points you receive on the following day.

The best 50 trainers of the day are displayed in our ranklist and receive a special reward at midnight.

I collect your Johto Cookies every full hour and then update the ranklist. The prizes are distributed every day at midnight. Good luck!

Quote from Lyra Lyra's green thumb

I can speed up the growth of your Apricon plants by 25%! But first you have to show me that you really value the power of fruits and berries!

Feed ~/100 berries to Pokémon

EDIT: 24th January 2022
Show hidden content
Quote from Emera Square Results of yesterday's Apricorn Battle:

You scored Rank #28 with 37 Johto Cookie(s). Good job!
You won 1,525 Festival Points!
You also won a Special Reward! Please claim it at the Apricorn Battle.

Quote from Apricorn Battle
Congratulations, you were one of the best 50 trainers in one of our Apricorn Battles!
Here is your reward: Lyra's Favourite Pokémon


Take good care of it!

Hmmm, I wanted the new Hisuian pokemon, not the retro :I

EDIT: 25th January 2022
Show hidden content
Quote from Emera Square Results of yesterday's Apricorn Battle:

You scored Rank #17 with 45 Johto Cookie(s). Good job!
You won 1,725 Festival Points!
You also won a Special Reward! Please claim it at the Apricorn Battle.

Quote from Apricorn Battle
Congratulations, you were one of the best 50 trainers in one of our Apricorn Battles!
Here is your reward: Lyra's Favourite Pokémon


Take good care of it!

Again? Not even a shiny? sad ...
3rd time's the charm >:3

EDIT: 26th January 2022
Show hidden content
Quote from Emera Square Results of yesterday's Apricorn Battle:

You scored Rank #22 with 44 Johto Cookie(s). Good job!
You won 1,700 Festival Points!
You also won a Special Reward! Please claim it at the Apricorn Battle.

Quote from Apricorn Battle
Congratulations, you were one of the best 50 trainers in one of our Apricorn Battles!
Here is your reward: Lyra's Favourite Pokémon


Take good care of it!

Yayy, got the hisuian pokemon!
Now, since I got what I needed, I'll turn the rest of my apricorns into cookies. Idk when I'll claim them, maybe never, we'll see :3

EDIT: 30th January 2022
Show hidden content
Quote from Emera Square Results of yesterday's Apricorn Battle:

You scored Rank #45 with 35 Johto Cookie(s). Good job!
You won 1,375 Festival Points!
You also won a Special Reward! Please claim it at the Apricorn Battle.

Quote from Apricorn Battle
Congratulations, you were one of the best 50 trainers in one of our Apricorn Battles!
Here is your reward: Lyra's Favourite Pokémon


Take good care of it!

Almost used all my apricorns, still got some seeds so I might join another day, we'll see ^^

EDIT: 7th February 2022
Show hidden content
Quote from Emera Square Results of yesterday's Apricorn Battle:

You scored Rank #42 with 30 Johto Cookie(s). Good job!
You won 1,250 Festival Points!
You also won a Special Reward! Please claim it at the Apricorn Battle.

Quote from Apricorn Battle
Congratulations, you were one of the best 50 trainers in one of our Apricorn Battles!
Here is your reward: Lyra's Favourite Pokémon


Take good care of it!

I can make 2 more cookies of my leftover apricorns, but I think I'm done for now :3
The event was fun and a bit time consuming!
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Sat, 19/02/2022 18:14 (2 Years ago)

° Valentine's Event 4.0 °

Started: 7th February 2022
Ended: 14th February 2022 || pokemon received on 15th

I know, I know, the event ended already. But better late than never, eh
Ah yes, the day when chocolate and flowers get super expensive has come. I won't do a long post, like I usually do, bc I'm busy with irl stuff :'3
Anyway, collect hearts by interacting and sending plushies. Send cards to at least 5 different people to receive a brandnew Event Pokémon. The more cards you send out, the higher is your chance to receive a Shiny Event. Got it? Good ^^

Show hidden content
Only 10 cards, good enough :3
I was busy with lab-work
and presentation the whole week...
Now that we're done with
analysis and stuff,
I finally got some free time
1 ⨯ Not qualified yet
2 ⨯ Not qualified yet
3 ⨯ Not qualified yet
4 ⨯ Not qualified yet
5 ⨯ < 0.1 % ||
6 ⨯ < 0.1 % ||
7 ⨯ < 0.1 % ||
8 ⨯ < 0.1 % ||
9 ⨯ < 0.1 % ||
10 ⨯ 0.2 % || + 0.1
Made an excel-file, so I don't have to manually write everything every year. Why didn't I think of that earlier :'D

Quote from
Oh, you sent out so many lovely cards to other users!
Do you want to claim your special Valentine's Event Pokémon?

You sucessfully received the Event Egg and placed it in your party.
Thanks to everyone who sent me a card, even the anons! It was nice to read them ^^ ♥
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Tue, 22/02/2022 20:45 (2 Years ago)

° Lucky Grabs °

During all my years here on PH, I've had a couple of lucky grabs / catches.
My sweet bf helped me find all the shinies and lab legends with me as OT, dank u wel schatje ♥️
Now I just need to find [all] the mega ables (or megas) with me as OT. That probably won't happen anytime soon tho. I have most of them, but not all, since I most likely traded / sold some.
Anyway, here they are!

From the Lab
Show hidden content

[1st mega able]
~ Mega evolved it

[2nd mega able]
~ Mega evolved it

[My 1st shiny]
Not the pretties, but oh well :3

[3rd Articuno]
~ Sold

[2nd Zapdos]
~ Sold

[1st Ditto]
Ditto?? Ditto?!
Dittooo! :D

[4th Articuno]
~ Sold

[2nd Moltres]
~ Sold

[4th mega able]

[5th mega able]

[7th mega able]

[2nd Ditto]
Lucky luckyy! Grabbed it
when my bf was here ♥️

[9th mega able]

[4th Moltres]

[12th mega able]

[5th Articuno]
~ Sold

[6th Articuno]

[14th mega able]

[16th mega able]

[1st Articuno]
Ahhh :O! My very first
legendary from the lab!

[2nd Articuno]
~ Sold

[1st Zapdos]
Uno... Dos!

[1st Moltres]
The collection is complete :D

[2nd lab shiny]
Traded for a shiny Kricketune
bc someone wanted Kricketot

[3rd Zapdos]
~ Sold

[4th Zapdos]

[3rd mega able]

[3rd Moltres]

[6th mega able]

[8th mega able]

[3rd lab shiny]
It's a nice-ish shiny
at least :3

[10th mega able]

[11th mega able]

[13th mega able]

[1st Glastrier]
Ahhh, I got an ice horsie!
Ghost horsie left :D

[15th mega able]

[4th lab shiny]


From Rumble Missions
Show hidden content
[1st shiny]
Ahh, a nice shiny!
It can't be shiny hunted too,
good catch my rumble pkmn!



From Fishing
Show hidden content
[ 1 st shiny ]

[ 3 rd shiny ]

[ 5 th shiny ]

[ 7 th shiny ]

[ 9 th shiny ]

[ 11 th shiny ]

[ 13 th shiny ]

[ 15 th shiny ]

[ 17 th shiny ]

[ 19 th shiny ]

[ 21 st shiny ]

[ 23 rd shiny ]

[ 25 th shiny ]

[ 27 th shiny ]

[ 29 th shiny ]

[ 31 st shiny ]

[ 33 rd shiny ]

[ 35 th shiny ]

[ 37 th shiny ]

[ 39 th shiny ]

[ 41 st shiny ]

[ 43 rd shiny ]

[ 45 th shiny ]

[ 47 th shiny ]

[ 49 th shiny ]

[ 51 st shiny ]

[ 53 rd shiny ]

[ 55 th shiny ]

[ 57 th shiny ]

[ 1 st mega able ]

[ 61 st shiny ]

[ 63 rd shiny ]

[ 65 th shiny ]

[ 67 th shiny ]

[ 69 th shiny ]

[ 70 th shiny ]

[ 72 nd shiny ]

[ 74 th shiny ]

[ 76 th shiny ]

[ 78 th shiny ]

[ 80 th shiny ]

[ 82 nd shiny ]

[ 84 th shiny ]

[ 86 th shiny ]

[ 88 th shiny ]

[ 90 th shiny ]

[ 92 nd shiny ]

[ 94 th shiny ]

[ 96 th shiny ]

[ 98 th shiny ]

[ 100 th shiny ]

[ 102 nd shiny ]

[ 104 th shiny ]

[ 106 th shiny ]

[ 108 th shiny ]
[ 2 nd shiny ]

[ 4 th shiny ]

[ 6 th shiny ]

[ 8 th shiny ]

[ 10 th shiny ]

[ 12 th shiny ]

[ 14 th shiny ]

[ 16 th shiny ]

[ 18 th shiny ]

[ 20 th shiny ]

[ 22 nd shiny ]

[ 24 th shiny ]

[ 26 th shiny ]

[ 28 th shiny ]

[ 30 th shiny ]

[ 32 nd shiny ]

[ 34 th shiny ]

[ 36 th shiny ]

[ 38 th shiny ]

[ 40 th shiny ]

[ 42 nd shiny ]

[ 44 th shiny ]

[ 46 th shiny ]

[ 48 th shiny ]

[ 50 th shiny ]

[ 52 nd shiny ]

[ 54 th shiny ]

[ 56 th shiny ]

[ 58 th shiny ]

[ 59 th shiny ]

[ 60 th shiny ]

[ 62 nd shiny ]

[ 64 th shiny ]

[ 66 th shiny ]

[ 68 th shiny ]

[ 2 nd mega able ]

[ 71 st shiny ]

[ 73 rd shiny ]

[ 75 th shiny ]

[ 77 th shiny ]

[ 79 th shiny ]

[ 81 st shiny ]

[ 83 rd shiny ]

[ 85 th shiny ]

[ 87 th shiny ]

[ 89 th shiny ]

[ 91 st shiny ]

[ 93 rd shiny ]

[ 95 th shiny ]

[ 97 th shiny ]

[ 99 th shiny ]

[ 101 st shiny ]

[ 103 rd shiny ]

[ 105 th shiny ]

[ 107 th shiny ]

[ 109 th shiny ]


From the Honeytree
Show hidden content

[1st shiny]

[3rd shiny]

[5th shiny]

[7th shiny]

[2nd shiny]

[4th shiny]

[6th shiny]

[8th shiny]


From Bug Hatching Contest
Show hidden content
[1st mega able]
[2nd mega able]


Show hidden content

[Professor Rowan
Quest reward
It's 3rd OS as well!
This was when the reward didn't have
100% shiny chance

I'm speechless-

This was my first time
smothering honey on the
tree in a long time
This caught me off guard!

[Safari Zone]
I thought the colors were
a bit off, so I caught it :3

[Emera Beach]
I was lucky enough to
catch this shiny pattern!

[Sky Gift]
I was trying to get the
normal retro, but I'll
take it :D


Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Fri, 01/04/2022 11:41 (2 Years ago)
° April Fools 3.0 °

Started: 1st April 2022
Ended: 2nd April 2022 (00:00 server time)

After two years, we have an event on this special day again! We can now smell our pokemon :0

First, the OLED (odor and light emitting diodes) feature had to be enabled (by running the calibration). After that, gently rub over the Pokémon on the Party page. When hearts appear, the Pokémon emits odor.
Apparently only Grass, Normal, Ground, Rock and Fire type pkmn are supported.
Sounds fun and silly xD Can't fool me, but I wanna see what happens anyway hahah

(OE = odor emission)
When starting calibration:
Show hidden content
Quote from Calibration
Step #1:
Let's check if OE is supported and already enabled on your device.
Please try to smell the coloured boxes below. Can you smell it?

I can't smell the boxes

That's alright! Let's check if we can enable OE on your device...

Step #2:
Increase or decrease the odor saturation index below until you perceive a pleasant vanilla smell.
Tip: You might need to close your eyes while smelling for a better experience.


You have been fooled!
(April Fool's joke 2022)

Enjoy your "special" Event plushie.

Quote from Professor Rowan

Haha, you have been FOOLED!
Smell ya later.

That was, uhh, unexpected xD I knew something was gonna happen to reveal the prank, but not this. With the OE enabled, I can even smell the plushie. What a ... pleasant smell :)))
It was fun tho, I enjoy these story-ish events ^^

Easter Egg hunt next!~
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Fri, 08/04/2022 15:17 (2 Years ago)

° Easter Egg Hunt 6.0 °

Started: 8th April 2022
Last day: 16th 17th April 2022 extended due to server hickup

Edit: 02.04.2023
Omg ... I accidentally edited this post and saved it when I was working on 7.0, and now I can't undo it ;-; I forgot I wasn't on a "new post" :c Rip everything I wrote last year. I'll try to salvage it. I don't remember everything I wrote tho ;-;

Quote from Easter EventYour task is to search for Easter Eggs that are hidden carefully on PokéHeroes.
You receive a brandnew Event Pokémon after finding 16 out of 20 eggs.
You receive an Item for finding all 20 out of 20 eggs.

The reward can be claimed on April 18th.
Speedrun time: 9 minutes and 44 seconds.

Easter Eggs:
Show hidden content

Edit: 18.04.2022 (02.04.2023)
Quote from Easter Event
Congrats or something. You found eggs, yay
[Claim your reward(s)]

You found 20 out of 20. Here's a sphere, idk

All available evolutions so far:
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Fri, 01/07/2022 21:12 (2 Years ago)

° PH's 9th Anniversary °

It's PH's anniversary! And ofc, there are some new additions;
Shiny Anniversary Gift, Hisui Event.

Shiny Anniversary Gift

Now, we can choose to get a shiny anniversary gift once for every 4 years we've been a member. It's only available for the cake gifts for now.

Cheese Cake -- Strawberry Cake

As of now, I've been a member for 6 years. I've only claimed 5 out of 6 anniversary gifts, so I could get the shiny. Hmmm c:

Hisui Event

Zorua (Hisui) and Growlithe (Hisui) are now available through the event distribution (for now). The event distribution has increased shiny odds. The more eggs you get, the higher the shiny odds are. There's also another surprise to this distribution; the hatched pokemon might hold an item.

Here's what I got;
[July 1st - July 7th]
[1] held Thunderstone
[2] held Fire Stone
[3] held Ghost Gem
[4] held Leaf Stone
[5] held Mystery Box (Light Blue)
[6] held Azure Flute (guaranteed)
[July 8th - July 14th]
[1] held Thunderstone
[2] held Ghost Gem

New Items
Azure Flute
Black Augurite
Peat Block


And ofc, mew returns. Same thing as the previous years. I don't really need to add anything.
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Mon, 18/07/2022 13:02 (2 Years ago)

° Yellow Forest Quest 2.0 °

Started: 18th July 2022
Ended: 31st July 2022

Another part of the Yellow Forest Quest got released!
Like previous years, Light Balls can be collected by interacting. In order to get the reward for the new extention, 100 Light Balls had to be collected.

Part 1: Unlock Yellow Forest - 20 LB
Part 2: Spikey-eared Pichu Update - 40 LB
Part 3: Narichu's Quest - 50 LB
Part 4: Pichu (Ukulele) Quest - 100 LB, 150 LB, 200 LB

Quote from Pi-Pichu ♫Piiii~kaaa! ♪
(You received an egg. Take good care of it!)

Huh? After receiving the egg, the counter didn't end. Now it says I need 150 Light Balls :O Guess I need to interact even more.
Let's see what will happen :3

Quote from Pi-Pichu ♫Piiii~kaaa! ♪
(You received an egg. Take good care of it!)

Got Pichu (Ukulele) again, so guess that's the reward for the rest of the quest. The counter increased, and now it's at 200 Light Balls.
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Thu, 01/09/2022 18:19 (2 Years ago)

° Fun Fair 1.0 °

Started: 1st September 2022
Ended: 18th September 2022

A new event has been introduced; the Travelling Fun Fair!
New minigames came along with the Fun Fair. If we complete the minigames, we will be awarded with Fair Tickets (FT), which can be exchanged for some prizes.
Mega-Able Egg || 200 FT
Plushies || 25 FT
Random Gem || 10 FT
Selfie Stick || 100 FT
Mega Stone || 500 FT
They have Sprigatito, Fuecoco and Quaxly plushies!!
The retro prizes vary from each user, and changes daily.
There's only 5% chance of the retros being shiny.

Retro options,
Show hidden content
- Day 1; Venusaur 200 FT, Articuno 400 FT, Typhlosion 200 FT
- Day 2; Charizard 200 FT, Zapdos 400 FT, Feraligatr 200 FT
- Day 3; Blastoise 200 FT, Moltres 400 FT, Meganium 200 FT
- Day 4; Venusaur 200 FT, Articuno 400 FT, Typhlosion 200 FT

Quote from Corn Maze || 500
Welcome at Scaractus' Corn Maze!

After paying the entrance fee, you are free to explore the corn maze for the rest of the day! You may enter and leave as you please. On the next day, however, the maze will be all new, so we charge the same fee again.

In the corn maze, you can find five different stickers. You'll receive a generous amount of Fair Tickets for collecting all five in one day and then reaching the end of the maze. But beware: Some paths might be blocked by wild Pokémon...
It's fun exploring the maze! Got 25 FT for finding all 5 stickers. It was bigger than I thought, and it took me more than 1 hour to go through the whole maze and make a map of it. The maze is different for every user.

Show hidden content
[Day 1 & 7 & 13]

Each red dot corresponds to the screen you see when you play. Star is the exit.

[Day 2 & 8 & 14]

[Day 3 & 9 & 15]

[Day 4 & 10 & 16]

[Day 5 & 11 & 17]

[Day 6 & 12 & 18]

Noticed someone else had a map like this as well.

Quote from Apple Bobbing || 100
Bobbing an apple a day will bring magic, hooray!
We can only bob for apples once a day. So it's like the fountain.

Apples available:
Show hidden content
Hey, that's not an apple you just bobbed, that's a Poké Ball! Funky.
(1x Poké Ball obtained)

Woah, that's an extremely large apple. How did you...?
(Increased mega-able chance)

That's one large apple! Good job!
(Slightly increased mega-able chance)

You bobbed a super fresh apple, it looks incredibly glossy!
(Increased shiny chance)

You bobbed a very fresh apple, it looks so glossy!
(Slightly increased shiny chance)

Hey, that's not an apple you just bobbed! ... Wait, that's my little PuffPuff. I thought I'd never see him again!
Thank you so much for finding him. Here: Have a reward.
(100 Fair Tickets obtained)

Hey, that's not an apple you just bobbed! ... Wait, that's my keychain - I thought I lost it!
Thank you so much for finding it. Here: Have a reward.
(50 Fair Tickets obtained)

Tasty! You really do like apples, don't you?
Here, have a plushie!
(Event Plushie obtained)

Show hidden content
1] Hey, that's not an apple you just bobbed, that's a Poké Ball! Funky.
(1x Poké Ball obtained)
2] Woah, that's an extremely large apple. How did you...?
(Increased mega-able chance)
3] You bobbed a super fresh apple, it looks incredibly glossy!
(Increased shiny chance)
4] You bobbed a super fresh apple, it looks incredibly glossy!
(Increased shiny chance)

5] Tasty! You really do like apples, don't you?
Here, have a plushie!
(Event Plushie obtained)
6] Hey, that's not an apple you just bobbed! ... Wait, that's my keychain - I thought I lost it!
Thank you so much for finding it. Here: Have a reward.
(50 Fair Tickets obtained)
7] You bobbed a super fresh apple, it looks incredibly glossy!
(Increased shiny chance)
8] Hey, that's not an apple you just bobbed! ... Wait, that's my little PuffPuff. I thought I'd never see him again!
Thank you so much for finding him. Here: Have a reward.
(100 Fair Tickets obtained)
9] Woah, that's an extremely large apple. How did you...?
(Increased mega-able chance)

10] Tasty! You really do like apples, don't you?
Here, have a plushie!
(Event Plushie obtained)
11] Hey, that's not an apple you just bobbed! ... Wait, that's my keychain - I thought I lost it!
Thank you so much for finding it. Here: Have a reward.
(50 Fair Tickets obtained)
12] Hey, that's not an apple you just bobbed! ... Wait, that's my keychain - I thought I lost it!
Thank you so much for finding it. Here: Have a reward.
(50 Fair Tickets obtained)
13] You bobbed a very fresh apple, it looks so glossy!
(Slightly increased shiny chance)
14] You bobbed a super fresh apple, it looks incredibly glossy!
(Increased shiny chance)

15] Tasty! You really do like apples, don't you?
Here, have a plushie!
(Event Plushie obtained)
16] Woah, that's an extremely large apple. How did you...?
(Increased mega-able chance)
17] You bobbed a very fresh apple, it looks so glossy!
(Slightly increased shiny chance)
18] Hey, that's not an apple you just bobbed! ... Wait, that's my little PuffPuff. I thought I'd never see him again!
Thank you so much for finding him. Here: Have a reward.
(100 Fair Tickets obtained)

Quote from Ducklett Fishing || 580
Welcome at the Ducklett Fishing!

After starting the game, you'll see Ducklett and its friends floating on waves. You'll be equipped with a rod - use it to catch one of them; but only one! Take as much time as you need for making your decision. All of the Pokémon have a random number hidden on their bottom side. This will be the amount of Festival Tickets you win. Choose patiently and wisely!
There's a 15 min cooldown, but interactions will reduce the cooldown. I saw lots of duckletts and swablus, and occasionally baby duckletts! I've also seen shiny duckletts a couple of times. I wonder if there's a shiny swablu ... probably not :3

Highest amount of FT I've gotten from it so far: 99 from baby ducklett.

Quote from Wingull Gulf || free once. 1,500 after
Welcome at the Wingull Gulf!
In this game, you'll see Wingull and Pelipper flying in the air. Your aim is to click-and-catch as many of them as possible.
But be careful: Do not click on any Pokémon but Wingull and Pelipper!
The game ends after roughly 2 minutes. Your final score will then be converted into Fair Tickets.
Refreshing the page resets your score and the entrance fee needs to be paid again.
There's a 30 min cooldown. After X amount of tries, the cooldown is until reset. Max 100 points, I think. 100 points will give 15 FT, 97 points will give 12 FT.
Hmmm, only 12-15 FT each 30 min AND I have to pay 1,5k pd ... I'm better off fishing for duckletts :D

There's still an area that is under construction ... I wonder if something new is gonna be added in the middle of the event.
Kinda like how ChickenSmoothie has their summer events; An area is restricted in the beginning, but will be unlocked after a certain amount of time.
But we'll have to wait and see :3

EDIT; 04.09.2022
Apparently, you can click on Newton! :O

Show hidden content
Quote from Prize Hut Newton N. Meowth the Second: ... ... ... Wha-What are you looking at, kiddo? I'm not for sale, not even for 999 Fair Tickets.

[After getting 1,000 FT]

Newton N. Meowth the Second: ... ... ... Y-You're interested in buying... me?
I mean... I'm not gonna lie: You've collected an impressive amount of Fair Tickets! That's quite an achievement for a human.

... Alright! I am willing to give you a very special secret gift of mine for 1,000 tickets. Deal?

Newton N. Meowth the Second: Here, I'm willing to trade my firstborn for your tickets.
Aaah, so many tickets. Wonderful!
... Oh yeah, almost forgot: Take good care of it.

EDIT; 06.09.2022

The legendary retros were supposed to come as eggs, so their eggdex is available now!
Welp, time to gather 1200 more FT :'D
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Sat, 15/10/2022 16:02 (2 Years ago)

° Halloween 5.0 °

Started: 15th October 2022
Ended: 31st October 2022 (last day)

Trick or Treat:
I'm afraid of Ghosts!

You know the deal by now;
collect Halloween Sweets by interacting, 'trick or treat'ing other members, by rumbling and by spending Dream Points. Halloween Sweets can be exchanged to the usual items; all the previous event eggs and items.
This year, (shiny) mega cursed rapidash isn't available. BUT, something new is available; MissingNo. (Aerodactyl) [20k sweets] & MissingNo. (Kabutops) [20k sweets]

Started halfway through lvl 4
I'll try to get the new events. I don't have as much time as last year now :')) But hopefully I can find some time to reach my goal.

1,552 / 40,000

Show hidden content
EDIT: 15th October 2022
Quote from Trick or Treat!
Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Gotcha! The Pokémon was caught.

Quote from Trick or Treat!Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Darnit, the Pokémon ran away!

EDIT: 16th October 2022
Quote from Trick or Treat!Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Darnit, the Pokémon ran away!

EDIT: 17th October 2022
Quote from Trick or Treat!
Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Gotcha! The Pokémon was caught.

EDIT: 20th October 2022
Quote from Trick or Treat!
Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Gotcha! The Pokémon was caught.

EDIT: 22nd October 2022
Quote from Trick or Treat!
Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Gotcha! The Pokémon was caught.

EDIT: 23rd October 2022
Quote from Trick or Treat!Oh no, it looks like the sweet candy lured a wild Pokémon!

Darnit, the Pokémon ran away!

EDIT: 22nd October 2022
Got the new eggs!
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Mon, 28/11/2022 20:07 (2 Years ago)

° Hisui Dex °

Quote from Prof. RowanThe big achievement

Congratulations, Maniac! Your Hisui-Dex is now complete!

What you've managed to achieve here marks the successful end of a decade long research of mine. Actually, no - this research is even older. The Pokémon you've collected had already been studied by my great-granduncle Kamado, though he had never been able to gather so much information about these species as you now have. That's impressive!
Please take this certificate: it is proof of completing the Hisui-Dex. You deserve it.

Do I get a gift?

Right. Eager as always!
I'm afraid, however, that I do not have a gift for you this time... ... ... Actually, maybe I can share some very old wisdom of mine with you as a reward. It's part of my great-granduncle's diary:

[...] Though I still haven't found out from where - or from when - she is from, I do have a hunch it may be related to the ancient gods. In my dream, they appeared last night: Time and space were siblings, fighting like ones, yet perfectly in balance. Their origin must be God itself. And only God itself shall return them to their inner peace. But how...? [...]

Unlike most other texts he wrote, this one seemed particularly weird to me. I never could make sense of it, but perhaps it will help you progress...?

I can now turn Dialga and Palkia into their Origin form!
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Thu, 01/12/2022 00:36 (2 Years ago)

° Advent Calendar 7.0 °

It's december yet again. You know what that means ... exam period :'D Oh wait, wrong place for that. I mean, it's time for the annual Advent Calendar!
By opening at least 20 doors, you'll receive a special reward. Open 24 doors, and you'll receive an even more special reward!

Day 1 - 6
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Quote from Day 1 || 2
Make 1,000 interactions.

1x Azure Flute obtained!
Time for some early christmas shopping! Spend at least 2,000 PokeDollar on items at the Item Market (GTS).

10x Grass Gem obtained!

Quote from Day 3 || 4
Send 2 Dream World Plushies (Min.: 40 DP each) to another user.

1x Rare Candy obtained!
Make 500 interactions.
Solve 10 hangman.

Quote from Day 5 || 6
Buy 10 Lottery Tickets. Good luck!

200x GC obtained!
Catch 5 Pokémon at the beach.

1x Magnetic Bait obtained!

Day 7 - 12
Show hidden content
Quote from Day 7 || 8
Feed 400 berries to Pokémon.

Is there a Pokemon that you still need? Bid on an Auction! (1)
Interact with 25 Pokémon/Eggs on the Index-Page
("Give a hug?"/"Feed Free Hug!"-boxes)

1x Mystery Box (Red) obtained!

Quote from Day 9 || 10
Send 2 Plushies to another user! (Min. Price: 40DP)

Event Plushie obtained!
Brrr, it's cold... Fill your Party with 4 Fire Pokemon!

1x Oval Stone obtained!

Quote from Day 11 || 12
Make 500 interactions.
Flip the coin at the game center 100-times.

Send at least 1 christmas gift to a friend (See news post for more information).

1x Mystery Box (Green) obtained!

Day 13 - 18
Show hidden content
Quote from Day 13 || 14
It's free! No challenge today.

5x Poké Ball obtained!
Summon the snow in Emera Town! Place 5 Ice-Pokemon in your Party.

15x Sitrus Berry obtained!

Quote from Day 15 || 16
Send out at least one christmas gift.
Make 250 Interactions.

1x Mystery Key (Black) obtained!
Which one of your Pokémon on here is the coolest? Tell us in a feed along with the hashtag #MyCoolestPokemon

1x Mystery Box (Red) obtained!

Quote from Day 17 || 18
Interact with 20 Pokémon/Eggs on the Index-Page ("Give a hug?"/"Feed Free Berry!"-boxes)

1x Biscuit obtained!
Make 1000 interactions.

Day 19 - 24
Show hidden content
Quote from Day 19 || 20
Set up an auction at the Auction House.
Did you find any auction that you're interested in? Bid on at least 3 auctions!

5x Great Ball obtained!
Set up a Wonder Trade!

1x Cracked Pot obtained!

Quote from Day 21 || 22
Christmas is near - don't forget to send out some christmas gifts! 2.
There are many eggs freezing! Hatch 3 eggs.
Last but not least: Time to chill at the Game Center. 20 coinflips.

1x DNA Splicer (Black) obtained!
Make 2000 Interactions.

1x Mega Stone obtained!

Quote from Day 23 || 24
It's time for a Pokemon Christmas Party! Invited guests: Spheal, Delibird and Vanillite! 3 in your Party.

Snowling Plushie obtained!
Interact with 8 Pokemon/Eggs on the Index-Page. (Feed free Berry/Give a hug?))
Hatch 4 eggs.
Secret Santa! Set up a wondertrade.
Close your eyes and make a wish.

You received a premium upgrade (1 week)! Merry Christmas!

Day 25 || Special
Show hidden content
You have opened enough doors to claim our special reward!
You received a very rare egg. Take good care of it!
Because you opened all 24 doors successfully, you also received 1x Scroll of Waters

Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Fri, 03/02/2023 21:26 (2 Years ago)

° Valentine's Event 5.0 °

Started: 3rd February 2023
Ended: 14th February 2023 || pokemon received on 15th

Lovey dovey day!
Let's get to the point; Collect hearts by interacting and sending plushies. Send cards to at least 5 different people to receive a legendary. The more cards you send out, the higher is your chance to receive a shiny.

I'm barely online here nowadays. Only logging in to get eggs and quickly do the bare minimum for the events.

Show hidden content
Aiming for 5 cards :D
Huge goal, I know
1 ⨯ Not qualified yet
2 ⨯ Not qualified yet
3 ⨯ Not qualified yet
4 ⨯ Not qualified yet
5 ⨯ 0.1 %
6 ⨯ 0.2 %

The formula used this year is
(C / 150)²
where C is the amount of cards.

Quote from
Oh, you sent out so many lovely cards to other users!
Do you want to claim your special Valentine's Event Pokémon?

You successfully received the Event Egg and placed it in your party.
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Sun, 02/04/2023 10:48 (1 Year ago)

° Easter Egg Hunt 7.0 °

Started: 2th April 2023
Last day: 10th 11th April 2023 extended due to bug -> revealed location

Yesss, I've been waiting for this *U*
Wreafki is at it again; 20 fancy colored eggs have been hidden!
I'll be travelling the whole easter week, sooo I gotta find most of the eggs before I go. But I probably won't do a speedrun this year. Just gonna take it nice and slow-ish, no rush. With that being said ... Let the hunt begin! :D

Quote from Easter EventYour task is to search for Easter Eggs that are hidden carefully on PokéHeroes.
You receive a redistributed Event Pokémon after finding between 16 and 19 eggs.
You receive a new Event Pokémon for finding all 20 out of 20 eggs.

The Event egg you receive has a strongly increased shiny chance, and the reward can be claimed on April 12th.

Easter Eggs:
Show hidden content

The last few ones were definitely tricky, pheew. Glad I got them all!
Time to use the rest of my time to prepare for the trip c:

Edit: 12.04.2023
Quote from Easter Event
Congratulations, you found enough eggs to claim a reward!
[Claim your reward(s)]

Take good care of it!

Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Sat, 01/07/2023 11:07 (1 Year ago)

° PH's 10th Anniversary °

Double digits! Happy birthday PokéHeroes 🎉
A lot of new additions got introduced, and there is more to come later this year *o*


Keshi, a new character in Emera Town, likes music. If you have any Old Vinyls, then meet him at the Ancient cave!
I'll make a separate post about this quest. It should be the next post :p

Retro Legends

There is an exclusive anniversary Event Distribution! You can get the Legendary Beasts as Retros.

[29th July - 11th August]
[1st July - 14th July]
[15th July - 28th July]

EDIT: 31.07.2023
Sadly, I didn't hatch a shiny retro (even with 2% shiny chance). I would've liked a shiny retro suicune c':

10-year Special Mew

Available until 16th July. Claim prize on 17th July.
In addition to the annual Mew Plushie event, there will be a special 10-year Anniversary Mew egg. To get this special egg, you need to collect at least 3 Mew Plushies.

[1] 500

[2] 1,500
[3] 2,250
[4] 3,000
There is also a new limited plushie for this special occation!

EDIT: 17.07.2023
In addition to receiving the regular Mew, I received the new Event Mew; Celestial Mew!
Quote from Ancient CaveThe divine powers of the Mew Plushie

Look, your Mew Plushie starts to glow!
Would you like to cuddle it?

Aww, that is very cute... It's so fluffy.
Oh, look what's there on the ground! Where did that come from?
You claimed the mysterious egg and placed it in your Party.


Koraidon & Miraidon

The legends from Paldea are coming soon in a new quest, where you can either explore the past or the future! This "decision will determine your future opportunities here", interesting.
There is very little about this quest so far, but the first part of the quest requires Trainerlevel 35 or higher. The second part of the quest requires Trainerlevel 50 or higher, which gives you the option to explore/complete the other choice you didn't take in the first part.

Paldean Outbreak

More Paldean pokemon are coming as well! Will they be obtained from the lab? Who knows... Or catch them when we're traveling to the past or future in the upcoming quest? :O

Possible obtainable pokemon?;
Show hidden content
Great Tusk
Scream Tail
Brute Bonnet
Flutter Mane
Slither Wing
Sandy Shocks
Iron Treads
Iron Bundle
Iron Hands
Iron Jugulis
Iron Moth
Iron Thorns
Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Sat, 01/07/2023 16:45 (1 Year ago)

° Necrozma °

The quest in permanent, and can be started when the following requirements are met;
• Own an Old Vinyl
• Own a Good Rod
• Own a Shadow Radar
One Old Vinyl is consumed in every repetition.

Time to visit Keshi in the Ancient Cave!

Show hidden content
Quote from Ancient Cave Keshi the Hipster: Woah, who are you? You jumpscared me! ... Also, brah, you’re not exactly clickbait in this outfit!
Anyway, name's Keshi. Lit meeting another human in here.
What? You're wondering what I do in here? Well, I-- hol' up! Is that an Old Vinyl I see?
Swag! Let's try it out, I have a player with me!
Give Keshi the Old Vinyl

You give Keshi the Old Vinyl.
After a short while, an old harmonic melody starts playing from their player.
But suddenly...
Keshi the Hipster: Jeez Louise! What was that loud shrieking noise? What just happened?! You heard this?

You nod. The loud noise you heard was ear-deafening.
Keshi the Hipster: I-I- uh... All I saw was a white bright flash, followed by... just... darkness? Did you also see this... creature?
... It kind of looked like a Digi—... no! That's impossible.

Keshi and you look to the ground.
Keshi the Hipster: Oh man!! What an epic fail! I dropped your vinyl and it got shattered into pieces.
You pick up 1x Old Vinyl Piece.
Keshi the Hipster: But where's the rest? I'm sure we can fix it if we find the remaining parts!

Let's search for the pieces

You and Keshi search for a while, but...
Keshi the Hipster: Aw, man! Unbelievable. The pieces are nowhere to be found. Do you think it's possible this.... creature ... took them?

You shrug. There's sometimes Very Sunny weather in Emera Town at night, so clearly nothing really surprises you anymore.
Keshi the Hipster: Hm, perhaps we should expand our search area. I have a strong feeling that we need to find these pieces and bring them back together.
How about you check these areas first?
Royal Tunnel
Berry Garden
Emera Beach

Alright, let's start the hunt for the other pieces!
Royal Tunnel;
Show hidden content
Go through the tunnel in order to find an old vinyl piece. I chose the Endless Path, idk if that matters. Any path works. It can be found randomly, like the gems.

1x Old Vinyl Piece found!

Berry Garden;
Show hidden content
Quote from Berry Garden Lorelei: Oh, hello Maniac...
You're wondering why I'm concerned?
Something is happening to my plants, of course I'm concerned! It all started when this weird seed appeared, I wonder what grows from it. Can you help me figure it out?
Hopefully, I'll get a decent picture of which plant it is if I have around 100 berries to study.

You received 1x Dark Seed.
Lorelei: Hello Maniac!
Have you grown some berries from the mysterious seed I gave you? Remember that I need about 100 berries of that kind so I can study them properly.

*After getting at least 100 Dark Berries*
Lorelei: Great, you harvested enough of these dark berries so I can study them!
Let me take them all, including any dark seeds and plants you may have left. I have no clue yet if those berries are healthy or extremely dangerous. I wouldn't want you to fall ill by accident.
Oh, and by the way! One of these berries had a piece of an old vinyl stuck to it. This probably belongs to you.

1x Old Vinyl Piece obtained.

All Dark Berries and seeds are taken after finishing this part of the quest, so there is no need to hoard in order to prepare for next time :'D
Oh and also, the berries can't be moved to your bag.

Emera Beach;
Show hidden content
Quote from Emera Beach Leah the Mermaid: Maniac? ... Maniac? Is that you?

It's so dark, I can't even see my own fin! Maniac, we need to find a Fish Pokémon that glows!

Keep fishing. I used a Shiny Rod and no bait, but there are probably faster options. After a while, a pop-up will appear.
You caught a glowing Pokémon!

You caught a glowing Pokémon, so the light is back!
... Oh, and there's a piece of the old vinyl in the sand!

Pheew, that took a while. Let's head back to Keshi.

Show hidden content
Quote from Ancient Cave Keshi the Hipster: Great, you already found some pieces! But it seems like there are still some missing...
Maybe some Pokémon found them and are carrying them around now? ... Or you could ask this Professor dude for advice.
Interact with Pokémon
Catch Shadow Pokémon
Ask Prof. Rowan

Hmm, more missing pieces...
Show hidden content
Just interact. A pop-up will randomly appear. No set amount of interactions. Luckily, I only had to do 553 interactions :D

You found an Old Vinyl Piece!

Shadow Radar;
Show hidden content
Search for a shadow pokemon, and catch it. A pop-up will appear when they're caught.

The Pokémon was holding an Old Vinyl Piece!

Prof. Rowan's Lab;
Show hidden content
Quote from LabProf. Rowan: Hi there, Maniac! What can I do for you on this lovely day?
You wonder why I'm in such a good mood despite the darkness outside? Well that's explained easily: I've made a new groundbreaking discovery! It could be a part of an antique Fossil Pokémon or maybe an item used for evolving Pokémon. I still have to do some more research on it, but I am pretty sure my colleagues will envy me at the next Professor convention, hehe!

What did you say? My new finding is a part of an Old Vinyl and you need it to repair the Vinyl, so you can soothe a dark creature? Don't be ridiculous! Now go, I have many things to do!

Leave the Lab | Stay and try to convince Rowan

Prof. Rowan: Okay, I will make a deal!
I'll leave my findings to you if you answer 3 questions correctly. If not, you leave me alone and don't say another word about this Vinyl nonsense.


Here are some of the questions + answers;

__How long is the cooldown time after playing the Treasure Hunt?
How many Combee can you store at the Honeycombs in total?
__How many Dragon Gems do you have to trade with the
__Gem Collector to receive a Jade Orb?
How many Flying Gems do you have to trade with the
Gem Collector to receive a Jade Orb?
__How many gems do you have to trade with the Gem Collector to
__get a 20% discount?
How many GGC do you need to play the Basic mode?
__How many GGC do you need to play the Legendary mode?
How many GGC do you need to play the Plus mode?
__How many Miltank can you store at the
__Moomoo Ranch/Honeycombs in total?
How many Pokémon in a row do you have to catch to start a chain
in the Safari Zone?
__How many right guesses in a row are needed in
__the Higher or Lower game to receive a Jade Orb?
How many single colored Harvest Sprites exist?
__You put 1 Berry Level 15-19 from your Berry Bag into your
__Item bag. How many Berries in your Item Bag do you receive?
What is the max capacity level of Storage Boxes?
__What is the max capacity of Pokémon a Storage Boxes can hold?
What is the name of Emera's Dating App?
__What is the name of the Hipster who played the Old Vinyl for you?
Where can you find Dynamax Crystals?
__Which consumables do you need to feed your Miltank at
__Moomoo Ranch?
Which day of the month does the voting of the
Beauty Contest start?
__Which of these items can be exchanged for Speed Clock Tokens?
Which of these items or Pokémon can you trade for
Festival Points?
__Which of these Mega Evolutions is an Emera Pokémon?
Which of these Pokémon can be caught at Emera Beach?
__Which of these Pokemon can be caught at the Safari Zone?
Which of these Pokémon cannot be caught at Emera Beach?
__Which of these Pokémon cannot be caught at the Safari Zone?
Which of these Pokemon is a guaranteed Shiny every 50 eggs?
__Which Pokémon can evolve by exploring a certain rumble area?
Which Pokémon can only be obtained at the beach?
__Which sort of Pokéball can be used around Emera?
Which weather is needed to evolve Kitema?
[20 min] [10 min] [30 min]
[4] [5] [3]
[15] [5] [10]

[15] [5] [10]

[500,000] [250,000] [1,000,000]

[1] [100] [5]
[1] [5] [100]
[5] [100] [1]
[4] [2] [3]

[10] [5] [20]

[10] [15] [5]

[7] [5] [6]
[4] [6] [3]

[3] [5] [4]
[1000] [250] [500]
[Tindemera] [OLED] [Lovemeter]
[Reshi] [Raiko] [Keshi]
[Galar] [Alola] [Space]
[Tonic] [Berries] [Galette]

[21st] [14th] [7th]

[Seller Clothes] [Secret Sword] [Cosplay Outfit]
[Master Ball] [Celestica Flute] [Festival Ralts]

[Lucario] [Audino] [Rapidash]
[Inkay] [Qwilfish] [Blastoise]
[Heracross] [Scizor] [Scyther]
[Squirte] [Crabominable] [Dhelmise]
[Rotom] [Raichu] [Pikachu]
[Uxie] [Raikou] [Lugia]
[Eevee] [Pikachu] [Exeggcute]
[Tentacool] [Mudkip] [WishiWashi (School)]
[Dive] [Lure] [Safari]
[Clear Sky] [Rainy] [Windy]

There is a 1 hour cool down if you answered a question wrong.

Quote from LabProf. Rowan: Hah! Gotcha. That answer is clearly false.
Well, better luck next time! I'm holding onto that piece for now. ... And now go and do your skater-- I mean gameboy-- eh- whatever it is you young people do nowadays.

(Let's hope Rowan will change his mind in an hour or so.)
*After getting all correct*
Prof. Rowan: Okay, a deal is a deal! Here it is!
But if I find out that you want to claim my discovery as your own, you will be sorry.

Got 7 pieces now! I gotta go and show this to Keshi.

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Quote from Ancient Cave Keshi the Hipster: Amazeballs! You found all the pieces. So let's put them back together and try to play the music once again...

Holding the pieces this way, then that way, you manage to have them all in the correct spot. Playing it again, however, causes an even more deafening sound than the first time.

The dark creature, Necrozma, faces you.
Battle Necrozma

You won the battle!
Necrozma left an egg. Do you want to take it?

Note that, since this egg is obtained from the ancient cave, it counts for your PokéRadar!
You defeated Neccrozma!
Necrozma left an egg, which you took and placed into your party.
Back to Ancient Cave

Gotta get more for the other forms, but the form-items aren't available yet, I think ...? That was a fun quest nonetheless :p It was refreshing to have a new hunt-like quest.
Will I do this again? Probably, since there are more questions that I haven't written down. Am I going to hunt it? No c: Not anytime soon at least. It's too timeconsuming atm, and I need my precious time for other projects.

Trainerlevel: 95

Forum Posts: 333
Posted: Wed, 30/08/2023 19:58 (1 Year ago)

° Paldea Research °

There were no good banners for this theme ;-;
The time has come ... a new quest is available! This time, there are two paths to choose from. The paths can be unlocked at trainerlevel 35, and the other (unchosen) path can be unlocked at trainerlevel 50.

The Path of Nostalgia is all about the past, while the Path of Anticipation awaits in the future.

I decided to start with the past. Since I'm currently trainerlevel 94, I can do both! :D I will add the future-path once I'm done with the past-path.

Path of Nostalgia
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Quote from Paldea Research Prof. Sada: Greetings, trainer! My name is Professor Sada and I come from the faraway Paldea region, and from the even farther away past.
... What? You don't believe me?
Well... I wish I could give you proof, but there's certain laws us time-travellers need to adhere to.

You wonder why I chose to come to Emera Town then out of all places? Well, this town always makes me nostalgic... I am the great-great-grandmother of one of your closest allies here in Emera Town. Funnily, though, I am much younger than him right now. And he never met me in my own timeline. ... I am talking too much!
Anyway, I am also here because there is important research that needs to be done. Do you mind helping me? I will reward you with a rare Pokémon that can only be found in the Paldea region!

I need research data of Pokémon that are obtained from Professor Rowan's Lab. There is just something... paradoxical... about them.

Collect 1000 Research Points by completing tasks. This is gonna take a while ...

EDIT: 24.09.2023
DID IT! Right before my birthday as well
Quote from Paldea Research Prof. Sada: Great! Thanks to you, I was able to collect enough Research Data.
Very interesting... Very interesting!

Here is your reward. Take good care of it!
[ Claim Egg ]

I'm sure we will meet again eventually, Maniac!

The tasks include hatching X amount of [easy, medium, etc.] rarity eggs, just hatching some eggs, hatching specific type (water, grass, etc.) of eggs, evolve the lab-hatched pokemon. All eggs must be from the lab. Each task can give around 10-100 Research Points. It is possible to skip a task, but 2000 interactions have to be done to reveal the new task.

Path of Anticipation
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Quote from Paldea Research Prof. Turo: Greetings, trainer! My name is Professor Turo and I come from the faraway Paldea region, and from the even farther away future.
... What? You don't believe me?
Well... I wish I could give you proof, but there's certain laws us time-travellers need to adhere to.

You wonder why I chose to come to Emera Town then out of all places? Well, this town always makes me nostalgic... I am the great-great-grandson of one of your closest allies here in Emera Town. Funnily, though, I am a bit older than her right now. And I doubt she even knows of my existence. ... I am talking too much!
Anyway, I am also here because there is important research that needs to be done. Do you mind helping me? I will reward you with a rare Pokémon that can only be found in the Paldea region!

I need research data of Pokémon that are obtained from Professor Rowan's Lab. There is just something... paradoxical... about them.

See you in a month :p

EDIT: 16.11.2023
Okey it took more than 1 month, but hey, here we are :p
Quote from Paldea Research Prof. Turo: Great! Thanks to you, I was able to collect enough Research Data.
Very interesting... Very interesting!

Here is your reward. Take good care of it!
[ Claim Egg ]

I'm sure we will meet again eventually, Maniac!

After those are done, this message stays on the page; There currently isn't any Paldea Research available to you. There will soon be more!
Sooo maybe paradox pokemon?