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•° Maniac's Log °•
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° Last Action °
° Alola Dex °
° Advent Calendar 4.0 °
° Honeytree 8.0 °
° Valentine's Event 2.0 °
° Easter Egg Hunt 4.0 °
° Yellow Forest Quest °
° Gem Collector Quest °
° PH's 7th Anniversary °
° Mew 3.0 + 4.0 °
° Summer Time Shaymin 2020 °
° Berry Battle 2.0 °
° Halloween 3.0 °
° Advent Calendar 5.0 °
° Valentine's Event 3.0 °
° Easter Egg Hunt 5.0 °
° Rumble Areas °
° PH's 8th Anniversary °
° Galar Dex °
° Last Action °
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° Advent Calendar 4.0 °
Yet another year with the annual Advent Calendar! Behind each door there's an individual task and a small reward are waiting.
I'm gonna keep track on the tasks and rewards, like I did for the past three years ^^
Open at least 20 doors until Christmas and receive a new Pokémon!
Open all 24 doors and receive a special surprise.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22
Day 23
Day 24 || Christmas!
Special (Day 25)
° Honeytree 8.0 °
Found & Obtained: 1-2 days before hatching I guess, I don't remember
Hatched: 4th January 2020
Reaaaaally late post... almost 1 month late
I didn't expect a shiny Celebi :'o
I was just trying to lure an Applin, but hey, this is a pretty nice catch too! Tbh, I didn't think it was shiny. I thought the Celebi-image was randomly shiny sometimes, so I didn't think much of it. But then it hatched. A Pink Onion!
° Valentine's Event 2.0 °
This is actually 3.0, and not 2.0, because I joined the event in 2017 too. I just didn't make a log post about it.
Started: 9th February 2020
Ended: 14th (end collecting) / 15th (receiving event pkmn) February 2020
Ahh, Valentine's Day. What a lovely day to stay inside and eat some ice cream ~
As every year; We can collect Sweet Hearts by interacting and by buying Dream World Plushies until February 14th. The collected Sweet Hearts can then be used to buy Valentine's Cards. We need to send a Valentine's card to at least three different users in order to receive a new Event Pokémon on February 15th. The more Valentine's Cards you send, the higher is your chance to receive a Shiny Event! Each card costs 50 Sweet Hearts.
yeah, I
basically just copy-pasted this whole thing from 1.0. I'm lazy okey
Current Shiny Event Chance:
5.2 % || +
6.3 % || +
7.5 % || +
8.8 % || +
10.2 % || +
11.6 % || + 1.4
13.2 % || +
14.8 % || + 1.6
Yeaaah no, I didn't want to interact that much.
Current Shiny Event Chance:
Increase || Decrease
Not qualified yet
Not qualified yet
< 0.1 % || -----
< 0.1 % || -----
< 0.1 % || -----
< 0.1 % || -----
< 0.1 % || -----
< 0.1 % || -----
< 0.1 % || -----
0.2 % || +
0.2 % || -----
0.4 % || +
0.6 % || + 0.2
0.8 % || + 0.2
1.1 % || +
1.5 % || +
2.0 % || +
2.6 % || +
3.4 % || +
4.2 % || + 0.8
2 years ago:
91 cards sent
1 year ago: 70 cards sent
This year: 28 cards sent
1 year ago: 70 cards sent
This year: 28 cards sent
° Easter Egg Hunt 4.0 °
Like the previous year; the community had the opportunity to take part to the event by designing the eggs for this year's hunt. Pretty nice designs this year.
I didn't participate this year because, well, I'm busy. Busy with what? Uhh, procrastinating obviously
Started: 4th April 2020
Ended: 13th April 2020
Duckletts were seen flying over Emera Town, and they carried fancy colored eggs with them. They hid the eggs carefully in all different spots.
The reward(s) can be claimed on April 14th.
Easter Eggs:
Unpopular opinion; it was pretty easy to collect all 20, kinda wish there were more than 20 eggs.
Pretty fun hunt tho. It didn't take long to find 20 eggs. It took less than 30 minutes at least, so I kinda wish the hunting part would last a bit longer.
° Yellow Forest Quest °
Started: 8th May 2020
Ended: 24th May 2020
The long awaited Yellow Forest Quest is back. It's been 4 years or so since the last one.
Find all Light Balls to unlock a map to a special Rumble Area (Yellow Forest). This year, the quest has been extended with a third part: Narichu's Quest.
Part 1: Unlock Yellow Forest - 20 LB
Part 2: Spikey-eared Pichu Update - 40 LB
Part 3: Narichu's Quest - 50 LB
Evolve; Give Narichu a rare candy to hold and lvl up -> Give Naruchu a Calcium to hold and lvl up
° Gem Collector Quest °
The Gem Collector discovered a new area, Galar, and it's full of rare gems!
You have to spend a certain amount of gems before the quest in unlocked, but idk exactly how many gems. I've spent at least 10k gems there (bc of Ditto), so I unlocked it "automatically".
After some snooping around, I’ve seen people say 5k gems. So I guess it’s 5k gems to unlock it.
The amount of time can vary between 12-48(?) hours.
Ooo, whatchu get?
Explorer Bag-------------------------
• All Gems![](
• Dynamax Crystal![](
Recruits• All Gems
• Dynamax Crystal
• Meowth (Galarian)
• Ponyta (Galarian)
• Zigzagoon (Galarian)
• Linoone (Galarian)
• Corsola (Galarian)
• Stunfisk (Galarian)
EDIT: 29th June 2020
There is a new update to the Galar rumble map! I think we have to spend another 5k gems in order to unlock this update. So 10k gems in total. Luckily, I already exchanged more than 10k gems :3
I wonder what got added...
EDIT: 1st July 2020
With PH’s 7th Anniversary, this was confirmed to be
Part 2
of the quest. At least 10k gems has to be spent (in total) in order to unlock this part.
Shortest time I rumbled for (so far): 10 hours & 36 minutes
Longest time (so far): 23-24 hours
Now, what new stuff can we get from this update?
• Slowpoke (Galarian)![](//
• Weezing (Galarian)![](//
• Farfetch'd (Galarian)![](//
• Mr. Mime (Galarian)![](//
• Darumaka (Galarian)![](//
• Yamask (Galarian)![](//
• Slowpoke (Galarian)
• Weezing (Galarian)
• Farfetch'd (Galarian)
• Mr. Mime (Galarian)
• Darumaka (Galarian)
• Yamask (Galarian)
EDIT: 8th August 2020 & 22nd August 2020
Part 3
The final part to this quest is here! This time the required amount is 20k...! That is, hm, a lot. I have to spend some more gems...
Mission time 1 & 2: 18-19 & 19-20 hours
Approx. 12 hours to return
What's new?
Mission -> Explorer Bag
• Articuno (Galarian)
-> Purple Feather ![](
• Zapdos (Galarian)
-> Orange Feather ![](
• Moltres (Galarian)
-> Grey Feather ![](
• Articuno (Galarian)
• Zapdos (Galarian)
• Moltres (Galarian)
° PH's 7th Anniversary °
Yet another year has passed. Happy birthday PokéHeroes!
This year's surprise is ... Gigamaxing Pokémon! And as always; Mew has returned.
And there are some other additions; Increased Mega Chance & we'll get gems for spending DP. 1 random gem = 5 DP.
Soooo, Gigamaxing ... Gigamaxing requires a Pokémon to be of Level 100 or higher and it requires one or more Dynamax Crystals. Only some specific Pokémon can Dynamax. Simply go to the Pokémon's profile and the option will show up (if it's lvl 100+). The amount of Dynamax Crystals that are required depends on the Pokémon's rarity.
Dynamax Crystals can rarely be found in the Galar region, at the Treasure Hunt Game, in Mystery Boxes and also be exchanged for Speed Click Tokens!
Total for non-shiny: 117 (121, if you gigamax both forms of toxtricity)
° Mew 3.0 + 4.0 °
Started: 1st July 2019
Ended: 20th July 2019
Uhh, soooo ... I didn't really plan on
doing another Mew post since I already got a shiny Mew, so I
thought it wasn't necessary to do Mew x.0 anymore. But I kinda
wanna keep it consistant so I don't skip a year or smth. I guess it
would kinda be weird if the event is annual and then I just post
Mew 2.0 in 2018, skip 1-2 years, then post Mew 3.0 in 2020 again.
Or smth like that, idk.
I'm writing this on 29th June 2020, so I don't remember if I got a Mew in 2019 or not. I think I did, but I sold it or gave it away. I guess it would've been good if I wrote this post when it started, bc I have no idea now xd
I'm writing this on 29th June 2020, so I don't remember if I got a Mew in 2019 or not. I think I did, but I sold it or gave it away. I guess it would've been good if I wrote this post when it started, bc I have no idea now xd
Started: 1st July 2020
Ended: 17th July 2020
Mew has returned! I don't think I'll go for another shiny Mew. I'm nowhere near the required amount for 100% shiny xd We can claim the Mew egg on 18th July 2020.
[1] DP required: 500 / 500
[2] DP required: 1,500 / 1,500
[3] DP required: 2,000 / 2,250
[4] DP required: 0 / 3,000
[6] DP required: 0 / 4,500
[7] DP required: 0 / 5,250
[8] DP required: 0 / 6,000
[9] DP required: 0 / 6,750
EDIT: 18th July 2020
° Summer Time Shaymin 2020 °
& mentions
of 2019
Start: 15th July 2020
End: 6th August 2020
Shaymin is back once again!
Shaymin also visited in 2019 but I didn't have time to interact that year, hence why there is no post for Shaymin 2019.
Anyway, there are no new additions to the event this year, so it's the same as 2017. Well, the shiny chance has been increased! I guess that's a new addition ^^
I'll try to get a shiny Shaymin this year!
Unlike 2017; this time I will only update the log if something happens.
EDIT: 18th July 2020
Thought this
would fit nicely in here with Shaymin
[1] DP required: 400 / 400
[2] DP required: 1,600 / 1,600
[3] DP required: 2,400 / 2,400
[4] DP required: 3,200 / 3,200
[6] DP required: 0 / 4,800
° Berry Battle 2.0 °
Starts: 21st August 2020
Ends: 11th September 2020
May from the Hoenn-Region is finally back! Since the last Berry Battle they (The Devon Corporation) hosted here was such a great success, they decided to organize another one!
This year there are new prizes available which you can win in this contest: A special rumble map to the Hoenn-region and three unique Vivillon patterns! I wonder what they look like...
PokéBall, Fancy and Pride? maybe? I guess we'll have to wait and see!
Task 1: Feeding berries ✓
Task 2: Berries from Hoenn ✓
Task 3: Thirsty May ✓
Hmm, guess I'll have to get into top 50 or something to get the special rumble map :o
Hope it doesn't take too much effort, university just started sooo I probably shouldn't put too many hours in this game.
24th August 2020
Hmm, the news page says there's a special rumble map as well... I think I'll try again and see if I get the same prize.
EDIT: 11th September 2020
Last day of Berry Battle!
It was a Vivillon again. So the map is just Route 102. Nothing new, for me at least ~
Hmm, the news page says there's a special rumble map as well... I think I'll try again and see if I get the same prize.
EDIT: 11th September 2020
Last day of Berry Battle!
It was a Vivillon again. So the map is just Route 102. Nothing new, for me at least ~
° Halloween 3.0 °
Started: 24th October 2020
Ended: 2nd November 2020
Short recap of 2019, since I didn't have time to make the post back then
_____Plaguekrow and Mega Crobat got added. Previous eggs and items was there as well. Was nowhere near the max lvl of trick-or-treat skills.
Trick or
I'm afraid of Ghosts!
I'm afraid of Ghosts!
Trick or Treat!
Halloween Sweets
As usual; all the previous event eggs and items are available. This year, 3 brandnew (retro) pokemon have been added. They'll randomly appear when you go 'trick-or-treat'ing. A retro egg can also be bought (for the eggdex). I'll update this as I get them. There's also a new limited plushie; Witch Vulpix! ❤
I was at lvl 2 when I started. Let's see if I can get to the max lvl this year...
25th October 2020
It appeared again, yay!
Now I only need Gengar. I got the ghastly egg yesterday.
EDIT: 26th October 2020
EDIT: 27th October 2020
Where is Gengar??? :c
EDIT: 28th October 2020
EDIT: 29th October 2020
At lvl 7 atm.
EDIT: 1st November 2020
Yayy, got retro Gengar! I went 2 days without trick-or-treating bc my friend came to visit. Luckily, Gengar wanted to show itself after I forgot to give it some attention.
It appeared again, yay!
Now I only need Gengar. I got the ghastly egg yesterday.
EDIT: 26th October 2020
EDIT: 27th October 2020
Where is Gengar??? :c
EDIT: 28th October 2020
EDIT: 29th October 2020
At lvl 7 atm.
EDIT: 1st November 2020
Yayy, got retro Gengar! I went 2 days without trick-or-treating bc my friend came to visit. Luckily, Gengar wanted to show itself after I forgot to give it some attention.
° Advent Calendar 5.0 °
This is the 5th year I'm doing this. wow, 5 years are a lot man.
The traditional Advent Calendar Event is here, and as usual; open at least 20 doors until Christmas and receive a new legendary Event Pokémon!
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
Day 22
Day 23
Day 24 || Christmas
° Valentine's Event 3.0 °
Started: 6th February 2021
Ended: 14th February 2021
Valentine's Day is getting closer and closer! Yet another day to stay inside and eat some ice cream~
As usual; interacting and buying Plushies will randomly give Sweet Hearts. The Sweet Hearts can be used to buy Valentine's Cards. Each card costs 50 Sweet Hearts. The more cards you send out, the higher is your chance to receive a Shiny Event! Unlike the previous years, this year we have to send a card to at least 5 different users (not 3) in order to be qualified for the new event pokémon.
Current Shiny Event Chance:
5.2 % || +
6.3 % || +
7.5 % || +
8.8 % || +
10.2 % || +
11.6 % || + 1.4
13.2 % || +
14.8 % || + 1.6
16.4 % || + 1.6
18.1 % || +
19.7 % || +
21.4 % || +
23.0 % || +
% || -----
% || -----
% || -----
% || -----
% || -----
% || -----
% || -----
Increase || Decrease
Not qualified yet
Not qualified yet
Not qualified yet
Not qualified yet
< 0.1 %
< 0.1 %
< 0.1 %
< 0.1 %
< 0.1 %
0.2 % || +
0.2 %
0.4 % || +
0.6 % || + 0.2
0.8 % || + 0.2
1.1 % || +
1.5 % || +
2.0 % || +
2.6 % || +
3.4 % || +
4.2 % || + 0.8
I doubt I'll send more than 30 cards. It's hard to collect so many hearts :c
EDIT: 15.02.2021
I ended up sending more than 30 cards :o
I received a lot of cards with really cute messages from my søten
I didn't get a shiny, but it's fine. I like the normal pink version :3
° Easter Egg Hunt 5.0 °
I had some spare time to join this year's Easter Egg spriting
contest! I only made 1 egg (with an alternative background), so
I didn't have thaaat much spare time. Buuuut, my egg was one of
the winners!![](
Participated in 3 out of 4 Egg spriting contests so far- 2018, 2019 & 2021.
Started: 26th March 2021
Ended: 4th April 2021
One of my favorite events!
Cute Bunnelby were seen hopping around in Emera Town, and 20 beautiful Easter Eggs have been hidden carefully.
The reward(s) can be claimed on April 5th.
It doesn't mention anything about finding 20/20 eggs, but I'll look for all the eggs anyway ^^
Easter Eggs:
On my first run, I found 16 eggs. I was searching on my phone and it was a bit slow, so I was too lazy to check absolutely everywhere. My second time searching was on my laptop, and I found the remaining 4 eggs! Glad I double checked with my laptop. It was easier to search through the site. It's fun to look around the site and search for eggs :3
Now I have 20/20 eggs. Time to wait until I can claim the reward.
A bit sad that I found them so fast tho. What else am I gonna do for the rest of the event :c
Edit: 05.04.2021
So, the special reward is a female event. The male has a white flower instead of a blue flower. Males occur more often than females, thus females are "special" / more rare.
° Rumble Areas °
I decided to make an overview of what area-specific items/pokemon you can get from the rumble areas (not maps). It's easier to have everything in one place ^^
Normal Rumble Areas (gems | max 8 items)
Silent Forest
, ![](
, ![](
, ![](
Windy Prairie
, ![](
, ![](
, ![](
Rocky Cave
, ![](
, ![](
, ![](
Fiery Furnace
, ![](
, ![](
, ![](
Bright Beach
, ![](
, ![](
, ![](
Eternal Tower
, ![](
, ![](
, ![](
Windy Prairie
Rocky Cave
Fiery Furnace
Bright Beach
Eternal Tower
Special Rumble Areas (items & pokemon)
Space (7 days | max 8 items)
Yellow Forest (24 hours | max 8 items)
, ![](
v. 1.0 ------------ v. 2.0
(re) -----------
Route 102 (24 hours | max 8 items)
v. 1.0 ------------ v. 2.0
(re) ----------
Alola (<2 days | max 8 items)
, ![](
, ![](
Burned Tower (24 hours | max 8 items)
, ![](
, ![](
v. 1.0 ------------ v. 2.0
(re) ---------
(re) ---------
+ (e)
+ (e)
Galar (v. 1.0 <2 days, v. 3.0 <24 hours | max 8 items + 1 summon item (9 in total))
(all gems)
v. 1.0 ------------ v. 2.0 ------------ v. 3.0
--------------- ![](
--------------- ![](
-------------- ![](
-------------- ![](
Yellow Forest (24 hours | max 8 items)
v. 1.0 ------------ v. 2.0
Route 102 (24 hours | max 8 items)
v. 1.0 ------------ v. 2.0
Alola (<2 days | max 8 items)
Burned Tower (24 hours | max 8 items)
v. 1.0 ------------ v. 2.0
Galar (v. 1.0 <2 days, v. 3.0 <24 hours | max 8 items + 1 summon item (9 in total))
v. 1.0 ------------ v. 2.0 ------------ v. 3.0
• r = retro
• re = retro egg
• a = alolan
• + = recruit & [other notation]
• e = egg
• si = summon item
• * = need to confirm
I'll add new
areas as they get implemented
° PH's 8th Anniversary °
Another anniversary with some upgrades.
The Royal Tunnel got an upgrade. A new path was added, along with some new difficult questions.
New path: Split-Decision Path.
The Pro Path has to be completed in order to unlock the Split-Decision Path. The new path has 250 lvls. Completing the new path will open Endless Path. Regieleki/Regidrago can be obtained at the end of the path.
The Endless Path got locked again when the new path got implemented, even though the Endless Path was unlocked for me before.
Great, now I probably gotta spend over 1 mil pd in order to get both eggs. Me no like, but me try.
Regieleki ------ Regidrago
New Anniversary Gifts options got added. Luckily I didn't claim my Anniversary gifts from the previous years, so I'm able to claim both options.
Cherry Pienda --- Apple Pienda
Re-Distributions of specific events. The shiny chance is strongly increased for the eggs obtained from the Event Distribution.
[1st July - 5th July]
[11th July - 15th July]
And Mew Plushie event ofc. But I'm too busy to write about the same event that happened in the previous years.
Hey, got my first warning(s) ever in 5-6 years or so, which resulted in a 1 month temporary lock. A very much needed break, after being on PH for basically every day for 5-6 years. I realized I had so much more time on my hands after I was locked. PH was just a distraction from my boredom. Being bored can be dangerous :o
While I was locked, I had more time to plan stuff. Such as a trip to visit my bf ... *cough* and abduct him home with me *cough* ... a surprise gift for my bestfriend, and all that.
Planning the trip took most of my time. All the restrictions, requirements and documents. But all the preparation will be worth it in the end. I'll be aggressively hugging my bf in 2 days from this post! Aah, I can hardly wait! Last time I saw him irl was in January 2020, so it's been 1.5 years. I'm really looking forward to spend time with him irl again.
The requirements can suddenly change, so I keep staying updated. As of now, I don't really need any documents to travel to that country (from Norway), but I took a PCR-test just in case I have to present it in order to board the plane. Now I'm just waiting for the result, which will probably be done tomorrow. I still need to pack and check in, but I'll do that tomorrow. Time to rest and keep my excitement down (for now).
Aaand yeah, just a short summary of what I've been doing.
Hey, got my first warning(s) ever in 5-6 years or so, which resulted in a 1 month temporary lock. A very much needed break, after being on PH for basically every day for 5-6 years. I realized I had so much more time on my hands after I was locked. PH was just a distraction from my boredom. Being bored can be dangerous :o
While I was locked, I had more time to plan stuff. Such as a trip to visit my bf ... *cough* and abduct him home with me *cough* ... a surprise gift for my bestfriend, and all that.
Planning the trip took most of my time. All the restrictions, requirements and documents. But all the preparation will be worth it in the end. I'll be aggressively hugging my bf in 2 days from this post! Aah, I can hardly wait! Last time I saw him irl was in January 2020, so it's been 1.5 years. I'm really looking forward to spend time with him irl again.
The requirements can suddenly change, so I keep staying updated. As of now, I don't really need any documents to travel to that country (from Norway), but I took a PCR-test just in case I have to present it in order to board the plane. Now I'm just waiting for the result, which will probably be done tomorrow. I still need to pack and check in, but I'll do that tomorrow. Time to rest and keep my excitement down (for now).
Aaand yeah, just a short summary of what I've been doing.
° Galar Dex °
Calyrex was released some days ago!
Thanks to loketoke, for lending me the missing pokemon that I needed
Obtained: 23rd September 2021
Hatched: 25th September 2021
EDIT: 06.01.2022
The reins will be given to you by Professor Rowan after unlocking the EggDex entries of Glastrier, Spectrier and Calyrex.
I already got the EggDex for Calyrex... time to hoard some gems to get the EggDex for the horsies x-x
(I need to collect 10k Ice Gems and 10k Ghost Gems, or just 5k of each then buy one more pair with PD)
EDIT: 13.03.2023
Over 1 year later, and I finally got my hands on a Glastrier from lab, enough ice gems to trade for Glastrier, enough ghost gems to exchange for 1 Spectrier egg, and (more than enough) pd to buy a Spectrier.
The time has come. Time to visit Prof. Rowan;