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Minor Updates

Forum-Index News Minor Updates
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Sat, 14/03/2015 17:05 (9 Years ago)
Max. random lottery tickets per purchase has been raised from 100 to 500. Good luck ~
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Sun, 15/03/2015 20:27 (9 Years ago)
Two new clicklists have been added: Friends (Party) and Friends (Storage Box) :)
The clicklist picks users who are on your personal friendlist and it's automatically filtering out inactive users.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Thu, 19/03/2015 19:22 (9 Years ago)
From now, all inactive trade setups will be removed from the GTS after 2 months.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Sat, 28/03/2015 14:54 (9 Years ago)
The clicklists have been improved and they're now up to 5-times faster (may only be noticeable when there's high activity).
The "Unreturned Favor" algorithm has been renewed and it's possible that this bug has been fixed. I'm not 100% sure - but I tried it and I finished the clicklist without any problems.
Feel free to give feedback in the linked bug report thread if you're still experiencing the issue.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Sun, 05/04/2015 14:08 (9 Years ago)
Lepreowth and Jesterig have been added to the Event Shop.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Thu, 09/04/2015 12:41 (9 Years ago)

IMPORTANT NOTICE regarding Furfrou:
As described in this bug report, the Furfrou haircut didn't work well until now. In the past, permanent haircuts were apparently not necessary in order to keep the selected haircut. The Haircuts did not automatically revert to the normal Furfrou style after a few days.
This bug will be fixed next week. That means that all styled Furfrous which have no permanent haircut will revert to the basic Furfrou. This affects many active users, therefore I'm giving you some time to make your Furfrou's haircuts permanent before this issue gets fixed.
In the spoiler below you can check wheter you will be affected by this bug fix or not. Use CTRL + F to search for your Username in the list.

Usernames with special character and A to C
Show hidden content
Username Pokemon ID
$Bulbasaur$ #765520
$Bulbasaur$ #785253
$Bulbasaur$ #853170
$Bulbasaur$ #806344
$Bulbasaur$ #2686640
$Bulbasaur$ #811986
$Bulbasaur$ #2694955
$Bulbasaur$ #2686638
$Bulbasaur$ #728952
$cathrine$ #2700541
$cathrine$ #2673571
$hubh #1755798
$hubh #818203
$hubh #792329
$hubh #1757536
$hubh #1758891
$hubh #1828005
$hubh #2168907
$hubh #1472029
$hubh #1781204
$hubh #791711
$hubh #792258
$hubh #909976
*BloodMoonThresh* #824620
*~*~*~* #758849
*~*~*~* #716373
*~*~*~* #695525
*~*~*~* #746532
*~*~*~* #744442
--chance #2659203
--Shadow-- #2757603
-Max #723022
-Max #747553
-Max #747781
-Miko- #2209863
-Miko- #2227269
-Miko- #2370302
0Ice0 #1929015
0Ice0 #1732540
0Ice0 #1929355
0Ice0 #1925929
23swampert23AJ #2572034
420-Blaziken-It #702549
420-Blaziken-It #1973000
420-Blaziken-It #1262046
Aahan #1621340
Aahan #2208175
Aaheli #1864803
Aaheli #776992
aaliahashmi606 #1408250
Abby #675376
Abby #728806
Abby #805723
Abby #718512
Abby #829220
Abby #781771
Abigail56 #712042
Abigail56 #879715
Abigail56 #879714
Abigail56 #1149963
Abigail56 #698426
Abigail56 #699326
Abigail56 #698280
Abigail56 #699325
Abigail56 #729642
Abigail56 #696180
Abigail56 #699347
Abigail56 #699327
Abigail56 #724647
Abigail56 #730976
Abigail56 #737783
AbsolGirl #2744077
AbsolGirl #1261458
AbsolGirl #2304388
ABSOLutelyAmazing #2662677
ABSOLutelyAmazing #2662678
ABSOLutelyAmazing #2662680
ABSOLutelyAmazing #694916
Ace_Attorney #924397
Ace_Attorney #1272772
Adaka #729360
Adaptivefever #762974
Adaptivefever #1357656
Adaptivefever #2721890
Adaptivefever #2717551
Adaptivefever #739922
Adaptivefever #1385983
Adaptivefever #2428785
adi334 #2639961
AdiPoke #735427
AdiPoke #761949
Aetherium #2831948
Aetherium #2642603
Aetherium #2828666
Aetherium #2428122
Aetherium #695031
Agata #696817
Agata #759335
Agata #764940
Ahrim #1597292
Ahrim #2709302
Ahrim #2346022
Ahrim #2349118
Ahrim #694316
Ahrim #2348960
Ahrim #2349700
ajay #820480
ajmoshiponykinz #739246
ajmoshiponykinz #2756753
AlchemistOfLight #732926
AlchemistOfLight #786303
AlchemistOfLight #721271
Alcon #2631408
alexemon #812818
alexemon #1158464
alexemon #1092667
alexuh0 #764921
alexuh0 #1126323
alexuh0 #1902283
alexuh0 #890121
alexuh0 #711825
alexuh0 #1290710
alexuh0 #740645
AlifAnowar #1518451
Alleria #682521
Alleria #695609
Alleria #711751
Alleria #692939
allicat11 #785452
Alpha_Thorn_Noivern #800516
AltheaTheBraveKnight #873718
AltheaTheBraveKnight #838517
amaikoneko #708261
amaikoneko #747967
amaikoneko #781112
amaikoneko #781100
amaikoneko #749926
amaikoneko #776623
AmazingMatt #851321
AmazingMatt #727100
AmazingMatt #731809
AmazingMatt #767430
Amelyanna #826940
Amelyanna #2666496
Amelyanna #2666498
Amelyanna #701522
Amelyanna #713253
Amelyanna #700003
Amelyanna #2615797
Amphareixon #726552
Amu-The-Litwick #728854
Amu-The-Litwick #767509
Amu-The-Litwick #741221
Amyrastu #2151689
Amyrastu #2334719
Amyrastu #2546245
Amyrastu #2159132
Amyrastu #790524
Amyrastu #2159616
Amythair #715998
AndresCastro #2664226
Andy #700555
Andy #699463
Ange #798556
Ange #1071782
Ange #1082227
Angelo #694783
Angelo #1084347
Angelo #728032
angel_dice #716592
angel_dice #700805
Animatronic #824159
Animatronic #831900
Animatronic #832007
AnimeEmber #695199
AnimeEmber #694340
AnimeEmber #800470
Anneg #884771
Anneg #1110015
anteprs #951176
Anubis4Hae #723252
Anubis4Hae #894159
anupam02 #1886536
anx7 #862946
anx7 #747321
Anzu #713916
Anzu #706832
Anzu #710064
Anzu #682901
Anzu #719467
Anzu #678891
Anzu #712129
Anzu #719468
Anzu #717268
AoTora #703252
AoTora #711795
AoTora #711807
AoTora #703249
Aperture-Raika #2675639
Aperture-Raika #2674949
Aperture-Raika #1360585
Aperture-Raika #1934654
Aperture-Raika #1818099
Aphotic #2372164
Aphotic #2362700
apoorv12345 #1267446
aquagirl13 #2666326
aquagirl13 #1262047
aquagirl13 #2204455
aquagirl13 #2670519
aquagirl13 #2670334
aquagirl13 #2665731
aquagirl13 #2667287
aquagirl13 #1315564
aquagirl13 #2667146
Archie #1448049
Archisman #2751759
arfaat #2401704
arfaat #869220
arfaat #2060639
arfaat #2440740
arfaat #2643442
arfaat #699318
AriannaRae #2617831
AriannaRae #2611084
AriannaRae #2611073
AriannaRae #2611079
AriannaRae #2490369
AriannaRae #2668741
AriannaRae #2618634
AriannaRae #2611087
AriannaRae #2600406
AriannaRae #2643007
AriannaRae #2635981
Ariylle #717445
ArouraNightshade #2649057
ArouraNightshade #735919
ArouraNightshade #777895
ArouraNightshade #742041
Art10001 #701788
Art10001 #703851
Ash---Ketchum #1886588
AshAndPikachu #716784
ashishp008 #2759237
ashishp008 #2781366
AshTheOtaku #983335
ashyboy #2682114
Asuna #736863
Asuna #1150207
AtlanticAvenger #782580
Atlantis #1000071
Atlantis #2686641
AttackonTitan #726054
audreylevina #1229754
AuraAbsol #753052
AuraAbsol #2632469
Auri #1595410
Auri #1595274
Auri #1586160
Auri #1590029
Auri #1595408
Austria*~ #724649
AutobotWaterfront #2650714
AwesomeDude365 #709742
Azul #700730
Azul #697697
babyboucher99 #714599
babyboucher99 #735487
Bakaa #2532936
Bakaa #697357
Bakaa #717468
BanetteMC #706416
BanetteMC #699505
BanetteMC #706417
BanetteMC #706431
BarathInfernape #946722
baxter454 #2800583
Beanie #1843381
Bear #788345
Bear #703477
Bear #712404
Bear #702988
Bebo #726787
ben1023 #2252716
bestpokemonlover #884747
Bettalong #816130
Bettalong #722344
Bettalong #2093522
Bettalong #747656
bigshow #1558646
BlackMamba #698364
Blacktiger5 #782214
Blacktiger5 #739621
Blacktiger5 #706287
Blacktiger5 #703773
Blacktiger5 #2251419
Blacktiger5 #794487
blazikenrubiomega #720272
Blitzle #709249
Blitzle #704170
bluesiper #785325
Bobby #1792812
boukendreamer #2643130
boybome #1358885
boybome #855746
Bracknoporet #1371684
Brifina #754685
Brifina #1527993
Brifina #694833
Budgie12 #1635123
BulmaBlueAngel #2129061
Calica #2225260
Calica #2760115
Calica #2764044
Calica #739693
Calica #2759894
Calica #2760503
Calica #2764043
Calica #2764448
Calica #2760681
Calica #2761987
Calica #2759956
Calica #2764045
Calica #2304095
Calica #2759230
Calica #725139
Calica #740125
Calito98 #706631
Calito98 #846871
Calito98 #886579
Capricorn #709753
captain #2268101
Captain-Foxy #675237
car340 #2700293
CarpetMonster #764666
casian123 #744983
cat-rose #2834108
cat-rose #1948594
CatGuy06 #703761
Celeborn #720218
Celeborn #690950
Celeborn #1118859
Celeborn #697070
Celeborn #695597
ChaosEevee #2480112
ChaosEevee #2542135
ChaosEevee #1147084
ChaosEevee #2208178
ChaosEevee #2502118
ChaosEevee #2686721
ChaosEevee #2555295
ChaosQueen #794129
ChaosQueen #1947979
ChaosQueen #2467207
Chaotic_Harmony #2546488
Chaotic_Harmony #1908855
chari #2649967
Charmander-Senpai #744107
charmeleon #2380947
cheezykitten #696464
cheiva #736710
cheiva #742558
cheiva #735633
cheiva #728793
cheiva #732093
cheiva #730762
cheiva #730761
cheiva #756849
cheiva #735443
Cherryvictini1 #1735772
Cherryvictini1 #1631543
ChibiTogepi #2469162
ChibiTogepi #1953418
ChibiTogepi #2631407
ChibiTogepi #2638991
ChibiTogepi #2500801
ChibiTogepi #2624383
ChibiTogepi #2643730
ChibiTogepi #743902
ChibiTogepi #2618639
ChibiTogepi #2637233
ChibiTogepi #2624021
ChibiTogepi #2632467
ChibiTogepi #2633386
ChibiTogepi #2631403
ChibiTogepi #2637234
ChibiTogepi #2637668
ChibiTogepi #2643715
ChibiTogepi #2578724
ChibiTogepi #752374
ChibiTogepi #2631401
ChibiTogepi #2632471
Chickenous #1120104
Chickenous #760167
Chickenous #820105
Chickenous #781115
Chickenous #1345107
Chickenous #887532
Chickenous #738522
Chickenous #747787
Christy-Taylor #1359418
Christy-Taylor #1360087
cinamomo #1383572
cinamomo #737019
cinba #1321104
cinba #864573
cinba #715858
Cinnamoroll #713025
cnm1213 #977176
CometandAqua #701476
CometandAqua #716800
CometandAqua #702272
CometandAqua #718835
CometandAqua #709907
Commander_Mars #2258210
Commander_Mars #711349
cotton #2781365
cotton #1571866
cotton #1400769
cotton #1069327
cotton #885630
CrashKing #879504
Crypto #722016
Crypto #812302
Crysticia #2412330
Crysticia #2694471
Csoxi #1729478
Csoxi #710077
Csoxi #732560
Csoxi #712048
Csoxi #1879895
Csoxi #714938
curiousangel #810089
curiousangel #913059
curiousangel #2077309
curiousangel #728791
curiousangel #735572
curiousangel #778444
cut3gummy4life #1587230
Cute #2759555
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen #717370
CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen #715418
Czacza #878120
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Thu, 09/04/2015 12:43 (9 Years ago)
(Continuation of previous post)

Usernames starting with D - G:

Show hidden content
Username Pokemon ID
danielmv #810255
danijust #809648
Dark-Rebel #687788
DarkDragon #703531
DarkDragonite #693006
DarkDragonite #696308
DarkDragonite #708972
Darkest_Fantasy #709956
Darkness_Arisen #744016
Darkvolt #2492033
Darkvolt #725637
Darkvolt #2776211
DatSwirlix #2671694
DatSwirlix #2529623
Daycare_owner #722330
Dead~Heart #701880
Dead~Heart #707614
Dead~Heart #718006
Delcatty #689678
Derpyderp #888803
DerpyWolfGaming #743988
DerpyWolfGaming #872600
DerpyWolfGaming #784869
destinys-call #2668898
destinys-call #2657142
Destroyer #1617177
dhawal #738066
Diana #1065895
Diana #2402569
Diana #1135104
Diana #969120
Diana #2697816
Diana #708153
Diana #1122751
Diana #1178654
Diana #708641
diogotrindadept14 #1517125
diogotrindadept14 #827914
diogotrindadept14 #1208814
DipperNorth #2436549
DipperNorth #1233652
DipperNorth #2432094
DJDarkWolf #704810
DJDarkWolf #702361
DJDarkWolf #706288
Dokku #685714
Dokku #691233
Dokku #1995834
donatas1012 #2521731
doodlebug09 #1519507
DorkyDelphox #1881178
DorkyDelphox #1859040
DorkyDelphox #761998
DorkyDelphox #740677
DorkyDelphox #810797
DorkyDelphox #585079
DorkyDelphox #1881099
DorkyDelphox #683606
DorkyDelphox #703479
DorkyDelphox #1108620
DorkyDelphox #749232
DorkyDelphox #692123
DorkyDelphox #996841
DorkyDelphox #731505
Draco064 #702769
dracothenightmaster #2640889
dracothenightmaster #719813
Dragonbunny #718598
Dragonbunny #716109
Dragonbunny #705413
Dragonbunny #709485
Dragonbunny #710631
Dragonbunny #716107
Dragonbunny #718595
Dragonbunny #712475
Dragonbunny #724208
Dragonbunny #728859
dragoness129 #723854
DragonisPrime #843164
Dragonstars #1753459
Dragonstars #1756338
Dragonstars #1760606
DragonSumedh #771472
DragonSumedh #708062
DragonSumedh #717271
DragonSumedh #714510
DragonSumedh #746593
DragonSumedh #2514077
DragonSumedh #752696
DragonSumedh #699908
DragonSumedh #724504
DragonSumedh #739085
DragonSumedh #744751
DrewArmstrong #1693014
DuckJ3lly #813292
Dude #2428527
Dude #1959786
dudezki #719962
dudezki #749482
dudezki #698361
dudezki #2766015
Dustpaw #2280901
dylanfalk01 #704562
Ecco #728675
Ecco #708703
Ecco #2658094
Ecco #2662151
Ecco #2662156
Ecco #1274028
Ecco #1153442
Ecco #1297936
Ecco #2422261
Ecco #2603919
Ecco #2611732
Ecco #689422
Ecco #2658091
Ecco #788578
Ecco #2044341
Ecco #2662149
Ecco #2466524
Ecco #2611731
Ecco #1160619
Ecco #727434
Ecco #2662144
Ecco #1426042
Ecco #708704
Ecco #2663980
Ecco #2655163
Ecco #2658093
Ecco #681107
EeveeCat2 #1381445
EeveeCat2 #894335
EeveeCat2 #943419
EeveeCat2 #711909
eeveegoddess #1523357
eeveegoddess #2636076
eeveegoddess #2641792
eeveegoddess #2641144
eeveegoddess #2402656
eeveegoddess #2634640
eeveegoddess #2642689
eeveegoddess #2638592
eeveegoddess #2634552
EldinKata #987295
EldinKata #1593541
Elementalcrystals #2672713
Elementalcrystals #2645118
Elementalcrystals #2679587
Elementalcrystals #2701676
Eliktras #1526413
Eliktras #2598804
EmeraldTheSnivy #731115
Emerald_King #2720642
Emerald_King #2415428
emmyly12 #719112
EmoMouse #805011
EmoMouse #688720
EmoMouse #693917
EmoMouse #1016521
EmoMouse #1016522
EmoMouse #1016485
EmoMouse #1028562
EmoMouse #731670
EmoMouse #1016484
EmperorEmpoleon #2689623
enderknux #748403
Ephitas #772891
ESCAV #1530304
Espurr #739069
Espy #720321
Espy #1631107
Espy #722731
EVEEEION #1898573
Evelyn #1934655
Evelyn #718340
Evelyn #728637
Eveva_Eon #731491
exodius #2381846
EzvidTheEcho #718353
EzvidTheEcho #718357
EzvidTheEcho #719216
Faizaan #701232
Faizaan #733196
Faizaan #695749
Farhaan #1692185
Farhaan #858280
Farhaan #869962
Farhaan #869963
Featherflight #734889
Feliciano_Vargas #708644
Feliciano_Vargas #815226
felipezinhow #2459864
felipezinhow #1802956
FenneCake #720219
Fennekin890 #744775
FennekinandCelebi #1867344
FennekintheFennek #2680767
ferjc #1122781
ferjc #671916
ferjc #1106544
Finhawk #678292
Finhawk #2269427
Fionna #717497
Fionna #712870
firevuk #1115744
firevuk #1124074
firevuk #1110837
Flamaij #1270053
FlameMaster #698008
Flamess #1441628
Flamess #2725658
FlameStar10231 #709597
Floatzel88 #717342
Floatzel88 #717343
Floatzel88 #717503
Floatzel88 #711256
Flohpulver #585085
Flohpulver #2690092
Flohpulver #1780784
Flohpulver #2694719
Flohpulver #2694725
Flohpulver #690658
Flohpulver #2694724
fluttershyfan2 #741008
freddycoops #1569286
Frost #721766
Froststream #777074
Froststream #909764
Froststream #1124727
Froststream #924398
Froststream #2687432
Fujiwa #836120
Fujiwa #847069
Fujiwa #771549
Fujiwa #831904
Fujiwa #848728
Furret #2662372
Furret #2497599
fuwante-chan #1334220
Gaara12345 #1790270
Gallade_Master #2422833
Gallade_Master #761638
Gallade_Master #2634675
Gamerkitty #1962289
Gaspoo #2634950
Gaspoo #2641014
Gaspoo #2641012
Gaspoo #1298906
Gaspoo #2611785
Gaspoo #2641010
Gaspoo #2643002
Gaspoo #2643006
Gaspoo #2643003
Gaspoo #2635978
gbw515 #2537340
GIBLE123 #1362597
GIBLE123 #2419327
GIBLE123 #1361366
Giraffe_A_Laugh #746015
Giraffe_A_Laugh #1904432
Giraffe_A_Laugh #1124497
Glaciarie #713768
Glaciarie #723278
Glaciarie #695914
Glaciarie #700418
Glaffyn #700292
Glaffyn #926329
Glaffyn #695467
Glaffyn #799446
Glaffyn #699149
Glaffyn #847482
Glaffyn #693271
Glaffyn #847050
Glorifyed #2372937
golden1105 #776628
golden1105 #721412
golden1105 #718227
GoldenFreddy #738206
GoldenStar #2774997
Gothbutter #738519
Gothbutter #585064
Gothbutter #719193
Gothbutter #706795
Gothika #687004
Gothika #692117
Gothika #702190
Gothika #690122
Gothika #715361
Gothika #808755
Gothika #673895
Gothika #674761
Grass_King #739675
GreenEevee #2757508
GreenEevee #2676225
GreenEevee #2697725
GummyBear #723807
Gzico9 #689803
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Thu, 09/04/2015 12:45 (9 Years ago)
(Continuation of previous post)

Usernames starting with H-L:

Show hidden content
Username Pokemon ID
H3XAGON #915225
HaniIsMyBae #780913
Hansa #2340476
Hansa #1499138
Hansa #752312
Hanted_GhostGem #705634
han_hyo_hee #1055259
han_hyo_hee #984531
hardik #1935727
haru_16 #2402068
haru_16 #1025907
haru_16 #2471698
hasilisah #740474
Hawkpaw #1263138
HayaYoshino #1434362
hedhunter13 #1943598
Heichou #767511
Hiccup #692046
Hiccup #745693
Hidree #2796654
Hidree #2642861
Hime-Nyan #684762
Hime-Nyan #723575
Hime-Nyan #722528
Hime-Nyan #725189
Hime-Nyan #723576
Hime-Nyan #725190
Hitomoshi #882380
Hitomoshi #1624874
Honey #693864
Honey #829010
Honi #777344
Honi #811147
Honi #784637
Honi #713577
Honi #1354321
Honi #806070
Honi #763640
Honi #1046278
Honi #1344928
Honi #881080
Honi #699003
Honi #858837
Honi #802733
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iOlrickx #707492
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Iskandar #1356593
Iskandar #1753647
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ItzAGoluuuuuuurk #810788
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ivo200198 #781316
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Jacharias #2278969
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Jackling #2778062
jake3009 #2671956
Janicel #1619071
JanineVinita #1456015
Japants #697478
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JeffreyJ71 #829309
JeffreyJ71 #1836108
JeffreyJ71 #1876290
Jessie #970178
Jessie #818996
Jessie #803762
JessieTheFox #2629938
JessieTheFox #2691292
JessieTheFox #2657657
JessieTheFox #2691282
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JessieTheFox #2652001
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JessieTheFox #2697307
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JessieTheFox #2699335
JessieTheFox #2753630
JessieTheFox #2629936
JessieTheFox #2725977
JessieTheFox #2706942
JessieTheFox #2683618
JessieTheFox #2718152
JessieTheFox #706939
JinX #705606
JinX #774235
JinX #830687
JOHN-ADRIEL #2654364
JOHN-ADRIEL #1007292
johnbond00770077 #2752437
Jore #705445
juanw #1299419
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juanw #2515148
juanw #1081082
judaiandjohan #1298063
Julia #760767
Julia #723113
Juney #720897
Juney #792255
JustMe4031 #2653033
JustMe4031 #2664244
JustMe4031 #2743988
JustMe4031 #819113
KabyleDaro #1470753
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KabyleDaro #1906951
KabyleDaro #2651583
KabyleDaro #2655164
KabyleDaro #2651584
KabyleDaro #2394482
KabyleDaro #1935723
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KabyleDaro #2651928
KabyleDaro #2651931
Kacpix #730740
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Kage_hime #2727284
kaimi #713770
Kainbunny #2202345
Kainbunny #2380931
Kainbunny #2097536
Kainbunny #1867343
Kainbunny #2202374
Kainbunny #1874639
Kainbunny #746905
Kairi #2723856
Kairi #2752434
Kairi #2759206
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Kairi #2764287
Kairi #718731
Kairi #2723850
Kairi #2723857
Kairi #2764286
Kairi #782543
kalac #2485638
kaneki #1667958
Kaneki-Ken #725041
Kaneki-Ken #719964
KanekiKen #701944
KanekiKen #771257
Kash #712495
Kash #708079
katloverz999 #724998
Kawaii_Charmander #2642748
Kawaii_Charmander #2682732
Kawaii_Charmander #1554586
Kaze #1139362
keiko #2189387
Kekkomaru #726370
Kekkomaru #694784
khyy9988 #778903
khyy9988 #1327445
Kiko #703110
Kiko #714479
Kiko #1287212
Kimie #681720
Kimie #716956
Kimie #739759
Kimie #692354
Kimie #734074
Kingdraforever #2408445
KingMantek #838263
KingMantek #701458
KingMantek #731863
King_of_Sass #2371310
KiraTrikk #727593
Kitkat #1362596
Kitkat #714008
Kitkat #1368107
kittenpryde #1215893
kittenpryde #1876549
kittenpryde #1279311
KittyMeow #2335193
KittyMeow #2573602
Kiyomii #1376660
Kiyomii #2426892
Kiyomii #2647115
Kiyomii #937321
Koinu #1947230
Koinu #1411969
Koinu #674584
Koinu #1411971
Koinu #1327064
Koinu #1036067
Koinu #875897
Koinu #1411970
Koinu #1408501
KopierKatze #816484
Kori_Icefang #691785
Kori_Icefang #703596
Kori_Icefang #704291
Kori_Icefang #702423
KrazyKarp #697088
KrazyKarp #783287
KrisLesov #1571173
krystal_fang #715707
Kurre #1178652
Kurre #703436
Kurre #839256
Kurre #827945
Kurumi #2489834
Kurumi #2480221
kyolaho #2808554
kyolaho #1023733
kyolaho #998769
kyolaho #1842102
kyolaho #2246399
kyolaho #755836
kyolaho #1138182
Lachelord #1530699
Lachelord #852793
Lachelord #1502463
Lachelord #1376988
Lachelord #1415382
Lachelord #1381314
Lachelord #1368891
Lachelord #1379906
Lachelord #1506545
Lachelord #1369577
Lachelord #1486240
Lachelord #1518169
Lachelord #1509902
LadyShaynne #829162
LadyShaynne #837615
LadyShaynne #837614
LadyShaynne #720318
LadyShaynne #836367
LadyShaynne #845657
LadyVillain #1268294
LadyVillain #1520482
LadyVillain #700834
Lady_Litwick #746474
Lady_Litwick #708116
Lail #872147
Lail #713054
Lail #786835
Lail #756265
Lail #695901
Lail #739946
Lail #746182
Lail #723352
Lail #725138
Lail #781257
Lail #786828
Lakshay #709020
Lakshay #709017
Lakshay #1506594
Lalosky #2262205
Lalosky #780412
Lalosky #698795
Larverto #700835
Larverto #708014
latiosomega #726374
Leaf-Fy-On #2646777
Leaf-Fy-On #2716650
Leaf-Fy-On #2717549
Leaf-Fy-On #2724025
Leaf-Fy-On #2722453
Leaf-Fy-On #2747808
Leaf-Fy-On #2722372
Leaf-Fy-On #2748402
Leaf-Fy-On #2717550
Leaf-Fy-On #2716662
Leaf-Fy-On #2721893
Leaf-Fy-On #2724036
Leaf-Fy-On #2716692
Leaf-Fy-On #2730567
Leaf-Fy-On #2730133
Leaf-Fy-On #2750234
LeafipnTheEspurr #709741
LeafipnTheEspurr #1503321
LeeJongSuk #879903
LeeJongSuk #2214668
Legendary252 #2441592
leozito02 #776629
leozito02 #727543
Leviosa #585087
Liana10 #714597
Liana10 #2374345
Liana10 #2387202
Liana10 #2431173
Liana10 #1849833
Liana10 #1821428
Liana10 #2362440
Lighty_Luna #687487
Lighty_Luna #722715
Lighty_Luna #691500
Liirah #752959
Liirah #729044
Liirah #738675
Liirah #711604
Liirah #719538
Liirah #752958
Liirah #738589
Liirah #724291
Liirah #709091
Liirah #720634
Liirah #724321
Liirah #738747
Liirah #700208
Liirah #734024
Liirah #733828
Liirah #753692
Liirah #745962
Liirah #714924
Liirah #738588
Liirah #733826
Liirah #686742
Liirah #706386
Liirah #711338
Liirah #724172
Liirah #738889
Liirah #724171
Liirah #738586
Liirah #714201
Liirah #735189
Liirah #719345
Liirah #730424
Liirah #738943
Liirah #710076
Liirah #720743
Lil_Vincent #707116
Link #781103
Link #782424
Link #1103154
Link #768477
LionHeart #833646
LittleBird #694635
Livia_chan #2751663
Livia_chan #768753
LOCAL #2394698
loketoke #740068
loketoke #784638
loketoke #715006
loketoke #708061
loketoke #797927
loketoke #734076
loketoke #709156
loketoke #696580
loketoke #716535
loketoke #696581
loketoke #697899
LokiTheTrickster #1583697
LordNino31 #2428599
LostLord #2391857
LostLord #2674948
LoveKyubi #975204
LoveKyubi #1815064
Lovino_Vargas #2736173
Lovino_Vargas #741004
Lovino_Vargas #746053
LucarioLand #690873
Lucina #688089
Lucina #692233
Lucina #700205
Lucina #690956
Lucrecia #1062971
Lucrecia #787921
Lucrecia #822544
Lucrecia #805013
Lucrecia #808658
Lucrecia #878690
Lucrecia #819532
Lucrecia #778675
Lucrecia #743520
Lucrecia #758079
Lucrecia #828683
Lucrecia #766408
Lucrecia #722802
Lucrecia #843984
Lucrecia #690390
Lucrecia #819412
Lucy #2674316
Lugia #1879399
Lugia #1821449
Lumi #2362707
Lumi #723267
Lumi #2440741
Lumi #2555298
Lumi #2648803
Lumi #2536775
Lumi #2536705
Lumi #1185649
Lumi #2648909
Lumi #2651190
Luna3002 #2237348
Lupa #701320
Lupa #2748062
Luxray #2700292
Luxray #2697349
Luxray #2706657
Luxray #2700294
Luxray #915227
Luxray #915291
Luxray #915226
Luxray #2690192
Luxray #2694462
Luxray #2704376
Luxray #716177
Luxray #915290
Luxray #2694459
Luxray #2694463
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Thu, 09/04/2015 12:46 (9 Years ago)
(Continuation of previous post)

Usernames starting with M-Q:

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Username Pokemon ID
Madison #711132
MagicalCreature #760222
Maham790Mahi #747968
Maham790Mahi #874804
Maham790Mahi #712798
Maham790Mahi #715029
Maham790Mahi #737080
Maham790Mahi #736389
Maham790Mahi #736788
Maham790Mahi #738554
maharjan #779934
maharjan #1556622
Majestic_Star_Dragon #714343
Majestic_Star_Dragon #792254
Majestic_Star_Dragon #694563
Majestic_Star_Dragon #1120079
Majestic_Star_Dragon #811901
Majestic_Star_Dragon #699001
Majestic_Star_Dragon #734258
Majestic_Star_Dragon #2689673
Majestic_Star_Dragon #1508753
Majestic_Star_Dragon #707542
MajorasMask #1063046
MajorasMask #1173456
manbol #2662585
Mandarina #2179066
Mangle #730679
Mangle #721680
Marikot #2394400
martix0123 #1723092
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martuylisa #2651793
Maryzard #1267542
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Masterdrk #969119
Masterdrk #1040355
Masterdrk #763930
Masterdrk #739495
Masteroftitans #1616170
MasterZac #935454
Maya #829701
Maymari #1257144
Maymari #1262695
Maymari #1278089
Maymari #1257142
Maymari #1263071
Maymari #1264910
Maymari #1275786
Maymari #1272466
Maymari #1277185
Maymari #1270042
Maymari #1270262
Mayonaka #1127426
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Merlin #720098
Merlin #1356217
Merlin #701972
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Merlin #760847
Merlin #1275815
Merlin #2596666
Merlin #832299
Merlin #692043
Merlin #835562
Merlin #1262055
Mew_Mix #1982590
Mg007 #2691132
Mg007 #2196440
Mg007 #2685744
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Mimi_Chan~ #1953127
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moonrise #876082
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My*Little*Pony #2743718
My*Little*Pony #2743720
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NekoGunji #2068609
NekoGunji #2748407
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NekoGunji #2700700
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Nepeta_Leijon #947087
Nepeta_Leijon #962130
Nepeta_Leijon #939123
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Nessy #809652
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Nessy #695655
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patdaman #781229
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PhoenixTheDarkAutobot #732952
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PichuAndSonic #799100
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Posey-ashes #1608457
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Potato-Dedenne-Senpai #725140
Potato-Dedenne-Senpai #730686
Potato-Dedenne-Senpai #734493
Potato-Dedenne-Senpai #725466
Potato-Kun #710434
Prabesh18 #1689509
Princess #1582507
Princess #744402
Princess #1083626
Princess #732868
PrincessGreenie #1397361
Professor_Birch #741404
Professor_Birch #735864
Professor_Joe #736978
Professor_Joe #2632412
Professor_Joe #738876
Proxy #1507912
Proxy #784149
prunella666 #2020690
Psii #2663118
Psii #754269
Psii #2662684
Psii #684067
Psii #872950
Psii #2377393
Psii #872951
pucky #1633093
pucky #1831732
pucky #792114
pucky #1653418
pucky #1720752
PureEvil666 #2615830
PureEvil666 #2085400
PureEvil666 #1580878
Qousainali #719994
Qousainali #740127
Qousainali #693862
Qousainali #695695
Qousainali #696184
Qousainali #719995
Qousainali #729960
QueenBee #1001124
Queen_Emolga #812303
QwakDuck #2710007
QwakDuck #704708
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Thu, 09/04/2015 12:48 (9 Years ago)
(Continuation of previous post)

Usernames starting with R - V:

Show hidden content
Username Pokemon ID
r0ad07 #742993
Rae-Jou #714744
Raichu_Lord #969550
rainbow #2644820
rainbow #2651240
rainbow #2427808
rainbow #2670041
rainbowpride #2133282
Rave #691787
Rave #767859
Rave #696749
Rave #700602
Rave #809263
Rdominicana809 #716848
Rdominicana809 #701501
Rdominicana809 #715555
ReaDragoness #720876
ReaDragoness #835674
ReaDragoness #825939
ReaDragoness #820391
redmappas #2817893
redmappas #2756758
redmappas #2821820
redmappas #2767016
redmappas #2811580
redmappas #2811579
redmappas #2820672
RedMaster #1366378
RedScoutTF2 #2425114
RedScoutTF2 #738553
red_momba #1981467
Reinora #1327367
ReiREUNION #692088
ReiREUNION #719545
ReiREUNION #719546
ReiREUNION #731553
ReiREUNION #729500
ReiREUNION #733240
Rellyk #769430
Rellyk #1340293
Remilia-Scarlet #736030
Remilia-Scarlet #1973034
Remy #728838
remy1 #700403
Requiem #585076
Requiem #808048
Requiem #717446
Riako #702987
richard740 #1401741
RichDragon #780912
RichDragon #2740392
RichDragon #2651486
Rini00 #717225
Rini00 #734168
Rini00 #1385418
Rini00 #969122
Rollin #684070
Ronny #1077557
Ronny #943567
Ruby*Mewtwo #742824
RubyVodka #2535249
RufGam #740812
RufGam #2063124
Rynne #1461097
Rynne #2620444
Ryuzaki #714428
Ryuzaki #676892
Sabaton #879503
SailorSunrise #2209252
SailorSunrise #2497009
SailorSunrise #2508544
SailorSunrise #1949905
sajid #717255
saketo #735325
sammal02 #2263840
sammal02 #2256716
samyak #2349498
samyak #734486
samyak #2447050
samyak #2297231
samyak #2621444
samyak #2626385
SandeviRae #744761
sart1 #950127
sart1 #2741550
sart1 #698957
Scarlett_blade #2752441
Scarlett_blade #2752440
Scarlett_blade #2752438
Schmuzz123 #1796432
Scream #2495855
Scythe #739794
Scythe #718898
seb123 #712029
Sederance #2562112
Sekai-Ti #1914464
Sekai-Ti #1884923
Sekai-Ti #1891471
Sekai-Ti #1872792
Sekai-Ti #1918667
Sekai-Ti #1860019
Sekai-Ti #1913558
Sekai-Ti #1891472
Sekai-Ti #1890432
Sekai-Ti #1865714
Sekai-Ti #1911578
Sekai-Ti #1890431
Sekai-Ti #1843963
SensGirl25 #1517346
Severya #2622853
Severya #810057
sfdgfyy #1714131
ShadicDouTheHedgehog #1893067
Shadow-2F #762171
Shadow-2F #724015
Shadow_The_Umbreon #1402399
Shadow_The_Umbreon #803549
shariqspice #738485
Shaymin #585081
Shaymin #691277
Shaymin #740295
Shaymin #937844
Shaymin_Lover #1374723
Shin #1819329
Shin #734283
Shin #2431340
Shin #2412300
Shin #1858383
Shin #730256
Shin #2405852
ShinyHeatrunner #2197732
shinyrapidash #2604567
shinyrapidash #762522
shinyrapidash #2654465
shinyrapidash #2294709
shinyrapidash #2710154
shinyteddiursa #734739
shinyteddiursa #731769
shinyteddiursa #696185
shinyteddiursa #735800
shinyteddiursa #732213
shinyteddiursa #734735
shinyteddiursa #1043960
shinyteddiursa #734452
shinyteddiursa #700417
shinyteddiursa #731700
shinyteddiursa #731706
shinyumbreon79 #730868
shinyumbreon79 #730923
shinyumbreon79 #719814
Shizuka #738963
Siege #2729572
Silver-lugia #699915
Silver-lugia #717914
Silver-lugia #1826845
Silver-lugia #1276446
Silver-lugia #1410554
Silver-lugia #700221
Silver-lugia #695718
Silverair832 #690507
SilverLugia456 #739280
SilverLugia456 #2402325
SilverLugia456 #2659397
SilverLugia456 #2446874
SilverLugia456 #2500084
SilverShadow #1728268
SilverStar #694782
Simbaasa #2721892
Simple #781110
Simple #818592
Simple #1415101
SirAaron #754845
SirAaron #839490
siraj2cool #842773
SirDippingsauce_bro #2634549
Sirithcam #2380678
Sitri #705521
Siveda #585082
Siveda #1958251
sizzle #2579100
sizzle #2611786
sizzle #2580493
sizzle #2515408
Skellington #702341
Skitty #786415
Skitty #738961
Skyadri #1972888
Skyadri #1945620
Skyadri #1908856
Skyadri #1945623
Skyadri #1893328
Skyadri #1937353
Skyadri #1918983
Skyfox #815608
Skyfox #732787
Skyfox #732613
Skyfox #731393
Skylea95 #2311629
SKYRIE #799766
SKYRIE #1057226
SlowPoke #1731400
Snapetatron #829305
Snapetatron #745714
Snapetatron #780281
snovit321 #1818911
snovit321 #1684656
snovit321 #726367
SoulRepublic #1397808
Sounak #908305
SouthParkFirefly #1693864
Spade #746072
Speekrax #2423387
Spencer #733823
Spencer #730134
Spencer #768782
Spencer #694287
Spencer #772989
Spencer #688645
Spiritwolf145 #768394
Spiritwolf145 #783214
SplashTheKittyCat #722051
SplashTheKittyCat #2424263
SplashTheKittyCat #726535
SplashTheKittyCat #714598
Squirtle002 #978888
Squirtle002 #798305
SquirtleEvolution #2075762
SquirtleEvolution #2199751
Stabilization #1526322
Stabilization #831705
Stabilization #2651242
Stabilization #2673667
Star-O-Light #2090515
Star-O-Light #734445
StarBat #736943
starlogo #862180
starlogo #2663904
stephanie133 #749480
Stephanotis #765534
Stephanotis #773275
Stephanotis #722558
Stillicide #739642
Stillicide #2523947
stomer90000 #967452
Su-licious #791978
Su-licious #797091
Su-licious #798650
subliminalcanine #783631
Sugara #1364929
Sugara #1854923
Sugara #2108098
sugiith #761381
sugiith #759333
Suineko #743343
SundanceShadow #764423
SundanceShadow #765411
SundanceShadow #765566
SunGoddess23 #729719
SunGoddess23 #754844
SunGoddess23 #772833
SunGoddess23 #772931
SunGoddess23 #729718
SunGoddess23 #772932
SunGoddess23 #727426
SunGoddess23 #736439
SunGoddess23 #774138
SunGoddess23 #732677
SunGoddess23 #729795
SunGoddess23 #772937
SunGoddess23 #729717
SunGoddess23 #774695
SunGoddess23 #725624
SunGoddess23 #767857
SunGoddess23 #736996
SunGoddess23 #753194
SunGoddess23 #731768
SunGoddess23 #723099
SunGoddess23 #2326580
Super-Nothing #898837
Super-Nothing #759500
Super-Nothing #909133
sweetlaura21 #686215
sweetlaura21 #720447
sweetlaura21 #707439
sweetlaura21 #690878
sweetlaura21 #722811
sweetlaura21 #1312146
SyaShane #2743619
SyaShane #1427226
Sylvanas #2175376
Sylvanas #689842
Sylvanas #881494
Sylvanas #2177804
Sylvanas #693274
Sylvanas #2171036
Sylvanas #689886
Sylvanas #2170662
Sylvanas #747417
Sylvanas #1108850
szerana #2813403
szerana #2814559
szerana #2792484
Tahitou #2799448
Taipopo #693127
Taipopo #1402853
Taipopo #2505247
Taipopo #694779
Taipopo #728171
Takuto #700554
Takuto #2773472
talkingtom #2405455
talkingtom #1998393
TambaCat #2118103
TambaCat #878755
TambaCat #2627661
TambaCat #2208214
TambaCat #1631538
Tegari #790170
Tegari #821722
Tegari #585078
Temores_Abal #855880
Temores_Abal #2017529
Tenefix #704374
Tenshii #2533063
Tenshii #2641201
Thana #719185
Thana #716394
THANAT0S #2690193
the-imperial-clone #1512109
the-imperial-clone #1707408
TheHellPrince #739807
thepumpkintimelord #1402454
Thesweetestsin #786270
Thesweetestsin #715335
Thesweetestsin #887824
Thesweetestsin #888488
Thesweetestsin #722778
Thesweetestsin #878692
The_Crazy_Dragon_Lady #2510762
threshfeather #2702114
Tlilkuautli #856800
Tlilkuautli #2508543
Tlilkuautli #2508545
Tlilkuautli #2543578
Tlilkuautli #2515149
Toetag001 #738959
Toetag001 #2650864
togepi #1623956
tomas1 #2401949
tomas1 #829299
tomas1 #2427802
tomas1 #1484336
Toothie #685452
Toothie #2718291
Toothie #751676
Toothie #698796
Toothie #694748
Toothie #696197
Toothie #693869
Toothie #690389
Toothie #721933
Toothie #695054
Toothie #695053
Toothie #2710003
Toothie #748728
Toph_Bei_Fong #1724733
Toph_Bei_Fong #882311
Toph_Bei_Fong #1539750
Toph_Bei_Fong #1352946
ToxicTheFox #1341306
Tradgedy #1600121
trainercyan #808640
trainercyan #792331
trainercyan #726385
TrainerLeaf #1177265
Trfnthbyf55 #2721864
Tune #1808754
Tyrantrum #893746
tyruntrider #719577
Uberman1291 #700598
Uberman1291 #711595
Uchiha_Sasuke #2551185
Uchiha_Sasuke #732918
Uchiha_Sasuke #2438002
Uchiha_Sasuke #711246
Uchiha_Sasuke #723886
Uchiha_Sasuke #723887
Uchiha_Sasuke #700059
Uchiha_Sasuke #1488591
Ufimtsev #708579
uldis3829 #729796
Umbremaster #724363
Umbremaster #755601
UmbreS #734454
UmbreS #2728926
Unicorn #1393945
User #1550564
User #2115831
User #2383855
User #1586074
User #2115550
User #2339384
User #2177271
User #2679748
User #2337882
User #1958934
User #2658935
User #2720646
UzumakiNaruto #804166
UzumakiNaruto #711821
UzumakiNaruto #711824
Valy20 #798869
Valy20 #1132491
Valy20 #800356
vampelf #2724023
vampelf #2724024
vampelf #2724035
vampelf #2662371
vampelf #1396412
Vampka #1399760
vanillite1 #1902282
VarsityRisneX #717044
Veichan #2363680
Veichan #2246863
Veichan #2300238
Victor01 #721369
Victor01 #876147
vidhu123 #2673456
vidhu123 #2109509
vininunes02 #2634951
vininunes02 #2648958
vininunes02 #2650095
vininunes02 #2646778
vininunes02 #2646776
Viper #1180055
vitorbacon #789040
vitorbacon #736844
vitorbacon #800949
vitorbacon #783005
vitorbacon #728247
vitorbacon #1281898
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Thu, 09/04/2015 12:49 (9 Years ago)
(Continuation of previous post)

Usernames starting with W-Z, _ and ~:

Show hidden content
Username Pokemon ID
WalkingOnSunshine #716166
WalkingOnSunshine #2063445
WalkingOnSunshine #1835705
Wandy #2316028
Warlord #821889
webkinz78620 #714522
webkinz78620 #701083
webkinz78620 #711901
WhiteAndBlack2 #2686639
WhiteAndBlack2 #717802
WhiteAndBlack2 #760902
WhiteAndBlack2 #2346326
WhiteAndBlack2 #2697817
WhiteAndBlack2 #2705554
WhiteAndBlack2 #2455888
WhiteAndBlack2 #799968
Whompy #2650208
WildGoat #2790269
WildGoat #1874640
wildmanjesse #717363
williamnator1 #1888337
Winter_Soul #1011432
Winter_Soul #2209461
Winter_Soul #975118
Winter_Soul #2351558
Winter_Soul #2728574
Winter_Soul #2718295
Winter_Soul #1666981
Winter_Soul #2687804
Winter_Soul #736559
Winter_Soul #2644756
Wirewolfgirl #2700929
Withered_Bonnie #2235973
Withered_Bonnie #2392426
Wolfsdrache #2531753
Wolfsdrache #2501183
Wolfsdrache #2527592
Wolfsdrache #2502049
Wolfsdrache #2547729
Wolfsdrache #2496231
Wolfsdrache #2544197
Wolfsdrache #2534203
Wolfsdrache #2547228
Wolfsdrache #2540998
Wolfsdrache #2505248
Wolfsdrache #2532417
Wolfsdrache #2495092
Wolfsdrache #2536375
XD001 #2371201
xeno7 #2384470
xeno7 #2372163
xeno7 #2411234
xeno7 #2376325
xeno7 #1994123
xeno7 #2384469
xeno7 #2388238
xeno7 #2376324
xeno7 #2351368
Xerao #1375845
xihongyue222 #1585106
Xstarhero #1149607
Xstarhero #1965167
Xstarhero #1191228
Xtreme #2358986
Xtreme #837613
Xtreme #2585349
Xtreme #788517
Xtreme #787848
xXOmegaXx #947086
XyChrus #1945622
XyChrus #1948020
Yato #1006155
Yato #799712
yolonorthwindy #2659329
Yoru #711185
Yoru #815279
Yoru #2250429
Yoru #723795
Yoru #747665
Yoru #1495479
Yoru #728417
Yuki_Onna #693485
Yuki_Onna #725584
Yuki_Onna #1094593
Yuki_Onna #710912
Yuki_Onna #731840
YunaChan #694374
YunaChan #702751
YunaChan #703834
YunaChan #702752
YunaChan #703835
YunaChan #714511
YunaChan #714697
YunaChan #702716
YuukiJaegerjaquez #1142230
YuukiJaegerjaquez #1382213
YuukiJaegerjaquez #1618878
YuukiJaegerjaquez #1569728
Yuusaku #1035488
Yuusaku #1579538
Zacharie_The_Merchant #1638681
Zacharie_The_Merchant #1637834
Zacharie_The_Merchant #1638682
Zephyr_Of_The_UnderNet #718803
Zephyr_Of_The_UnderNet #1078239
ziadetayman #2739390
Ziva88 #2417324
Ziva88 #2418491
Ziva88 #2612047
Ziva88 #2289697
Ziva88 #2170101
Ziva88 #2504162
Ziva88 #2078930
Ziva88 #1029358
Zoen #762170
zolik #750118
Zombrie #1521712
Zombrie #1545508
_Vika_ #1436576
_Vika_ #1414227
_Vika_ #1479346
_Vika_ #1901323
_Vika_ #1461096
__G__ #2760622
__G__ #2622032
~elizabeth930~ #2630212
~Lyzenox~ #803508
~Lyzenox~ #950421
~ShinyMew~ #1046817
~StreamTheMinccino~ #701492
~TheAngelOfDeath666~ #1756668
~TheAngelOfDeath666~ #799099
~TheAngelOfDeath666~ #1577904
~TheKawaiiLucario~ #1855571
~TheKawaiiLucario~ #736273
~TheKawaiiTreecko~ #737320
~TheKawaiiTreecko~ #2751198
~TheKawaiiTreecko~ #766434
~TheKawaiiTreecko~ #2699332
~TheKawaiiTreecko~ #2756210
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Fri, 10/04/2015 22:26 (9 Years ago)
A limit has been added to the Trainer Battle System: You can only have up to 3 battles per hour and 15 battles per day.
You can actually have more battles, but all further trainer battles won't give you any reward (Battle Points & PokeDollar).

This is to prevent the recent abuse of the battle system (quick 1v1 battles with a friend/double-account). The limits should be fair enough for trainers who take the battle system serious and have (longer) 6v6 battles.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Thu, 16/04/2015 13:44 (9 Years ago)
The Mega (Easter) Lopunny sprite has been changed (the majority of you voted for these sprites in my most recent poll).
New sprites:

Mega Lopunny
Normal Easter
Normal Shiny Normal Shiny

You may need to hit CTRL + F5 to clear your cache in order to see the new sprites.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Fri, 29/05/2015 18:11 (9 Years ago)
As suggested and approved by our community, the GTS and the Auction House now show the small mega bubbles when a Pokemon is mega-able.
You can also use the new Mega-selector at the Auction House to search for all mega-powered Pokémon there.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Sat, 30/05/2015 16:11 (9 Years ago)

Payment Update:
We have recently switched our payment provider and we're now using the services of XSolla.com.
XSolla offers over 100 different payment methods, including PayPal, Credit Card, Mobile Payment and Paysafecard. They are a trusted partner and their services are also available on many other gaming websites, like Ubisoft, BigPoint or Twitch.

Reason for the change:
Our previous provider, TrialPay, has decided to terminate their payment services completely (not only for PokeHeroes) - and therefore we were forced to switch :) I think Xsolla is a perfect solution for PokeHeroes, as they are focused on browsergames.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Mon, 22/06/2015 15:19 (9 Years ago)
The Username and Account Security (i.e. Password & Security Question) settings have been combined to "Profile Settings". An option to change your gender has been added to this setting list as well.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Wed, 01/07/2015 18:06 (9 Years ago)
I've been working on a performance fix for the Bug-Hatching Contest today and it's now released.
All images are now pre-loaded and it should be much less laggy. I just tested it and it is very smooth compared to the old version.
The "Loading"-time before the game actually starts is now longer; but that is because the game is fully loaded.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Sun, 05/07/2015 12:14 (9 Years ago)

Mega-able Bagon, van Bagon and Sir Bagon are now available! You can already mega-evolve Salamence; but the full mega evolution of our two Event Pokémon is not yet available.

Also the Regigigas-Quest has been released!
Requirement: Unlock the Endless-Path.

And on top of that, it's now possible to get shiny Regis (Regirock, Regice, Registeel) from the Royal Tunnel. When you reach Level 1000, 2000, 3000 etc. at the Endless Path, you receive a random shiny Regi-Egg.
Everyone who has already reached at least Level 1,000 before this update will now receive a PM so they can claim a free shiny Regi-Egg as well.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Wed, 08/07/2015 20:48 (9 Years ago)
Tomorrow, on July 9th, the winners of our very first bug-hatching contest will be announced :) I hope you enjoyed this pilot project.
For the future, I'm sure that there is still stuff that we can optimize, though (For example, what do you think of this suggestion?)

For the next Bug-Hatching contest, I have decided to lower the Mega & Shiny Bonus from x2 to x1.5, as it has turned out to be a rather unfair advantage.
In the last few days, the performance of the game has also been strongly improved and the "Click on overlaying Pokémon image"-bug has been fixed.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,770
Posted: Thu, 09/07/2015 13:27 (9 Years ago)
New items available at the Emera Square Prize Exchange:

→ Evolutionary Items
The Prize Exchanges offers two different Evo. Items every day for 750 Festival Points.

→ Energy Root NEW ITEM!
An Energy Root costs 2,000 Festival Points and is a forme-change item for Cherrim.