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Minor Updates

Forum-Index News Minor Updates
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,733
Posted: Mon, 13/05/2024 15:53 (5 Months ago)

Leah's page has received a visual upgrade, including the option to exchange multiple items with her at once (as suggested here).

(Side-by-side comparison, click to enlarge)
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,733
Posted: Sat, 22/06/2024 15:54 (3 Months ago)

The "x more Dream Points have been spent until new plushies are released"-countdown has been removed for now. Not because we don't want to release any more plushies, but simply because this countdown has never been really accurate anyway. Just because the countdown reached 0 didn't mean that new Plushies were released instantly. There's no auto-release system for them at the moment, it always requires manual steps. And promising a release which then takes a couple of weeks feels kind of disappointing...
So instead, for now we will simply release plushies "every now and then". (which, frankly, is how it has been for years now)

The next set of plushies will be released on July 1st, which is when PH celebrates its 11th anniversary. Don't forget to save up your dream points for the annual Mew Event :)
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,733
Posted: Tue, 09/07/2024 19:55 (3 Months ago)

Not an update in the sense that "something new's here", but more a "devlog"-update on the upcoming server upgrade/migration, as announced in the 11th anniversary post:

Today I finally got the codebase of PH to mostly work on the new server. Remember that PH' codebase is over 10 years old, and that most of the libraries/tools we use are no longer supported on newer machines/operating systems. I had to rewrite quite a lot of its code to have it run again. And by run I mean "deliver the index page to the client and make it look identical to the current, old server". That's a first, big step.
The major work - i.e. all database-related code - is mostly done now. To test this, I've made a copy of our live database today and transferred it to the new server. So I can pretty much play on two different servers now and produce two different outcomes :P I wonder which server will grant me the better shiny odds ...
Either way. When browsing around a bit, however, I noticed that a couple of pages are still broken. They used other old libraries that no longer work, so I have to update some more code. But it's manageable! The biggest problem will be to find all these issues. Perhaps we'll have an "Early Access" to the new server in the near future, so you can have a look and detect some bugs. We will see.

I hope you found this little update interesting :) Nothing new to see yet, but things are going well so far.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,733
Posted: Tue, 06/08/2024 16:35 (2 Months ago)

Planned downtime: PokeHeroes will be down on Thursday, August 8th, between about 6AM and 9AM (server time, see at the bottom of the page) for our server migration (as previously announced in the 11th anniversary post).

After the downtime, PH will have switched servers - no actions from your side will be required. If everything goes well, all will feel and look normal. This migration is necessary since our current main server and its operating system are almost 10 years old and are thus outdated/no longer supported by some third-party software we use.

Please don't panic if you encounter bugs on the new server, just report them in the forums and I will fix it asap. Also don't panic if PH then feels a bit slower than usual, optimisations will continue to happen, but this requires in-depth analysis during peak activity hours. In theory, the new server is a lot more capable than the current one, but configs may not be perfect yet.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,733
Posted: Thu, 08/08/2024 11:33 (2 Months ago)

The announced server upgrade happened this morning and has been completed successfully. The old PH main server has just been shutdown, to fully test that the new server can run on its own without any hidden dependencies still lying around on the old one.

Further optimisations will continue to happen over the next few days. And if you encounter anything that doesn't look right, then please report it in the bugs forum.

To celebrate the new server, there will be an x3 interaction multiplier all day tomorrow.. And remember that Speed Click Saturday is this weekend!
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,733
Posted: Sat, 10/08/2024 09:12 (2 Months ago)

Thanks to some data collected during the early slots of today's SCS, I was able to massively improve the performance of our server. Participants of the most recent SCS slot have already noticed that it's now 10x-times faster, especially under heavy load.

Also, a bug at the item market has been patched. This caused a downtime of about 30 mins at the item market earlier today. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,733
Posted: Mon, 12/08/2024 15:26 (2 Months ago)

A couple of bugs have been fixed in the last 2 days, including:
- Badge not received
- Dex completion reward not triggered
- Private Messages: Issue with Send Button
- King's Rock unsearchable at Item Market
- Forum post permalink is broken for 1st page posts
- Notifications: "Show more" skips 1 feed every time
- Friends-only setting broken on palpad (unreported, noticed by myself)

Apart from that, it has been noticed that it is possible to send Images via palpad when using the [img] BBCode. This was not possible on the old server and suddenly appeared as an unintended feature on the new server.
I won't consider this a "bug" for now and will allow it instead. It does seem to work quite well out-of-the-box. Based on future feedback, this feature might be removed again, or possible refined.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,733
Posted: Tue, 13/08/2024 07:53 (2 Months ago)

After over 11 years, the Rindo Berry has finally been added. (As originally reported missing in this bug report). This is a berry that was already available in Gen 5 and earlier (which PokeHeroes is originally based on), which I simply forgot to add back in the days.
Well, now here it is, I hope you enjoy this spicy and bitter berry :')

Special offer of the day: The Rindo Berry is available with a 15% discount at the Item Shop today.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,733
Posted: Mon, 02/09/2024 06:39 (1 Month ago)

The "Bugs/Complaints" forum has been renamed to "Bug Reports".
The main reason for this change is that technically there already is a separate subforum where you can share your "complaints": The suggestions forum. A complaint that is only there to rant/complaint is not really helpful; a good complaint always proposes what exactly needs to change in order for things to be better. For example, saying "I dislike event XY" is of course a valid thought, but things can't improve just based on this statement. Saying that "I (dislike event XY and) would prefer events where [...] which give you [...] and require you to [...]" is a lot more helpful.
So having a Complaints forum was always a bit redundant. Plus, it made it slightly harder to find bugs that need more immediate fixing.

Secondly, the "Bugs > Solved" forum has been renamed to "Resolved". Not every bug report turns out to be an actual bug (sometimes it's user error), so moving issues to "resolved" makes more sense.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,733
Posted: Tue, 03/09/2024 15:11 (1 Month ago)

Update 1: The Cooking Pot (in the toolshed at the berrygarden) now allows you to specify the amount of times you'd like to cook the same recipe in a row. This is especially handy when you need to mass-produce the same product, e.g. the Hoenn Tonic for the on-going Berry Battle. This way, you don't need to click on the pot and select the recipe over and over again.
Note that the cooking pot (still) has a maximum queue size, so the selectable amount is limited.

This update was originally suggested and highly approved by our community.

Update 2: The cooking pot now also let's you select whether you'd like to use the lowest or highest possible levels for your berries that are to be used for the cooking process. Of course you can always change the selection manually.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,733
Posted: Wed, 04/09/2024 10:26 (1 Month ago)

Update regarding Paldea Research:
Research tasks requiring you to hatch specific eggs (based on type or rarity) now given you more Research Points per egg than before. For example, "Hatch X Rare eggs" previously gave you X-times 5 RPs, while now it gives you X-times 10 points. This is due to balancing reasons, as finding specific eggs is a lot more difficult than just adopting and hatching random eggs.

This update applies both to the regular Koraidon/Miraidon Quest, as well as any future time-limited Paldea Research Events. (Note that it only affects new tasks given to you. If you already have a pending task from before this update, then the old numbers still apply.)

Speaking of which: The next Paldea Research Event will start in October. My current idea is to always have them run for 2 months and then give players one months of a break, before the next one starts.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,733
Posted: Fri, 06/09/2024 14:50 (1 Month ago)

Our Event Pokemon Solaris, Chingling (Daydream) and Chingling (Nightmare) have been added to the Event Shop.

Until September 20th, you can get a discount deal when buying a combo event pass for both Chingling!

P.S.: ... Buizel (Emera) will also become available soon, but not through the Event Shop.
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,733
Posted: Sun, 22/09/2024 10:21 (30 Days ago)

A couple of bugs have been fixed:

- Shadow Pokemon now appear as such in GTS trades, as reported here and here
- Bug Types are now super effective against Dark types in battles, as reported here
- Refreshing the page after completing a bulletin board tasks can now no longer lead to accidentally completing the new task as well, as reported here
- Searching for a plushie by name now works properly when you've inserted a recipient already, as reported here
- It's no longer possible to send PMs with empty/spacebar-only topics, as reported here
- Double-clicking on "Show more (feeds)" on your notification page can no longer load the same feeds twice, as reported here
- The mini notification popups (e.g. when you hatch an egg) no longer overlap links and text on the page with an invisible hitbox, as reported here
- 'Murica!, as reported here
- Feeding berries to Pokemon on the index page now properly counts for dream world tasks, as reported here
- When releasing a Pokemon, forme changes are now undone and the item is returned to the owner, as reported here
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,733
Posted: Thu, 17/10/2024 16:09 (4 Days ago)

I've changed some server settings to fix lag spikes that kept happening lately. You might have noticed that every now and again the site would take 1 second+ to load, quite randomly. This doesn't seem to happen anymore. Or at least it's very rare now.
I can't promise that this is now fully fixed, it might just be temporary. But fingers crossed! 🤞
Trainerlevel: 70

Forum Posts: 2,733
Posted: Sat, 19/10/2024 08:49 (3 Days ago)

There has been a minor change to the Sundaelite evolution: In order to get a shiny evo, you now no longer have to fuse shiny + shiny. Instead, shiny + normal is required to get the shiny evo.

+ =

Users who have evolved their Sundaelite before this change have been contacted and reimbursed :)