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Forum-Index → Help → Guides → TrainerlevelTrainerlevel
This guide tells you how to collect Trainerpoints in order to reach a higher Trainerlevel. It is updated as soon as new ways to collect Trainerpoints are added.
Every time you adopt a Pokémon/Egg gets you a small amount of Trainerpoints.

The amount of Trainerpoints that you earn when hatching an egg is based on its Rarity. A Pokémon that is considered as "hard to obtain" gives you more Trainerpoints than a "easy" Pokémon does.
♥ Interacting:
You receive some Trainerpoints while interacting with other Pokémon/Eggs from time to time.

Spend some time at the Game Center - it might be worthwhile.

You can also earn some Trainerpoints by trading some of your Pokémon at the GTS/Auction House. Note that this is limited per day to a maximum of 3 trades to avoid cheating.
Note: There might be some other ways to obtain Trainerpoints - but they are kept as a secret.
Also, like what Victory_Fire said, you can see how many trainer points you need in order to level up by hovering over your Trainer Level.